EcoAction Community Funding Program: map

Funding to protect, rehabilitate, enhance and sustain the natural environment.



Name Description Group Category Rank Year
North Glenora Community Resilient Landscaping Demonstration This project will reduce storm water flow and increase water quality in the North Saskatchewan watershed, by demonstrating resilient landscaping techniques like rain gardens. North Glenora Community League Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Working for Wetlands in Stanley Park: Engaging Small Businesses This project will improve water quality and habitat in Stanley Park by installing floating islands and logs for wildlife and restoring native wetland habitats. Stanley Park Ecology Society Clean Water 0 2022-2023
FLOW: Youth Collaboration on Freshwater Action This project will empower youth across British Columbia to overcome “eco-anxiety” by taking action to protect and reduce threats to fresh water through education and empowerment resulting in the development of the British Columbia Freshwater Action Network, a collaboration tool for students and teachers. Be The Change Earth Alliance Society Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Wetland Restoration and Stewardship Training throughout BC This project will restore and conserve wetlands on Quadra Island, Hope, and the Columbia Basin by empowering community members and wetland practitioners to steward, conserve and restore wetlands through workshops, training sessions, and support for community projects and initiatives. BC Wildlife Federation Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Communities Protect Freshwater Together: Riparian Restoration in the Kootenay Region This project will improve water quality in the Slocan Lake, Trail Creek, and Kootenay River watersheds, by reducing the impact of harmful invasive species through mechanical and cultural control and by restoring riparian habitat through the planting of indigenous plants. Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Cedars for the next Century (Phase 3): Restoring the hydrology and ecological integrity of an agriculturally degraded watershed This project will restore wetland, riparian, and forested ecosystems in the southern section of Chrystal Creek watershed by improving the watershed's ability to retain and infiltrate fresh water, sequester carbon, and remove invasive species. Galiano Conservancy Association Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Building Capacity for Flood Mitigation and Climate Resilience in Greater Victoria’s Aquatic Habitats This project will build capacity for climate resilience in the Greater Victoria area watersheds through the enhancement of aquatic and riparian habitats and promotion of storm water management best practices. Peninsula Streams Society Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Lois Creek Community Wetland Restoration This project will improve water quality, restore wetlands and riparian zones, and increase climate resiliency in Lois Creek by restoring a wetland and empowering local youth to become stewards to the freshwater ecosystems. Wildsight Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Restoration and Education in the Brunette River Watershed This project will restore habitat in the Brunette River watershed by removing invasive species and planting native vegetation. Wildcoast Ecological Society Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Junior Streamkeepers Phase II: 2022-2025 This project will improve water quality in the Campbell River watershed through the restoration and improvement of freshwater aquatic habitat by revegetating riparian areas that have been degraded by invasive species, urban development, and inappropriate recreational use. Discovery Coast Greenways Land Trust Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Morse Creek Connections - Freshwater Initiative This project will improve water quality and reduce harmful substances from entering Morse Creek, in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, by engaging youth, teachers, and the public through a series of community, nature, and art-based activities. Alouette River Management Society Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Mitigating Ultraviolet Filter (UVF) contamination in the Cowichan watershed through monitoring, education & outreach This project will help improve water quality in the Cowichan watershed by mitigating direct impacts of personal care products and other recreational pollutants through a public outreach and education campaign and community-based monitoring. British Columbia Conservation Foundation Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Building Community Capacity for Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems This project will improve water quality in the Okanagan and Cariboo region by empowering the community to act as stewards of these ecosystems through the restoration of a riparian zones. Invasive Species Council of BC Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Deploying Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTWs) for water treatment in community storm water ponds This project will deploy and monitor new floating treatment wetland (FTW) systems in two Manitoba communities near Winnipeg to reduce phosphorous loading and improve the quality of water reaching freshwater ecosystems. International Institute for Sustainable Development Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Improving Natural Infrastructure in the Lower Nashwaak Watershed This project will improve water quality in the degraded floodplains along the Nashwaak River by intercepting storm water runoff, which stores pollutants, in a rain garden and restore shorelines, as well, as build partnerships and transfer knowledge about natural infrastructure that prevents pollutants from entering water bodies. Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Prévention de la pollution diffuse et ponctuelle, et amélioration de la qualité de l’eau dans trois bassins hydrographiques protégés du Nord-Ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick This project will reduce stresses and impairments to water quality and ecosystems in three northwestern New Brunswick protected watersheds by addressing damage done by agricultural practices and forestry activities, by stabilizing and revegetating streambanks, preventing animal access to waterways, constructing a filtering marsh, and providing education and awareness opportunities for the public. Comité de l'aménagement rural du Nord,Ouest (CARNO) Inc. Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Stewards for Freshwater: Restoring and Protecting Freshwater Ecosystems This project will improve water quality within Lunenburg County by restoring riparian habitat and reducing excess nutrients entering the water body and limiting the frequency and severity of algal blooms that decrease water quality. Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Developing Freshwater HEART (Habitat Enhancement And Restoration Training) through Youth Citizen Science This project will restore and improve freshwater habitat throughout the Cape Breton Regional Municipality by addressing municipal solid waste pollution and its negative impacts on freshwater quality. Atlantic Coastal Action Program,Cape Breton Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Managing freshwater goals through natural infrastructure tools for mitigating freshwater pollution and building climate resilience in Southwest Nova Scotia (SWNS) This project will improve freshwater quality at three sites in the Towns of Bridgewater, Digby, and Middleton, in the Annapolis and LaHave River watersheds through the delivery of three natural infrastructure projects. Clean Annapolis River Project Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Boulevard Lake Shoreline Naturalization This project will improve freshwater quality in the Current River watershed by filtering runoff from nearby roadways and storm sewers, revegetating the shorelines that can act as a buffer, and address nearshore habitat health at Boulevard Lake. Lakehead Region Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Improving and Restoring Water Quality in the Minesing Wetlands This project will improve water quality in the Minesing Wetlands by reducing erosion, sedimentation, and nutrient loading by restoring a riparian zone and stabilizing the bank with revetments. Nature Conservancy of Canada Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Sponge Neighbourhoods: Working with Local Communities, Indigenous Groups and Youth to Improve Freshwater Systems through a Network of Green Infrastructure (GI) Projects in Four Strategic Urban Neighbourhoods This project will improve water quality, quantity, and ecosystem health by bringing together technical staff and local residents to co-design, co-implement, and learn from other networks to implement green infrastructure projects that will maximize water retention and filtration to remove suspended solids and phosphorus in four strategic urban neighbourhoods. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Sustaining Our Freshwater This project will protect water quality in two communities by educating, inspiring, and motivating municipal decision makers, water front landowners, and other stakeholders on the benefits of sustainable land use that will protect local freshwater by promoting shoreline restoration. Watersheds Canada Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Taking action to mitigate stormwater pollutants in urban waterways This project will improve water quality in the Junction Creek watershed by engaging the Greater Sudbury community in water stewardship and establishing community-led catch basin filtration systems that will help to mitigate storm water pollutants from entering into the watershed. Junction Creek Stewardship Committee Inc. Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Lake Erie Water Quality Improvement Initiative This project will improve water quality in the Lake Erie watershed through the restoration and improvement of freshwater aquatic and terrestrial habitats and reduction of nutrient and sediment loading. Rural Lambton Stewardship Network Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Water Quality Enhancement of the Winter River Watershed, Prioritizing the Forested Regions Critical for Municipal Water Supplies This project will improve water quality in the Winter River watershed by implementing stream enhancements and improving ecosystem services, provided by nearby forests, by creating capacity for new trees, planting trees, adding woody debris, managing invasive species, and addressing waste issues. Winter River , Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Rehabilitation of the Fullerton's Creek Watershed This project will improve water quality through restoration of aquatic habitat in the Fullerton’s Creek watershed by improving stream flow, increasing and diversifying the riparian zone, and increasing residents’ understanding of freshwater ecosystems. Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Des jardins de pluie pour la Yamaska! This project will improve water quality in the Yamaska River and its tributaries through the development of rain gardens (created by cities, citizens and schools) that will reduce pollutant inputs from runoff and overflows. OBV Yamaska Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Diminution des apports en sédiments dans le lac la Retenue et ses affluents This project will improve water quality and reduce sediment inputs to the Reservoir through the development of green infrastructure, correction of drainage patterns at sites identified as contributing to sediment inputs, improved storm water management, and community outreach. Association du lac la,Retenue Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Restauration d'une portion de rive anthropisée de la rivière Madawaska et mobilisation des collectivités envers les principaux enjeux de l’eau du bassin versant du fleuve Saint-Jean This project will improve the water quality of the Madawaska River by restoring the ecological and filtering functions of a riparian buffer and building community capacity on key water issues in the Saint John River watershed. Organisme de bassin versant du fleuve Saint,Jean Clean Water 0 2022-2023
École Éponge This project will improve water quality in the Quebec region by developing green infrastructures, such as rain gardens and vegetated swales, to ensure the sustainable management of rainwater in the courtyards of five elementary schools. Conseil régional de l'environnement , Région de la Capitale nationale Clean Water 0 2022-2023
STOP Moule zébrée This project will improve water quality in Lake Massawippi through the removal, control, and education to combat the invasion of the zebra mussel and will preserve the natural aquatic ecosystem of the lake. Bleu Massawippi Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Amélioration de la libre circulation du poisson dans la Côte-du-Sud This project will improve water quality and the free flow of fish from the Vincelotte and Paul Creek Rivers in Côte-du-Sud by removing abandoned stream crossings, developing thresholds and planting native plants. This project aims to counter the excessive supply of sediments and nutrients that may enter waterways. Organisme des bassins versants de la Côte,du,Sud Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Réhabilitation des habitats fauniques et de la bande riveraine de la rivière du Berger This project will improve water quality and the riparian zone on the Berger River through shoreline cleanups and revegetation, and by reducing erosion and sediments, as well as educating the youth on proper waste management techniques. Organisme des bassins versants de la Capitale Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Cleaning our Land and Water: Prince Albert Grand Council Community Shoreline Cleanups This project will build the capacity of First Nations in Saskatchewan as Watershed Stewards of their communities by taking on-the-ground environmental action including community cleanup events focused on shorelines and river islands. Prince Albert Grand Council Management Company Ltd. Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Protecting the Health of Waterways in the Assiniboine River Watershed This project will protect waterways in the eastern Saskatchewan portion of the Assiniboine River watershed from the negative impacts of agriculture by restoring riparian buffer zones. Assiniboine Watershed Stewardship Association Inc. Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Lower Peace Freshwater Contaminant Reduction This project will improve water quality of the Lower Peace River in Alberta by increasing natural infrastructure on agricultural land in MacKenzie County. Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance Society Clean Water 0 2022-2023
CreekWatch: A Community-Based Approach for Nature-Based Solutions This project will activate, engage, train, and empower communities in Calgary and Edmonton to contribute to the restoration of urban stormwater creek habitats. RiverWatch Institute of Alberta Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Reducing invasive species in the Peace-Athabasca Delta This project will improve water quality within the Traditional territory of Little Red River Cree Nation around the Peace-Athabasca delta by removing invasive plant species in wetlands and riparian zones through community removal work plans. Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance Society Clean Water 0 2022-2023
From Green to Blue: Lethbridge Green Infrastructure Project This project will improve water quality and increase climate resilience of the Oldman River by mentoring and guiding youth through the development and implementation of green infrastructure projects in Lethbridge, Alberta. Environment Lethbridge Council Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Waiparous Tributaries Rehabilitation Project This project will address high priority restoration sites in the Waiparous Creek watershed through bioengineering and process-based restoration treatments applied at sites to reduce harmful sediment and nutrient runoff into creeks. Trout Unlimited Canada Clean Water 0 2022-2023
Improving Freshwater Quality in Elgin County through Environmental Restoration and Community Engagement This project will improve water quality throughout Elgin County by involving the community in conservation projects and establishing natural infrastructure. Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Canada Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Restoring and Enhancing Peatlands of High Ecological Value in Quebec City This project will improve water quality at the drinking water intake in the Saint-Charles River by restoring and protecting the ecological functions provided by a wetland complex. Agiro Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Freshwater Action on Plastic Pollution This project will improve water quality in the Saint John River watershed by removing plastics from waterways through community cleanups. Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) Saint John Inc. Clean Water 0 2021-2022
PRO TomifEAUbia This project will improve water quality in the Tomifobia River, which flows into Lake Massawippi through cleanup and erosion control planting activities. Bleu Massawippi Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Planting Urban Forests to Grow Resilient Communities This project will improve water management by reducing flood risk in an area that is highly vulnerable to freshwater floods through the installation of natural infrastructure, such as urban forests. EOS Eco-Energy Inc. Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Freshwater Protectors: increasing green infrastructures, water security, and riparian zone improvements This project will improve water quality and quantity within the Petitcodiac watershed through the installation of natural infrastructure, such as rain gardens. Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance (PWA) Inc. Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Smith Bay Creek Stream Restoration Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory This project will improve water quality in the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory by restoring in-stream and riparian habitat in Smith Bay Creek. Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Improving freshwater management and increasing climate resilience in the Nashwaak Watershed through forest restoration and conservation This project will protect and improve water quality in the Nashwaak River and its tributaries by restoring degraded riparian forest and conserving existing forest which will result in erosion control, reduced water temperatures and reduced impacts of flooding. Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Coldwater stream restoration in Twelve Mile Creek This project will improve water quality in Twelve Mile Creek through restoration and habitat improvement at the Lathrop Nature Preserve. Nature Conservancy of Canada Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Wash Brook Riparian Restoration This project will restore wetland and stream areas in the Wash Brook watershed, and build community stewardship through shoreline cleanups and watershed and natural history walks. Atlantic Coastal Action Program - Cape Breton Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Allô ruisseau This project will improve water quality in West Island streams through shoreline planting and restoration, cleanup events, and community outreach and awareness activities. Groupe de recommandations et d'actions pour un meilleur environnement (GRAME) Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Gorrie Dam Decommissioning and Floodplain Restoration This project will improve water quality and aquatic habitat in the North Maitland watershed by restoring a natural river channel and removing a large dam. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Climate Change Adaptation for Watershed Resilience and Fire Resistance in the Coastal Douglas-fir Zone of Southwestern BC This project will improve the resilience and fire resistance of the Lake Maxwell and Spirit Lake watersheds through the use of restoration treatments including ground cover restoration and development of natural infrastructure. Transition Salt Spring Society Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Blue-Green Parking Lot This project will improve runoff management by creating a vegetation ditch in which plantings will be made in the parking lot of Maison de la solidarité in downtown Trois-Rivières. Nature Québec Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Restoration of the Albemarle Brook Headwater This project will improve water quality within the Albemarle Brook by excluding cattle through installation of streamside fencing and alternate watering systems. The community will also be engaged in restorative planting along streambanks. Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Enhancing Community Capacity for the Protection of the Lake of the Woods Region This project will improve water quality in the Lake of the Woods region by preventing the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species through mobile boat washing stations and a public education campaign. Lake of the Woods District Stewardship Association Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Conservation Areas Freshwater Shoreline Enhancement This project will prevent harmful waste from entering freshwater systems in the Okanagan and Fraser Valley regions through shoreline cleanups on lakes and streams. The Nature Trust of British Columbia Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Reducing sediment erosion on the Indian Bay River This project will reduce sediment erosion and flooding occurring along the Indian Bay River through the installation of rocks and ripraps in riparian zones. On-site programming will educate the public about the effect of and solutions to erosion of natural infrastructure. Indian Bay Ecosystem Corporation Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Waste Reduction for a Healthy River This project will encourage sustainable behaviour changes by educating the public on the nature of waste, including single-use products and plastics, which pollute waterways, through three components: waste collection by installing catch nets, public and school awareness, and engagement campaigns. Nature-Action Québec Inc. Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Buffer in a Box – A Healthy Twelve Mile Creek Restoration This project will improve water quality by engaging Niagara’s Twelve Mile Creek watershed community in riparian planting actions that will preserve, protect, and enhance Brook Trout habitat. Niagara Chapter Trout Unlimited Canada Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Operation St. Lawrence This project will improve water quality along the St. Lawrence River between Cornwall and Île d'Orléans through shoreline cleanups. Stratégies Saint-Laurent Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Creating, enhancing and restoring wetlands in the Niagara Region This project will improve water quality, biodiversity, and climate resilience within the Niagara region through the installation of natural infrastructure. Land Care Niagara Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Collaborative Transboundary Water Quality Improvement Project This project will improve water quality in Little Nooksack and Lower Campbell watersheds by increasing citizen awareness of bacterial contamination in freshwater ecosystems and encourage sustainable behaviour changes to divert and reduce harmful substances from entering watercourses. Langley Environmental Partners Society Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Lake Erie Clean Water Program This project will improve water quality in Lake Erie by reducing non-point source agriculture runoff through the installation of native buffer strips along watercourses. Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Community Action for Living Rivers of Western Newfoundland This project will improve water quality in southwestern Newfoundland and Labrador by hosting community cleanups that will remove harmful substances and debris from rivers to help maintain water quality and to provide long-term environmental benefits. Intervale Associates Inc Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Riparian Camas Meadows - Pollination Pathway Climate Adaptation Initiative This project will restore ecological infrastructure, function, and composition in a highly degraded riparian meadow ecosystem along the Columbia and Kootenay Rivers through restorative seeding and planting and will increase diversity and abundance of wildflowers for pollinators as well as pull more water into the banks creating stores of water for drier times of year. Kootenay Native Plant Society Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Storm Drain Garbage This project will improve water quality in the Brunette River Watershed through creek cleanups and K- grade 7 educational programming on the harm of garbage for water quality and wildlife in streams and rivers. Children will also participate in a virtual session with a Metis Elder to learn of the importance of protecting these waterways. Stream of Dreams Murals Society Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Ecological Restoration to Create Positive Impacts on Fresh Water Quality of the South Saskatchewan River This project will improve the ecological health of the South Saskatchewan River through restoration and stabilization of eroded streambanks. Meewasin Valley Authority Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Communities Reconnecting Canada's Freshwater - Armstrong Creek This project will improve water quality, decrease water temperatures, and create fish and wildlife habitat in Armstrong Creek through the rehabilitation of an old headpond. Trout Unlimited Canada Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Protecting Freshwater By Creating Ecosystem Services on Marginal Lands This project will improve water quality in the Wascana and Upper Qu’Appelle watersheds through the enhancement and restoration of wetlands and riparian areas. Wascana & Upper Qu'Appelle Watersheds Association Taking Responsibility Inc. Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Community Engagement to Prevent the Introduction of Pet and Aquarium Invasive Species This project will improve water quality in Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna by engaging and educating British Columbians to prevent the introduction of invasive species to freshwater ecosystems and to report sightings. Invasive Species Council of British Columbia Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Tryon River Watershed Water Quality and Wildlife Habitat Improvement This project will enhance water quality and improve wildlife habitat in the Tryon River watershed by restoring aquatic habitat and removing invasive species. South Shore Watershed Association Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Shoreline restoration on nature preserves to improve climate resiliency and freshwater quality This project will restore shorelines and streambanks on nature preserves within the Wolastoq River watershed by implementing hands-on shoreline restoration programs. The Nature Trust of New Brunswick Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Cedars for the next Century (Phase 2): Restoring the hydrology and ecological integrity of an agriculturally degraded watershed This project will restore and enhance natural infrastructure across the Chrystal Creek watershed on Galiano Island while improving the landscape’s ability to absorb fresh water and sequester carbon through native reforestation and wetland regeneration. Galiano Conservancy Association Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Manitoba Metis Federation's Seine River Restoration Program This project will improve freshwater management and increase climate resilience on the riverbanks of the Seine River through the restoration of natural infrastructure. Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Community-Led Wetland Development in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside This project will improve water quality and climate resilience in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside by engaging underrepresented youth and local residents in the development of a wetland. EYA Environmental Youth Alliance Society Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Aquaponics Growing This project will raise awareness on the importance of sustainable growing practices that protect freshwater systems by building small-scale aquaponics systems with schools. Lethbridge Sustainable Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Increasing Flood & Climate Resiliency in the Trout Creek Sub-watershed This project will increase climate resiliency in the Trout Creek sub-watershed by restoring riparian habitat and raising awareness of the importance of healthy riparian zones in flood mitigation. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Community Streambank Restoration and Knowledge Sharing in the Oldman Watershed This project will increase resilience of freshwater ecosystems in the Oldman watershed by mobilizing citizens to help restore riparian buffer zones. Oldman Watershed Council Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Increasing Shoreline Resiliency Through Citizen Science Driven Application of Nature-based Shoreline Stabilization Techniques This project will improve water quality and coastal resilience in the Niagara Peninsula through citizen-science driven restoration. Niagara Coastal Community Collaborative Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Milk River Ridge Reservoir Nutrient Settling Pond and Wetland Expansion and Enhancement This project will enhance the ecological integrity of the Milk River Ridge Reservoir by expanding the existing nutrient settling pond wetland and will also restore the ecological function of shorelines and riparian areas. Raymond Agricultural Society Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Water Conserving Landscapes for the Miami River Watershed This project will improve freshwater management in the Miami River watershed and demonstrate the use of natural infrastructure to increase climate resilience. DRS Earthwise Society Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Clandestine Dumps - Sources of Pollution of Our Rivers and Lakes This project will improve water quality by reducing significant sources of pollution from clandestine dumps in sensitive areas, such as rivers, lakes and drinking water intakes in the Haute-Côte-Nord RCM. Conseil régional de l'environnement de la Côte-Nord Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Phrag Free Tiny Marsh This project will improve water quality and restore wetland function in the Wye River through the removal of invasive Phragmites at Tiny Marsh. Marl-Tiny-Matchedash Conservation Association Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Moulin Creek Restoration, Domaine de Maizerets - Phase 2 This project will improve water quality in Moulin Creek in the borough of Beauport (Quebec City) by carrying out cleanup and stream bank stabilization work using vegetation engineering techniques. Conseil régional de l'environnement - Région de la Capitale nationale Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Bold Center Wetland Restoration This project will improve water quality and provide habitat for wildlife in Lac La Biche watershed through the restoration of a wetland, which will mitigate the impacts of stormwater runoff. Lac La Biche Region Watershed Stewardship Society Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Foodlands Restoration and Stewardship for Species at Risk in the Salmon River Watershed This project will improve water quality in the Salmon River watershed by bringing together the Kwantlen First Nation, landowners, community members, and non profit organisation to restore habitat corridor for species at risk. Rivershed Society of British Columbia Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Water Quality Monitoring and Habitat Restoration at Williamson Lake and Turtle Pond, Revelstoke. This project will improve water quality in the Greeley Creek watershed through monitoring, restoration and improvement of freshwater aquatic habitat. Wildsight Revelstoke Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Amadjuak Lake Cleanup – Diverting Harmful Substances from Freshwater This project will improve water quality and divert harmful substances from freshwater environments in Amadjuak Lake and Iqaluit Lake by building capacity and engaging community members in shoreline rehabilitation. Qikiqtaaluk Wildlife Board Clean Water 0 2021-2022
Restoring a wetland of exceptional value to wildlife in Tingwick This project will restore wetland and improve wildlife habitat within the municipality of Tingwick. Agence forestière des Bois-Francs - AFBF Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Clean Water Champions This project will promote water conservation, protection and stewardship practices to reduce chemical and plastic pollution throughout Vancouver, British Columbia. Sea Smart School Society Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Engaging the community in wetland and shoreline restoration and stewardship on BC’s Sunshine Coast This project will restore wetland and shoreline habitat on BC's Sunshine Coast, in the West Sechelt Fire Area. British Columbia Conservation Foundation Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Youth Greening Action Project This project will promote Duffins Creek watershed stewardship and restoration to improve water quality, aquatic habitat, water management, and reduce erosion in the greater Toronto area. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Improving Water Quality through Wetland Restoration and Community Engagement This project will improve water quality and wetland stewardship in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Ducks Unlimited Canada Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Columbia Shuswap Invasives This project will improve freshwater quality and restore aquatic habitat in the Blanket Creek and Shuswap watersheds in the interior region of British Columbia. Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Building Resilience through Wetland Stewardship in BC This project will restore wetland habitat and develop wetland stewardship workshops in partnership with the McLeod Indian Band and the Doig River First Nation communities. BC Wildlife Federation Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Strategic Watershed Action Team - Improving Southern Ontario's Aquatic Resources This project will restore the Southern Ontario Otonabee Region watershed through shoreline clean-ups, native vegetation plantings and streambank stabilization. Trout Unlimited Canada Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Ecological Services of Marginal Farmland This project will implement freshwater management to mitigate water quality issues in farming and help prevent agricultural nutrient loading in waterways in Ontario. Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Exploring natural infrastructure solutions for freshwater management in NL This project will assess wetland health and create climate action plans to improve freshwater management in Newfoundland. Ducks Unlimited Canada Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Medway and Cedar Creek Improvement Project This project will improve stream water quality and flow and restore riparian areas in Medway and Cedar Creek watersheds in Ontario’s Upper Thames River. Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Freshwater Initiatives in Stanley Park This project will improve and restore freshwater habitat in Stanley Park in Vancouver to increase ecosystem resilience to climate change. Stanley Park Ecology Society Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Bear Creek Bank Restoration This project will improve water quality and clean stormwater runoff through ecological restoration of riparian areas along Bear Creek in Grande Prairie. Richmond Hill Golf Club Limited Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Take a Load Off: Restoring Green Infrastructure to Reduce Phosphorus, Bacteria and Thermal Pollution and Flooding the Nottawasaga Valley and Georgian Bay, Lake Huron This project will implement water quality stewardship to protect, rehabilitate, enhance and sustain the natural environment and create more resilience to climate change in Southern Ontario’s Nottawasaga Valley and Georgian Bay. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Protection of fresh water in the Village of Cap-Pelé and the Beaubassin East rural community This project will improve freshwater management in New Brunswick’s Cap-Pelé region. Groupe du bassin versant de la région de Cap-Pelé Inc. (Vision H2O) Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Development of rain gardens This project will improve rainwater management in Quebec’s Saguenay - Lac Saint-Jean region. Conseil régional de l’environnement et du développement durable du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean (CREDD) Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Cedars for the next Century: Restoring the hydrology and ecological integrity of an agriculturally degraded watershed This project will restore the Chrystal Creek watershed within the Coastal Douglas-fir bio-geoclimatic zone on Galiano Island. Galiano Conservancy Association Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Actions for my watershed This project will improve water quality through streambank restoration in New Brunswick’s Pokemouche watershed. Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Linnaea Farm Wetland Restoration This project will improve freshwater management through wetland creation and restoration on Linnea Farm on BC’s Cortes Island. Friends of Cortes Island Society Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Action plan to protect the ecological and heritage value of Argent Lake This project will improve freshwater quality and remove invasive species in Quebec’s Lake Argent. Association des résidents pour la protectin de l'environnement du lac d'Argent (ARPELA) Inc. Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Students for Stormwater: Aggregated School Rain Garden Implementation This project will improve water quality and mitigate the effects of climate change and urbanization in Ontario’s Credit River watershed. Credit Valley Conservation Foundation Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Connecting Freshwater, Citizen Scientists and Shorebirds This project will improve freshwater quality by restoring shoreline habitat and creating natural wetland infrastructure in Manitoba. Manitoba Naturalist's Society Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Nature-Based Climate Solutions: Building Resiliency in the Saint John River This project will improve freshwater management and mitigate flooding in Saint John River communities in New Brunswick’s Bay of Fundy. World Wildlife Fund Canada Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Weir naturalization to improve fish passage and base flows on the Eramosa River, East Branch, at Eden Mills ON This project will improve freshwater management by restoring and enhancing in-stream channel infrastructure and fish habitat in Guelph, Ontario’s Eden / Mills Eramosa River. Eden Mills Eramosa River Conservation Association Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Natural infrastructure restoration and creation in Winter River – Tracadie Bay watershed This project will enhance and improve freshwater management and restore natural green infrastructure in PEI’s Winter River - Tracadie Bay watershed. Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Inc. Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Assiniboine West Lagoon Diversion Project This project will protect freshwater by reducing nutrient and bacteria loading in Manitoba’s Assiniboine River Basin. Assiniboine West Watershed District Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Investing in Lake Huron: Green infrastructure to control storm water This project will improve water quality and watershed health in rural floodplains and wetlands of Lake Huron in Ontario. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Restoring a steeply sloping riparian area in Trois-Petits-Lacs This project will restore a riparian area on the west side of the Trois-Petits-Lacs, in Stoneham and will contribute to water quality improvement in the Lac Saint-Charles watershed, Quebec City. Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac Saint-Charles et des Marais du Nord Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Freshwater operation in agricultrual environment of Montérégie Region This project will take action in agricultural areas to improve the water quality in Quebec’s Montérégie region. Fédération de l'UPA de la Montérégie Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Growing Green: Youth Environmental Action This project will improve stormwater management and climate change adaptation in the Marsh Creek watershed of New Brunswick’s Ashburn Lake. Atlantic Coastal Action Program Saint John Inc. Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Protecting Freshwater in the St. Clair Region This project will improve water quality and increase climate resilience by restoring natural infrastructure in Ontario’s St. Clair Region. St. Clair Region Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Promoting Green Roofs in the Tantramar Region to Improve Freshwater Management and Increase Climate Resilience This project will improve stormwater management and reduce freshwater flooding in Tantramar and Bay of Fundy area in New Brunswick. EOS Eco-Energy / EOS Eco-énergie Inc. Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Improving Surface Water Quality through Storm Water Mitigation in the Kennebecasis This project will improve freshwater management by reducing the effects of stormwater run-off and will increase public awareness of stormwater mitigation in the Kennebecasis region of New Brunswick. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Tranquil River Watershed Restoration Project This project will improve water quality and restore stream habitat along Tranquil River in the Thompson region of BC. Central Westcoast Forest Society Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Eliminating Sediment Contamination of Freshwater in Two PEI Municipalities This project will protect water quality by diverting sediment from urban development from freshwater ecosystems in Stratford watershed on Prince Edward Island. Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Green Solutions for Freshwater Management This project will improve freshwater management by reducing the amount of plastics and micro-plastics entering storm drains and freshwater along the Bluenose coast in southwestern Nova Scotia. Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Rainwater management with green infrastructure for the improvement of Shediac Bay watershed water quality This project will improve stormwater management and protect freshwater using green infrastructure in New Brunswick’s Shediac Bay. Association du bassin versant de la Baie de Shédiac Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Natural infrastructure to mitigate flood risk and improve water quality in the Town of Middleton This project will improve stormwater retention and mitigate flooding by creating natural wetland infrastructure along Nova Scotia’s Annapolis River in Middleton. Clean Annapolis River Project Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Improving Water Quality and Aquatic Habitat in the Red Deer River Watershed by Engaging Farmers and Ranchers on the Agricultural Landscape This project will work with farmers to restore freshwater ecosystems on environmentally sensitive agricultural land in Alberta’s Red Deer River Basin. ALUS Canada Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Future Farmers for Freshwater This project will improve freshwater quality through watershed stewardship along Alberta’s Battle River. Battle River Watershed Alliance Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Community Clean Water Initiative This project will improve freshwater quality by reducing harmful materials from entering water in New Brunswick’s Carleton County. Knowlesville Art and Nature Centre Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Molson Marsh gardens This project will restore and enhance water quality in Molson Marsh areas of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue in Quebec. Comité de Surveillance Louis-Riel Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Reducing the environmental and health impact of pesticides in the Boyer Nord River watershed This project will engage producers to decrease the risk of pesticides and improve pest management practices within the Boyer Nord river watershed on the south shore of the Saint Lawrence in Quebec. Organisme de bassins versants de la Côte-du-Sud Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Clean Water Champions This project will deliver freshwater education and watershed stewardship workshops to high-school students in Metro Vancouver in BC. Be The Change Earth Alliance Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Improving the Health of the Orwell River This project will restore the natural infrastructure on ecologically sensitive land affected by Hurricane Dorian along the Orwell River. Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Summerside Community Stormwater Strategy This project will improve freshwater management to mitigate stormwater flooding along the Bedeque Bay. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Implementation of Rain Gardens in Aamjiwnaang First Nation to Reduce Stormwater Runoff into the St. Clair River This project will improve water quality and improve stormwater management in Talfourd Creek and the St. Clair River on the Aamjiwnaang First Nation. Aamjiwnaang First Nation Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Fort George Island stream rehabilitation and monitoring initiative This project will improve freshwater management and increase climate resilience by restoring natural infrastructure on former residential school farms on Fort George Island. Nihtaauchin Chisasibi Centre for Sustainability Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Diverting Residential and Commercial Plastic Microfibers in Southwestern New Brunswick. This project will improve water quality by reducing micro-plastics in freshwater ecosystems in the Eastern Charlotte waterways of southwestern New Brunswick. Eastern Charlotte Waterways Inc. Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Constructed Wetlands to Improve Water Quality of Excess Flood Irrigation Water This project will improve water quality by diverting nutrients and salts in agricultural drainage water from flood irrigation fields in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Shoreline & Beach Clean-ups! Pacte de l'Amite This project will improve water quality by diverting and reducing harmful substances in the Ottawa River. Ottawa Riverkeeper Clean Water 0 2020-2021
Improving Fresh Water in Still Creek This project received EcoAction funding to engage youth and community residents to improve water quality in Still Creek, Vancouver through aquatic habitat restoration and the diversion and reduction of harmful substances and plastic waste.

