Environmental Damages Fund – Qukin ʔamakʔis (Elk Valley) Letter of Intent - Applicant Guide

This guide includes general Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) program information, specific information on how to prepare and submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), and instructions on how to apply using the online Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System (GCEMS).

Please contact the EDF office in your region to learn more about available funds in your area.


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The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) is a specified purpose account administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), on behalf of the Government of Canada, to direct funds received from fines, penalties, court orders and voluntary payments to priority projects that will benefit Canada's natural environment. Through its support of these projects, the EDF helps to ensure environmental good follows environmental harm.

ECCC collaborates with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Parks Canada, and Transport Canada to deliver the program. These federal departments are responsible for the enforcement of legislation that may be used to direct funds to the EDF such as, the Fisheries Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.

The primary goal of EDF-funded projects is to restore the environment and conserve wildlife and habitats in a scientifically sound, cost-effective, and technically feasible way.

About EDF funding for Qukin ʔamakʔis (Elk Valley)

On March 26, 2021, Teck Coal Limited was ordered to pay a total of $60 million in fines and monetary court orders after a guilty plea was entered on two counts of unlawfully depositing a deleterious substance into water frequented by fish, contrary to s.36(3) of the Fisheries Act. The infraction occurred in Qukin ʔamakʔis (Elk Valley) and had an impact in ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa (Ktunaxa homeland). Therefore, the mechanism for allocating the funding has been developed collaboratively with Ktunaxa, and in alignment with EDF Terms and Conditions.

To apply for funding there will be a two-step application process:

Applicant guide overview

In this applicant guide, you will find:

Contact the West and North EDF office to learn more about available funds in your area (see the end of this guide for contact information).

Applicant eligibility

To be eligible, applicants must be not-for-profit, and may include:

Applicants must provide an identification number for their organization in their proposal, such as a Charitable Number, Non-Profit Organization Registration Number or First Nations Band Number.

Ineligible applicants

Ineligible applicants include:

*For the purposes of this Applicant Guide, the Offender is Teck Coal Limited. The restrictions put on the offender also apply to EVR Operations Limited following the amalgamation of the two companies on July 1, 2024.

Project eligibility

EDF funding is available for projects that fall into one or more of the following four EDF funding categories:


Environmental Quality Improvement

Research and Development

Education and Awareness

LOIs must clearly show how projects satisfy Fund Use Requirements. The Fund Use Requirement for this LOI process is:

For projects related to the conservation and protection of fish or fish habitat or the restoration of fish habitat within Qukin ʔamakʔis (Elk Valley) and immediate downstream area (within Canada). Applicants must request a minimum of $250,000 from ECCC in the projects budget in order to be eligible.

Projects that do not clearly show that they satisfy all aspects of the applicable Fund Use Requirement will not be eligible for funding.

This LOI for Qukin ʔamakʔis (Elk Valley) is a competitive process; applicants must clearly explain all project details and expected results. The level of detail provided in your LOI must support the complexity of your project.

An eligible EDF proposal:

Ineligible projects and activities

The following types of activities are not eligible to receive funding from the EDF:

Please note, this is not a comprehensive list. If you are unsure about any of the examples listed above or the eligibility of your project and activities, please contact the West and North EDF office.

Available funding and deadlines

There is $16,000,000 of funding available for projects related to the conservation and protection of fish or fish habitat or the restoration of fish habitat within Qukin ʔamakʔis (Elk Valley) and immediate downstream area (within Canada). Applicants must request a minimum of $250,000 from ECCC in the projects budget in order to be eligible. 

EDF funding is available to cover up to 100% of eligible project costs. The EDF does not require matching/partner funds; however, evidence of other project funding sources (i.e. additional contributions) or demonstration of your organization's ability to raise funds from sources other than the federal government (i.e. in a past project) will be considered an asset at the evaluation stage. Evidence of matching funds can include signed and dated letters of cash and/or in-kind support, as well as confirmation through email messages. It is recommended that matching contribution values are indicated in these letters. There is no required format for letters of support, but you can contact the West and North EDF office to obtain a template if desired. Applicants can demonstrate their ability to raise non-federal funds by providing reliable evidence from past projects (i.e. letters, budget summaries).