Project activities include leading community creek cleanups, planting native seedlings, removing invasive species, and hosting workshops and information sessions to build local capacity for continued freshwater stewardship.
Still Moon Arts Society Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Protecting groundwater through integrating residential water conservation, storage, and ecological restoration This project received EcoAction funding to engage local residents in conserving and efficiently using limited freshwater resources on Galiano Island through targeted engagement of island residents.

Project activities include creating an integrated residential-scale water-conservation demonstration site, delivering a series of hands-on workshops and speaker events, public outreach, and ecological restoration.
Galiano Conservancy Association Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Restoring wetlands to improve water quality and provide agricultural and traditional/cultural values This project received EcoAction funding to promote the uptake of wetland restoration practices by farmers in the Battle River Watershed by implementing a series of wetland enhancement activities as demonstration sites for the community.

Project activities include constructing wetland areas, planting seedlings, and hosting workshops about conserving, enhancing, and restoring wetlands to local stakeholders.
Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Conserving & Protecting Cowichan Fresh Water for a Climate Resilient Future: Engagement & Action Project This project received EcoAction funding to produce measurable results in conserving and protecting freshwater aquatic habitat and building climate resilience in the Cowichan and Koksilah Watersheds through community engagement in restoration and educational activities.

Project activities include collaborating with members of Cowichan First Nation to restore riparian areas, remove invasive species, and plant native seedlings. Other activities include creating a joint communication plan, and hosting various workshops for youth and other community members.
Cowichan Community Land Trust Society Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Riparian Restoration in the Kootenay Region This project received EcoAction funding to improve freshwater quality in the Columbia Basin in the West Kootenay Region by restoring streambank habitat and transferring invasive species prevention and management knowledge to community groups.

Project activities include removing invasive species and planting native seedlings, and providing educational resource materials through presentations, social media outreach, and factsheets.
Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS) Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Junior Streamkeepers: Engaging Youth in Fresh Water Quality Improvement for Healthy Waterways This project received EcoAction funding to engage citizens of Campbell River, BC to contribute to improving freshwater quality by diverting and reducing harmful substances and plastic waste from urban watercourse sites that serve as critical salmon habitat. These initiatives will also provide an educational and demonstration opportunity for the community.

Project activities include shoreline cleanups, labelling storm drains, and establishing infiltration infrastructure for erosion and sedimentation control.
Greenways Land Trust Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Conserving the Integrity of the Alsek Watershed’s Fresh Water This project received EcoAction funding to conserve the integrity of a Canadian Heritage River, the Alsek, and its tributaries by preventing the introduction of aquatic and riparian invasive species.

Project activities include identifying high-risk access points for invasive species in the area and creating programs to engage elementary, youth, and community members, including Indigenous peoples from the Champagne and Aishihik First Nation, about invasive species. These programs will educate on how to remove invasive species and the importance of conservation of Alesk Watershed’s freshwater.
Yukon Invasive Species Council (YISC) Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Emma Lake Action and Understanding This project received EcoAction funding to mitigate the impacts of nutrient loading in Emma Lake through public education on how to maintain a healthy lake ecosystem by providing access to online resources and hands-on learning activities.

Project activities include creating an educational online video, engaging locals in shoreline restorations, and monitoring water quality.
North Saskatchewan River Basin Council Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Fresh Water: Diverting Plastics from Traditional Inuit Harvesting Camps This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality and restore habitat in four Western Arctic Communities by engaging Inuit community members and youth to divert plastic and garbage from traditional freshwater harvesting camps.

Project activities include freshwater shoreline cleanups and the creation of a youth-driven waste management program to engage the communities.
World Wildlife Fund Canada Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Minimizing Contamination Risks within Southern Saskatchewan through Source Water Protection This project received EcoAction funding to improve and conserve water quality within the Old Wives Watershed area.

Project activities include working with the communities and completing several priority mitigation strategies including restoring eroding shorelines, planting native vegetation, and capacity building in rural communities in Saskatchewan.
Old Wives Watershed Association (OWWA) Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Lethbridge Plastic Pollution Prevention Project This project received EcoAction funding to engage a variety of community members including youth and small businesses in reducing plastic pollution in the Oldman River watershed.

Project activities include shoreline cleanups, data collection of waste entering waterways, and plastic reduction programs delivery.
Environment Lethbridge Council Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Shoreline and Wetland Restoration on the Nashwaak This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality and aquatic habitats in a rural area of the Nashwaak Watershed through shoreline and wetland restoration actions.

Project activities include river bank stabilization and planting native vegetation. Also, increasing awareness about the importance of floodplain and wetland ecosystems among watershed residents would be accomplished through a continued landowner conservation program.
Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Shoreline restoration to limit siltation to Atlantic Salmon habitats in the Nepisiguit River This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Nepisiguit River through shoreline rehabilitation and community education.

Project activities include shoreline restoration, tree planting to mitigate erosion, and delivering water-quality protection education programs to community and youth.
Gespe'gewaq Mi'gmaq Resource Council Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Improvement and protection of freshwater resources against cyanobacterial blooms in Baker and Unique lakes This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in Baker and Unique lakes, by reducing cyanobacterial blooms.
Project activities include planting new vegetation along shorelines, leading shoreline cleanups, and raising local awareness on how to improve water quality management in residential homes.
Société d'aménagement de la rivière Madawaska inc. Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Diverting Waste from the Living Rivers of Newfoundland and Labrador This project received EcoAction funding to restore and maintain water quality in various ponds and rivers. Project activities include removing plastic and other harmful waste from rivers and freshwater ponds, installing trailhead garbage bags and feedback boxes, distributing newsletters, and delivering educational workshops and presentations to youth and Indigenous people. Intervale Associates Inc Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Northeast Avalon Watersheds Plastic Waste Reduction and Diversion Project This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Northeast Avalon region by removing and preventing solid waste and litter from entering urban waterways. Project activities include cleanup events, installation of a debris removal boom, and working with small business to minimize plastic use. Northeast Avalon ACAP, Inc Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Restoring ecological services to improve and maintain freshwater in the Annapolis River watershed This project received EcoAction funding to improve and maintain freshwater quality in the Annapolis River watershed, through streambank restoration and community education for long-term stewardship of freshwater resources. Project activities include engaging with landowners to install fencing to keep livestock away from streams, and collaborating with the public for shoreline protection and tree planting. The project will deliver learning projects, a “Pledge to Protect” campaign, and community workshops on supporting action and behavioral change for freshwater protection. Clean Annapolis River Project Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Clean water and healthy communities: Stewardship, education and wetland cleanups in Halifax, NS This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in Halifax through wetland restoration and community engagement. Project activities include restoring freshwater wetland sites within Halifax Regional Municipality through community cleanup events, engaging local community groups and youth by developing community stewardship programs, and communicating the importance of wetland conservation. Ducks Unlimited Canada Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Decreasing Residential Water Use and Protecting Waterways in Stratford, PEI This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in Stratford. Project activities include working with municipal partners, local residents, and youth to reduce freshwater use and harmful substances from entering freshwater in Stratford. Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Improving Water Quality and Wildlife Habitat in the Barbara Weit River Watershed This project received EcoAction fund to restore and improve the Barbara Weit River watershed. Project activities include working with partners in the agricultural industry and local community groups to mitigate agricultural runoff, improve watershed functions, and implement conservation activities. Kensington North Watersheds Association Ltd Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Petit Saut River Collective Project This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality and aquatic habitats in the Chaudière-Appalaches region on the Petit Saut River watershed. Project activities include mobilizing stakeholders from various sectors to restore aquatic and streambank habitats. This includes streambank stabilization, shoreline improvement, cleanup events and adopting soil conservation practices. Organisme de bassins versants de la zone du Chêne Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Cleanup Operation 360° This project received EcoAction funding to bring attention to water pollution and reduce the quantity of plastic and other solid wastes in the Saint Lawrence River around the island of Montreal. Project activities include large-scale cleanup operations, shoreline revegetation, and an awareness campaign. The campaign will include information kiosks and field workshops in schools and small businesses, to encourage people to change their habits to better protect freshwater. Groupe de Recherche Appliquée en Macroécologie Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Bellevue Project - Implementation of effective and sustainable solutions to improve water quality in a problematic sub-basin of Lake Saint-Charles This project received EcoAction funding to improve the water quality of Lake Saint-Charles by reducing the inputs of sediments and nutrients. Project activities include diverting urban runoff from entering Bellevue Creek and filtering it through a natural marsh before it reaches the lake. The project will also raise awareness throughout the community about the need to promote water quality and reduce water use. Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac SaintCharles
et des Marais du Nord
Clean Water 0 2019-2020
What we can do individually on a daily basis to reduce toxic discharges into the water This project received EcoAction funding to raise awareness and educate citizens to adopt responsible behaviors aimed at reducing toxic household waste discharged into natural waterways. Project activities include delivering training workshops in both the greater Montreal area and other regions of Quebec, in addition to developing a web campaign aimed at achieving concrete behavioral changes among citizens, including youth. Réseau des femmes en environnement Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Riverbanks that are ours This project received EcoAction funding to raise awareness on water pollution and reduce the quantity of plastic and other solid wastes in the Lachine Canal National Historic Site. Project activities include cleanup events and shoreline revegetation with the help of youth and corporate volunteers, as well as awareness activities for youth to learn more about freshwater and how to protect it. ProVert SudOuest Clean Water 0 2019-2020
I know my Yamaska! This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality by restoring banks along the Yamaska River, a tributary of the St. Lawrence River, and raising awareness among youth about water protection. Project activities include engaging young students in the restoration process, which includes stabilizing sections of the river banks and planting trees. Organisme de bassin versant de la Yamaska Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Kettle Creek Wetland Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to improve freshwater by reducing the amount of phosphorus entering Lake Erie through wetland restoration in the Kettle Creek watershed. Project activities include constructing wetlands on marginal farmland and naturalizing adjacent lands by planting tallgrass prairie and indigenous trees and shrubs. Kettle Creek Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Plastics Reduction in Northwestern Ontario and the Lake Superior Basin This project received EcoAction funding to help Canadians improve water quality by diverting and reducing harmful substances and plastic waste in freshwater. Project activities include engaging community members through a targeted outreach campaign on the issue of plastic pollution in their local waterways and providing opportunities for them to take action to remove plastic waste from waterways. In addition, local businesses, First Nation communities and institutions will be engaged to develop and implement action plans to reduce their waste. EcoSuperior Environmental Programs Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Shoring Up Stream Banks This project received EcoAction funding to improve aquatic habitat in northeastern Ontario by restoring shorelines in partnership with rural landowners and municipal staff. Project activities include restoring riparian habitat across multiple sites by planting indigenous trees and shrubs. North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Grimesthorpe Creek Sites S17, S18, S19 and M'Chigeeng Creek Rehabilitation This project received EcoAction funding to restore freshwater quality, natural habitat, and overall biodiversity to Lake Huron tributaries through stream restoration in the Grimesthorpe and M’Chigeeng Creek. Project activities include the installation of cattle exclusion fencing to reduce cattle access, along with indigenous tree and shrub planting and shoreline cleanups. Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Community Based Monitoring Program This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the traditional waters of Grand Council Treaty #3, comprised of 28 First Nation communities in Northern Ontario. Project activities include shoreline cleanups in priority areas to reduce the amount of plastics and other waste from entering Treaty #3 waters. In addition, training will be provided to build capacity in the community to implement a water monitoring program. Grand Council Treaty #3 Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Reducing Plastic Waste in an Urban Waterway This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality by reducing plastic pollution in urban waterways in the Greater Sudbury area. Project activities include shoreline cleanups and targeted waste reduction educational programming. Junction Creek Stewardship Committee Inc. Clean Water 0 2019-2020
Calgarians for Water Conservation This project received EcoAction funding to engage Calgarians in adapting a greener lifestyle by making water conservation a part of their everyday habits. Project activities include: educating students, community members, and small business’s on conservation of natural resources and how to be resilient to climate change. Green Calgary Association Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Bigstone Creek Riparian Reforestation Project This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in Bigstone Creek. This will be achieved through the establishment of native forest on former pastureland in and near riparian areas of the creek. Project activities include: increasing water retention capacity, improving habitat for wildlife, planting of native species which will capture and store carbon, and providing educational workshops for youth on the importance of riparian reforestation. Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Tsuu T'ina Nation Organics Diversion Program This project received EcoAction funding to develop an organic waste diversion and compost program for Tsuu T'ina First Nation to mitigate climate change. Project activities include: reducing carbon emissions by diverting organics from the waste stream, and community engagement to develop the First Nation capacity to implement waste diversion programming. First Nations Technical Services Advisory Group Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Youth Changing the Course This project received EcoAction funding to engage and teach youth about adapting to climate change through innovative and sustainable methods of increasing local food production. Using aquaponics growing methods, youth will show the community the benefits of growing more foods locally. Project activities include: engaging students in the maintenance of aquaponics systems, community demonstrations, and harvesting fresh produce for school and community food programs. Fort Macleod Community Aquaponic Greenhouse Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Restoration of Kainai Native Grassland Habitat and Traditional Plant Populations This project received EcoAction funding to mitigate climate change and restore the culturally and ecologically important Kainai native grassland habitat on Blood Tribe Reserve (Kainai First Nation) in Alberta. This will be achieved through the combination of traditional and scientific knowledge. Project activities include: restoration of traditional plant populations and community education in the form of workshops and events. The Rockies Institute Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Spallumcheen Wetland Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to restore the Spallumcheen Valley wetlands and improve their ability to hold carbon to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Project activities include: restoration of the wetlands, engagement of at-risk youth in all stages of the project, and community education in the form of workshops. New Beginnings Benevolent Society Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Cool It! Climate Leadership High School Training Program This project received EcoAction funding to mitigate climate change through the creation and implementation of the High School program - Cool It! Climate Leadership Training. Project activities include: interactive environmental workshops to increase public knowledge of climate change, a presentation of solutions for sustainability, and take home challenges to encourage sustainable behavioural changes. BC Sustainable Energy Association Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Fish on Fences Watershed Education and Stream Rehabilitation This project received EcoAction funding to restore a local stream and reduce pollutants entering the stream and the Fraser River. To do this, the project will target the community and grade 8 students with capacity building education on stream ecology. Project activities include: repairing the stream's riparian zone, improving the chemical composition of the stream and surrounding area, and community engagement. Stream of Dreams Murals Society Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Ecological restoration and water quality improvement at Trout Lake, Vancouver This project received EcoAction funding to restore the area surrounding Trout Lake, BC and to educate local residents on water quality and conservation. Project activities include: using plant based restoration methods to improve the quality of the soil, removal of invasive species, water quality monitoring, shoreline cleanups to reduce water pollution, and community engagement. Wildcoast Ecological Society Clean Water 0 2018-2019
MacKay Wetland Restoration to Improve Habitat and Water Quality in North Vancouver This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality and wetland habitat in MacKay Creek, BC through the restoration of polluted wetlands. Project activities include: partnering with local schools and naturalist groups to identify and restore polluted areas of the wetland and community engagement. Wildcoast Ecological Society Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Forest Waste to Biochar (aka Slashpile to Biochar) This project received EcoAction funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the amount forest waste, a fuel source for catastrophic wildfires in Bulkley Valley, BC. Using new technology, the project will convert forest waste into biochar, a carbon isolating product that can be used in the agricultural industry. Project activities include: conversion of forest waste into biochar, environmental research, and community engagement. Voices for Good Air Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Adaptation in the City This project received EcoAction funding to engage youth and the community in climate change adaptation activities by building climate resilience in their own backyards. Project activities include: creation of healthy and resilient green infrastructure through school workshops including: pollinator gardens, native plant installations, educational signage, and garden enhancements. Engagement of the community will occur through interpretive walks, planting events and pollinator garden workshops. Evergreen (Vancouver) Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Take Action, Be Aquatic Wise This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality and restore aquatic habitats in British Columbia and Saskatchewan. Project activities include: diverting and reducing aquatic invasive species from Canada's coastal and freshwater resources using a combination of educational resources, partnerships with local invasive species councils, stewardship plans, and community engagement. Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS) Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Wildwood Creek Wetland Stewardship Project This project received EcoAction funding to conserve and promote sustainable use of Canada's freshwater. By fostering conservation awareness, this project will protect freshwater resources and support wetland and shoreline habitat. Project activities include: hands-on skills development and training workshops, guidance to youth and other community members to become conservation leaders in their area, and community engagement. Habitat Acquisition Trust Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Revitalizing Proactive Fire Management This project received EcoAction funding to implement an early-season fire management program in the Chilcotin region of BC. The project will reduce carbon emissions associated with late-season uncontrolled wildfires and reduce the threat of late-season wildfires. Project activities include: prescribed burns, and community education and engagement. Gathering Voices Society Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Cowichan Food Recovery and Distribution Centre (FRDC) This project received EcoAction funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through food waste diversion. Project activities include: diverting usable food products from landfills into sustainable streams within the community while diverting non-edible food to local livestock farms and appropriate composting facilities. Cowichan Green Community Society Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Lil'wat Nation Communtiy Garden This project received EcoAction funding to increase agricultural knowledge, capacity, food security, sovereignty, sustainability, and access to local food for the community. Project activities include: addressing climate change impacts by planting diverse native plant species and showcasing the agricultural possibilities in the area as well as community engagement. Lil'wat Nation Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Somenos and Quamichan Lakes Clean Water Action Project This project received EcoAction funding for the conservation and sustainable use of fresh water in the Somenos and Quamichan basins. Project activities include: riparian restoration, capacity building to address water quality issues, education regarding best practices for land management, and community engagement. Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Victoria's Downtown Learning Garden This project received EcoAction funding to improve access to local food sources as a means to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Project activities include: creating a diverse food garden, increasing education and awareness of food sustainability, and community engagement. LifeCycles Project Society Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Restoring Carbon Storage Functions of a Degraded Wetland This project received EcoAction funding to improve the natural environment’s ability to store carbon and slow runoff groundwater which will mitigate the impacts of climate change. The project will increase ecological function of the coastal wetlands to improve carbon storage. Project activities include: restoring ecological functions of the wetlands, planting native species, and community education and engagement. Mayne Island Conservancy Society Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Keyoh Hootun'ne - Stewards of the Land This project received EcoAction funding to help the public adapt to the impacts of climate change by increasing their skills and knowledge of the positive impacts that cultural and environmental values have on communities and the environment. Project activities include: developing a framework that offers protection and rehabilitation strategies for the land around them and community engagement. Men of the North Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Restoring Wetlands and Ecological Function in Dumois Creek, Logan Lake, BC This project received EcoAction funding to improve the water quality of streams flowing into Logan Lake, BC. Project activities include: creation and restoration of lost wetland habitat and fostering public stewardship. British Columbia Conservation Foundation Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Clean Marine BC Central Vancouver Island This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality by enrolling numerous Central Vancouver Island marinas and boatyards into Clean Marine BC – a green boating program. The project will also collaborate with these small businesses to implement the environmental best practices required to achieve the program’s eco-certification. Project activities include: engaging marinas and boatyards to implement and improve on environmental best practices, education to individual boaters to minimize waste and toxins from entering the marine environment, moving and maintaining boats, and reducing harmful wildlife interactions. Georgia Strait Alliance Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Netley-Libau Marsh Renewal This project received EcoAction funding to restore the Netley-Libau Marsh by examining the possibility of using dredged material from the Red River for restoration activities. Project activities include: dredging of material to create sediment islands that would provide marsh vegetation which can be used for further growth in the Marsh. Red River Basin Commission Clean Water 0 2018-2019
First Nations Addressing Climate Change Adaptation Utilizing Indigenous Knowledge This project received EcoAction funding to bring together Indigenous peoples from four First Nations communities to discuss climate change impacts and ways to adapt. Project activities include: planting Indigenous species that are of importance to the First Nations in the region and workshops that will provide knowledge, translation, and teachings from Elders to Youth. An educational tool will also be developed to document the project and the importance of the use of Indigenous plants for health and well-being. First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Climate Change- Rain Water Harvesting, Food Security and Vulnerable Populations This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in northern New Brunswick by encouraging the public to use water resources more sustainably. Project activities include: addressing water availability concerns, community engagement on how to implement water conservation and rain water harvesting technologies and strategies to reduce water consumption. Bathurst Sustainable Development (BSD) Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Improving Water Quality and Advancing Climate Change Adaptation in Tantramar with Rain Gardens and Other Low Impact Developments This project received EcoAction funding to build climate resilience in the Greater Sackville/Tantramar region of New Brunswick through the development of natural living infrastructure to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Project activities include: the development of rain gardens and other low impact developments that will absorb and slow storm water runoff as well as control flooding and erosion, planting native species, and community engagement. EOS Eco-Energy / EOS Eco-énergie Inc. Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Improving Water Quality in the Madawaska River Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Madawaska River by restoring and/or improving sites along the river. Project activities include: restoring sites with high rates of erosion, large amounts of garbage, absence of vegetation or large numbers of invasive plants. Citizens that live along the river will be engaged to apply similar improvement techniques on their properties Société d’aménagement de la rivière Madawaska Inc. Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Water Quality Defenders: Best Management Practices to Protect Water Quality in Urban Areas to Reduce and Divert Pollutants from Entering Watercourses within the Petitcodiac Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Petitcodiac River watershed through the construction of natural infrastructure and the re-vegetation of streambanks. Project activities include: creation of rain gardens to help restore natural functions to the landscape, implement strategies to address storm water runoff, control flooding, reduce erosion, and develop workshops to promote best management practices to improve water quality. Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Community Action for Clean Rivers and Shores of the Bay St. George Area, Newfoundland This project received EcoAction funding for water quality conservation by engaging and educating community members in southwestern Newfoundland about the impacts of harmful waste dumping on stream banks and shorelines. Project activities include: community engagement through workshops, presentations, and volunteer activities, and work with farmers and lobster harvesters on best environmental practices. Bay St. George South Area Development Association Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Newfoundland and Labrador Marine Waste Stewardship Program - Ship to Shore This project received EcoAction funding to contribute to water quality conservation by diverting and reducing substances that negatively affect water quality. Project activities include: developing a waste disposal management system for fishing communities in Newfoundland, implementing the established Ship to Shore program, engaging fishers and encouraging them not to dispose of litter and debris in the ocean, and community education and engagement. Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Newfoundland and Labrador Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Managing Water in Response to a Changing Climate in Southwest Nova Scotia This project received EcoAction funding to contribute to the conservation of freshwater resources in Nova Scotia by providing education, resources, and support that will enact change in water consumption behaviors among households and small businesses. Project activities include: free property assessments of homes and small businesses, public seminars to educate the community about water quality and quantity issues related to climate change impacts, community engagement in water conservation actions, and home water assessments to explore trends and options for water conservation. Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Divert and Capture - The Fight Against Microplastics in our Water This project received EcoAction funding to reduce the quantity of microplastics entering Georgian Bay. Microplastics are small particles of plastic that pass through most municipal water filtration systems and enter water ways, where they absorb and concentrate toxins in the water. Project activities include: engaging a pilot group in Parry Sound to install “catchers” on washing machines to divert microplastics, shoreline cleanups to reduce and properly dispose of sources of secondary microplastics, and community engagement. Georgian Bay Forever Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Urban and Rural Stormwater Improvements for Lake Huron This project received EcoAction funding to provide improved water storage capacity on the Lake Huron landscape which will reduce erosion, increase filtering of excess nutrients, and improve water quality. Project activities include: storm water improvement projects, including the creation of water retention areas at the edge of agricultural fields, wetland enhancement, riparian plantings and community engagement through educational programs and the creation of a community rain garden. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (ABCF) Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Port Stanley Sewage Lagoon Project This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in Kettle Creek through the conversion of decommissioned sewage lagoon cells into naturalized wetlands. Project activities include: constructing a wetland configuration that will divert sediment and nutrients from agricultural sources, planting of native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers as riparian buffers to naturalize the wetland, and community engagement. Elgin Stewardship Council Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Cedar Creek Source Rehabilitation This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Upper Thames River watershed by restoring Cedar Creek. Project activities include: restoration of the natural channel through the former impoundment, including the installation of riffle/pool sequences, stabilization of the creek bed, planting of Indigenous trees, shrubs and wetland species, and community engagement. Oxford County Trails Council Clean Water 0 2018-2019
East Central Farm Stewardship Fund This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Bay of Quinte through on-farm environmental improvement projects that will result in the diversion of excess nutrients. Project activities include: the establishment of rural stewardship programs to reduce phosphorous loads to tributaries, livestock exclusion fencing, vegetative buffer plantings, the use of cover crops, wetland restoration, and engage and educate the community on best practices through workshops and farm tours. Tides Canada Initiatives Society: Farms At Work Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Rain-Ready Thunder Bay This project received EcoAction funding to engage students and community volunteers in the creation of natural storm water infrastructure in Thunder Bay to improve water quality. Project activities include: diverting excess nutrients, building climate resilience in the face of extreme weather, mitigation of pollution through storm water management, creation of green infrastructure installations, rainwater harvesting, development of a storm water management demonstration site, and community engagement. EcoSuperior Environmental Programs Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Riparian Buffers and their Role in Climate Change Adaptation – Pilot Project & Teachable Moment This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the South Nation watershed by creating riparian buffers to reduce erosion and agricultural run-off. Project activities include: establishment of riparian buffer demonstration sites to decrease nutrient loading and soil loss in the watershed, showcasing best management practices for other landowners in the watershed, engagement of local students and incorporation of First Nations traditional knowledge into the demonstration sites. South Nation River Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Reviving a Productive Cold Water Stream in a Unique Karst Drainage System, Bruce Peninsula This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality by reducing nutrients and sediment entering the surface waters of Judges Creek while also protecting a groundwater system from contamination. Project activities include: installing exclusion fencing to reduce cattle access to the cold water springs and creek, building alternative watering systems for use by cattle, and streambank planting to stabilize disturbed banks and restore the riparian buffer area. Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Urfe Creek Remnant Weir Removal and Erosion Control Initiatives This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in Urfe Creek, in the Duffins watershed, by reducing sedimentation and erosion. Project activities include: removing a remnant weir, stabilizing the stream bank and the surface swale, planting trees, restoring the shoreline, and engaging youth groups. Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Engaging the Community in Improving Water Quality on Marginal Farmland in Elgin County This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in Elgin Country by reducing erosion and intercepting runoff to reduce nutrient loading in the Lake Erie watershed. Project activities include: working with rural landowners to install projects that will reduce erosion and intercept run-off, establish riparian buffers and erosion control structures, create wetlands and plant grassed waterways. Demonstration sites will be showcased annually through workshops and tours, which will engage community members and provide volunteer opportunities. ALUS Elgin Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Clean Water: Reducing Excessive Winter salt in the Great Lakes Basin This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Great Lakes basin by reducing excessive winter salt application. Project activities include: providing training and certification in best practices for winter salt application, and developing business toolkits, legal frameworks and case studies to ensure that results are sustained and strengthened after the project ends. World Wildlife Fund Canada Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Increasing Habitat Availability and Water Storage Capacity in the Pine River Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Pine River Watershed by increasing the water retention ability of the landscape. Project activities include: reducing agricultural run-off, filtering out contaminants and excessive nutrients, installing a water and sediment control basin, constructing a new catch basin to filter out sediment and pollutants, and creating a wetland with local youth groups and other community volunteers. Pine River Watershed Initiative Network Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Fertile Fields and Clean Streams This project received EcoAction funding to complete on-farm water quality improvement projects to divert E. coli, nitrate, phosphorus and sediment from waterways. Project activities include: installing livestock exclusion fencing, using alternate water sources for livestock and cover crops, planting riparian zones and community engagement through a series of public workshops focused on agricultural best management practices. Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Hazardous Waste Awareness and Stewardship Pilot Project This project received EcoAction funding to increase public awareness of the harmful effects of improper storage and disposal of hazardous waste. Project activities include: determining current levels of knowledge, attitudes and barriers of citizens and farmers on proper storage and disposal of hazardous waste though surveys, focus groups and site visits. Public education will help decrease the amount of hazardous waste material improperly stored and disposed of. Kensington North Watersheds Association Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Changing Tenant Habits to Reduce Consumption of Potable Water This project received EcoAction funding to conserve fresh water by changing consumption habits of potable water in the community. Project activities include: educating and providing tools to tenants of low-cost housing buildings to help reduce drinking water use, while respecting their specific realities. An information kit will be created and posted online so the project can be used by all building managers and sector stakeholders. Écohabitation Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Adapting the Ecosystem Management Strategy to Climate Change in the Appalachians, 2018-2021 This project received EcoAction funding to strengthen the resilience of the Appalachian forest to adapt to climate change through improved tree harvesting operations. Project activities include: implementing tree harvesting methods that account for the sensitivity of the forest to climate change, developing forest management strategies that consider the vulnerability of the forest, educating local communities about the importance of tree harvesting methods, applying harvesting methods that stimulate the regeneration of less drought-prone species, and community engagement. Agence de mise en valeur des forêts privées des Appalaches Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Voluntary Conservation of Wetlands in the Cap-Santé Potable Water Intake Area and Environs This project received EcoAction funding to preserve the quality of potable water in the town of Cap-Santé, PQ, by protecting an area wetlands through voluntary conservation. Project activities include: actions to prevent many point and non-point sources of pollution, developing educational tools to help identify appropriate types of interventions on wetlands, and community engagement through an outreach campaign at regional schools. Corporation du bassin de la Jacques-Cartier Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Engagement of the Farming Community for Cleaner Water in Montérégie This project received EcoAction funding to educate farmers on riverbank stabilization and encourage farming practices that reduce waterway pollution. Project activities include: engaging farming businesses in the watersheds of the Yamaska, Richelieu and Châteauguay rivers to encourage change in their practices and promote clean water. Fédération de l'UPA de la Montérégie Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Viral Youth Engagement Campaign on Sustainable Mobility This project received EcoAction funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation in the province of Quebec to mitigate climate change. Project activities include: a large-scale mobilization campaign promoting modes of transportation with low greenhouse gas emissions, community engagement that includes extended support for longer-term engagement, youth engagement through a contest to create video clips launched in Quebec colleges and universities, and the creation of a web platform, where winning videos will be posted and proposed commitments to sustainable mobility will be compiled. Fondation Monique-Fitz-Back pour l'éducation au développement durable Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Embarque Chaudière-Appalaches! This project received EcoAction funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Chaudière-Appalaches region, by promoting carpooling, along with other active means of transportation to mitigate climate change. Project activities include: creating park-and-ride lots, developing a web platform to increase the number of ride matches, a communications campaign to publicize the initiative, and community engagement. Conseil régional de l'environnement Chaudière-Appalaches (CRECA) Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Heating with Forestry Biomass: Engaging the Communities of Chaudière-Appalaches This project received EcoAction funding to engage companies in the Chaudière-Appalaches region in greenhouse gas emission reduction by transitioning to a renewable and low-emission energy source to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Project activities include: the replacement of fossil fuel boiler rooms with forest biomass boiler rooms and engagement of the community and local businesses. Nature Québec Climate Change 1 2018-2019
PolyCarbone Consolidation and Expansion Project This project received EcoAction funding for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by promoting activities that will mitigate the impacts of climate change. Project activities include: promoting greenhouse gas emission reduction activities in transportation, energy and consumption, and engaging the academic community in a carbon point trading system. PolyCarbone Climate Change 1 2018-2019
Shoreline Stabilization to Improve Water Quality in the Ottawa River This project received EcoAction funding to maintain and improve water quality in the Ottawa River through shoreline stabilization by creating riparian buffer zones. Project activities include: creating riparian zones to prevent erosion and engaging First Nation high school students on the importance of maintaining riparian zones and other actions to preserve water quality. Kebaowek Land Management and Resources Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Restoration and Conservation of the Riparian Habitats of Petite Rivière du Loup in Sainte-Ursule This project received EcoAction funding to maintain and improve the water quality of Petite rivière du Loup in Sainte-Ursule, Quebec through farmland erosion prevention. Project activities include: restoring and conserving riparian habitats, reforesting, planting cover crops and engaging and educating local agricultural producers about water quality issues. Organisme de bassins versants des rivieres du Loup et des Yamachiche (OBVRLY) Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Herbert Water Use Plan and Water Conservation Initiaitive This project received EcoAction funding to conserve water at the Herbert Water Treatment Plant by reducing the amount of water wasted during reverse osmosis treatment. Project activities include: developing an efficiency schedule for plant sources and engaging and educating the community on effective water conservation practices. Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards Clean Water 0 2018-2019
Next Steps: A Climate of Change This project received EcoAction funding to encourage individual action against climate change and reduce the effects of climate change in the Bow Valley. Project activities include informational cafés that showcase options and encourage participation in addressing climate change via: use of solar panels, water conservation tools, efficiency using retrofits and alternative transportation. Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Climate Leadership for Generation Green This project improves youth experimentation and innovation around renewable energy and energy conservation through a series of projects focused on climate leadership and energy conservation. Through hands-on learning through workshops offered via Calgary schools and the Calgary Public Library, students will learn about energy conservation, and waste reduction. Project activities include: Youth education and engagement. Green Calgary Association Climate Change 1 2017–2018
MD of Foothills Riparian Enhancement Projects This project received EcoAction funding to enhance and restore riparian areas along Three Point Creek and the Sheep River to improve fish and wildlife habitat and to improve water quality. Project activities include: planting indigenous plants, trees and shrubs. Sustainability Resources Nature 2 2017–2018
Duck Bay Wetland Restoration – Water Quality Improvement and Climate Mitigation Project This project will restore wetland habitat in Duck Bay to enhance water quality and support long-term treatment of storm water runoff. It will reduce toxic or harmful waste, improve shoreline, plant indigenous plants and trees, and install wildlife habitat structures. Project activities include: wetland design and implementation, water quality monitoring, and community outreach and education, with a focus on Youth and local First Nations engagement. Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society Clean Water 0 2017–2018
Okanagan Conservation Areas Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to restore select conservation lands in the Okanagan region. It aims to restore habitat, plant indigenous plants, install wildlife habitat structures and engage community groups in conservation land management. Project activities include: restoration plan development and implementation plus community outreach and education. The Nature Trust of British Columbia Nature 2 2017–2018