Additionally, should your project be approved for funding from the EDF, any partners or partner support described throughout your LOI will be required to have an accompanying letter confirming and describing the extent of support by the partner before a funding agreement can be signed.

Maximum project duration

There is no maximum EDF project duration; however, the average EDF project is completed within three (3) years and typically does not exceed five (5) years.

LOI deadline

The deadline for submitting a funding application using the Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System (GCEMS) portal is 12:00:00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), on the date indicated on the available funds page and in GCEMS.

LOI Process

Step 1: Confirm available funds and project eligibility

Log into GCEMS using your GCKey to access the application. You can create a new GCKey if you have not applied to EDF before by following the onscreen prompts.

Review the Fund Use Requirement associated with this fund and ensure your project's activities satisfy all of the requirements and that proposed project activities are eligible EDF expenditures. For questions or clarification, please contact the West and North EDF office.

Should you be unable to submit your application using GCEMS, please contact the West and North EDF office. Please note, we aim to respond to all enquiries within two (2) business days, depending on volume.

For any technical issues related to website functionality and access (e.g., GCKey and SWIM), GCEMS technical support can be reached at sgesc-gcems-sgesc-gcems@ec.gc.ca.

Step 2: Prepare your LOI using the Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System (GCEMS)

Develop your LOI using the GCEMS online portal and visit the GCEMS application instructions page for technical assistance documents, tutorials, and support throughout your application preparation.

As the website will automatically log applicants out after 15 minutes of inactivity, you are strongly advised to save your draft proposal in GCEMS frequently or to copy and paste content from an external document to avoid losing your work.

ECCC and Ktunaxa have jointly determined funding priorities and have co-developed the approach for evaluating project applications. If desired, contact the West and North EDF office prior to the LOI deadline to discuss the application process. Officers can also help provide advice/information on:

Please note, EDF Program Officers can only provide guidance if it pertains to the above-listed information. To ensure transparency and fairness for all applicants, they will not provide general input or feedback on potential projects.

A strong EDF application:

Step 3: Submit your LOI

Your LOI must be submitted in GCEMS before the stated deadline: June 12, 2025, 12:00:00 Pacific Daylight Time. The EDF does not accept applications via email, mail or fax. Once you have submitted your LOI, you will receive an email from GCEMS acknowledging the receipt of your submission. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact sgesc-gcems-sgesc-gcems@ec.gc.ca.

Following the project review phase, you will receive notification on the funding decision of your proposal. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact EDF-FDE2@ec.gc.ca.

When contacting ECCC about a proposal, always reference the GCEMS proposal ID number associated with the application.

Step 4: Invitation to submit full project proposal

Following the LOI review phase, you will receive notification on the decision of your LOI submission. Successful applicants will receive an invitation, by email, to submit a full project proposal through the GCEMS online portal.

Applicants who are not successful at this stage will also be informed of this decision via email. Decisions are final and there is no appeal process.

If contacting ECCC about an application, always reference the GCEMS ID number associated with the LOI.

Guide to completing the LOI

The following information will enable you to complete the LOI form. Note that this Applicant Guide is not a technical guide for navigating GCEMS, but rather provides EDF program-specific information to ensure project proposals meet the EDF program eligibility. 

For any questions regarding navigating GCEMS, please contact: sgesc-gcems-sgesc-gcems@ec.gc.ca. Unless stated otherwise, all sections of the LOI are mandatory. Incomplete LOIs will be deemed ineligible.

1. Organizational Information

Organization information is a summary of organizational and primary contact data. You must complete all fields.

2. Project Information

This section provides an overview of your project.

Project location

Provide your project's location, including information that links your project to any geographic priority regions identified in the Fund Use Requirements. Latitude and longitude coordinates are mandatory. If your project has multiple activity sites or is national in scope, note this in your application in the Project Description field and provide the coordinates for your organization's head office or primary office location in Project Location fields.

Project start date/end date

 When determining the proposed project start date, allow for additional time following the funding application deadline. Project start dates should be selected with considerations for the LOI evaluation process, full application submission and evaluation, project funding decisions and initiation of funding agreement negotiation with the EDF. Please contact the West and North EDF office should you require further details or clarification.