Pollinator Pathways (for Climate Change Adaptation of Pollinators in Langley BC) This project received EcoAction funding to encourage insect pollinator conservation and stewardship in Langley B.C., to secure and enhance insect pollinator habitats. Pollinators play a critical role in the health of ecosystems, however climate change is adversely impacting pollinator populations. Project activities include: planting species that offer pollen and nectar supplies for bees by creating “Pollinator Pitstops” in backyards, community outreach and education. Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS) Nature 2 2017–2018
Climate Action Champions (CAC) This project received EcoAction funding to engage youth and their families to take climate actions and track their progress to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through the Climate Action Champions Program and development of an online Action Audit, the community will take actions to reduce their impact on climate change. Project activities include: school-wide climate action events, projects, tracking and calculation of the environmental impacts of climate change solutions. Be The Change Earth Alliance Society Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Adapting to Climate Change: Community Workshops and Estuary Restoration Project This project received EcoAction funding to provide workshops to educate people on climate change resiliency and how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Community members will learn to landscape for drought and energy conservation, create energy efficiency through energy audits and transportation alternatives, and reduce waste with recycling and composting alternatives. Project activities include: development and implementation of workshops, volunteer days focused on restoring and protecting shoreline habitats, and community engagement and education. Cowichan Community Land Trust Society Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Dawson Creek Watershed Society Riparian Management and Wildlife Monitoring Program This project received EcoAction funding to improve the health of the ecosystem in Dawson Creek. Through youth and community involvement, riparian restoration and habitat enhancement activities will stabilize the zones and provide ideal bat and cavity-nesting bird habitats. Project activities include: monitoring, creek enhancement, installation of wildlife structures for bat and cavity-nesting bird habitat, and community engagement and education. Dawson Creek Watershed Society Nature 2 2017–2018
Earthwise Agassiz Streamside and Woodland Trail This project received EcoAction funding to enhance the ecological function of a forest to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve habitat. Through local community engagement and hands-on learning, the project will build an interpretive trail cleared of invasive species with enhanced ecological functions. This educational trail will raise awareness on how healthy ecosystems help offset the impacts of climate change. Project activities include: building an interpretative trail, clearing invasive species and planting trees. Earthwise Society Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Metchosin Shoreline Good Neighbours This project received EcoAction funding to work with landowners, local governments, First Nations, and community organizations to adopt behaviors that will mitigate problems with sensitive shoreline habitats and improve resiliency measures against climate change in Mechosin, B.C. Through experiential community education and hands-on workshops, landowners will learn about water resource management, pesticide use, energy conservation, and naturescaping while gaining new skills to protect the natural environment. Project activities include: planting native species, installing wildlife structures, and community engagement and education. Habitat Acquisition Trust Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Pollinator Garden Project This project received EcoAction funding to install native vegetation in North Vancouver to increase urban biodiversity and awareness of the value of native pollinators and vegetation. Project activities include: planting native vegetation, and community engagement and education. North Shore Neighbourhood House Nature 2 2017–2018
Closing the Loop on Affordable and Healthy Housing This project received EcoAction funding to design, build, install, and monitor a closed loop water, heat, energy, and organic system for clustered housing. This design will reduce the negative human impact on climate change through the reduction of waste, conservation of water, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Project activities include: composting, rain water harvesting, and installation of solar panels. OUR Community Association Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Adapting for Climate Change: Protecting Okanagan Waterways from Invasive Species This project received EcoAction funding to remove aquatic invasive species (AIS) in the Okanagan region to enhance aquatic riparian habitats. Members of the public, schoolchildren and community groups will help replant native plants in three locations in the Okanagan Valley. The project will have widespread application to other locations in British Columbia. Local stewards will provide longevity to the project to ensure its sustainability. Project activities include: removal of AIS, planting of native species, and community outreach and education. Okanagan and Similkameen Invasive Species Society Nature 2 2017–2018
Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change by Protecting Foreshore Ecosystems in the Okanagan Valley. This project received EcoAction funding to protect, enhance, and raise awareness of the foreshore ecosystem surrounding Okanagan Lake to improve its climate change resiliency. These foreshore and aquatic restoration sites will support local biodiversity, including many sensitive and endangered species. Project activities include: removal of invasive species, installing nesting structures, planting native plants, and creek management. Okanagan Collaborative Conservation Program Nature 2 2017–2018
SṈIDȻEȽ Resiliency Project. This project received EcoAction funding to increase biodiversity in a Douglas fir ecosystem with the goal of full ecological restoration of five large degraded sites. Improvement of these sites will increase climate change resiliency. Project activities include: planting trees, and community engagement and education. SeaChange Marine Conservation Society Nature 2 2017–2018
Haida Gwaii Clean Energy Toolkit This project received EcoAction funding to help homeowners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by monitoring and reducing electrical and diesel fuel consumption on the island of Haida Gwaii. Project activities include: the development and distribution of a tool-kit to guide the reduction of energy usage, and community engagement and education. Swiilawiid Sustainability Society Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Adapting to Cowichan’s Changing Climate – Cleaning our Water, Slowing the Flow This project received EcoAction funding to provide education programs in the Cowichan region of Vancouver Island to help residents conserve water and improve water quality. Project activities include: interactive educational programs engaging residents and small businesses in understanding water sources, how to conserve water, and reduce pollution. Cowichan Watershed Society Clean Water 0 2017–2018
Integrating Human Use with Ecological Restoration Project This project will create a native food forest to restore indigenous plant species, with a focus on plants traditionally used for food and medicine. The process incorporates First Nations traditional ecological knowledge into scientific restoration ecology and will be captured on video by local youth involved in the restoration process. Project activities include: the planting of native species and community engagement and education. Galiano Conservancy Association Nature 2 2017–2018
Sculpting Rockfish Habitat in Howe Sound This project received EcoAction funding to create artificial habitats for the rockfish species with non-polluting recycled materials to reduce the vulnerability of the species. Project activities include: creating and installing habitats using recycled materials, and engage the community through video footage of the fish and its habitat. Ocean Wise Conservation Association Nature 2 2017–2018
Innovative harvest management of rural ditches for biomass, nutrient capture, and flood control: A pilot demonstration for the Lake Winnipeg Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce phosphorus entering Lake Winnipeg, and restore habitat in the Rural Municipality of Springfield, which will be accomplished by clearing organic waste from rural highway ditches. Sustainable practices will be used instead of traditional methods such as mowing, spraying with herbicide, and excavation. Project activities include composting, habitat restoration and community engagement. International Institute for Sustainable Development Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Water Retention on Tobacco Creek This project received EcoAction funding to construct a small dam in the Tobacco Creek watershed to improve water quality and provide flood control. The Dam will improve drainage in the Red River Valley and protect the wetlands. Project activities include: project oversight, hardware and materials, construction, habitat restoration, water sampling, and community outreach and education. Deerwood Soil and Water Management Association Climate Change 1 2017–2018
ON SITE Multi-Family Composting Project This project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by creating a first-of-its-kind city-wide composting program in Winnipeg which will divert organic waste from landfills. Project activities include community outreach, education and engagement. Green Action Centre Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Shelterbelt awareness and renovation options This project received EcoAction funding to protect and enhance shelterbelts in the rural municipality of Stanley to reduce the impacts of climate change. Greenhouse gas reduction is a key component of the project. With the involvement of landowners a shelterbelt will be developed as a demonstration site for carbon sequestration and the natural benefits of shelterbelts. Project activities include habitat conservation, planting indigenous trees, and community outreach and engagement. Stanley Soil Management Association Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Carbon reduction through increased sequestration This project received EcoAction funding to use sustainable farming techniques to increase carbon content of agricultural soils. Some techniques that will be implemented by this project include companion seeding, cover cropping, and crop rotation. These techniques will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Project activities will include creation of a demonstration site, community education and engagement. Upper Assiniboine River Conservation District Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Implementing Emissions Reduction Plans in Tantramar: Community Draft-Proofing Work Parties This project received EcoAction funding to reduce air-leakage in buildings to increase resiliency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through teaching long-term, self-sufficiency, and sustainable practices, strategies will be implemented to draft-proof low-income homes. Project activities include: draft-proofing low-income housing and community engagement and education. EOS Eco-Energy / EOS Eco-énergie Inc. Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Nashwaak River Bank Stabilization This project received EcoAction funding to restore damaged riverbanks, improve fish habitat and water quality in the Nashwaak watershed. Through a landowner conservation program, riverbank restoration and tree planting will be promoted and implemented. The restored riverbank will be used as a demonstration site for landowner education and community outreach to improve the natural habitat. Project activities include: restoring a riverbank through tree planting and bioengineered techniques, and community outreach and engagement. Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. Nature 2 2017–2018
Reducing transportation-related greenhouse gases: Drive Electric NB - Electric Vehicle Incentive Pilot Program This project received EcoAction funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and critical air contaminants in the Moncton area. This pilot project will provide drivers with incentives to replace conventional gasoline vehicles with electric vehicles. Through the development of a social marketing campaign the project will educate and engage Canadians on best driving practices to reduce fuel consumption of conventional gas or diesel vehicles. Project activities include: marketing, monitoring, and community outreach, education and engagement. New Brunswick Lung Association Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Climate Change, Human Health and the urban Forest This project received EcoAction funding to develop and deliver a residential energy conservation initiative, the Direct Install Energy Efficiency program. This initiative will help adapt to climate change, and increase public knowledge of the importance of the Urban Forest and natural large tree canopy shade in cooling urban communities and absorbing CO2. Project activities include: planting trees and community education and outreach. Bathurst Sustainable Development (BSD) Climate Change 1 2017–2018
The Great Fundy Coastal Cleanup This project received EcoAction funding to remove marine debris from shorelines along the Bay of Fundy to restore and improve water quality. With the participation of community members, the project will implement one-day shoreline cleanups in coastal preserves, along with data collection at each site to contribute to an action plan to reduce marine debris and identify sources of pollution. Project activities include: removal of debris, data collection and monitoring, the development of an action plan to mitigate marine debris, and community education and engagement. Nature Trust of New Brunswick Inc. Clean Water 0 2017–2018
Communities in Action for a Better Bradley Brook This project received EcoAction funding to enhance and restore riparian areas in the Hammond River watershed to improve water quality. To help reduce the effects of climate change, the community will plant trees to stabilize banks, decrease water temperature, and increase water infiltration. The trees will create a self-sustaining canopy cover that will improve water quality downstream of the restoration site and improve the resilience to climate change. Project activities include: streambank stabilization, planting of indigenous trees, debris removal, and community outreach, education and engagement. Hammond River Angling Association Clean Water 0 2017–2018
Community nursery for the restoration of riparian environments This project received EcoAction funding to engage community residents and youth to become actively involved in local climate change adaptation efforts by working together to improve riparian buffer zones. These areas have experienced loss of vegetation due to an absence of root systems that retain the soil. This increases the risk of erosion, contributes to degradation of watercourses, loss of habitat, and an increase in contaminant runoff. Project activities include: establishing a tree nursery, planting, restoring the riparian zones, and education and engagement of the community. Association du bassin versant de la Baie de Shédiac Nature 2 2017–2018
Improving Storm Water Management in the Kennebecasis This project received EcoAction funding to protect and restore the Kennebecasis watershed through storm water management and flood mitigation. Publicly accessible rain garden demonstration sites will be constructed to educate the community on the benefits of actively reducing storm water run-off. Projects include creation of rain gardens, installation of rain barrels, and community outreach, education, and engagement. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Clean Water 0 2017–2018
NL Wetland Conservation in a Changing Climate This project received EcoAction funding to improve local wetlands. Wetlands help mitigate sea level rise due to climate change and are a key part of many ecosystems. The project will encourage community engagement to protect and conserve the wetlands. Project activities include: wetland clean-ups, nest box installation for waterfowl species, and community outreach and education. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2017–2018
Composting to Reduce Greenhouse Gases in Newfoundland and Labrador This project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions originating from organic waste by encouraging local adoption of composting household waste practices in Newfoundland’s Great Northern Peninsula. The project will engage households in an area with no municipal compost program to adopt practical ways of creating compost from household waste. Project activities include: community outreach and education on composting practices. Quebec-Labrador Foundation Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Preserving the shoreline and heritage of Malagawatch This project aims to halt and reverse erosion along the Bras d'Or Lakes in Malagawatch, Nova Scotia by creating a living shoreline – one made of natural materials such as plants instead of hardened, artificial structures like concrete seawalls. The shoreline, a designated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve site and an area of great cultural significance to the Mi’kmaq people of Cape Breton, is retreating rapidly due to climate change. Project activities include: planting, implementing shoreline improvement strategies, and community consultation, outreach and education. ACAP Cape Breton Nature 2 2017–2018
Soaking Up Stormwater in Southwest Nova Scotia This project received EcoAction funding to increase public awareness of climate change and stormwater management. Using low-impact design, rain gardens and bioswales will be installed on public lands that have been affected by flooding to transform them into stormwater management areas. Project activities include: asphalt surfacing, installation of permeable green space, and community outreach, engagement and education. Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation Clean Water 0 2017–2018
ReNEW - The Deanery Project This project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the effects of climate change by educating and engaging the public to transition to renewable energy systems. Through an interactive demonstration site, participants will gain knowledge of renewable energy systems. Project activities include: development of community interactive sites and electric vehicle charging sites, and education and outreach. The Deanery Project Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Creating Ecosystem Services on Marginal Farmland This project received EcoAction funding to provide ecosystem services to reduce the effects of climate change in the Norfolk Sand Plain Natural Area. Through carbon sequestration, flood mitigation, sediment control, and habitat creation, this project will protect the existing biodiversity hotspot for native species. Project activities include: planting, invasive species removal, wetland restoration and installation of erosion control structures. ALUS Norfolk Inc Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Glenn-E Municipal Drain Project This project received EcoAction funding to reduce the impacts of extreme weather events and improve water quality on the shores of Lake Huron, in Garvey Creek. Stormwater control features will be installed to reduce the volume of runoff from agricultural fields and reduce erosion of downstream shoreline. This will lead to a decrease in sediment and nutrient inputs to the waterways. Project activities include: installation of stormwater control measures, and implementation of a maintenance strategy to ensure sustainability. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Addressing Climate Change at the Neighbourhood Scale This project received EcoAction funding to implement a residential retrofit program that will conserve energy and water, improve stormwater management, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through workshops, active transportation and waste reduction will be promoted to community members. Project activities include community outreach, education and engagement. The Living City Foundation Climate Change 1 2017–2018
2020 Vision of Healthy Waters: Community Stewardship in the Nottawasaga Valley and South Georgian Bay This project received EcoAction funding to restore habitat and improve water quality in the Nottawasaga Valley watershed. This will help improve climate change resiliency of the ecosystem. Project activities include removal of invasive species, planting of indigenous trees and shrubs, shading cold-water streams, stabilizing stream banks, improving wetland function, increasing forest cover, and installing cattle exclusion-fencing. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Stormwater and nutrient management on the Eighteen Mile River This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Eighteen Mile River watershed. Through implementing techniques designed to control agricultural runoff, harmful sediment and nutrients will be diverted from the river. Project activities include: project oversight, purchase of materials, construction, and community outreach and education. Pine River Watershed Initiative Clean Water 0 2017–2018
Climate Smart Chamber Initiative This project received EcoAction funding to develop and deliver a series of online tools and training programs to help small- and medium-sized businesses reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. Chambers of Commerce across Canada will be targeted to help deliver the training. Actions implemented by businesses and the resulting reductions in emissions and energy consumption will be tracked using carbon management software. Project activities include: implementation of online tools and training programs, and outreach and education to small- and medium-sized businesses across Canada. Canadian Chamber of Commerce Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Six Streams Initiative: Soil and Nutrient Conservation to Enhance Resiliency in Natural and Agricultural Systems This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality, restore habitat and sequester carbon in Bruce County. These efforts will help to reduce the impacts of climate change and reduce greenhouse gases. Youth and volunteers will be engaged in the facilitation and implementation of non-growing season soil best management practices such as cover crops, bioremediation, and buffer strips. Project activities include: implementing soil best management practices such as cover crops, bioremediation, and buffer strips. Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Connecting Communities and Creeks This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality, enhance wildlife habitat and while reduce the impacts of climate change in the Georgian Bay area. Identified under the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Watershed Canadian Framework for Community Action, this area as a priority for environmental community action. The project will engage youth and community volunteers in stream bank stabilization, tree planting, wetland creation, and, stream channel enhancement. Project activities include: stream bank stabilization, wetland restoration, and stream channel enhancement, as well as youth and community engagement. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority Climate Change 1 2017–2018
If You Build It, They Will Come: Increasing Cycling, Decreasing Emissions This project received EcoAction funding to promote active transportation in Halifax, Montreal, Brampton, and Edmonton to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the support of small businesses and cycling groups, there will be training provided, incentives, and access to cycling equipment for community members to participate in active transportation. Project activities include monitoring of emission reductions, and community outreach, education and engagement. Canada Bikes Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Youth and Community Action to Reduce Climate Change Impacts and Improve Watershed and Community Health This project received EcoAction funding to restore fish and wildlife habitat, and reduce runoff and erosion of the Rouge River watershed. This will increase the resiliency of the watershed against climate change and improve water quality while diverting harmful sediment from the waterways. Project activities include: planting indigenous trees and community engagement and education. Friends of the Rouge Watershed Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Improving forests and coastlines in Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to improve the health of ecosystems in the Winter River – Tracadie Bay watershed. It aims to increase the size of forested area in the watershed to protect groundwater, and restore shoreline and habitat. Project activities include: planting of indigenous trees, annual community shoreline clean-up to collect and remove debris, and community outreach and education. Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Inc. Nature 2 2017–2018
The search for clandestine dump sites This project received EcoAction funding to restore dumping sites in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue area. Along with the restoration, this project aims to raise awareness and encourage the involvement of the public on issues surrounding the dumping sites and the negative effects on wildlife and the natural environment. Project activities include: identification and restoration of dumping sites, community engagement, and a broad education and awareness campaign. Conseil régional de l'environnement de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (CREAT) Nature 2 2017–2018
Brown snake habitat conservation, restoration and enhancement This project received EcoAction funding to protect, restore, and enhance the habitat of the brown snake in the Montreal area. The project will support municipalities in the management and conservation of the habitats and as a result, improve the biodiversity of the area. Project activities include: finalizing habitat conservation plans, installation of wildlife structures, and community engagement. Société d’histoire naturelle de la vallée du Saint-Laurent Nature 2 2017–2018
Electrification and efficiency of travel for business and deliveries This project received EcoAction funding to educate people on environmentally friendly transportation in the Estrie area to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through workshops and electric vehicle road tests, the project will propose environmentally friendly transportation solutions, such as replacing gas-powered cars with electric vehicles. Project activities include: education and community engagement in areas such as: replacing gas-powered cars with electric vehicles and improving travel efficiency. Conseil régional de l’environnement de l’Estrie Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Getting from home to school using active transportation! This project received EcoAction funding to promote active and environmentally friendly transportation in Montérégie, Quebec that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through the creation of travel plans for schools, obstacles to active transportation will be identified and strategies will be recommended to increase the safety for people travelling on foot or by bike. Project activities include: identifying obstacles to active transportation, community engagement and education, and follow-up activities with participants. Nature-Action Québec Climate Change 1 2017–2018
W composting This project received EcoAction funding to establish a composting system in the Aboriginal community of Wôlinak to keep organic materials from entering the landfill and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This project will introduce composting to youth and educated them on the benefits of composting. An additional pilot project will invite local community members voluntarily try composting. Project activities include: creating and implementing the composting system to be implemented in schools, community and youth engagement and education. Conseil des Abénakis de Wôlinak Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Environmentally responsible development of parking lots This project received EcoAction funding to engage parking lot owners in downtown Montréal to promote sustainable transportation and greening of urban centres to reduce areas of excess heat. The Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal will hold awareness activities to change parking lot management and development practices and provide ongoing technical support for properties under redevelopment. The redeveloped parking lots will serve as models to encourage other Montreal parking lot owners to take action. Project activities include: development work on parking lots, planting of trees, installation of wildlife structures, community engagement and education. Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Greening project for urban heat island mitigation in Sainte-Marie This project received EcoAction funding to create a greenspace in the Sainte-Marie neighborhood of east-end Montreal to improve the urban environment, the quality of life of residents and to protect biodiversity. Project activities include: tree planting, installation of a rain barrel and composter, and community outreach and education. Société écocitoyenne de Montréal Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Action group for sustainable energy and buildings in the Magdalen Islands This project received EcoAction funding to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Magdalen Islands of Quebec. The islands being in an isolated area, powered by two oil-fired power plants, each energy efficiency measure will result in an even greater impact in fighting climate change. Project activities include: training a regional action group, identification of possible energy efficiency measures, and incorporating business owners in the energy efficiency activities. Écobâtiment Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Targeted activities for runoff control and soil conservation in degraded agricultural areas in Brome-Missisquoi This project received EcoAction funding to help reduce the effects of climate change by improving stream maintenance in agricultural and forestry sectors in the Missisquoi Bay watershed (Lake Champlain). This approach will improve the sustainability of the work, reduce sediment inputs and improve water quality. Project activities include: improving stream maintenance work carried out in agricultural and forestry sectors, long term monitoring of the impacts of the project, and community engagement and education. Organisme de bassin versant de la baie Missisquoi Clean Water 0 2017–2018
Eurasian watermilfoil control in water bodies in the Laurentians This project received EcoAction funding to prevent the spread of invasive aliens into not yet affected bodies of water in the Laurentians. Approximately 50 lakes in the Laurentians are infested with the Eurasian watermilfoil aquatic invasive species. Project activities include: the distribution of information and cleaning kits, and community engagement and education. Conseil régional de l’environnement des Laurentides Nature 2 2017–2018
Greening initiative in Saint-Henri This project received EcoAction funding to create six oases of greenery in the Saint-Henri neighborhood of Montreal to improve the environmental quality of the area and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Project activities include: planting trees and shrubs, the installation of community composters, and community engagement. Les YMCA du Québec Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Fruit tree planting project in Saint-Roch 2017-2019 This project received EcoAction funding to create green spaces in the City of Quebec to reduce heat islands. A heat island is an urban area where the air temperature is consistently higher than the surrounding areas. The reduction of heat islands will improve the quality of life of residents and create positive impacts for wildlife. Project activities to reduce the effects of heat islands include: design and implementation of green spaces, and community outreach and engagement in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Quebec City. Programme d’encadrement clinique et d’hébergement P.E.C.H. Climate Change 1 2017–2018
Slow it, Spread it, Sink it: Engineered Rain Gardens in a Semi-Arid Region This project received EcoAction funding to install a rain garden to improve water quality in Swift Current Creek to reduce toxic harmful waste from entering the watershed. Along with improving water quality, the rain garden will be used to educate the public on water quality and encourage environmental responsibility. Project activities include: rain garden installation, water quality monitoring, developing co-operative solutions, and community engagement and education Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards Clean Water 0 2017–2018
MarshKeepers This project received EcoAction funding to conduct habitat inspections and management activities on Ducks Unlimited habitat projects across Alberta. Project activities include inspection of the land for invasive species, water monitoring, restoration activities such as fence repair, debris removal, as well as tree planting and community engagement. Duck Unlimited Canada - Calgary Nature 2 2016-2017
Riparian Absorptive Landscapes Pilot Study This project received EcoAction funding to develop a research station in the Town of Okotoks, next to the Sheep River that will also be used as an interpretive centre. The project will study the feasibility of using the bio-geochemical functionality of plants and permeable soils to help create self-sustaining riparian retention systems. Project activities include tree planting, composting and diverting waste, and development of a self-sustaining riparian retention system. Bow River Basin Council Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Invasive Plant Removal in the K’uuna Gwaay Conservancy This project received EcoAction funding to remove invasive species in the K’uuna Gwaay Heritage Site/Conservancy. This work will help to improve biodiversity in the area. Project activities include invasive species removal, tree planting, and community engagement. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society Nature 2 2016-2017
Priority Ecosystems Restoration Project This project received EcoAction funding to restore sensitive ecosystems on Mayne Island at Edith Point, Crane Point, Heck Hill, Henderson Hill, Beechwood Drive, and Mount Parke to improve biodiversity in these areas. Through removal of invasive species and tree planting a habitat will be created with features necessary for the long term survival of native species. Project activities include: invasive species removal, tree planting, and community engagement. Mayne Island Conservancy Society Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Ayum Good Neighbours This project received EcoAction funding to engage landowners in conservation activities that will lead to habitat restoration. Through education, ongoing stewardship efforts using best land care practices and water conservation practices will take place. Project activities include voluntary conservation agreements with landowners and putting into action best practices for water and land conservation. Habitat Acquisition Trust Nature 2 2016-2017
The Restoration of Shores This project received EcoAction funding to restore the physical and biological functions of a shore site in Gowlland Tod Provincial Park. Through beach nourishment and marine riparian planting, the banks of the shoreline will be stabilized to reduce erosion and as a result improve water quality. Project activities include riparian tree planting and bringing in new sand to reverse the impact of shoreline erosion. SeaChange Marine Conservation Society Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Engaging Community in Urban Riparian and Foreshore Habitat Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to work with local schools and community groups to protect and enhance riparian and foreshore habitats in a Coastal Douglas Fir bio-geoclimatic zone. Various sites will be identified that will be adopted by schools to complete restoration activities. Project activities include: invasive species removal, tree planting, installation of habitat structures, and community engagement and education. Greenways Land Trust Nature 2 2016-2017
Lower Mainland Conservation Area Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to develop and implement restoration projects on conservation lands in the Lower Mainland Region. Conservation Youth Crew members, local community groups, and the public will be invited to participate in restoration activities as well as education activities about land management and remediation techniques. Project activities include: removal of invasive species and debris, tree planting, installation of wildlife structures, and community engagement and education. The Nature Trust of British Columbia Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Effingham River Restoration Project This project received EcoAction funding to rehabilitate a degraded watershed to restore stream and riparian habitat. Restoration activities will be designed to improve water quality, stream connectivity, and salmon habitat. Project activities include: removal of woody debris, creation of off-channel habitat, and shoreline clean-up. Central Westcoast Forest Society Nature 2 2016-2017
Native Plant Nursery Project This project received EcoAction funding to organize stewardship events to educate the public on the importance of native species and the role they play on climate change and drought tolerance in Metro Vancouver. Project activities include community engagement and education. EYA Environmental Youth Alliance Society Nature 2 2016-2017
Kiss Invasives Goodbye Restoration Project This project received EcoAction funding to restore and protect wetlands in the Central/West Kootenay region. These wetlands have been designated as high priority for protection by the Central/West Kootenay Regional District. Project activities include removal of invasive species, tree planting, and community engagement and education. Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS) Nature 2 2016-2017
Restoring and supporting the Nicomen Slough Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to conduct restoration activities in the Nicomen Slough Watershed to improve spawning habitat for chum fry. Historically the slough was suitable habitat for the chum fry; however, the habitat is now unsuitable due to a thick layer of silt. Project activities include: removal of invasive species, tree planting, and restoration activities to improve water quality. Fraser Valley Watersheds Coalition Clean Air 3 2016-2017
Somenos Ecosystem Stewardship Project This project received EcoAction funding to engage community members in educational and ecological restoration activities in the Somenos Marsh Conservation Area. The project will improve ecosystem services and raise awareness of the importance of healthy ecosystems. Project activities include: invasive species removal, tree planting, action plan implementation, and community engagement and education. Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society Nature 2 2016-2017
Manitoba Important Bird Areas Stewardship Project This project received EcoAction funding to recruit and train community members to participate in conservation events in wetland, boreal, and riparian habitats within Important Bird Areas. Project activities include: bird surveys, biological surveys of indigenous plants and species, enhancement of bird habitats, and community engagement and education. Nature Manitoba Nature 2 2016-2017
Smith’s Creek Headwaters Enhancement Project This project received EcoAction funding to implement stream enhancement activities on agricultural properties in Smith’s Creek. Land use practices upstream have been primarily agriculture-based, resulting in degraded riparian zones. Project activities include: stream restoration, tree planting, installation of wildlife structures, and community engagement and education. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Branch Out, Make Waves Challenge This project received EcoAction funding to work with communities and groups of students across New Brunswick to create and restore habitat, increase biodiversity, and educate communities about protecting the environment. Project activities include: tree planning, shoreline clean-ups, and community engagement and education. New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN) Nature 2 2016-2017
Let’s take action to improve the quality of water and riparian areas This project received EcoAction funding to restore a section of the Dempsey Stream to improve water quality in the watershed. Working with landowners, the community will be educated on best land and water management practices. Project activities include: installation of interpretive panels, workshops, kiosks at local fairs, media bulletins, tree planting, and community engagement and education. Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Palmer Brook Enhancement Initiative This project received EcoAction funding to restore deforested riparian areas on Palmer Brook to help increase water quality and biodiversity. Through restoration activities, unacceptable concentrations of Ecolab levels will be reduced. Project activities include: planting a riparian buffer zone, conducting Ecolab education awareness meetings, water quality monitoring, and working with property owners to improve their land and water management practices Hammond River Angling Association Clean Water 0 2016-2017
CORRIDORS: Connecting wildlife habitats in the Cocagne watershed This project received EcoAction funding to identify and map potential wildlife corridors. The project will help obtain land conservation agreements to protect wildlife corridors and to promote biodiversity and conservation. A recently created database of over 100 flora and fauna species will be used to identify potential corridors that would benefit from wildlife structure installation. A community monitoring program targeting families to maintain the wildlife structures in the corridors will also be established. Project activities include: development of wildlife corridors, establishing a community monitoring program, installation of interpretive files, and community engagement and education. Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne Nature 2 2016-2017
Community ecological initiative in the Madawaska region This project received EcoAction funding to educate citizens and encourage them to use alternative tools to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills. Along with educating citizens, the project will engage students to plant trees and promote biodiversity. Project activities include: tree planting, creation and installation of wildlife structures, composting, and community engagement and education. Société d’aménagement de la rivière Madawaska et du lac Témiscouata Nature 2 2016-2017
Water conservation and stream water management in the Shediac watershed This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality through the reduction of pollutants and sediments entering the harbour of la Baie de Shediac during heavy rainfall events. Through the implementation of rainwater management strategies in residential areas, the amount of pollutants entering the water will be reduced. Project activities include: installation of rain barrels, using water conservations kits in homes, demonstration rainwater collection gardens, and community engagement and education. Association du bassin versant de la Baie de Shédiac Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Newfoundland and Labrador Marine Waste Stewardship Program: Petty Harbour Pilot Project This project received EcoAction funding to develop a waste disposal management system to improve water quality in Petty Harbour. Water quality will be improved by the reduction of waste dumped at sea and by encouraging fishers to retrieve any floating waste that they encounter. Project activities include: removal and diversion of waste into the harbor, and community engagement and education. Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Newfoundland and Labrador Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Neighborhood Streams This project received EcoAction funding to improve local water quality in urban watersheds in St. Johns. Through the planting of native species and ground cover, shorelines will be stabilized and there will be a reduction in sediments entering local waterways. Project activities include: tree planting, shoreline clean-ups, and community education and engagement. Northeast Avalon ACAP (Atlantic Coastal Action Program) Inc. Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Taking Action on Water Conservation and Well Safety and Maintenance in Newfoundland and Labrador This project received EcoAction funding to develop a program to educate citizens on action-based conservation efforts to improve water quality and quantity in the Northeast Avalon. The project involves conducting home visits in high priority areas to provide citizens with action-based conservation strategies they can use at home. Project activities include: development of a website with information videos, public meetings, information workshops, and community engagement. Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador (CCNL) Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Sipekne’katik Habitat Restoration Initiative This project received EcoAction funding to enhance habitat and water quality so that significant ecological restoration occurs in part of the Shubenacadie Waterway. These efforts are consistent with the area’s management plan to improve biodiversity through the restoration of in-stream and streamside habitat. Project activities include: garbage removal, tree planting, and installation of diggers logs to increase stream flow and improve water quality. Mi'kmaw Conservation Group, The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Protecting Freshwater Biodiversity Through Land Conservation and Stewardship This project received EcoAction funding to advance freshwater biodiversity conservation in Nova Scotia. The project will educate and engage landowners in both informal and permanent legal habitat protection. Project activities include: ecological feature surveying on river systems, development of new protected conservation areas, development and completion of a stewardship plan to guide future land use management, and community engagement and education. Nova Scotia Nature Trust Nature 2 2016-2017
Eco-Forest Lab This project received EcoAction funding to develop and demonstrate low-impact forest management and sustainable forestry practices to private woodlot owners. This is an effort to improve land and water conservation in Nova Scotia. More than half of Nova Scotia’s forests are privately owned and have been severely damaged by clear-cutting practices. Project activities include: creation of nursery sites, restoration of forest habitats, development of a seed-saving library, development of a long-term forestry management plan, and community education through workshops. The Deanery Project Nature 2 2016-2017
Trout Lake Hazardous Waste Clean Up Project This project received EcoAction funding to take inventory, and then consolidate hazardous waste that has accumulated in the community landfill. The project will help to reduce pollution in surrounding waterways. Project activities include: quantifying hazardous waste, removal of hazardous waste, and community engagement and education on proper disposal of hazardous waste. Ecology North Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Trout Creek Restoration Project This project received EcoAction funding to engage local students and community volunteers in restoring the health of the Trout Creek watershed. Local students and community volunteers will be engaged in restoration activities taking place on former pasture land. This land is susceptible to erosion and contributes to phosphorous loading in the watershed. Project activities include: tree planting, stabilization of erodible areas, and community engagement and education. Trout Creek Watershed Action Group Nature 2 2016-2017
Citywide Park Naturalizations for Healthy Ecosystems and Healthy Communities This project received EcoAction funding to engage businesses, community organizations, and schools in tree planting to improve forest habitat and water quality in the Thames River watershed. This project supports the City’s 2015 Urban Forest Strategy for a sustainable environment. Project activities include: forest habitat restoration, riparian buffer area restoration, tree planting, and community engagement and education. ReForest London Nature 2 2016-2017
McLaughlin Bay Restoration Project – Shoreline Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to use bioengineering techniques like the installation of root wads and man-made peninsulas to stabilize and protect shoreline and improve water quality. This project follows recommendations made by the McLaughlin Bay Restoration Strategy, created in 2013. Project activities include: invasive species removal, tree planting, installation of habitat structures, and community engagement. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Nature 2 2016-2017
Connecting Pollinator Plants and Urban Biodiversity: Growing a connection with newcomers to Canada This project received EcoAction funding to develop an educational program on urban biodiversity to improve habitat for pollinator species. Newcomers to Canada and community members will be engaged to participate in this program. Project activities include: education program development, tree planting, and community engagement and education. The Living City Foundation Nature 2 2016-2017
Oshawa Second Marsh Drawdown Restoration Project This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality and habitat in the Oshawa Second Marsh. The marsh has been highly impacted by human activity and surrounding land use. Project activities include: mimicking natural water level fluctuations that keep wetlands healthy, removal of invasive species, and installation of wildlife structures. Ducks Unlimited Canada-NS Nature 2 2016-2017
Habitat Connections Niagara This project received EcoAction funding to create and enhance wildlife habitat through the naturalization of former agricultural fields in Short Hills Provincial Park. Project sites will be planted with native meadow vegetation to increase flora and fauna biodiversity. Project activities include: tree planting, installation of wildlife structures, and community engagement and education. Niagara Restoration Council Nature 2 2016-2017
Reducing Runoff in the Rideau Valley This project received EcoAction funding to deliver sustainable drainage workshops to educate residents on how land use activities are impacting our waterways. Altered shorelines and developed areas with impermeable surfaces have led to increased sedimentation, erosion, and reduction of water recharge in the Rideau Valley Watershed. Project activities include: educational workshops, shoreline restoration, run-off reduction projects, tree planting, and community engagement and education. Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Accelerated Strategic Securement of a Great Lake’s Coastal Habitat This project received EcoAction funding to secure ecologically significant habitat in the Georgian Bay through a strategic land securement process. The integrity of Georgian Bay and the species at risk that reside in the area are under significant threat because of habitat loss and fragmentation. Project activities include: creation of a land securement strategy and the development of communication materials for landowners. The Georgian Bay Trust Foundation, Inc. Nature 2 2016-2017
Clean Water Initiative This project received EcoAction funding to improve fish and wildlife habitat as well as water quality within the Sydenham River Watershed. This area has lost 90% of its historic natural cover, primarily due to agricultural production which has a negative effect on water quality. Project activities include: tree planting, invasive species removal, and creation of wetlands. Rural Lambton Stewardship Network Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Phosphorus Reduction through Restoration Techniques Along Two Watercourses This project received EcoAction funding to reduce sedimentation associated with municipal drains to improve water quality in both Norfolk County and Niagara on the Lake. Creeks in the area have high concentrations of sedimentation and phosphorous loading. This is caused by increased flow conditions due to urban development. Project activities include: creation of riparian buffer zones, tree planting, bank stabilization, installation of rock riffles and pools to control water velocity and sedimentation, and community engagement and education. Drainage Investment Group (DIG) Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Habitat Enhancement on Key Kawartha Properties This project received EcoAction funding to protect, maintain, and enhance the ecological integrity of land in the Kawartha Region. Natural habitats in this region are vulnerable to pressures such as development, agriculture, and the introduction of non-native species. Project activities include: development of stewardship plans, tree planting, and invasive species removal. Kawartha Land Trust Nature 2 2016-2017
Manitoulin Streams 2016/2017 Rehabilitation Projects This project received EcoAction funding to restore degraded aquatic ecosystems on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron. The combination of bank erosion, sedimentation, lack of in-stream habitat, and lack of riparian vegetation and canopy has impacted critical spawning and aquatic habitat. Project activities include: bank stabilization, tree planting, and re-establishment of natural stream channel form. Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association Nature 2 2016-2017
Green Economy Kingston This project received EcoAction funding to engage and mentor businesses in Kingston to reduce the effects of climate change by implementing greenhouse gas reduction strategies. Project activities include: workshops, one-on-one mentoring, greenhouse gas reduction tracking, and community engagement and education. Sustainable Kingston Climate Change 1 2016-2017
Reducing Toxic and Hazardous Waste in the Health Care Community This project received EcoAction funding to reduce toxic and hazardous waste generated by health care facility operations. Through the identification, implementation, and evaluation of innovative, toxic-free technologies and chemical use strategies, water quality will be improved. Project activities include: reduction of toxic waste, introduction of safer alternatives, development of best practices to reduce chemicals in health care facilities, webinars, and outreach materials for community education. Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Resilient Rouge: Watershed Stewardship Project This project received EcoAction funding to protect and enhance the biodiversity and function of local habitat in the Rouge River Watershed. Conservation reports by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority indicate that the natural terrestrial coverage within the Rouge River Watershed is fragmented and poorly distributed. To help restore the area, participants will take part in hands-on environmental restoration, stewardship and educational activities in key spaces along the Rouge River. Project activities include: environmental restoration, stewardship and educational activities, tree planting, installation of habitat structures, and community engagement and education. Evergreen (Toronto) Nature 2 2016-2017
Elgin Stewardship Council Habitat Enhancement Project This project received EcoAction funding to increase community awareness and address biodiversity issues through the direct involvement of landowners in habitat restoration projects. The locations chosen for restoration have been designated as high priority areas in the Elgin Landscape Strategy. Project activities include: tree planting, restoration of riparian zones, creation of tallgrass prairie, and community engagement and education. Elgin Stewardship Council Nature 2 2016-2017
Wildlife Biodiversity Action Plan This project received EcoAction funding to restore and conserve habitat and biodiversity in the City of Summerside with the help and cooperation of private landowners. Through the development of a wildlife habitat inventory, a strategic plan will be created to conserve and restore the natural systems around the city. This initiative will engage students and members of the public to completing restoration activities Summerside. Project activities include: creation of an inventory of wildlife habitats, development of a strategic conservation and restoration plan, and community engagement and education. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Nature 2 2016-2017
Healthy Watersheds, A Sustainable Balance This project received EcoAction funding to restore the ecological health of watersheds in Central Prince County and reduce the negative impact of invasive plant species. Project activities include: implementation of management or restoration activities, tree planning, development of a beaver management plan, and community engagement and education. Richmond Bay Watershed Association Inc. Nature 2 2016-2017
Reducing Water Extraction from Winter River Through Conservation This project received EcoAction funding to develop a water conservation program with households and businesses. It will demonstrate how much water can be saved when people are given the support, tools, and information needed to conserve water. All water used by residents in this area comes from groundwater; therefore groundwater quality is critical. Project activities include: community engagement and education. Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Inc. Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Increasing Biodiversity of Tree & Shrub Species in Riparian Zones This project received EcoAction funding to increase riparian zone forest biodiversity around Kensington. The ecological health of the area has suffered because of repeated tree harvesting and damaged riparian buffer zones. Project activities include: tree planting and community engagement and education. Kensington North Watersheds Association Nature 2 2016-2017
Supporting Conservation Guardians as Local Stewards of Natural Areas on Prince Edward Island This project received EcoAction funding to establish a Conservation Guardian program. The project includes a commitment to enhance and protect natural areas across Kings, Queens, and Prince counties. Project activities include: restoration of forests, fields, and salt marshes, stream restoration, installation of wildlife structures, and community engagement and education. Island Nature Trust Nature 2 2016-2017
Savage Harbour Ecological Rehabilitation Project This project received EcoAction funding to create a management plan for the Savage Harbour Watershed and to undertake restoration work to help mitigate previous damage from human activities. The project will engage local youth and Indigenous groups in strategic activities to improve the health of the watershed. Project activities include: tree planting and community engagement and education. Abegweit Conservation Society Nature 2 2016-2017
Restoring Biodiversity and Improving Wildlife Habitat in Public Spaces This project received EcoAction funding to improve the health and diversity of Prince Edward Island’s degraded forest system. Through the creation of demonstration sites, woodlot owners and members of the public will learn about the importance of biodiversity to our quality of life and a sustainable economy. They will also learn how they can increase biodiversity on their own lands. Project activities include: tree planting, tours and workshops, and community engagement and education. Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island Nature 2 2016-2017
Voluntary conservation of wetlands in an ecological corridor This project received EcoAction funding to protect forested wetlands in an ecological corridor and associated riparian buffer zone between the Tantaré Ecological Reserve and the Jacques-Cartier National Park in Quebec. Project activities include: voluntary wetland conservation programs on private lands, and community engagement and education. Corporation du bassin de la Jacques-Cartier Nature 2 2016-2017
Project to create and promote a regional network of park-and-ride lots to encourage carpooling and other alternatives to driving solo This project received EcoAction funding to encourage ride sharing in the Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean region to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Project activities include: establishing and promoting incentive parking lots specifically for ride sharing, signing agreements with parking lot owners, and community engagement. Conseil régional de l’environnement et du développement durable du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean (CREDD) Climate Change 1 2016-2017
Green Poitevin This project received EcoAction funding to carry out an urban greening initiative in Montreal’s Plateau Mont-Royal Borough to help mitigate the effects of climate change. Project activities include: tree planting and community engagement. la Maison d’Aurore Climate Change 1 2016-2017
Working together on Rougemont Mountain This project received EcoAction funding to support the community in developing solutions to protect sensitive natural habitats on Mount Rougemont. The project will educate residents on how to reduce threats to biodiversity, and provide tools to a network of volunteers to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project. Project activities include: tree planting and community engagement and education. Association du mont Rougemont Nature 2 2016-2017
Protection of validated natural corridors on the territory of the Appalachian Corridor This project received EcoAction funding to protect and develop natural ecological corridors critical to maintaining biodiversity between Mont-Orford National Park and the Green Mountains region. The project will provide education on habitat connectivity to landowners in high-priority natural corridors and encourage them to commit to conserving and protecting their properties. Project activities include: development of landowner agreements as well as community engagement and education. Corridor appalachien Nature 2 2016-2017
Greening project for heat island mitigation in Sainte-Marie This project received EcoAction funding to create a green alleyway in the Sainte-Marie neighbourhood of east-end Montreal to help reduce the negative effects of climate change. Creating a green alleyway will help protect biodiversity and create a cool, dense oasis of greenery. This will improve the urban environment and the quality of life residents. Project activities include: excavation, tree planting, installation of rain barrels and composters, and community engagement and education. Société écocitoyenne de Montréal Climate Change 1 2016-2017
Protecting biodiversity and water quality in Abenaki Lake This project received EcoAction funding to control the spread of the invasive species, Eurasian water-milfoil, to protect biodiversity and water quality in Lac des Abénaquis. Where possible, the invasive plant will be manually pulled by volunteer divers while larger populations will be covered by biodegradable fabric. Project activities include: training volunteer divers, installing biodegradable fabric, and community engagement and education. Association des riverains du lac des Abénaquis (ARLA) Nature 2 2016-2017
Reducing the impact of Stoneham Mountain Resort on sediment and nutrient inputs to the Hibou River This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality in the Hibou River by installing landscape features to reduce sediment and nutrient runoff entering the river from the Stoneham Mountain Resort. Project activities include: landscaping and tree planting. Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac Saint-Charles et des Marais du Nord Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Clean water below my feet This project received EcoAction funding to carry out awareness activities and landscaping to reduce the risks of groundwater contamination in the municipality of Saint-Raymond. Project activities include: landowner agreements, tree planting, recharging of wells, and community engagement and education. CAPSA Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Restoration of Pointe de Moisie This project received EcoAction funding to restore Pointe de Moisie, an important cultural and ecological site for the Innu community. A lot of biological diversity at this site has been lost because of human activities. Project activities include: community clean-ups, tree planting, and community engagement and education. Conseil régional de l'environnement de la Côte-Nord Nature 2 2016-2017
Ecological restoration of a segment of Beloeil Stream in the industrial park of Sainte-Julie This project received EcoAction funding to increase biodiversity in a section of Beloeil Stream in the Sainte-Julie Industrial Park to restore the local ecosystem. As part of the restoration, a wildlife corridor that links the stream to Mount St. Bruno forested land will be established. Project activities include: bank stabilization, tree planting, workshops, development of an environmental best practices guide, and community engagement and education. Groupe ProConseil Nature 2 2016-2017
Saskatchewan Lake Shoreline Outreach Project This project received EcoAction funding to engage shoreline property owners in four Saskatchewan watersheds in education and restoration activities to improve shoreline habitat. Participating lake stewardship groups and individuals will have their shorelines assessed and will receive an assessment report summarizing the shoreline data collected. Project activities include: debris removal, invasive species removal, erosion control, and community engagement and education. Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds Clean Water 0 2016-2017
The IS Challenge This project received EcoAction funding to engage youth in the Weed-Warrior program. This program involves hands-on activities to educate students on the removal of invasive species. Students will also learn about invasive species issues, identification, and management strategies. Project activities include: implementation of management and/or restoration activities and community engagement and education. Yukon Invasive Species Council (YISC) Clean Water 0 2016-2017
Taking Climate Change Action at Home This project received EcoAction funding to help Calgary residents take action to decrease water and energy use and increase composting. Project activities include workshops, community engagement and education. Green Calgary Association Climate Change 1 2015-2016
Haysboro Community Park This project received EcoAction funding to conserve land by creating a sustainable natural park which will help promote environmental stewardship. Project activities include: demonstrating principles of permaculture, tree planting, and community engagement. Haysboro Community Association Nature 2 2015-2016
Healthy Watershed Runoff Management This project received EcoAction funding to reduce the amount of external nutrients entering the Pigeon Lake Watershed to improve water quality. By creating demonstration sites and using social engagement, the community will show the effect of nutrients on water quality. Project activities include: the creation of demonstration sites, shoreline restoration, tree planting, installation of wildlife structures, water surveys, and community engagement and education. Pigeon Lake Watershed Association Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Riparian Rehabilitation: Invasive Species Removal and Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to combat the spread of invasive species from riparian areas to better protect biodiversity and improve water quality. Project activities include: invasive species removal, tree planting, garbage clean-ups, and community engagement. Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Riparian Areas Restoration and Aquatic Species and Habitat Survey in the Vermilion River, AB This project received EcoAction funding to survey aquatic species and their habitat in the Vermilion River to develop indicators of aquatic ecosystem health and water quality. Project activities include: shoreline restoration, development of indicators, and implementing recommendations from the Vermilion Watershed Management Plan. North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance Nature 2 2015-2016
Wetland & Riparian Wetland & Riparian Habitat Restoration in Whistler This project received EcoAction funding to restore and protect riparian habitat in Whistler to improve biodiversity in the area. Project activities include invasive species removal, tree planting, and community engagement. Sea to Sky Invasive Species Council Nature 2 2015-2016
South Shawnigan Creek Proper Functioning Condition Assessment, Mapping & Rehabilitation This project received EcoAction funding to undertake stream restoration activities in Shawnigan Lake to improve its biodiversity. Project activities will help inform future land-use decisions. The activities will also provide a better understanding of the effects of current land-use on drinking water, fish habitat, irrigation, recreation, and community values. Projects activities include tree planting, development of a publically available map, use of a database of Shawnigan Lake tributaries, and the collection verification, and interpretation of ecological and land-use information to better understand the current condition of streams around the lake. Shawnigan Lake School Foundation Clean Water 0 2015-2016
“One Man’s Waste…Another Person’s Resource”! This project received EcoAction funding to bio-filter grey water and rain water for irrigation purposes at the Ecovillage in Shawnigan Lake. The project will educate community residents about the benefits of water conservation and waste diversion. Project activities include development and implementation of a demonstration site and community education. OUR Community Association Clean Water 0 2015-2016
West Creek Watershed Enhancement This project received EcoAction funding to provide streamside residents in the Langley district with practical advice on common land management issues. This activity will help improve riparian restoration efforts. Restoration work will take place on properties designed to enhance and protect critical habitat for native and at-risk species. Project activities include tree planting, landowner engagement and education. Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS) Nature 2 2015-2016
Lower Hume Park Habitat Restoration and Protection This project received EcoAction funding to protect aquatic habitat along the lower Brunette River in lower Hume Park. The project will help to restore the riparian zone through activities such as invasive plant removal, tree planting, and bank stabilization. Evergreen (Vancouver) Nature 2 2015-2016
Demonstrating Water- and Climate-wise Landscaping Practices in Canada’s Driest Region This project received EcoAction funding to restore a disturbed, once natural area in the South Okanagan. Restoration efforts will improve biodiversity in this particular area. Project activities include tree planning, implementing rainfall-based water technologies, and community engagement. Friends of the Summerland Ornamental Gardens Nature 2 2015-2016
Restoration of an Endangered Coastal Douglas-fir Shoreline Forest This project received EcoAction funding to enhance the habitat of coastal ancient forest on the Gulf Islands. The goal is to improve biodiversity and increase land conservation. Restoration treatments will shift degraded areas, currently filled with invasive species, towards a healthy natural ecosystem. Project activities include invasive species removal and control, tree planting, installation of nesting boxes, community engagement, and education. Galiano Conservancy Association Nature 2 2015-2016
Community Stewardship & Public Outreach for the Diversity Conservation Strategy for the Okanagan Region This project received EcoAction funding to help implement the recommendations of the “Biodiversity Conservation Strategy for the Okanagan Region.” The project will engage community members in wildlife enhancement projects to improve biodiversity and conservation. Project activities include: tree planting, education roadshows, community engagement, and education. Allan Brooks Nature Centre Society Nature 2 2015-2016
Munson Pond Park Naturalization This project received EcoAction funding to remove invasive species to expand the riparian area in the City of Kelowna. Beyond the riparian area, upland forest will be re-established to create a fully functioning natural ecosystem. Project activities include removal of invasive species, tree planting, and the installation of wildlife structures. Central Okanagan Land Trust Nature 2 2015-2016
Creative Upcycling in Stanley Park This project received EcoAction funding to re-purpose English Ivy by creating bio-netting materials to stabilize slopes in restoration sites to better conserve the natural area. The project will also look at re-purposing invasive species for artistic and ecological uses. Project activities include installation of bio-netting materials for slope stabilization, invasive species re-purposing, community engagement, and education. Stanley Park Ecology Society Nature 2 2015-2016
Urban Forest Good Neighbours This project received EcoAction funding to engage the citizens of Victoria in practical solutions to address significant conservation issues in their community.. Project activities include learning activities and community engagement. Habitat Acquisition Trust Nature 2 2015-2016
Caring for our Watersheds This project received EcoAction funding to provide Manitoba students with the opportunity to propose solutions that will help improve the ecology and water quality of their watersheds. . Project activities include: tree planting, waste reduction activities, community engagement and education. Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre This project received EcoAction funding for land conservation in order to develop a wildlife rehabilitation centre that will serve as a safe haven for injured wildlife. Project activities include: the installation of a shelterbelt, landscaping, the creation of a wetland, installation of wildlife structures, community engagement, and education. Manitoba Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization Inc. o/a Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre Nature 2 2015-2016
RAIN - Soak It Up, Winnipeg This project received EcoAction funding to engage Winnipeg homeowners on the issue of urbanization impacts on lakes and streams. Through workshops, citizens will learn practical solutions to improve water quality. Project activities include tree planting, do-it-yourself workshops, community engagement, and education. Manitoba Eco-Network Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Education for Conservation: Prairie Pollinators and Benefical Insects. This project received EcoAction funding to help educate Winnipeg residents about the environmental importance of pollinating insects to help conserve pollinator species. Project activities include: collecting, curating, and presenting local pollinator species found in tall grass prairie habitats, as well as tree planting, and community education. Living Prairie Museum Nature 2 2015-2016
ReCycle This project received EcoAction funding to repair bicycles using materials reclaimed from the waste stream. The objective is to reduce greenhouse gases and waste entering landfills. The program will help the public learn how to repair bikes from used materials. Project activities also include the collection of recycled bicycles, community education, and engagement. The WRENCH, Winnipeg Repair Education and Cycling Hub Climate Change 1 2015-2016
Encouraging the Transition from Coal to Ecological Biomass in Manitoba's Hutterite Colonies This project received EcoAction funding to protect natural habitat, improve tree harvesting practices, and help reduce the use of coal in Manitoba by demonstrating the environmental and economic benefits of using bioenergy from ecological biomass. Project activities include: converting biomass to bioenergy, ensuring the sustainable harvest of biomass, community engagement, and education. International Institute for Sustainable Development Climate Change 1 2015-2016
Lake Unique watershed plan to fight against cyanobacteria This project received EcoAction funding to eliminate blue-green algae blooms in Lac Unique to improve water quality. Project activities include: encouraging landowners to sign commitments to adopt water quality management practices, tree planting, removing beaver dams, and community engagement and education. Comité de l’aménagement rural du Nord-Ouest Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Restoration of river zones of the Petite Riviere Tracadie This project received EcoAction funding to assess a riparian buffer zone and create a watershed management plan for the Tracadie River and Bay. The project will also encourage waterfront property owners to modify their habits for the good of the watershed. Project activities include: assessment of a riparian buffer zone, development of an inventory and map of the watershed, and community engagement and education. Association des Bassins Versants de la Grande et Petite Rivière Tracadie Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Wood Stove Change-Out This project received EcoAction funding to improve energy efficiency through the replacement of older wooden stoves with more efficient EPA stoves. Along with the replacement program, the project will also educate citizens on proper burning methods that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Project activities include: replacing wood stoves with efficient EPA stoves and, community engagement and education. New Brunswick Lung Association Clean Air 3 2015-2016
Environmental action to improve river zones and Maltempec stream This project received EcoAction funding to restore and conserve habitat through actions taken by riverfront property owners to improve water quality along the Maltempec stream. Commitments will be made by property owners to protect biodiversity and adopt water quality best management practices. Project activities include: tree planting, and community engagement and education. Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche Nature 2 2015-2016
Establishment and conservation of the Slippery Mitten Nature Preserve This project received EcoAction funding to protect, maintain, and restore land near Hainesville, New Brunswick to create the Slippery Mitten Nature Preserve. This nature preserve will contain old growth forest that has been damaged by human activities, streams, and various habitats for a variety of wildlife. Local residents will be encouraged to become involved with the conservation efforts. Project activities include: the development of a stewardship group for the area, tree planting, and community engagement and education. Nature Trust of New Brunswick Inc. Nature 2 2015-2016
Strengthening long-term protection of Chimney Swifts and their habitats in Canadian Maritime communities This project received EcoAction funding to protect the habitat for the threatened Chimney Swift species in Hampton, New Brunswick and Bear River, Nova Scotia. Chimney Swift populations have declined by 95% in the Maritimes over the last 40 years due to the loss of old growth forest. This initiative will conserve two wildlife structures and protect two habitats, and educate the local populations about the importance of the birds to the local ecosystem. Project activities include: the installation of wildlife structures, protection of the chimneys, and community education. Bird Studies Canada (NB) Nature 2 2015-2016
Conservation of the Natural Heritage of the Cocagne Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to restore two riverbank zones to create a permanent biodiversity demonstration site. In collaboration with the Mi’kmaw Conservation Group, the project will encourage landowners to sign stewardship agreements to conserve land. Project activities include: the identification of conservation areas, signing of stewardship agreements for the land, workshops and traditional knowledge-sharing activities, development of a website, and community engagement and education. Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne Nature 2 2015-2016
Improvement of the biodiversity in the green spaces of the Upper Saint John region This project received EcoAction funding to restore four at-risk natural sites on the lands of the Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, the City of Edmundston, and the Municipality of Baker Lake in New Brunswick. Through clean-ups and the planting of trees, the project will create conservation and biodiversity demonstration sites for the communities that will be permanently protected. Project activities include: site clean-ups, tree planting, the creation of demonstration sites, and community engagement and education. Société d’aménagement de la rivière Madawaska et du lac Témiscouata Nature 2 2015-2016
Reducing Debris and Protecting Biodiversity in Coastal Habitats of Newfoundland and Labrador This project received EcoAction funding to protect coastal biodiversity through the prevention of dumping solid waste at sea, on waterfronts, and on coastal landscapes in the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland. Through collaboration with the community, the shorelines will be cleaned to improve water quality. Project activities include: shoreline clean-ups, data collection on the type and weight of waste collected, development of a waste bin for onboard small vessels, and community engagement and education. Quebec-Labrador Foundation Nature 2 2015-2016
NunatuKavut conserving eider duck breeding habitat in southern Labrador This project received EcoAction funding to restore Eider Duck habitat in southern Labrador to increase biodiversity in the area. Volunteers will locate and repair existing nesting boxes and identify new locations to construct boxes. Project activities include: repairing existing nesting boxes, installing new nesting boxes, monitoring the use of nesting boxes, and community engagement and education. NunatuKavut Community Council Inc. Nature 2 2015-2016
Riparian Zone Remediation in the Rennies River/Leary’s Brook Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to stabilize stream banks to improve water quality in damaged areas in the Rennies River/Leary’s Brook Watershed. Along with shoreline cleanups, the proponent will work with city managers to implement remediation measures to ensure the sustainability of the project. Project activities include: shoreline cleanups, removal of invasive species, tree planting, implementation of remediation measures, and community education. Northeast Avalon ACAP (Atlantic Coastal Action Program) Inc. Nature 2 2015-2016
DUC Wetland Conservation through Community Action in NL This project received EcoAction funding to enhance waterfowl habitat and increase wetland and waterfowl conservation awareness across Newfoundland and Labrador. To improve habitat, nesting boxes for cavity nesting ducks and nesting shelters will be installed and monitored for the common eider. Project activities include: building and installing nesting boxes, monitoring the nesting boxes, workshops on waterfowl conservation, and community engagement and education. Ducks Unlimited Canada-NS Nature 2 2015-2016
Rines Brook (‘the bridge’) Habitat Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to remove debris and protect stream habitat along the Rines Brook to improve water quality. Water quality has declined due to illegal dumping and erosion throughout the brook, and to ensure sustainability of the project the community will be educated on the impact of human and industrial waste on water quality. Project activities include: shoreline cleanups, workshops on water quality, training on water quality monitoring techniques, and community engagement and education. Mi'kmaw Conservation Group, The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq Nature 2 2015-2016
Safe in the City: protecting urban birds and other wildlife through community engagement This project received EcoAction funding to modify cat-owner behavior and knowledge of predatory cats in Halifax and Dartmouth. An estimated 100-350 million migratory birds are killed by cats annually. Using community-based social marketing, the project will increase awareness of the detrimental affect predatory cats have on the migratory bird populations in the area. Project activities include: increasing awareness and encouraging cat owners to keep their cats indoors and protecting urban landscape for migratory bird. Ecology Action Centre Nature 2 2015-2016
Growing Ecological Health in the Annapolis River Watershed This project received EcoAction funding to improve ecological health in the Annapolis River watershed through the improvement of shoreline and water quality. Project activities include: restoration of shorelines and degraded forests, tree planting, and stewardship agreements with landowners in the watershed. Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) Nature 2 2015-2016
Lead Free Tackle & Ammunition Exchange Program This project received EcoAction funding to reach out to hunters and anglers and First Nations organizations and individuals across Atlantic Canada to exchange traditional lead ammunition and tackle with environmentally friendly alternatives. Through educational workshops, the project will help hunters and anglers understand the impact of lead on wildlife and make more informed decisions regarding ammunition and tackle choices. Project activities include: community engagement and education. Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Nature 2 2015-2016
Clean Camps, Clean Coasts This project received EcoAction funding to promote and implement waste management strategies in remote areas .In many remote areas, Canada’s Indigenous people practice traditional activities. Many remote areas are also significant for the well-being of wildlife. This project will help ensure more conservation of biodiversity. Project activities include shoreline clean-ups and community engagement, which will help ensure better conservation of biodiversity. World Wildlife Fund Canada Nature 2 2015-2016
Medway Creek Restoration Project This project received EcoAction funding to plant riparian buffers in agricultural areas along Medway Creek to increase forest cover and improve water quality. Tree planting will increase biodiversity, create a habitat corridor, and help return the creek back to its natural state. Project activities include: tree planting, bank stabilization, creation of a habitat corridor, and increasing buffer areas along the creek. Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Nature 2 2015-2016