EDF funding category

Identify the primary EDF funding category that the project will address by selecting one (1) funding category from the drop-down list. Use the details and project examples below to help determine under which EDF funding category your project fits best.

EDF funding categories (ranked from highest to lowest priority)

#1: Restoration projects

Restoration for damage caused to the environment, including:


#2: Environmental quality improvement projects

Environmental quality is improved in areas where damage to the environment or nuisance to fish and wildlife occurred, including:


#3: Research and development projects

Knowledge is improved related to cumulative impacts, long-term environmental damage or nuisance to wildlife, including:


#4: Education and awareness projects

Awareness and knowledge of environmental damage restoration or compliance with environmental regulations is increased, including:


3. Project goals, objectives, environmental benefit, and relation to fund use requirement (approximately 500 words total)

Project goals and objectives

Identify the main purpose of your project by describing the goals and objectives. Provide a clear description of specific and measurable (performance indicator) outcomes that are achievable and realistic during the timeframe of the project with specific benefits to fish and fish habitat.

Environmental issue

Describe the environmental issue being targeted and how your project will help resolve the issue, ensuring that the environmental issue is linked to project objectives, results, and indicators. Clearly state how the environmental issue is applicable to the area where project activities will take place.

Environmental benefit

Explain how project activities will benefit the overall environment with specific benefits to fish and fish habitat.

Fund use requirement

Explain how the project links to the priorities of the EDF, and its direct connection to the Fund Use Requirement.

4. Ecosystem approach and long-term benefit (approximately 300 words)

5a. Partnership (approximately 200 words)

5b. Allyship declaration (approximately 200 words)

6. Summary of methodologies (approximately 300 words)

7. EDF performance indicators

Performance indicators are measurable results that demonstrate if your project objectives are met. Target values should represent outcomes for the entirety of the project. Please ensure that your target project indicators are achievable within the timeframe of the EDF funding. The EDF Performance Indicators are separated by the project funding category; however, an applicant should select all EDF Performance Indicators that apply to their project, regardless of category.

Provide your estimated target values for all EDF performance indicators on which your project will deliver.

Please refer to the following table to identify and learn about EDF Performance Indicators:

Indicator – Restoration
Performance indicator Description Target Units
Number of hectares where restoration activities have been implemented

Total area (in hectares) of natural environment where restoration of natural resources of similar ecological function to those affected has been implemented.

Convert linear kilometres to area by capturing the depth of work and not just the shoreline.

- # of hectares
Indicator – Environmental Quality Improvement
Performance indicator Description Target Units
Number of hectares where environmental quality activities have been implemented Total area (in hectares) of natural environment where the environmental quality of different natural resources than those affected is improved. - # of hectares
Number of kilograms of toxic or harmful substances diverted or reduced

Measured by weight (in kilograms) of material diverted or reduced as a result of project activities.

Note: the EDF does not fund the restoration of contaminated sites or the removal of hazardous waste, including the extraction, cleanup, and/or transport of such materials.

- # of kilograms
Number of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions reduced

Calculated per year In CO2 equivalent using the following tools for calculating and reporting emissions.

Includes: Carbon Dioxide (CO2); Methane (CH4); Nitrous Oxide (N2O); Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6).

- # tonnes
Number of tonnes of emissions of air pollutants reduced

Calculated per year using the following tools for calculating and reporting emissions.

Includes: Sulphur Oxides (SOx); Nitrogen Oxides (NOx); Particulate Matter (PM); Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC); Carbon Monoxide (CO); and, Ammonia (NH3).

- # tonnes
Indicator – Research and Development
Performance indicator Description Target Units
Number of methods, tools, and/or techniques developed to assess environmental damage Total number of methods, tools, and/or techniques developed that can be used to assess environmental damage. - # of methods/tools/techniques
Number of methods, tools, and/or techniques developed to restore environmental damage Total number of methods, tools, and/or techniques developed that restore environmental damage. - # of methods/tools/techniques
Number of methods, tools, and/or techniques applied to assess environmental damage Total number of methods, tools, and/or techniques applied to assess environmental damage. - # of methods/tools/techniques
Number of methods, tools, and/or techniques applied to restore environmental damage Total number of methods, tools, and/or techniques applied to restore environmental damage. - # of methods/tools/techniques
Area of habitat where monitoring/assessments/studies have been undertaken

Total area (in hectares) of natural environment where monitoring/assessments/ studies have been undertaken.