Dorchester Watershed Natural Enhancement Project – Phase 2 This project received EcoAction funding to increase biodiversity within riparian areas in the Upper Thames River watershed. Tree planting will help protect the watercourse by filtering the water before it enters the stream, removing agricultural and urban pollutants from the runoff. Project activities include: tree planting and the installation of nesting structures. Dorchester Watershed Action Committee Nature 2 2015-2016
Kawartha Stormwater Stewardship This project received EcoAction funding to implement low impact design features to reduce storm water runoff entering the Kawartha Lakes. Reducing the number of waterproof surfaces that cause runoff to collect and transport pollutants, nutrients, and sediments directly to Kawartha Lakes will help improve water quality in the lakes. Waterproof surfaces disrupt the natural water cycle and cause low flow and flooding. Three demonstration sites will be created to highlight storm water landscaping design and permeable paving options. Project activities include: implementing low impact design features, tree planting, and community engage and education. Kawartha Region Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Rondeau Bay Watershed Inland Riparian Improvement Program This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality and increase natural habitat cover in the river systems within the Rondeau Bay watershed. Changes in land cover, intensive land-use practices, and the drainage and damming of streams have significantly affected aquatic health in this watershed. Project activities include: the establishment of native prairie habitat, tree planting, community engagement, and education workshops. Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Nature 2 2015-2016
Blooms for Bees in Niagara This project received EcoAction funding to restore the habitat necessary for bumblebees and other pollinators to maintain a healthy population in the Niagara region. Bumblebees and other pollinators are becoming increasingly threatened due to habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, pesticide use, and the presence of non-native species. Project activities include: restoration of pollinator habitat, tree planting and installation of habitat structures. Niagara Restoration Council Nature 2 2015-2016
Manitoulin Streams 2015/2016 Rehabilitation Projects This project received EcoAction funding to restore degraded aquatic ecosystems around Manitoulin Island and improve water quality. Lack of riparian vegetation, split river flow, water flow fluctuations, and livestock accessing the water have negatively affected spawning and aquatic habitats. Project activities include: the narrowing and deepening of the channel to improve the river bottom substrate, creating pools, tree planting, and installation of cattle fencing. Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association Nature 2 2015-2016
Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems in the St. Clair River Delta This project has received EcoAction funding to restore land within the St. Clair River delta on Walpole Island. The Walpole Island First Nation will work to reduce biodiversity loss and improve habitat for wildlife and plants. The Walpole Island wetlands are ecologically valuable for the Great Lakes, and support a variety of marsh birds and wildlife. Project activities include: removal of invasive species, planting of native species, and community engagement. Walpole lsland First Nation - Walpole lsland Heritage Centre Nature 2 2015-2016
Phase Three - Six Streams Ecosystems Protection and Restoration This project received EcoAction funding to implement strategies to improve biodiversity within watercourses running into Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. The Bruce Peninsula is home to several at risk species. A nearshore aquatic ecosystem supports important spawning, nursery, and forage habitat. Project activities include: fence installation to keep cattle out of the streams, reducing pollution and run-off from agricultural fields, and the installation of water control structures to control nutrient loss and soil erosion. Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Restoring Riparian Buffers and Engaging Communities This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality by restoring riparian buffer zones around wetlands in Essex County, Ontario. Riparian buffers around wetlands are critical ecological components that allow the wetland to function at a higher level and connect the wetland to upland habitats. Project activities include tree planting and the direct seeding of herbaceous native species. Essex Region Conservation Authority Nature 2 2015-2016
Garvey-Glenn Basin 6 Erosion Control This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality and reduce the negative effects of erosion in Garvey Creek. The Garvey-Glenn watershed has high rates of soil erosion and a history of water quality issues. Project activities include: installation of grassed waterways and berms with French drains that will reduce the velocity and volume of water. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Wetland Restoration in Three Target Watershed Areas of Prince Edward Island This project received EcoAction funding to restore wetland and associated upland habitats in Percival Bay, Hillsborough River, and St. Peters Bay to improve water quality. The improved habitats will provide a home for various species of waterfowl and wildlife, as well as function as a natural water filter to improve water quality. Project activities include: identification of restoration sites, providing landowners with information packages, and community engagement. Ducks Unlimited Canada (Charlottetown) Nature 2 2015-2016
Enhancing Songbird Habitats within Agricultural Landscapes This project received EcoAction funding to enhance biodiversity and strengthen ecosystems by improving the migration of shrub and forest-edge migratory nesting birds. Due to heavy deforestation, many nesting sites and protective cover used by migratory birds have been destroyed, resulting in a decrease in populations. Project activities include: installation of nesting boxes, restoring the natural habitat, and partnering with landowners to restore fragmented riparian habitat corridors for migratory birds. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Nature 2 2015-2016
Riparian zone and stream enhancement on the Winter River and Tracadie Bay Watersheds This project received EcoAction funding to restore tributaries leading into Tracadie Bay to improve water quality. Through the planting of trees near agricultural lands, silt runoff into streams and rivers will be reduced. Project activities include: tree planting, a watershed survey, development of a management plan, and community engagement and education. Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Inc. Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Trout River Riparian Ecosystem Restoration Project This project received EcoAction funding to improve riparian habitat throughout the Trout River watershed in order to improve water quality. Riparian areas will be restored through the planting of trees and shrubs. New ways to reduce the volume of silt entering the waterways will also be implemented and monitored. Project activities include: tree planting, development and implementation of strategies to reduce silt, and installation of cover logs to improve fish habitat. Trout River Environmental Committee, Inc. Nature 2 2015-2016
Compost by the ton! This project received EcoAction funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the creation of composting sites in primary and secondary schools, and in community organizations. The students and community members will also learn about the sustainable management of organic residue. Project activities include: installation of composting sites and community engagement and education. La RHA pour la reconstruction harmonieuse de l'agriculture Climate Change 1 2015-2016
Revegetation of riparian strips on the lakes of Saint-Ferréol-les-Neiges This project received EcoAction funding to improve water quality through the restoration of shorelines of four lakes in Saint-Ferréol-les-Neiges, Quebec. Through tree and shrub planting, riparian zones will increase along the shorelines. This will help capture phosphorous and other sediments that affect water quality. Project activities include: tree planting and community engagement. Organisme de bassins versants Charlevoix-Montmorency Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Counter the loss of biodiversity in Lanaudière: awareness and reintroduction of the wild leek This project received EcoAction funding to improve biodiversity through the re-introduction of wild leek populations in the Lanaudière region of Quebec. Wild leeks planting sites will be protected through voluntary conservation agreements with landowners. Project activities include: planting of wild leeks, development of voluntary landowner agreements, and community engagement and education. Conseil régional de l'environnement de Lanaudière Nature 2 2015-2016
Protection through voluntary stewardship of 30 high-priority wetlands in the Centre-du-Québec Region This project received EcoAction funding for wetlands conservation in the Centre-du-Québec region. Urban expansion and non-sustainable forestry in the region results in the loss of valuable wetlands each year. Project activities include: plant and wildlife protection and the development and implementation of voluntary conservation agreements with landowners. Conseil régional de l'environnement Centre-du-Québec Nature 2 2015-2016
Raising awareness of forest owners with regard to species susceptible to forest management and integration of their forest needs in planning the Centre-du-Québec This project received EcoAction funding to raise awareness among private woodlot owners in the Centre-du-Québec region about the need for more habitat conservation of sensitive species. Project activities include: forest management improvements, development and implementation of voluntary conservation agreements with landowners, and community engagement and education. Agence forestière des Bois-Francs - AFBF Nature 2 2015-2016
Energy retrofit (efficient buildings, economical buildings!) This project received EcoAction funding to work with small businesses to determine potential energy and water-saving solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The project will also work local partners to provide water and energy saving public information sessions across Quebec. Project activities include: implementation of water and energy saving measures and community engagement and education. Écobâtiment Climate Change 1 2015-2016
Bank on ecodriving This project received EcoAction funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by promoting eco-driving methods in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region. Through education and awareness, drivers will be invited to take training and commit to changing their driving habits to reduce fuel consumption. Project activities include: community engagement and education. Conseil régional de l'environnement de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (CREAT) Climate Change 1 2015-2016
Construction of a footbridge in order to protect plant habitats of high ecological value in sugar maple- hickory Wildlife Sanctuary Marguerite D'Youville , an exceptional forest ecosystem This project received EcoAction funding to create a footbridge in a sugar maple-hickory stand to reduce the trampling of a rare plant located in the Marguerite-d’Youville Wildlife Reserve in Châteauguay, Quebec. Project activities include: tree planting and creation of the footbridge. Héritage Saint-Bernard inc. Nature 2 2015-2016
Jean-Milot Wooded Park Biodiversity This project received EcoAction funding to improve biodiversity by reducing the expansion of invasive species in the Jean-Milot woodlot in Montréal. Damaged areas will be restored through the removal of invasive species and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs. Project activities include: tree and shrub planting and community engagement and education. Comité de surveillance Louis-Riel-Hochelaga Nature 2 2015-2016
Cleaning activities 2015 This project received EcoAction funding to engage community members to help remove waste from waterways in the Estrie region of Quebec and improve water quality. Project activities include: removal of waste from waterways and community engagement. Action Saint-François Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Proposed Upton nature park: On foot, in the right place! This project received EcoAction funding to restore forest trails on the Upton peninsula in the Montérégie region of Quebec. This effort will help avoid the degradation of this forest. The municipality of Upton and other community partners will work together to close unauthorized trails and install signage and fencing to direct hikers to the authorized trail. Project activities include: restoration of trails, installation of signage and fences, and public education. Corporation de développement de la rivière Noire Nature 2 2015-2016
The Plan Bouchard woodlot: restoration and management of uses to benefit the community! This project received EcoAction funding to eliminate invasive species, close unauthorized dumps, and restrict the use of all-terrain vehicles in the Plan Bouchard woodlot in Blainville, Quebec. Project activities include: removing waste and invasive species, planting indigenous plants, installing information signs, and community engagement and education. Nature-Action Québec Nature 2 2015-2016
Project to conserve natural environments in Haut-Richelieu (east sector) This project received EcoAction funding to help conserve and protect forested land in the Haut-Richelieu region of Quebec. Landowners will be educated and engaged in conservation landowner agreements to protect their natural environments. Project activities include: development and implementation of voluntary landowner conservation agreements, training workshops, and community engagement and education. Centre d'interprétation du milieu écologique du Haut-Richelieu Nature 2 2015-2016
Saint-Pierre green hub This project received EcoAction funding to reduce ground temperature and greenhouse gas emissions in the Saint-Pierre neighbourhood of Lachine, Quebec. The project will add vegetation to parking lots and other areas in the neighbourhood. Project activities include: tree planting and community engagement and education. Pro-Vert Sud-Ouest Nature 2 2015-2016
Implementation of the ecosystem-based management strategy in the Appalachian region This project received EcoAction funding to put in place an ecosystem design strategy on private wood-producing lands in the Chaudières-Appalaches region on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, near Québec City. This strategy will promote forestry management practices and ensure conservation of the natural forest as well as maintain biodiversity in the area. Project activities include: implementation of an ecosystem design strategy, promotion of new forestry management methods, and community engagement and education. Agence de mise en valeur des forêts privées des Appalaches Nature 2 2015-2016
Greening local ICI spaces This project received EcoAction funding to increase green areas in the Montréal boroughs of Lachine and LaSalle to reduce heat islands. The project will focus on tree planning in areas dominated by factories, warehouses, parking lots, highways, businesses, and large residential complexes. Project activities include tree planting and increasing tree canopy coverage in Montréal. Groupe de recherche appliquée en macro-écologie (GRAME) Climate Change 1 2015-2016
From tree to forest This project received EcoAction funding to increase green areas, which will reduce heat islands in the municipality of Mont Saint-Hilaire, including the Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve. The municipality has also been experiencing a loss of tree cover due to damage from the presence of the emerald ash borer. Project activities include: tree planting and community engagement and education. Centre de la nature du mont Saint-Hilaire Nature 2 2015-2016
Cherry River Marsh and Fitch Bay conservation This project received EcoAction funding to raise awareness about the conservation of high value ecological land in the Cherry River Marsh ecosystem. Conservation activities in the marsh will also be used to take similar action in the area of Fitch Bay. Project activities include: development and implementation of voluntary conservation agreements with landowners and raising awareness throughout the community. Memphrémagog Conservation Inc. Nature 2 2015-2016
Greening project for heat island mitigation in Sainte-Marie This project received EcoAction funding to develop a green lane in a section of Montreal’s Hogan-Montgomery Lane to reduce “heat islands” in the city. The Emerald ash borer has caused tree loss in the area, resulting in increased temperatures. Project activities include: excavation, tree planting, and community engagement and education. Éco-quartier Sainte-Marie Climate Change 1 2015-2016
WUQWATR Wetland and Riparian Project This project received EcoAction funding to promote the source water protection plan of the Wascana Upper Qu'Appelle Watersheds surface and groundwater resources. Demonstration sites will be used to promote beneficial management practices for water resources. Project activities include: demonstration events, tree planting, community engagement, and education. Wascana and Upper Qu'Appelle Watersheds Association Taking Responsibility Inc. Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Development and Implementation of a Source Water Protection Plan for the Beardy’s and Okemasis First Nation and Area This project received EcoAction funding to develop a strategy for source water protection in the Beardy’s First Nation and Okemasis First Nation area. Beneficial management practices will be designed and implemented for ground and surface water to reduce flooding and improve water quality. Project activities include: installing riparian fencing and remote water systems, removal of wells, site clean-ups, debris removal, community engagement, and education. South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Old Wives Lake Protection and Enhancement Project This project received EcoAction funding to encourage and educate farmers on beneficial management practices for farms in the Old Wives Lake Watershed. This effort is to help maintain and in some areas, improve water quality in the Old Wives Lake Watershed. Project activities include community engagement and education using Farm Stewardship and Farm-Ranch Water Infrastructure Programs. Old Wives Watershed Association (OWWA) Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Thunder Creek Ground Water Protection Plan This project received EcoAction funding to develop a community-based ground water protection program for Thunder Creek Moose Jaw River Watershed Sub-basin. Project activities include: a groundwater contamination survey, well decommissioning, wellhead protection, and education on water well, wellhead, and groundwater management. Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards Inc. Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Mistawasis, Honour the Water This project received EcoAction funding to identify threats to ground and surface water quality through the development of a source water protection plan. The source water protection plan will identify actions people can take to mitigate and remove threats to good water quality. Project activities include development of the plan, shoreline restoration, community engagement and education. Mistawasis First Nation Clean Water 0 2015-2016
Riparian Conservation Program This project will support Alberta land owners who own degraded riparian property by providing funding for new fencing, watering systems and reforestation of 24,000 native tree seedlings to enhance and rehabilitate the quality of fish, wildlife and land for overall improvement to ecosystem health. A portion of this funding will also go toward ACA educational outreach events on riparian conservation and watershed protection. Alberta Conservation Association Clean Water 0 2014-2015
The Young Naturalist Club of Alberta (YNC) This project will engage Southern Alberta families in outdoor activities that focus on observing nature, scientific investigation, environmental stewardship and healthy-living. Focus is on fun, nature activities that are convenient, affordable and accessible through community and home-based programs. Federation of Alberta Naturalists Nature 2 2014-2015
Lac la Biche Water Stewardship Project This project will study, protect and stabilize the sensitive habit surrounding Lac la Biche in northern Alberta. Results will be shared with stakeholders to identify ways to further enhance important fish and wildlife habitats. Wildsight (Living Lakes Canada) Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Creation and establishment of a Victoria Area Green Team (VAGT) This three year project will run 50 stewardship and habitat restoration activities for youth, and at-risk youth, involving them in reforestation activities and removal of litter from municipal, regional and provincial parks. Green Teams of Canada Nature 2 2014-2015
The Seed Library and Community Nursery: Stories of our past and future This project will create a community nursery and seed library within a Victoria, BC social housing residence that will distribute native indigenous plants to hundreds of local residents at low or no cost. The Seed Library will create an open, publicly accessible seed exchange available throughout the year. Home is Where we Live - LifeCycles Project Society Nature 2 2014-2015
Restoring Salmon Access to Stanley Park Through this project, engineers will identify physical barriers preventing spawning ground access to adult salmon and coastal cut throat trout in Stanley Park and ensure future access through realignments to the seawall, waterfall weir and the construction of an estuary. Stanley Park Ecology Society Nature 2 2014-2015
Let’s Clear The Air This project’s goal is to educate First Nations communities in the Fraser River Basin on reducing air contaminants emitted by wood burning and will highlight practices to protect local airsheds, including the use of cleaner wood burning devices and environmentally friendly ways to burn and store wood. Fraser Basin Council Clean Air 3 2014-2015
Cowichan Shoreline Stewardship Project This project will educate and engage over 300 Cowichan Lake property owners to restore and protect 15 kilometers of riparian habitat for future watershed protection on Vancouver Island. Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship Society Nature 2 2014-2015
Restoring the Hopedale Floodplain: Phase 3 This project engages the local community in the restoration of the water quality and wildlife habitat in the Hopedale Floodplain by restoring riverbank areas and improving over-wintering and rearing salmon channels along Hopedale Slough. Fraser Valley Watersheds Coalition Nature 2 2014-2015
Restoring Habitat in Hawkins Creek This project will engage community groups in Hawkins Creek, YK to restore eight hectares of fish and riverbank habitat through hands-on activities geared to protect native plants and wildlife and improve water quality. Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Foundation Nature 2 2014-2015
Friends of Kootenay Lake Harrop Wetlands Restoration Project This project will educate the Kootenay Lake community about ways to improve local water quality and protect fish and wildlife habitat by reducing the disturbances to riverbank areas caused by motorized vehicles. West Kootenay Community EcoSociety Nature 2 2014-2015
Restoration Projects on Eastern Vancouver Island This project will educate and engage community within Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve and the Puntledge River Hatchery in Comox-Courtenay regions about ways to restore and enhance wetland areas in Eastern Vancouver Island. The project will also provide support to the design of Simms Millennium Park Wetland (Courtenay). British Columbia Wildlife Federation: Wetlands Education Program Nature 2 2014-2015
Building Biodiversity on the Urban Edge: Enhancing Habitat at UBC Farm This project will educate and engage the urban Vancouver community about the importance of bees and other native pollinators through planting bee hedgerows and installing bee nests at the UBC Farm. Shifting Growth Nature 2 2014-2015
Organic Waste Diversion This project will challenge 40,000 secondary school students in Delta and Surrey to implement effective systems to divert 326kg organic waste from landfills through action-oriented sustainability school projects. Indicators will measure the amount of organic waste diverted and the targeted reduction of 98,000kg of GHGs. Be the Change Earth Alliance Society Climate Change 1 2014-2015
Earthwise Rain Harvest This three year project will reduce water usage in an area experiencing serious drought. Public understanding of fresh water utilization will be increased by organizing annual “Rain Day” events and by setting up do-it-yourself garden initiatives including the design and installation of rain gardens. Earthwise Society Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Waste Reduction Road The goal of this three year project is to equip and educate Manitoban schools, students and parents to take action and reduce waste and GHG emissions which impact climate change. Six Northern schools will be funded directly while other schools interested in the project will be provided resources to conduct waste audits and reduce the amount of waste they create. Green Action Centre Climate Change 1 2014-2015
Assiniboine Park Forests Restoration Project The purpose of this project is engage volunteers to remove invasive species (buckthorn and caragana) from the Assiniboine forest in Winnipeg, and to restore 2,425 native species to increase biodiversity in both plant material as well as the birds and small mammals in the area. Assiniboine Park Conservancy Nature 2 2014-2015
Regional Outreach & Community Engagement Project This three-year project will engage rural Manitobans and youth in conservation and stewardship programs in Tall Grass Prairie, Riding Mountain and Fort Ellice nature areas of Southeast Manitoba. Activities will include engaging volunteers to remove invasive species and to manage and restore hundreds of acres of sensitive habitat. Nature Conservancy of Canada Nature 2 2014-2015
Conservation and recovery of the Burrowing Owl in Manitoba This purpose of this project is to locate and protect occupied burrowing owl nesting sites in Southwestern Manitoba. Public awareness campaigns will educate rural landowners about the owl and grassland environment and encourage enrollment in a voluntary landowner steward program to maintain, enhance, improve and protect species on their land. Assiniboine Park Zoo Nature 2 2014-2015
Improving an Industrial Riparian Area on Trout Creek The Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee (KWRC) will undertake a hybrid bioengineering project to improve riparian and aquatic habitat. The project will provide a workshop on "working near the water" to local commercial/ industrial stakeholders in order to encourage positive partnerships to improve the watershed's overall health. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Increasing Biodiversity in Shediac Bay Media description: Community members, students and employees of Shediac and SBWA will be involved in planting 1,000 trees and shrubs, and will receive training to ensure proper planting techniques to maximize tree survival. Project participants will also contribute to other educational public events, such as Tree Canada days. Presentations educating on biodiversity will be given to participating schools, and interpretation panels will be installed educating on rare species. Due to the loss of habitat and nesting sites, there has been a notable decline in bird populations. Sixty nesting boxes will be installed. The boxes will be selected on the basis of habitat; 5 to 10 boxes will be installed for each habitat in early spring or fall. Species targeted include bluebird, chickadee, as well as the wood duck and two-tone owl. Association du bassin versant de la Baie de Shédiac Nature 2 2014-2015
Cocagne Community Centre Environmental Management Project The Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group will restore and improve thme natural wetland habitat around the Cocagne Community Centre through the planting of 300 indigenous plants, trees and shrubs. Project results will form a community demonstration site showcasing the benefits of proper environmental management in riparian areas. Project results will improve the water quality of the Cocagne River and the Northumberland Strait. Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Eel River Bar First Nation Home Energy Monitors The Eel River Bar First Nation Home Energy Monitors project will reduce electrical consumption in Eel River Bar First Nation by providing residents with information about their energy consumption and best practises to reduce consumption. This project aims to reduce residential electrical consumption by 5-10%, reduce GHG emissions by 6.3 tonnes and conserve 30,000 kilowatt hours. New Brunswick Lung Association Climate Change 1 2014-2015
Petitcodiac River Watershed Water Guardian Project The Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance will work with different watershed users to become water stewards. The two year project will address water pollution concerns stemming from erosion, storm water management, water efficiency and riparian zone stripping. As a result, 25 hectares of habitat will be protected, overall water consumption will be reduced by 100,000 litres, and management or restoration actions will be implemented in 2000 hectares of habitat. Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Taking action to improve water quality in Pollard Brook The Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche (CGERP) will conduct a two-year project to restore Pollard Brook and raise community awareness of the importance of improving water quality. Work on Pollard Brook will include debris cleanup, planting 250 native trees and shrubs in riparian areas, and conducting a scoping survey on two hectares of riparian habitat and aquatic fauna. Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Protecting Biodiversity, Renewing Spirit in Newfoundland and Labrador Fishing Communities The Quebec-Labrador Foundation will lead a coastal and inshore community biodiversity restoration project. This project will address the recent increase in pollution and debris deposited and washes ashore along Newfoundland's northern peninsula and the southern coast of Labrador. Community residents will be engaged in clean-ups over several hectares of shoreline, in reducing oil and run-off pollution, stopping the practice of discharging waste overboard and on ice pans in winter. Quebec-Labrador Foundation Nature 2 2014-2015
Community based stewardship in Indian Bay and Bonavista North Region The Indian Bay Ecosystem Corporation will work with volunteers and community members to identify and implement habitat enhancement projects that improve biodiversity, wildlife habitat and water quality in the Indian Bay and Bonavista, North Region of Newfoundland and Labrador. This project will engage community members in environmental stewardship activities including information/training sessions, technical training on best management practices and through outreach activities at various community events. Indian Bay Ecosystem Corporation Nature 2 2014-2015
JoyRiding! - A Pilot E-BikeShare Program in Corner Brook, NL Partnering with the City of Corner Brook and Memorial University, The Western Environment Centre will implement a pilot E-Bike Share project in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. This project aims to tackle emissions associated with commuting by private vehicle to and from work and school. This project will contribute to promoting a culture of active, sustainable transportation by providing an accessible, convenient and affordable mode of transportation. Western Environment Centre Climate Change 1 2014-2015
Living Shoreline in Petite Rivière Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia’s Petite Riviere Community Park Association will create a Living Shoreline for a small, but heavily impacted area of coastal land in the village of Petite Riviere. The Living Shoreline will comprise transplanting shoreline plants, re-introducing a minimum of 200 native “pollinator” perennials to improve pollinator habitat, creating songbird habitat, reducing run-off from the site, stabilizing soils in the riparian zone and providing late day shading. Petite Riviere Community Park Association Nature 2 2014-2015
Chapel Island Watershed Restoration Project The Chief John Basque Chapel Island Waterkeepers will work with community members of the Chapel Island/Potlotek First Nation in Nova Scotia to restore 350 hectares of shoreline in the community. Twenty families will be targeted to participate as community waterkeepers helping others learn about the watershed and the importance of keeping it free of dumping and debris. Chief John Basque Chapel Island Waterkeepers Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Restoration of the Smalls River and the Fishing Derby Pond The Mi'kmaw Conservation Group will improve water quality in two local aquatic ecosystems: the Smalls River and the Fishing Derby Pond, both in Pictou Landing First Nation. Both ecosystems are currently being used as illegal dumping sites, causing a deterioration in water quality and habitat for aquatic and terrestrial species. Over 100 community members will be involved in removing in-stream and riparian debris throughout a 2.1 hectare area. Mi’kmaw Conservation Group Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Creating a “Living Shoreline” along the banks of the LaHave River The Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation will design and deliver a “Living Shorelines” project along the banks of the LaHave River. Living Shorelines are softer approaches to bankside stabilization that mimic aspects of natural shorelines, such as slope and vegetation, to improve the overall health of the ecosystem. This project also promotes natural shoreline processes such as improving water quality, allowing for natural sediment transport, and enhancing coastal and aquatic habitats. As a result of this project 1.6 hectares of shoreline will be stabilized and/or improved. Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Effects of Energy Display Monitors on Energy Consumption in the Home The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq will install energy display devices in homes on three First Nation communities in Nova Scotia, in order to teach residents how to reduce their energy consumption. The Confederacy hopes to enable First Nation communities to develop the capacity to identify and change the behaviours that lead to long term reduced energy consumption. It is estimated that if an average reduction of 15% is achieved in each of the study houses, at least 48,749 kWh of electricity (or nearly 39 metric tons of CO2) will be saved per year. The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq Climate Change 1 2014-2015
The Elgin County Habitat Stewardship Program This project will increase community awareness and address biodiversity through the direct involvement of landowners in habitat restoration projects. Agriculture and farming in Elgin County has resulted in a highly fragmented landscape affecting habitat and biodiversity. A total of 23.06 hectares of habitat will be restored on marginal or fragile rural land. The planting of 16,320 trees will expand existing forested areas, and 4,760 wildlife shrubs will be planted in riparian areas to enhance habitat and improve water quality. Additionally 7.2 hectares of tallgrass prairie will be planted as upland habitat around wetlands to support a greater diversity of species, and 3.26 hectares of wetland area will also be created to improve wildlife habitat. This project takes place between April 2014 and March 2016. Elgin Stewardship Council Nature 2 2014-2015
Medway Creek Priority Area Enhancement This project will restore habitat for both terrestrial and aquatic species and improve water quality in areas of the Medway Creek. Predominantly agriculture areas will be restored to their natural state by stabilizing banks and providing more cover for the creek, resulting in improved features in the creek which are critical for aquatic life. The installation of six structures around an existing creek bend will reduce ongoing erosion and provide additional aquatic habitat. Priority areas of the creek that are void of natural substrate will have natural river stone riffles installed to benefit aquatic species. The planting of approximately 1,500 trees will stabilize the creek banks, thus reducing soil erosion which can negatively impact water quality. This project takes place between April and December 2014. Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Nature 2 2014-2015
Lynde Creek Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project – Phase 4 The Lynde Creek Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project – Phase 4 aims to protect remnant natural habitat and to rehabilitate degraded habitats within Lynde Creek and the watershed, located on the shores of Lake Ontario. Land use changes have directly impacted watershed hydrology due to increased impervious surfaces; removal of riparian vegetation; loss of key habitats; introduction of non-native species; erosion of stream banks; and increased pollution and sediment. A minimum of 250 native plants will be planted as riparian buffers that will lead to increased shading and cooling of the tributary; increased support of the stream banks through vegetative roots; filtration of run-off water entering the creek; and the establishment of a riparian corridor to provide habitat to terrestrial species. Approximately ten in-stream structures such as cedar sweeps will be installed to enhance habitat for fish and protect banks vulnerable to erosion. Two barriers to fish will be removed to allow access to habitat for local fish populations. Ontario Streams Nature 2 2014-2015
Rattray Marsh Restoration Project The Rattray Marsh Restoration Project will help restore spawning nurseries and refuge habitat in Rattray Marsh to support indigenous species that enhance the Lake Ontario near shore fishery. Rattray Marsh is a designated Natural Area, a Provincially Significant Wetland, an Area of Natural and Scientific Interest and is also one of the last remaining bay mouth bar coastal wetlands in the western end of Lake Ontario. It is experiencing ecological degradation as a result of changes in flow, water quality, soil erosion, and the presence of exotic species. Rapid urbanization has resulted in excess sedimentation which has reduced the availability of open water fish and wildlife habitat. Restoration will involve removing sediment that is stressing the marsh vegetation, insects and wildlife. Additional restoration activities include the reintroduction of native aquatic plants, and the exclusion of carp from portions of the marsh through the installation of fish barriers. Restoration of Rattray marsh contributes to the Lake Ontario Biodiversity Strategy and the Lake Ontario Lakewide Area Management Plan. Credit Valley Conservation Foundation Nature 2 2014-2015
Increasing the Connectivity of Ecological Functionality of Riparian Areas in the Pine and Penetangore River Watersheds The project Increasing the Connectivity of Ecological Functionality of Riparian Areas in the Pine and Penetangore River Watersheds will reduce stream bank erosion and decrease nutrient inputs to the Pine River and Penetangore River watersheds. Within these watersheds, agriculture has resulted in deforestation, eutrophic conditions, and increased susceptibility to erosion. Fencing cattle out of the waterways, installing an alternative watering supply, and planting the riparian zones with native tree species, will reduce stream bank erosion, decrease nutrient inputs, reduce stream bank trampling, and eventually lead to cooler water temperatures and an increased amount of dissolved oxygen. Over ten hectares of land will be restored and 1,400 meters of stream bank protected through project activities. This project links with the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Framework for Community Action, the Lake Huron Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, and the Healthy Lake Huron; Clean Water, Clean Beaches Campaign. Pine River Watershed Initiative Network Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Leeds Community Pasture – East Pasture Wetland Restoration The Leeds Community Pasture – East Pasture Wetland Restoration project will improve water quality and riparian habitat in the upper reaches of the Gananoque River watershed, which ultimately feeds into the St. Lawrence River. Project activities will result in an overall improved aquatic system through the reduction of excessive nutrient supply in wetlands and springs. The project will focus on wetlands and springs located in a community pasture which are accessible by cattle and have been degraded, leading to increased nutrient and soil inputs. Sections of the shoreline are eroded, resulting in a loss of wildlife habitat. Activities to be carried out include the construction of 7,340 meters of continuous cattle exclusion fencing around four wetlands, installation of a shallow water crossing to permit access across a riparian area, installation of two solar watering systems for cattle, and the installation of 30 nesting boxes for birds. This project addresses nutrient issues identified within the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Leeds Grenville Stewardship Council Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Conserving Niagara’s Forests for the Future This project will enhance biodiversity and forest resilience within targeted areas of the Niagara Region. Forests in the Niagara area are under threat due to impacts linked to climate change, invasive species, and intensification of agriculture and development. Sixty properties will be targeted to assess current threats, develop management plans, and undertake ecological restoration projects. To conserve these forested areas, over 39,000 native trees and shrubs will be planted, resulting in the restoration of over 50 hectares of land. This project supports the Niagara River Remedial Action Plan. Project activities take place between April 2014 and March 2017. Niagara Restoration Council Nature 2 2014-2015
The Land Between Biodiversity Greenway and Water Quality Landscape Plan The Land Between Biodiversity Greenway and Water Quality Landscape Plan will develop a coordinated conservation strategy to benefit ecosystem and biodiversity functions, as well as maintain and enhance water quality in an area stretching from Georgian Bay, eastward along the Frontenac Arch. Rapidly increasing development along shorelines is affecting water quality and fish habitat. Increasing road density to support developments are impacting habitats and connectivity, and reducing species diversity. A guide to restoration, stewardship and other conservation actions within the area will be created as a blueprint to ensure efforts are coordinated. The project will use three demonstration sites to showcase effective naturalization techniques. Project activities include the planting of 6,600 trees and shrubs, and the protection of approximately 360 hectares of shoreline and upland areas through stewardship activities and agreements. Project activities support Environment Canada’s Species at Risk Recovery Program, and complements landscape planning for Bird Conservation Regions 12 and 13. The Land Between Organization Nature 2 2014-2015
Stream Restoration in the Creemore Nature Preserve The Stream Restoration in the Creemore Nature Preserve project will improve water quality and aquatic habitat in the Creemore Nature Preserve by taking a man-made pond offline and constructing a new stream channel around the pond. The Creemore Nature Preserve protects a diversity of habitat types including intact forest, wetland and a cold water stream, and serves as a natural corridor for wildlife movement within the Niagara Escarpment. Currently a man-made pond is held back by an aging earthen dam that limits fish passage and increases water temperature, reducing quality habitat for cold water fish species. The plan is to re-connect to the original stream channel around the existing pond, using a spillway that is currently used in pond overflow events. This work will improve water quality, encourage aquatic organisms to colonize and use the stream, and allow fish passage to occur where it is limited by the dam. Native plantings will vegetate and stabilize the new stream channel. The Nature Conservancy of Canada Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Six Streams Ecosystem Protection and Restoration-Phase 2 The Six Streams Ecosystem Protection and Restoration -Phase 2 project will protect and restore the ecological integrity of Judges Creek, a watershed that empties from the Bruce Peninsula into Georgian Bay. The Bruce Peninsula has one of the highest concentrations of globally, nationally and provincially rare species in all of Canada. Active stewardship and restoration activities will help restore biodiversity; protect aquatic and terrestrial species and plants, and their habitats. To protect and restore this watershed, ten major degraded areas accessible by cattle will be fenced off, thereby reducing phosphorus and nitrate inputs to the streams. Approximately 650 cattle will be excluded, which will protect 1,000 meters of aquatic habitat from trampling. This project links with the Nutrient and Habitat and Species Annexes of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, The Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Framework for Community Action, The Lake Huron Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, and the Healthy Lake Huron, Clean Water, Clean Beaches Campaign. Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association Clean Water 0 2014-2015
The Natural Edge Shoreline Planting Program in the Mississippi Watershed The Natural Edge Shoreline Planting Program in the Mississippi Watershed will bring together local communities on four lakes in the Mississippi Watershed to take action to protect a highly sensitive watershed. Activities will address key issues contributing to the degradation of lakes, tributaries and their riparian zones due to adjacent land-use practices and lack of awareness among waterfront landowners of the impacts of their land-use decisions. Shoreline properties that are highly developed or presenting existing shoreline erosion issues will be targeted and action taken to reduce the negative impacts on the watershed from runoff, erosion, vegetation removal, wildlife habitat loss and nutrient loading. Approximately two hectares of shoreline will be naturalized by planting 25,100 native trees and shrubs along creeks and tributaries in the watershed. Centre for Sustainable Watersheds Nature 2 2014-2015
Improving Biodiversity through Restoration Actions in the St. Clair River Delta This project will improve biodiversity and ecological functions of a 171 acre degraded marsh habitat located in the St. Clair River delta, home to the Walpole Island First Nation. The Swan Lake Marsh is a dyked-in coastal wetland that was deemed one of the least bio diverse wetlands at Walpole Island First Nation. The marsh is under pressure from invasive species infestation, loss of wetland associated fish and wildlife species, and the lack of hydrological connectivity. Project activities will address the loss of fish and wildlife by tackling invasive species infestations; removing debris, and other obstructions to benefit aquatic species; planting native vegetation to improve soil stability and support wildlife; and constructing wildlife habitat structures. This project directly contributes to the habitat restoration goals for the St. Clair River Area of Concern and Environment Canada’s Species at Risk Recovery Program. Walpole Island First Nation – Walpole Island Heritage Centre Nature 2 2014-2015
Green Your Ravine This project will reduce erosion and phosphorous loadings into Lake Erie through a targeted campaign to landowners living next to ravine systems in St. Thomas. The main channel of Kettle Creek and its various tributaries create a landscape filled with deep ravines. Urban development continues to encroach on these ravines, and many landowners do not realize their actions are negatively impacting the watershed. Due to its height elevation, Kettle Creek is already a landscape prone to erosion and flash flooding. These characteristics are exacerbated when natural slopes are disturbed by tree removal, invasive species planting, improper drainage, and the use of lawn fertilizers. Landowners will be educated on what the preferred behaviours are for living next to ravines, such as using phosphorous-free fertilizer and planting native species along the ravines. Community events will be undertaken which will lead to the removal of one tonne of garbage from ravines, and the planting of 1,000 native trees. This project supports the nutrient management strategy of the Lake Erie Lakewide Action and Management Plan and the Lake Erie Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. Project activities will take place between Kettle Creek Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Thames Oxbow Wetland Restoration Project This project will restore several wetland cells within a highly degraded section of the Thames River floodplain; the Thames River flows into Lake St. Clair. Upland activities have impacted the hydrological and habitat function of the floodplain wetlands. These impacts include drainage alterations, channelization and diverting of surface water, removal of trees and permanent cover in the flood plain area. This has resulted in a site that no longer provides water quality and habitat functions of riverine wetlands. Restoration activities will improve the function and extent of historical wetlands in the river floodplain, improve fish access to spawning habitat, and habitat for wetland dependent species such as turtles, frogs, staging waterfowl and other birds. Project activities include the widening of the riparian corridor in order to increase the buffering capacity of the riparian zone and expand wildlife habitat. Biodiversity will be improved by planting 1,800 native trees and shrubs; approximately one hectare of forest cover will be created and 3.3 hectares of wetlands will be protected. This project links with the Nutrient, and Habitat and Species Annexes of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Project activities will take place between April 2014 and March 2016. Stewardship Oxford Nature 2 2014-2015
Ontario Grasslands Initiative This project will restore tracts of native grasslands across the region, in order to protect and enhance the biodiversity of Ontario’s natural heritage. Tallgrass prairies and savannas are some of the most endangered ecological communities in Canada, owing their degradation and destruction to urban development, agriculture, pollution and mismanagement. The project focuses on a landscape approach that targets the expansion of existing priority grassland remnants, establishing connecting corridors, and ensuring appropriate long term management measures are in place to maintain them. A total of 35 hectares will be enhanced through volunteer planting and maintenance activities resulting in more viable grassland areas and improved wildlife habitat. Project activities link to Environment Canada’s Species at Risk Recovery Program. This project takes place between April 2014 and March 2016. Rural Lambton Stewardship Network Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Peterborough Urban Shoreline Revitalization Project This project will enhance habitat along urban shorelines and protect water quality within Peterborough County watersheds. Shoreline erosion and limited riparian vegetation can be observed on many of the ten watercourses that flow through the City of Peterborough. Increasing the amount of natural shorelines through riparian planting will address the key urban problems of biodiversity loss, stormwater runoff, erosion, habitat loss and reduced water quality. Detailed inspections of urban shoreline properties will be conducted, and landowners will be provided with recommendations and technical support to undertake shoreline improvements. Three demonstration sites will be completed which will enable property owners to participate in and observe the results of a shoreline naturalization project. The project will result in 3,000 native trees and shrubs being planted and the restoration of 0.5 hectares of shoreline. Otonabee Region Conservation Authority Nature 2 2014-2015
Seeds of Biodiversity in the Junction Creek Watershed This project will increase plant biodiversity within the Junction Creek watershed located in Sudbury. The Junction Creek has a long history of environmental degradation through industrial activity which has introduced pollutants, denuded the landscape of vegetation, and decreased biodiversity. To improve biodiversity and enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitat, the recipient will hold 17 community planting events, plant 2,925 native trees and shrubs and sow 5,700 native plant seeds. Additionally garbage clean up and invasive species removal will take place at four sites along the Creek. These activities will take place between May 2014 and December 2015. Junction Creek Stewardship Committee Inc Nature 2 2014-2015
Protecting Canada’s Beaches through the Blue Flag Program This project will protect 270 hectares of important waterways and shorelines located in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and British Columbia, by certifying 15 beaches through the Blue Flag program. The Blue Flag program is an internationally recognized certification for beaches that meet the highest environmental standards. Increased urban densification in cities across Canada has placed growing demands on green spaces and resulted in a lack of biodiversity in beach areas and shorelines. This project will engage communities across five provinces in activities which will result in the creation of 7,500 square feet of globally significant cottonwood dune savanna and hop-tree shrubland where they once existed, as well as in the planting of 200 indigenous trees and 15 kilograms of native seeds. Environmental Defence Canada Inc. Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Getting a Headstart on Natural Areas Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island (ECO-PEI) will be creating three new four-hectare Confederation Forests. All three sites will be accessible to the public and have a long-term security of ownership. A new arboretum area at the Macphail Homestead will be constructed, focusing on sun and water-loving plants, and will provide seed sources for a variety of rare and common native species. Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island Nature 2 2014-2015
Restoration of Wetlands to Help Improve Water Quality on Prince Edward Island Ducks Unlimited Canada will address increasing nitrate contamination due to extensive use of fertilizers, loss of wetland, and loss of riparian areas in the province of Prince Edward Island. The proponent will work with landowners in the province to protect and restore 6 hectares of wetland and associated upland habitat. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2014-2015
FCBB Nutrient Reduction Practices Partnership Friends of Covehead-Brackley Bay (FCBB) will work with local stakeholders to improve land use practises to address nutrient reduction. The FCBB project committee will review current land practices and research, identify areas of improvement, and determine methods of measuring change. The project aims to work potentially with ten agricultural landowners. Each will be assigned a Nutrient Management Planner, and a site-specific Nutrient Management Plan will be created. Friends of Covehead-Brackley Bay Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Aquatic Habitat Restoration within the Bedeque Bay Watershed Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association (BBEMA), in partnership with local agricultural landowners and other stakeholders will protect and restore 15 hectares of habitat along streams and tributaries in the Dunk, Wilmot and Bradshaw River watersheds. The project will result in improved water quality, wetland restoration and increased biodiversity. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Creating a Water Conservation Strategy for the Town of Kensington Kensington North Watersheds Association will design and implement a Community-Based Social Marketing strategy for promoting water conservation. The project involves creating goals, recognizing barriers, assessing the results and potentially expanding the lessons learned in the pilot project to the rest of the town. Clients will implement various water saving measures such as low flow toilets, low flow showerheads, limiting the watering of lawns and ceasing to water driveways. As a result of these efforts, 2.75 million litres of water will be conserved, this breaks down to 4200 litres of water saved per day. Kensington North Watersheds Association Clean Water 0 2014-2015
Conserving Farmland Birds and Water The Conserving Farmland Birds and Water project will improve and create habitat for endangered species Bobolinks and Barn Swallows. The project will assist rural landowners with the modification of farming practices, mowing schedules and/or farm structures. The project will also reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer and nitrates entering waterways and groundwater by working with farmers to increase grassy buffer areas adjacent to waterways, maintain grassy fields permanently, and therefore reduce or eliminate the use of chemical in-puts to those lands. Island Nature Trust Nature 2 2014-2015
Green corridor Etchemin, Phase II The project aims to restore the natural state of the banks of streams throughout the basin Etchemin, in order to improve water quality and wildlife habitat. the group will plant 15,000 plants (trees and shrubs) in a minimum of 20 owners. Conseil de bassin de la rivière Etchemin Nature 2 2014-2015
Blue and green corridors in the Rivière des Anglais drainage basin The streams in Rivière de Anglais watershed have a high agricultural potential but currently their quality is poor due to major phosphorus surplus. This project plans to restore riparian areas on farmlands in the Montérégie region. These areas will be restored by planting over 2700 trees and shrubs, which will reduce the amount of pollutants in the stream and improve habitat for fish and other species at risk. Ambioterra Nature 2 2014-2015
Phase 2 – The Écoles écocitoyennes de l’Outaouais Program’s -“Advisory services towards action Enviro Éduc-Action is continuing the second phase of climate change education pilot project aimed at managing municipal solid waste to reduce the quantity of organic waste from landfills. 15 schools in the Outaouais region will participate in the project. The objective is to divert from landfills 581 tonnes of municipal solid waste, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the institutions' ecological footprint. Enviro Éduc-Action Climate Change 1 2014-2015
A nest in my city The Ma ville Mon arbre citizens' committee wants to put 1500 plants, trees, shrubs and indigenous grasses on the marina site and in the municipal park in the Rivière Matane and St. Lawrence. The purpose of these developments is to increase the area of habitat available to birds. The committee also wants to educate primary students about birds' lifestyles and the need to conserve their habitat. Ma ville, Mon arbre Nature 2 2014-2015
Healthy Habitats This initiative will restore, monitor and replenish five “at-risk” natural habitats across Saskatchewan including wetlands, riverbanks and pristine northern forests. Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan Nature 2 2014-2015
Good Spirit Lake Shoreline Revitalization Project This revitalization project will permanently armour the shoreline of Good Spirit Lake, Saskatchewan, protecting riverbank areas from further erosion and reducing the impact on vital fish spawning. Assiniboine Watershed Stewardship Association Inc Nature 2 2014-2015
McIntyre Creek Streambank Stabilization The Ta'an Kwach’an First Nation will develop, design, and install large scale armoring on the banks of McIntyre Creek, implementing a permanent solution to the erosion presently taking place. Ta'an Kwäch'än Council, Lands, Resources and Heritage Department Nature 2 2014-2015
Eagle Point - Blue Rapids Ecological Restoration This nature project will engage community volunteers to ecologically restore disturbed sites within the Eagle Point Provincial Park and Blue Rapids Provincial Park. The project is based on 15 sites identified as a priority for ecological restoration work in a 2011 inventory of 155 disturbed sites within the park system. The activities include seeding and planting prescriptions on over nine hectares, planting of 10,000 indigenous plants trees and shrubs on 13 sites, invasive species management on half of the sites, access control infrastructure and signage for off-highway vehicles installed at entry points, an education and outreach component targeting local community and recreational users, and a sustainable monitoring program to evaluate the success of restoration efforts. Eagle Point - Blue Rapids Parks Council Nature 2 2013-2014
Home Sustainable Home The Home Sustainable Home project will actively engage community members in behavioural change to make their homes more environmentally sustainable. It will focus on the reduction of 60 tonnes of GHG emissions (and related Criteria Air Contaminants), and divert 400 tonnes of organics and 30 kilograms of toxins/harmful waste from the waste stream. An estimated 60,000 kilowatt hours of energy will be conserved and 200,000 fewer litres of water consumed. Through the use of eight volunteers and six new jobs, this social marketing project will encourage community members to take multiple and ongoing actions specific to their homes and to share their actions and knowledge with others. Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley Climate Change 1 2013-2014
Hagan - Tod Watersheds Good Neighbours This nature project will engage residents in the restoration of indigenous wildlife habitat in the Hagan-Tod Watershed, an area that brings together two rare ecosystem watersheds, home to salmonids and endangered Western Painted Turtles. The primary work of this multi-year project is to plant 400 indigenous plants in 44 hectares of the watershed during the temperate spring, summer, and fall months. Twenty volunteers will plant indigenous plants, remove invasive species and install 40 bird houses. The project will also provide area landowners with targeted best practices for reducing pollution of local streams by residential contaminants. Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) Nature 2 2013-2014
Bertrand Creek Watershed Restoration Project This multi-year project will restore 3.6 hectares of riparian habitat along Bertrand Creek, an area considered to be a critical habitat for indigenous and endangered species. The project engages two part-time staff and 250 volunteers targeting public and private involvement in restoration activities in five riparian enhancement areas. Plans are to increase the integrity and function of riparian habitat, plant 2500 indigenous species, and remove invasive species along the creek. Adjacent property owners will be encouraged to participate in related conservation activities and an extensive community outreach program is planned to educate and engage the 4000 surrounding community members. Langley Environment Partners Society Nature 2 2013-2014
Reducing GHG emissions through car sharing in the Okanagan The Okanagan Car Share Co-op’s project is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector by providing more environmentally sustainable and affordable transportation options to residents of the Okanagan community. Some of the main transportation corridors within Kelowna are becoming increasingly known for their poor air quality and high rates of traffic congestion. Forming a structured car-share co-op using lower emission vehicles, encouraging the reduction of single vehicle trips in the region, measuring GHG emissions reduction and air quality improvement are some of the activities planned to educate members and the greater community about the benefits of making more sustainable transportation choices. Okanagan Car Share Co-op Climate Change 1 2013-2014
Salish Sea Nearshore Conservation Project The Salish Sea Nearshore Conservation Project plans to restore four critical marine habitats by engaging volunteers to plant indigenous eelgrass species in the Cowichan, Qualicum, and Squamish estuaries, and the Sechelt Inlet, which will result in a net gain of critical marine wildlife habitat. Eelgrass will be transplanted in the spring, summer and fall periods and then monitored over time for its establishment. Volunteers will be engaged and trained in eelgrass stewardship. Sea Change Society Nature 2 2013-2014
Fostering Community Action to Conserve and Enhance Habitat in Coastal British Columbia This multi-year nature project engages local residents to restore indigenous habitat on the Sechelt Peninsula by installing wildlife structures and planting indigenous species. It will take place on the Upper and Lower Sunshine Coast and surrounding islands during the temperate months of the year, restoring habitat on five hectares of land using indigenous plant species. One hundred volunteers in direct community-led habitat enhancement activities will install large and small bat maternity structures, owl nest boxes, and large and small mason bee hives and volunteers will be trained on the long term monitoring of these installations. A further 2000 people will be targeted to receive related education and awareness materials to broaden outreach into the community. British Columbia Conservation Foundation Nature 2 2013-2014
Restoration Projects in the West Kootenays Community members will be restoring indigenous wetland habitats at three sites, and remain involved in the long-term maintenance of the wetlands in this nature project. Local residents will construct a demonstration wetland in Castlegar and will restore wetlands in both Salmo and Slocan, BC, using indigenous species of plants. The project will also conduct workshops on wetland restoration and management for local residents and professionals. British Columbia Wildlife Federation: Wetlands Education Program Nature 2 2013-2014
Toquaht Restoration Project The Toqualht Restoration project will engage a First Nation community to protect and restore indigenous habitat crucial to salmon and other species by planting 600 indigenous trees, shrubs, and plants five hectare area. The project will incorporate traditional ecological knowledge into planning the project design, providing education, job training, and employment opportunities while conducting riparian restoration. This multi-year project will take place in two sub-basins of the Toquaht First Nation’s traditional territory during the temperate spring, summer, and fall months. The goal is to conserve Pacific salmon by restoring hydrological and ecological functions in the two sub-basins through accelerating the natural recovery of damaged ecosystems. Central Westcoast Forest Society Nature 2 2013-2014
Sea to Sky Clean Air Commute The Sea to Sky Clean Air Commute project will engage commuters to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and criteria air contaminants (CAC) along this corridor. Single occupancy vehicle trips will be targeted and carpooling and increased cycling promoted with a goal of reducing GHG emissions by 15,000 tonnes and CAC by 12,000 tonnes. A suite of social marketing techniques will be used including prompts, incentives, pledges, reminders, events and initiatives, toolkits and web-based tracking and pledge follow-up. The project includes a solid range of provincial, municipal and community partners. The project will employ two people and directly engage 48 volunteers and is expected to identify an additional 900 participants through pledges to change their behaviours. Sea to Sky Clean Air Society Clean Air 3 2013-2014
Living Landscapes: Restoring Place, Connecting People The Galiano Conservancy Association proposes a multi-year nature project to engage community members in implementing large scale ecological restoration activities on Galiano Island. It targets 76 hectares of land, including two kilometres of sensitive coastal bluff, an old-growth Douglas-fir forest, extensive wetlands, an agricultural area and a former small-scale milling site. Plans include planting 800 indigenous trees and shrubs, developing an inventory of habitat/species, identifying and implementing ongoing management activities and providing opportunities for 230 community members, students and youth to become engaged in hands-on ecological restoration activities through a targeted outreach plan. Galiano Conservancy Association Nature 2 2013-2014
Restoring Beaver Creek, Stanley Park Stanley Park, a Canadian National Historic Site recognized as an important urban wilderness park, is also under great pressure. This series of in-stream and riparian restoration and enhancement initiatives will alleviate current problems that compromise the ecological function of Beaver Creek as habitat for fish and wildlife, with spin-off effects for migratory birds and species at risk. The project will engage 270 volunteers, raise awareness in 600 participants and provide core support through a local part-time job. The project includes opportunities for visitors and school children to learn firsthand about creek habitats and the wildlife living in Stanley Park’s watercourses. Stanley Park Ecology Society Nature 2 2013-2014
Marvelous Marshes - Wetland Education and Restoration Project The Marvelous Marshes project, located in the Cowichan Watershed, is a multi-year project that will increase public awareness about the importance of wetland ecosystems while engaging participants with on–the-ground restoration activities to improve the ecological integrity of 30 hectares of wetland habitat and three hectares of related shoreline. One hundred volunteers will plant 1500 indigenous plants and will be directly involved in wetland mapping, habitat restoration techniques, natural pest management and plant and wildlife monitoring to help restore these important wetland areas for fish, amphibians, wildlife and plants. Five part-time local jobs will be created to coordinate these efforts and a further 400 community members will be engaged in education and related awareness activities. Cowichan Community Land Trust Society Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Treekeepers Increasing the tree canopy in metro Vancouver would mitigate the urban heat island effect, reduce energy use in adjacent buildings, provide habitat for species, particularly birds, and improve local air quality. The Treekeepers nature project will target six Vancouver neighbourhoods, engaging 24 volunteers to work with residents in each neighbourhood in planting and caring for 6,000 new trees, including 800 indigenous tree species. The activities will cover 3,600 private properties and area residents will be offered a number of urban tree care training sessions. The Treekeepers’ focus will be on engagement related to the indigenous species component of this larger project. The three-year pilot project will actively engage residents, schools, community groups and businesses to help mitigate the effect of climate change. Environmental Youth Alliance Nature 2 2013-2014
Community-Based Conservation Action Project The Community-Based Conservation Action Project is a multi-year nature project to restore and conserve indigenous habitat and sensitive ecosystems on Mayne Island. It will apply an early detection-response system that actively engages 60 volunteers and four part-time employees in restoring and protecting 85 hectares of wetlands, marine riparian areas and Garry Oak ecosystems. Project participants will plant 250 indigenous trees and plants, remove invasive species and engage an additional 200 community members through longer-term pledges for action. Mayne Island Conservancy Society Nature 2 2013-2014
Conservation Leaders of the Future This nature project will engage young Canadians on Vancouver Island in a wide spectrum of habitat enhancement and restoration activities. Target areas include Garry Oak (Mt. Tzouhalem) in Cowichan Valley; Coastal Douglas Fir Forests in Cowichan and the Gulf Islands; and Chinook rearing habitat in the estuary of Campbell River (V9H). The project will also foster increased awareness about issues of biodiversity in the region and is an excellent example of intergenerational transfer of knowledge from experienced professionals to motivated youth. Conservation Leaders of the Future is a mentor-based experiential-learning program that links senior Nature Conservancy Canada staff with active and motivated participants in direct action projects such as planting indigenous species, removal of invasive species, habitat restoration and installation of species specific structures. The Nature Conservancy of Canada Nature 2 2013-2014
Restoring the Bluff The Willow Bluff is a key riparian and swamp habitat adjacent to the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre that has degraded significantly over the years due to high water levels. This has impacted both the biodiversity and the programming offered by the Centre. The Restore the Bluff project will engage volunteers to restore wildlife habitat by planting 1500 larger indigenous shrubs in the ten hectare area and facilitate related educational programming. This fall, the site will be re-contoured by the Province of Manitoba to permit better drainage so that willows and other indigenous plants can again flourish here. Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre Nature 2 2013-2014
Protect Our Water The Protect our Watershed project will work with Manitoba families in four communities located along the Assiniboine or Red Rivers to reduce water consumption and pollution. Using a detailed water audit as a baseline, targeted strategies to reduce water use in the household will include water monitoring, organic lawn care, xeriscaping, permeable surfacing, water-saving technology, hazardous waste identification and disposal, and green cleaning. The project will engage 62 volunteers and create nine part-time jobs to carry out the strategies and to capture specific measurable results in water conservation and pollution reduction. Additional education and outreach activities will link homeowners’ activities to broader water activities and resources in the community. Manitoba Eco-Network Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Reweaving Diversity Back into the Ironwood Parkway The Reweaving Diversity Back into the Ironwood Parkway project will use volunteers to protect and restore indigenous habitat along the Winnipeg River by planting 2,127 low-lying indigenous plants, shrubs and trees to prevent riverbank erosion and to restore wildlife habitat. Mowed grass areas will be reduced, and selected restoration areas fenced for protection, with signage to educate citizens and visitors about this forest enhancement project. The group proposes to refurbish 3.7 km of riparian shoreline and restore an existing interpretive Ironwood Parkway trail. An urban forest management plan for the entire 19-hectare area will ensure success of the refurbishment project. Friends of the Ironwood Trail (FIT) Nature 2 2013-2014
Manitoba Grassland Bird Conservation Initiative As identified in Environment Canada's Bird Conservation Strategy for the area, grassland bird populations are declining across southern Manitoba. The Manitoba Grassland Bird Conservation Initiative proposes to engage as many as 700 local landowners and community residents about the decline of prairie birds through workshops and communications activities. They plan to host targeted 'bio-blitzes' to identify specific bird habitat; integrate this local knowledge (with scientific literature) to develop locally specific management plans; and encourage local landowners to implement management plan recommendations such as protect habitats, restore wetlands, change grazing patterns, plant indigenous species, etc. Two new jobs will be created and 12 volunteers will be directly engaged. Nature Manitoba Nature 2 2013-2014
Sustainable Slopes – Sustainable Conservation of At-Risk Woodlands The Sustainable Slopes nature project will engage landowners, rural municipalities and community members in habitat restoration and conservation of erosion-prone areas on the Manitoba Escarpment in the Lake Winnipeg watershed. The multi-year project will engage landowners, rural municipalities and members of the community in activities to permanently protect 162 hectares of indigenous habitat through conservation easements and to implement resource management plans covering an additional 1,350 acres. The project is expected to create an estimated 12 local part-time jobs. The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Nature 2 2013-2014
School Community Composting Challenge This multi-year climate change project has two components to engage schools and homes in intensive composting, effectively reducing greenhouse gases by diverting organics from the landfill. The school component will challenge all schools to produce videos on proposed composting activities. The top six schools receive training and resources such as bins and aerators to implement and maintain successful school-home composting programs. An estimated 900 students and teachers will be directly engaged while an additional 1800 parents and community members will be involved through education, awareness and organics collection in their homes. Six families from each winning school will receive more intensive support as demonstration sites for the rest of the community. The project is expected to divert 48 tonnes of organic materials from the landfill, in turn reducing the amount of GHG released into the atmosphere by 36 tonnes. Green Action Centre, Inc. Climate Change 1 2013-2014
Tree Replanting, Habitat Restoration and Conservation The proposed Tree Replanting, Habitat Restoration and Conservation project will engage community volunteers in the restoration of three parks within Brandon. Following the flood of 2011, over 12,000 trees along the Assiniboine Riverbank Corridor’s system of parks and pathways died. The replanting of indigenous trees will maintain and rehabilitate the lost habitat and re-establish the support system of the riverbank. During the first year, 1500 indigenous trees will be planted in Eleanor Kidd Park, followed by Queen Elizabeth Park in the second year and Dinsdale Park in the third year. The broader area will also have 180 volunteers directly engaged in providing outreach. Brandon Riverbank Inc Nature 2 2013-2014
Community Composting Pilot Project Bathurst Sustainable Development will conduct a multi-year pilot composting project in Victoria Park in Bathurst, New Brunswick. The composted end-product will be used by both residences and the community garden. Future municipal composting depot sites will be identified and established. Data on the amount of organic waste diverted from the landfill will be collected and shared with the participants and city partners. Bathurst Sustainable Development Climate Change 1 2013-2014
Building on Bio-Engineering Restoration In the Kennebecasis The Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee will work in the Kennebecasis watershed near Sussex, New Brunswick to stabilize two severely eroding stream banks and improve their associated riparian zones using bioengineering techniques. During the summer months of this three year project, 2500 native trees and shrubs and erosion control products will be used to stabilize eroding shoreline as an alternative to traditional techniques which rely on heavy machinery. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Give Back to Nature Challenge The Give Back to Nature Challenge project aims to reduce biodiversity loss, protect and improve habitat in New Brunswick, disseminate information about protecting the local natural environment to the community, and encourage ongoing youth involvement in biodiversity protection. The New Brunswick Environmental Network will target youth environmental groups to participate in planting 200 native trees and shrubs and cleaning up 15 hectares of shoreline during the fall planting season. New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN) Nature 2 2013-2014
Environmental Action in Sewell Creek and at École Terre de Jeunes de Paquetville Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la rivière Pokemouche will address water quality issues and enhance the quality of the natural environment in the Pokemouche watershed, New Brunswick. Project activities will involve planting native trees and shrubs, performing clean-ups at Sewell Creek, and naturalizing the schoolyard at École Terre des Jeunes de Paquetville. With the help of students, teachers, parents and the community, these summer and fall activities will result in approximately 2000 square metres of restored habitat. Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche Nature 2 2013-2014
Conservation and Restoration of the Frye Islands and 7 Days Work Cliff The Nature Trust of New Brunswick will complete stewardship action plans and restoration activities on the Frye Islands and the Seven Days Work Cliff located in southwest New Brunswick. The public will be invited to participate in habitat restoration activities. Debris will be removed from both properties, including 30 kilometres of coastline on the Frye Islands. Areas of the Frye Islands that were previously clear-cut will be reforested with 5000 native shrubs and trees. Over 500 community volunteers will be engaged as active stewards to monitor and maintain these new nature preserves. In the long term, this project will improve the environmental integrity of over 1000 hectares by protecting native habitat, increasing biodiversity and sustainability, and most notably, protecting nesting sites for the Peregrine Falcon, a species of Special Concern under the Species At Risk Act. Nature Trust of New Brunswick Inc. Nature 2 2013-2014
Building Strong Communities and Healthy Rivers in Charlotte County Eastern Charlotte Waterways will work to improve the ecological function of the Magaguadavic River, Charlotte County and its tributaries, while also increasing the freshwater stewardship capacity of Southwestern New Brunswick’s population through various engagement activities. In-situ habitat improvements such as planting over 10,000 native trees and plants will protect and enhance riparian zone in the lower reaches of the Magaguadavic River. Eastern Charlotte Waterways Inc. Clean Water 0 2013-2014
From the Earth to the Sea Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne will work in the Kent County watershed, southeastern New Brunswick to restore riparian areas by planting 350 native trees, plants and shrubs in the community. A pilot project on water harvesting will be developed at the Blanche-Bourgeois school in Cocagne. The goal is to promote community engagement and an understanding of the importance of ecological development on water quality of the Cocagne River and the Northumberland Strait. Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Resilient Forest Corridors: Planting for the Future in a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve The Fundy Biosphere Reserve will create global information systems maps to identify the indigenous tree species most likely to proliferate, prosper, persevere, decline or disappear in the future due to climate change. This process will result in the identification of a connectivity corridor plan. Three training workshops on sustainable forestry management and restoration, climate change resilient forest composition and tree planting methods will be offered. A strategic tree-planting operation will plant 2,500 of the identified resilient tree species in the connectivity corridors. Fundy Biosphere Reserve Nature 2 2013-2014
Observe and Conserve – Small Business Electricity Conservation Pilot Project Fifty small and medium-sized New Brunswick businesses will participate in a year-long greenhouse gas emission reduction project coordinated by the New Brunswick Lung Association. Smart meters, devices that provide real-time electrical consumption information, will be used together with community-based social marketing techniques to encourage behaviour changes related to reducing energy consumption. It is expected that participating businesses will achieve a 5-10% reduction in electricity consumption as a result of project activities. New Brunswick Lung Association Climate Change 1 2013-2014
Stewardship of Conservation Lands in the Maritimes This project by the Nature Conservancy of Canada will assist in conserving ecologically significant land for future generations in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. Summer conservation interns with the help of 100 volunteers will complete stewardship actions to ensure habitat is improved and threats mitigated on 4000 hectares of habitat. Project activities will result in a reduction or diversion of 1500 kilograms of toxic or harmful waste (per year). Nature Conservancy of Canada – Atlantic Region Nature 2 2013-2014
Building Partnerships with Waterfront Property Owners The Association des pêcheurs récréatifs du sud-est will work with permanent and seasonal residents in southeast New Brunswick to restore and protect riparian areas in the Chockpish, Bouctouche, Little Bouctouche, and Cocagne watersheds. Stewardship awareness activities and commitments will target private homeowners who are willing to improve riparian zone health. Each participating resident will learn Best Management Practices and create an environmental development plan to improve their property's buffer zone. At least 500 native trees will be planting, leading to the restoration of 10 hectares of riparian area. Association des pêcheurs récréatifs du sud-est Inc. Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Important Bird Areas in Labrador: From Awareness to Action In coastal Labrador and the northern tip of Newfoundland, Intervale Associates will engage local residents to learn about Important Bird Areas near their communities. Focus groups will be conducted in four communities to explore action strategies for improved bird protection and monitoring. Intervale will organize community bird-watching skills training sessions, shoreline clean-ups, and a community bio-blitz and will teach best practices for maintaining shoreline habitat resulting in 400 hectares of shoreline protected, stabilized or improved. Intervale Associates Inc. Nature 2 2013-2014
Community Engagement and Stewardship of Conservation Lands in Newfoundland Nature Conservancy of Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador aims to prevent biodiversity loss and mitigate threats through beach clean-ups, birding events and the recruitment of property stewards in six land trust properties throughout Newfoundland. Project activities will result in the implementation of management activities in 250 hectares of habitat, 4 hectares of improved shoreline and the recruitment and training of 50 volunteers and local property stewards who will form a community resource to assist with future land conservation management. Nature Conservancy of Canada – Newfoundland and Labrador Program Nature 2 2013-2014