Convert linear kilometres to area by capturing the depth of work and not just the shoreline.

- # of hectares
Number of studies/reports/plans/ publications developed and distributed Studies, reports, management plans or publications must be related to the development of methods or improved techniques for the assessment and measurement of environmental damage and the means to restore it. - # of Studies/Reports/Plans/Publications
Number of recommendations from studies, reports or management plans implemented

Studies, reports or management plans must relate to the use of methods or improved techniques for the assessment and measurement of environmental damage and means to restore it.

Proponents must provide a copy of the study/report/plan and report on what is being implemented.

- # of recommendations implemented
Number of partners engaged Includes partnerships with various levels of government, individual researchers, non-profits, academia and industry to build capacity for restoration and improved environmental quality. - # partners
Indicator – Education and Awareness
Performance indicator Description Target Units
Percentage of target audience that confirmed modification in behaviour as a result of project activity(ies)

Target audience's awareness and understanding related to preventing or restoring environmental damage is increased as a result of project activities.

Pre and post surveys or other acceptable measurement methodologies are included as part of the project.

- % of target audience
Number of participants attending project activity(ies) Total number of individuals reached via project activities, including people attending the workshops, training sessions and other events organized. - # of people

8. Project expenditure summary

This section will present the financial details for the entire project, including all contributors and expenses.

Prepare an expenditure summary using the budget table provided in the online LOI. Please consider the following elements:

Eligible costs

Costs related to the following types of expenses are eligible under the EDF program:

Please note that this is not a comprehensive list. You can contact the West and North EDF office for any matter relating to this list or the eligibility of your project and activities.

Independently verified financial audit

Should your application be successful, details regarding financial reporting requirements (including potential completion of an Independently Verified Financial Report at the end of the project) will be outlined during the negotiation of the funding agreement.

The costs related to an Independently Verified Financial Report are eligible expenditures if deemed (by ECCC) a requirement for the funding agreement during the negotiation process. If not deemed a requirement, the estimated amounts for an Independently Verified Financial Report can be reallocated to other eligible project costs. 

If you expect to spend more than $100,000 in one fiscal year, it is recommended to include an estimate of the cost for an Independently Verified Financial Report in the LOI's expenditure summary, typically under the final year of the project. This audit cannot be conducted by your organization and must be completed by an external contractor.

Department audits

ECCC reserves the right to audit any EDF project at the Department's own expense. Projects of all scopes may be subject to an audit at any time. An audit could occur while projects are currently active, or after projects have ended.

9. Certification

Applicants must certify that the information stated in the application is complete and accurate. ECCC will be reviewing applications with Ktunaxa under conditions of confidentiality. By signing the certification, you are giving ECCC permission to share all information with Ktunaxa reviewers and the Ktunaxa Research and Ethics Committee as applicable.

Once you complete your LOI, submit it using GCEMS.

After submitting your LOI

Acknowledgment of Receipt

Acknowledgment of receipt is automatically generated by GCEMS. If you did not receive an email acknowledgment of receipt, we recommend that you contact GCEMS at sgesc-gcems@ec.gc.ca to confirm that your LOI was received.


Your LOI is reviewed to verify eligibility, allyship, and to assess technical and scientific merit. All LOIs are subject to the same evaluation criteria. All LOIs will be jointly reviewed by ECCC and Ktunaxa to confirm:

Following this assessment, if needed, your LOI will be reviewed by a technical review team, which is made up of experts from ECCC (and may include other federal government departments) and Ktunaxa in order to evaluate your LOI for its scientific and technical merit. A final decision on your LOI will be jointly determined by ECCC and Ktunaxa.

Successful LOI applicants will receive an invitation to submit a full application through the GCEMS online portal. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified at this time via email. 

Contact us

West and North EDF Office

Please note, enquiries will be addressed in the order they are received. We aim to respond to all enquiries within two (2) business days, depending on volume and complexity of the enquiries received.

E-mail: fdeouestnord-edfwestnorth@ec.gc.ca

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