Sackville River Restoration The Sackville River Association will undertake a two year project to restore large sections of three of the major tributaries to Nova Scotia’s Sackville River: the Little Sackville River, Stoney Brook, and Tomahawk Run. These urban streams have experienced years of development-based impacts. Approximately 15 habitat restoration structures (digger logs, rock sills) will be installed in Stoney Brook with an additional 12 structures installed in the other two tributaries of the Sackville River. Sackville Rivers Association Nature 2 2013-2014
Annapolis Watershed Agri-Stewardship Project Clean Annapolis River Project will work within the Annapolis Watershed on a two-year project that engages farmers to maintain healthy riparian areas and address agricultural run-off concerns (e.g. manure, fertilizers) in watercourses. Farms will collaborate on the development and implementation of best management practices (such as pollution prevention and manure management). Principles of community-based social marketing will be explored targeting a minimum of 3 farms that will modify their behaviour as a result of project activities. Clean Annapolis River Project Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Bay of Islands Coastal Wilderness Campaign Nova Scotia’s eastern shore hosts a remote, wild group of 100 islands that form one of the last large-scale, undeveloped coastal island groups in North America. These islands provide a rare baseline of truly natural coastal ecosystems and a refuge for over 100 bird species, forming Nova Scotia’s only continuous boreal forest. Through this project, the Nova Scotia Nature Trust will protect six priority properties totalling 280 hectares of high priority habitat on private land, in addition to protecting 1650 hectares of Crown land. Nova Scotia Nature Trust Nature 2 2013-2014
L'sit'kuk Mi'kmaw Community Seven Paddles Clean Water Project Over the years, erosion and deforestation have led to decreased riparian and aquatic habitat in Franklyn's Brook, as well as increased flooding in the surrounding lowlands. The L’sit’kuk Mi’Kmaw Clean Water Environmental Project will result in 10,000 native trees and shrubs planted and 20 hectares of shoreline restored in Nova Scotia’s Bear River First Nation. The installation of 50 osprey nesting platforms and boxes will contribute to the achievement of the project’s primary goals of improving water quality and biodiversity. L'sit'kuk First Nation Nature 2 2013-2014
Biodiversity Improvement in Millbrook First Nation This project will restore water quality to the McClure’s Brook watershed located within Millbrook First Nation territory. The Mi’kmaw Conservation Group and Millbrook First Nation will improve two hectares of stream and riparian habitat by planting 5000 native trees and shrubs in deforested areas. The project will also provide education on the importance of riparian zones by engaging community members in tree planting and creating information materials in Mi’kmaq on the importance of riparian zones and maintaining water quality. Mi'kmaw Conservation Group, The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq Nature 2 2013-2014
Native Pollinator Project Pollinators are under pressure from loss of habitat, loss of food sources, disease and pesticides. Seeds of Diversity will raise awareness of native pollinators, and conserve and increase native pollinator habitat by establishing six native pollinator gardens in six locations in Atlantic Canada, installing interpretive signage and hosting six public workshops. The work will take place during the spring and summer and will result in 600 native plants planted and 50 bee houses installed. Workshops will feature information on habitat-creation for native pollinator species, including native bee house building demonstrations; the communities will be engaged throughout the project. Habitat and biodiversity loss will be addressed through this project. Seeds of Diversity Canada / Semences du patrimoine Nature 2 2013-2014
Clean Camps, Clean Coast Significant amounts of solid refuse scattered across remote northern sites are increasingly at risk of leaking into and damaging fragile soils. The Clean Camps, Clean Cost multi-year project will employ seven local residents, and engage 60 youth and camp users in the clean-up of four sites in two communities within the Inuvialuit Settlement region. An inventory of waste and a community-based waste management strategy will follow the clean-up. An educational campaign using community-developed and culturally-appropriate educational materials (posters, signs and radio advertisements) and durable waste collection bags will ensure community members are engaged and enabled to keep their camps and shoreline clean into the future. World Wildlife Fund Canada Nature 2 2013-2014
End-of-life Vehicle Waste Diversion Program in the Canadian North Summerhill Impact proposes a project to help prevent the contamination of local water resources by pollutants from abandoned end-of-life vehicles in Cape Dorset, Whale Cove and Rankin Inlet, three northern communities known to be at risk. The project will prevent harmful pollutants in abandoned vehicles from contaminating local water resources, improving the community’s capacity for pollution prevention and enabling them to take action alongside industry professionals. A second goal of this project is to see to recovering 250 vehicles from communities that currently have no resources to have them transported by boat to recycling facilities in Montreal or Churchill. Work will start this spring and will end in the fall of 2014. Summerhill Impact Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Toronto Region Wetland Restoration Project The Toronto Region Wetland Restoration project is working to conserve and protect water quality, this project focuses on the rehabilitation and creation of coastal and inland wetlands. Wetlands are important to the quality of the natural environment and provide habitat for wildlife, improve water quality and increase biodiversity. The project meets the departmental priority to encourage and support individuals and organizations in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada's water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Wetland project sites are situated in Ontario along the Rouge, Duffins and Humber River watersheds which drain into Lake Ontario. Project activities will be important to restoring degraded aquatic ecosystems in the Great Lakes Toronto and Region Area of Concern. On-the-ground restoration activities will take place during the spring, summer and fall months. Restoration activities will include the planting of 18,500 native trees and plants, non-native invasive species management, monitoring and the development of a restoration plan. Over 150 volunteers will be engaged in stewardship activities, including education and landowner outreach, and contribute to implementing restoration activities in 100 hectares of habitat. Ontario Streams Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Clarence Island – a wealth to be preserved Water quality and aquatic habitat improvement and protection is the main objective of this project taking place along the shores of Clarence Island on the Ottawa River. This project will help deliver on the departmental priority of encouraging and supporting individuals and organization in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada’s water resources and aquatic systems. Community volunteers will commence work in the fall of 2013 to reduce erosion and sedimentation within the River by undertaking shoreline restoration and naturalization activities including the installation of rip-rap to stabilize eroding shorelines and the planting of 1200 native trees and shrubs along 130 metres of shoreline. The Environmental Society will educate area residents and students on the importance of protecting and conserving shoreline habitats for aquatic species. Clarence-Rockland Environmental Society/Société environnementale de Clarence-Rockland Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Engaging Urban Ontarians in Habitat Restoration and Enhancement for Chimney Swifts Ontario Swiftwatch, and the Bird Science and Environmental Education Program. The population of Chimney Swifts has been in steady decline for over 40 years and they are in danger of disappearing from Ontario if mitigating actions are not taken. However, the Chimney Swift requires a unique approach to population conservation due to their dependence on urban habitats for nesting and roosting. This project addresses the draft Recovery Strategy for the Chimney Swift through the creation of new habitat via the opening of capped chimneys in the Golden Horseshoe area of Ontario including Toronto, Mississauga, Milton, Burlington, Oakville, Niagara and Hamilton. Three publicly accessible habitat nesting structures will be established as demonstrations and education sites. Environment Canada's Landbird Committee has determined that the Chimney Swift is a high priority for research and conservation efforts. The project, commencing in the spring of 2013, will also preserve existing habitat through stewardship agreements with property owners and will educate the public about the importance of protecting habitat for this declining species of bird. Bird Studies Canada Nature 2 2013-2014
The Healthy Waterways Initiative The Healthy Waterways Initiative focus is on improving water quality and aquatic and terrestrial habitat, this project will address the loss of wetlands, loss of fish and wildlife habitat, loss of biodiversity, increase in invasive species and habitat fragmentation. With the participation of volunteers and landwoners, activities will begin in the Spring of 2013 and will result in the restoraiton of 23.7 hectares of habitat by planting 13.2 hectares of tallgrass prairie habitat, creating and enhancing 3.2 hectares of wetland habitat and managing 7.3 hectares of invasive vegetation. Project sites are located in priority areas draining into the Sydenham River watershed and along 13 smaller watersheds draining directly into south Lake Huron, the St. Clair River and northeastern Lake St. Clair. The project will take place in Lambton, Chatham-Kent and Middlesex County, Ontario. These areas are highly agricultural and project activities will focus on creating vegetation buffers and wetlands which are extremely valuable for improving water quality and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat. This project will help Environment Canada meet obligations under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement to restore designated Areas of Concern (AOC), specifically the St. Clair River AOC. This project meets the departmental priority to encourage and support individuals and organizations in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada’s water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Rural Lambton Stewardship Network Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Bronte Creek Provincial Park Tallgrass Prairie Restoration Project Bronte Creek Provincial Park Tallgrass Prairie Restoration project focuses on biodiversity, water quality and aquatic habitat improvements within Carolinian and tallgrass prairie habitat in Bronte Creek Provincial Park, Ontario. Bronte Creek runs through the park, from headwaters located in the Niagara Escarpment to Lake Ontario. This project starts in the spring of 2013 and will restore 24 hectares of agricultural land to native tallgrass prairie. Once this prairie is established, there will be a total of 107 hectares of connected tallgrass prairie. Tallgrass prairie tracts of this size provide many environmental benefits including providing habitat for grassland birds, insects, and mammals, and filtering water contaminants before they enter waterways. The project will educate park visitors about native ecosystems in southern Ontario. Through various outreach and education activities volunteers will be engaged in the preparation, maintenance and monitoring of restoration sites. Project outcomes link to the Lake Ontario Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Project results will also address the departmental priority to encourage and support individuals and organizations in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada’s water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Rural Lambton Stewardship Network Nature 2 2013-2014
Dorchester Watershed Natural Enhancement Focusing on biodiversity, water quality improvements and protection, this project will engage the local community and youth in restoration activities on former agricultural lands, private and conservation lands within the tributaries of the South Thames River watershed. Project activities will not only result in local water quality improvements by filtering out agricultural pollutants and other contaminants before entering watercourses, but will also benefit areas downstream in the larger Lake Erie watershed and support the Lake Erie Lakewide Action and Management Plan (LaMP) nutrient and habitat objectives. This project will help deliver on the departmental priority of encouraging and supporting individuals and organization in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada’s water resources and aquatic systems and support the objectives of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Project activities will start in June 2013 and will include the planting of 2790 native trees, 5600 wildflowers, installation of bird boxes and the restoration of 1.7 hectares of land. Dorchester Watershed Action Committee Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Rotary Park Community Naturalization Project Rotary Park Community Naturalization Habitat restoration activities proposed for this project will contribute to increased forest cover, biodiversity and improved water quality for Trout Creek. Trout Creek is located in London, Ontario and is a tributary located within the Thames River watershed which is part of the Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie watersheds. This projects helps deliver on Environment Canada’s mandate to preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment, including water, air, soil, flora and fauna. Restoration activities are scheduled to take place in the fall of 2013 and will engage 320 community members, including youth, in stewardship planting activities. Volunteers will help naturalize manicured parkland by planting 1000 native trees and shrubs and restore two acres of habitat. Trout Creek Watershed Action Group Nature 2 2013-2014
Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association 2012/2013 Rehabilitation Projects Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association 2012/2013 Rehabilitation Water project’s main object is quality conservation and protection . A series of in-stream restoration activities will restore water quality, aquatic and riparian habitat and increase biodiversity within the Lake Huron watershed. Restoration sites are located in the municipalities of Assiginack and Central Manitoulin on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. The project meets the departmental priority to encourage and support individuals and organizations in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada's water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Project activities support objectives of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement as well as the Lake Huron Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, the Lake Huron Binational Partnership’s Action Plan and the Lake Huron/Georgian Bay Watershed Framework for Community Action. Restoration activities include stream bank erosion repair, installation of in-stream structures to enhance spawning and aquatic habitat, planting of 5000 native trees and shrubs and the installation of 10 wildlife habitat structures which will result in the improvement and protection of aquatic habitat. Stewardship activities will engage landowners and community volunteers in education and hands-on restoration activities to help realize the goal of improving water quality. Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Integrated Watershed Management in the Pine River: with a focus on returning water storage to the landscape Integrated Watershed Management in the Pine River with a focus on returning water storage to the landscape Focusing on water quality improvement and protection, the main objective of this project is to reduce nutrient runoff from agricultural fields surrounding the Pine River, a tributary of Lake Huron within the Great Lakes Basin. The project will take place along various sites of the Pine River located in the Huron, Kirloss and Kincardine Townships of Bruce County, Ontario. A series of berms will be constructed to allow for the slow release of water to alleviate nutrient and sediment loading to the Pine River. A berm is a mound of earth frequently used as a component in erosion control and floodwater filtration systems. Project activities will result in local water quality improvements by filtering agricultural pollutants and other contaminants before they enter watercourses, and will also benefit areas downstream in the larger Lake Huron watershed and support the Lake Huron Lakewide Action and Management Plan (LaMP). This project will help deliver on the departmental priority of encouraging and supporting individuals and organization in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada’s water resources and aquatic systems and support the objectives of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Restoration activities will start in the spring of 2013 and will include the participation of 200 volunteers. Over 60 hectares habitat and one hectare of improved shoreline will be achieved. Pine River Watershed Initiative Network Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Reducing Greenhouse Gases and Conserving Water in the Health Care Community Reducing Greenhouse Gases and Conserving Water in the Health Care Community. The objective of this project is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and water use within the healthcare sector. The project, commencing spring 2013, will help deliver on Environment Canada's priorities of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and with maintaining the sustainability of Canada’s water resources. A targeted outreach and education campaign including tailored materials, case studies, best practices and training modules will be used to engage health care organizations and staff to adopt sustainable environmental practices. Through the use of stewardship agreements, hospitals across Ontario will be asked to make strategic commitments to reduce GHGs and water use. The group will use a leading benchmarking system, Portfolio Manager, to track performance and will also develop a complimentary monitoring tool, Sustainable Development Indicators Checklist, which will be used in combination with pre and post survey results to measure reduction outcomes. Graduated targets of 5%, 10% and 15% will be promoted. Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Climate Change 1 2013-2014
Six Streams Ecosystem Protection and Restoration Six Streams Ecosystem Protection and Restoration project is working to improve, protect and maintain water quality and aquatic habitat, this project will address the impacts of nutrient loading in the Great Lakes. As part of the Lake Huron basin, the Bruce Peninsula, located in Bruce County Ontario, has one of the highest concentrations of rare species in all of Canada. As such, the Bruce Pensinsula is highlighted as a priority area under the Lake Huron Biodiversity Conservation Strategy which focuses on the mitigation of non-point source pollution. Project activites such as cattle exclusion management combined with alternative water sources, improved techniques for agricultural drain and septic system management will contribute to reducing contaminants, runoff and erosion into local streams and rivers. This project specifically addresses nutrient management and aquatic habitat conservation which are priorities under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Also, this project meets the departmental priority to encourage and support individuals and organizations in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada’s water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Commencing in the Spring of 2013, community members will be educated on the impact of their actions on nutrient loading in the Great Lakes and they will participate on demonstration projects that will be used to encourage the buy-in of their neighbours to sound water quality stewardship practices. Volunteers will help realize project goals which include the reduction of 124 kilograms per year of phosphorous from entering local waterways leading to improved shoreline conditions. Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Clean Wake Clean Wake, this project will focus on protecting water and air quality through the retirement of old, high-polluting two stroke marine engines. Project activities will engage communities and consumers - on Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and the northern inland lakes - through a marine engine take-back program that will divert significant pollutants from waterways, by accelerating the retirement of older, high polluting engines. In addition, the retirement of inefficient, high pollutant engines will also realize a reduction of emissions of criteria air contaminants and other pollutants into the atmosphere. Project activities will engage recreational boaters Ontario-wide through a series of promotional events in highly visible places such as beaches, public marinas/docks, recreation areas and boating/outdoor shows. Ambassadors will engage thousands of individuals on the benefits of retiring old two-stroke marine engines in exchange for cleaner four-stroke marine engines, which will be offered by participating retailers at a discount. Approximately 500 two-stroke engines will be retired realizing a reduction of 117,450 kilograms of criteria air contaminants. A decrease in toxic wastes (kilograms per year) emitted into waterways will also be captured. This project meets the departmental priority to encourage and support individuals and organizations in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada’s water resources and aquatic ecosystems. It also links to Environment Canada’s mandate to preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment, including water and air and to conserve and protect Canada’s water resources. Summerhill Impact Clean Water 0 2013-2014
West GTA Urban Watershed Program West GTA Urban Watershed Program. This project aims to address biodiversity and water quality conservation and protection in the Lake Ontario watershed through the restoration of urban watershed habitats in parks and public spaces in the regions of Peel and Halton. Beginning in spring 2013, one thousand community volunteers will be engaged in a series of hands on planting and stewardship activities in order to improve water quality, aquatic and riparian habitat and to increase biodiversity within the Lake Ontario watershed. The project will also raise awareness in the community about local watershed conservation issues. Project activities will help deliver on the departmental priority of encouraging and supporting individuals and organizations in activities to minimize threats to, and maintain the sustainability of, Canada’s water resources and aquatic systems. Also, the project links to the Lake Ontario Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement . Activities to be undertaken include the planting 7000 indigenous plants, trees and shrubs and the restoration of one hectare of habitat. Evergreen Nature 2 2013-2014
Garlic Mustard Task Force Garlic Mustard Task Force. Riverwood is a 150 hectare natural heritage area bordering on the Credit River in the Lake Ontario watershed and is home to over 400 species of plants and animals including 189 species of birds, thus, making it the most biodiverse ecosystem within the Credit River Watershed. Commencing in spring 2013, the goal of this project is to improve and conserve habitats in order to maintain the biodviersity within Riverwood. Working with local residents and youth, the group will work to reduce the infestation of the invasive garlic mustard through manual removal and by planting native species in order to restore the ecological integrity of buffer zones and environmentally sensitive interior areas of this natural heritage site. This initiative is part of the broader Greater Toronto Area wide Garlic Mustard Task Force program. This project will help deliver on the departmental priority to enhance or maintain the sustainability of ecosystems in Canada, through collaboration with other levels of government (provinces and territories, as well as regional, municipal and local governments) and other stakeholders. Volunteers will carry out on-going monitoring of the sites and will educate the public how to diminish the spread of invasive species. The Riverwood Conservation Nature 2 2013-2014
Corridors for Life: Improving Vegetation Management Practices Corridors for Life: Improving Vegetation Management Practices. The focus of this project is to improve vegetation management practices and rehabilitation techniques, and reduce soil erosion in aquatic, riparian and watershed areas by planting compatible native shrubs and perennials. This restoration project will re-vegetate and enhance sites located on or adjacent to power transmission rights-of-way in Sault Ste. Marie, north to Wawa, Algoma District. These sites are severely eroded and damaged due to natural or mechanical means. Restoration sites will be evaluated to determine which native shrub or grass species is suitable to the area in order to control erosion and restore the site to its original condition. Site-specific vegetative rehabilitation methods will be developed that can be extrapolated to other locations and corridors (i.e., pipeline, roadsides, or reclamation sites). Approximately 4000 native grass seedlings and 120 shrubs/perennials will be planted and each site will be monitored periodically to replace any unsuccessful transplants. Seeds and hardwood cuttings will be harvested from native species compatible with rights-of-way to propagate for use in future restoration projects. Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre Nature 2 2013-2014
Wetland Restoration on Prince Edward Island Nitrate contamination of groundwater and surface water due to extensive use of fertilizers and the loss of wetlands and riparian areas is a concern in Prince Edward Island. Ducks Unlimited Canada will contribute to the mitigation of this serious issue by signing landowner conservation agreements for a minimum of 15 years, in addition to protecting and restoring 3.6 hectares of wetland and associated upland habitat in agricultural landscape of the province. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2013-2014
Bringing Natural Areas Back to Class The Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island will undertake Acadian Forest restoration work and schoolyard naturalization at the École François-Buote, a Grades 1-12 French school. To improve forest health, biodiversity and wildlife habitat, 1000 native trees and shrubs will be planted in the woodland and school grounds. To ensure the restoration work is successful, committed community volunteers will provide maintenance of all the plantings. Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island Nature 2 2013-2014
Enhancing Wildlife Landscapes Landowners in Prince Edward Island's Bedeque Bay watershed will have the opportunity to work with the Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association to enhance local wildlife areas that contain agricultural and/or riparian zones. Landowners will be engaged to determine how to best enhance properties to increase biodiversity and reduce erosion. Approximately 10,000 native trees and shrubs will be planted starting in the summer of 2013. Stream enhancement activities will also take place such as cleaning of in-stream debris and removal choking/clogging debris from waterways to improve water flow and quality. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Nitrate Management for the Winter River-Tracadie Bay Watershed Area Nitrate management is a serious issue within Prince Edward Island watersheds, as the water quality of many streams, estuaries, bays, and natural springs is negatively affected by nutrient loading from agricultural, residential and commercial sources. The Winter River-Tracadie Bay Watershed Association will address the issue of increased nitrate loading within the Winter River Watershed area by collecting baseline data on the existing quantity of nitrates entering surface and ground waters and then working with ten local agricultural producers to develop individual farm and watershed plans. These plans, encompassing approximately 30 fields, will focus on lowering contributions from all sources. Approximately 3000 native trees will be planted, helping to stabilize riparian areas and further prevent nutrient run-off into aquatic habitats. Winter River-Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Grassroots Conservation in Action Richmond Bay Watershed Association will engage 73 volunteers and over 1800 participants in the rehabilitation of degraded in-stream habitat and improvement of the ecological functioning of riparian zones in the Prince Edward Island's communities of Tyne Valley, Richmond and Wellington. During the planting season, 6000 native trees and shrubs will be planted, management actions will be implemented in 54.7 hectares of habitat and watershed groups will participate in watershed training courses. Richmond Bay Watershed Association Inc. Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Protection of 30 high-priority wetlands in Central Quebec through volunteer stewardship The project will involve voluntary stewardship to protect 30 wetlands that are identified as high-priority for the Centre-du-Quebec region. The project aims to meet with property owners to make personal recommendations and commit to the protection of wetlands by signing a voluntary protection agreement. Conseil régional de l'environnement Centre-du-Québec Nature 2 2013-2014
Protection and restoration of Vaudreuil-Soulanges natural environments: a community-led initiative The project aims to protect and restore 120 hectares of Mont Rigaud, a rich natural environment that is threatened by multiple uses. Environmental stewardship approaches with 16 owners will ensure the conservation and protection of these natural areas. Nature-Action Québec Nature 2 2013-2014
Revegetating riparian areas and raising public awareness in the city of Saguenay, borough of Chicoutimi Lac Kenogami and Chicoutimi River are a source of drinkable water for more than 120,000 people. With the help of the community, 50 locations will be revegetalized and preserve their quality. Eurêko ! Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Protection of natural corridors in the Appalachian Corridor region The project aims to preserve 50 hectares of natural corridors that are rich in biodiversity to maintain wildlife exchange in forests. The group will work to provide the region with an ecological land planning tool. Corridor appalachien Nature 2 2013-2014
Protecting our national and cultural heritage: plants that heal The project will integrate the elders’ knowledge on the location of specific habitats where medicinal plant species that are important in their culture grow. The project will take inventory of the habitats and restore 15 sites by planting on 15 hectares of land. Algonquin Nation Secretariat (ANS) Nature 2 2013-2014
Conservation of Lake Memphrémagog watershed The project aims to preserve wetlands or forests in natural corridor between Lake Memphremagog and Mont Orford park. The project will help preserve 60 hectares of land during residential development, construction of new roads and water quality. Memphrémagog Conservation Inc. Nature 2 2013-2014
Renaturalization program for the banks of the Rivière des Hurons watershed Lac Saint-Charles is a source of drinkable water for more than 250,000 people. It is important to preserve the lake’s quality; this project will assist 40 riverside owners in planting 1,500 plants on the riparian strip. Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac Saint-Charles et des Marais du Nord Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Greening project to reduce heat islands in Sainte-Marie The project aims to create two cool islands in an area that is completely devoid of vegetation. This project will combat heat islands that are harmful to health and will restore an ecological framework to two sections of road. In addition, the vegetation planted will contribute to reducing greenhouse gases. Société écocitoyenne de Montréal // Éco-quartier Sainte-Marie Climate Change 1 2013-2014
Mitigating Fish Entrapment Washout Downstream of Good Spirit Lake Outlet Volunteers from the community will remediate a scour hole in the Good Spirit Lake water control outlet under the guidance of and support from several organizations. Dropping water levels over the summer trap migrating fish and fry in a four meter deep washout in the water control outlet, leaving them unable to migrate back to the Whitesand River and dying if they are not removed by community volunteers. This project will involve geo-engineering to fill in the washout area to prevent fish from congregating and reduce future erosion. Assiniboine Watershed Stewardship Association Inc Clean Water 0 2013-2014
Ecological Initiatives of the Yukon Invasive Species Council Across the Yukon, invasive species tend to change whole habitats and displace the more fragile indigenous species. This multi-year nature project will engage local communities in removing and managing the invasive species through community weed pulls (~10,000 kg of invasive species) across the Yukon covering 6000 hectares of land area. A territory-wide spotter’s network will engage an estimated 900 volunteers, and an estimated 3500 additional participants will benefit from community-based environmental stewardship and workshops, seminars, and information dissemination activities. The Yukon Invasive Species Council also has the capacity to deliver French programming to the Yukon's bilingual population (10%). Yukon Invasive Species Council Nature 2 2013-2014
Calgary Greenway An educational wetland area will be created as a feature of the Calgary Greenway adjacent to the Stoney Trail project. The wetland will include a boardwalk, an observation area and interpretive signage. Attracting local wildlife, the wetland will also help filter run-off and soils from the nearby roadways. Project activities will include the planting of four hundred trees, shrubs and native plants and an invasive plant monitoring program. Parks Foundation Calgary Nature 2 2012-2013
Langevin Schoolyard Revitalization Project The Langevin Schoolyard will be transformed into a revitalized learning and play space. Rerouting storm water and capturing the runoff will be important activities for environmentally responsible water management practices in the schoolyard. Plantings will feature over 1000 native trees, shrubs and perennials. As part of the Bow River Valley Wildlife Corridor, the revitalized schoolyard is expected to become habitat for wildlife. The schoolyard will lead to environmental learning opportunities for teachers, students and community members. Langevin Parent Society Clean Water 0 2012-2013
RiverWatch Youth Leadership Camps During week-long summer camps in Edmonton and Calgary, 480 participants 14 to 18 years of age will be trained as leaders to guide, teach and assist in public education programs. The leadership camp will provide the focused time, experience and tools to engage in stewardship projects that can continue at home, school and work. Projects activities will include the removal of invasive plants, planting native plants and the removal of shoreline litter. RiverWatch Institute of Alberta Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Craigflower Watershed Good Neighbours HAT'S "Craigflower Good Neighbours" project will help educate the community surrounding Thetis Lake Park and Prior Lake about how the pressures of a growing population, increased contaminated water runoff and introduction of invasive species threatens natural areas in the watersheds. Through a series of events and stewardship activities, this project will create local demonstration projects to show how residents can engage in positive land care efforts that will mitigate the problems of a growing population. Individual landowner contact and providing personalized natural landscape prescriptions will help property owners to become stewards of 20 hectares of rare ecosystems and wildlife. Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) Nature 2 2012-2013
Ride Sharing on Bowen Island The BowenLIFT project will promote sustainable ride sharing for residents of Bowen Island as an alternative to the use of single occupancy vehicles through three different actions. The first will be the use of signage on cars and pedestrians using the Bowen Island ferry, in order to facilitate effective communication about one’s need for a lift and their destination. The other two actions will be the construction of BowenLIFT stops at 20 locations around the island where cars can safely pull over to pick up those needing a lift, and a public outreach/communications program. The BowenLIFT project will provide a template for reducing GHG emissions that could be adopted by other rural communities. Contributors to the project include the municipalities of Metro Vancouver and Bowen Island. BowenLIFT Clean Air 3 2012-2013
Middle Vernon Creek Action Plan Middle Vernon Creek is Wood Lake's primary spawning tributary. This stream, located in the Okanagan region of British Columbia has been severely degraded due to human population growth in the area. The Middle Vernon Creek Action Plan project will work towards the implementation of a water management plan that will result in long term sustainable benefits to the water quality and quantity of the creek. Through the engagement of stakeholders in a strategic water use plan, a better understanding of the impacts of water flow and levels of fish will help to stabilize fish species such as the Wood Lake Kokanee, the last remaining wild Kokanee fishery in Canada. Okanagan Nation Alliance Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Cool Neighborhoods The Cool Neighborhoods project will support homeowners on the North Shore of Vancouver with reducing and conserving energy in their homes, by coordinating and facilitating home energy audits and by encouraging participants to take action on the energy audit recommendations. The project will partner with local fire departments to perform thermal imaging on the homes to add value to the energy audits. It will also involve participation from local businesses that are able to provide cost saving incentives for energy saving home renovation products and services. Environmental benefits include reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and energy conservation. Cool North Shore Society Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Best Practices for Sustainable Water Conservation Landscaping in the Okanagan Region The Friends of the Summerland Garden project will serve as a model for promoting sustainable public and private-sector, community and home-based water conservation landscaping initiatives for residents of the Okanagan-Similkameen region. The public demonstration garden, located at the Pacific Agriculture and Food Research Centre in Summerland will educate water users through leading edge water conservation practices and technologies. The one year project will reduce water use by 15 to 30% in test sections of the demonstration garden and engage a broad section of community partners and residents towards soil and water conservation, increased biodiversity and ecological health Friends of the Summerland Ornamental Gardens Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Habitat Enhancement in Boothman’s Oxbow Provincial Park The project being proposed by the Boundary Weed Management Committee will restore and enhance grassland and parkland features in Boothman's Oxbow Provincial Park. Project activities include the removal and control of invasive plants in the park and the re-establishment of native grasses, forbs, shrubs, and trees in 1.5 hectares of the park. In order to establish a more resilient plant community and promote biodiversity, the project will engage various partners including other levels of government, community groups, local schools and interested volunteers. This project will engage over 400 people in the community on the importance of protecting grasslands for species at risk. Boundary Invasive Species Society Nature 2 2012-2013
Uncover Your Creeks The goal of "Uncover Your Creeks" is to have a positive ecological impact on Metro Vancouver watersheds in Jericho Park, North Vancouver Parks and Still Creek Park. Project actions will have direct environmental benefits through riparian and stream side restoration activities including stream bank stabilization, invasive species management and planting of native plant species. Community and business partners will work together with Evergreen to transform public lands into engaging, accessible and ecologically sound community green spaces. Additionally, in the Still Creek Park area, a core group of youth and adult volunteers will be trained to monitor water quality and stream health over the course of the project. Through the involvement of 15 volunteers, approximately 4000 native plants and scrubs will be planted, with an anticipated survival rate of 75%. Evergreen Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Western Bluebird Reintroduction Project The Western Bluebird Reintroduction Project will re-establish the Western Bluebirds population by trans-locating 50 birds from healthy populations in Washington into the remaining sensitive Garry Oak Ecosystem on Salt Spring Island. It will also increase habitat for the birds by installing 150 nest boxes and 3 aviaries. The project is modeled after a reintroduction project on nearby San Juan Island, Washington, that successfully restored a breeding population of Western Bluebirds after a 70 year absence. The project has a sustainability plan that will see it continue on over the next few years with the aid of its volunteers. Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team Society Nature 2 2012-2013
Migratory Bird Habitat Enhancement in Stanley Park The Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) will engage 700 people in the restoration, enhancement, and monitoring of habitat that supports migratory birds. Specific actions will include the installation of 30 floating islands - structures that provide habitat for birds to use for resting, feeding and breeding away from urban trails and disturbance by pets and people. To promote the productivity of declining species such as the wood duck and tree swallow, SPES will create, maintain and monitor nest boxes and other nesting habitat in key breeding areas. Project activities will include planting over 300 native plants and trees along the park's shoreline and intertidal areas, as well as education and engagement in order to protect and enhance the overwintering habitat for waterfowl. Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) Nature 2 2012-2013
Protection and Restoration of Vancouver's Last Wild Salmon Stream This project will engage the Musqueam Indian Band Community and volunteers from the surrounding community in capacity building workshops that will teach people how to restore and protect the Musqueam Creek along with its main tributary, Cutthroat Creek, both of which support runs of Coho salmon. The project will involve the installation of nature-mimicking logs and boulders to reverse erosion, the removal of invasive species and planting of native species. The project adresses a regional priority of clean water, and will take place on the Musqueam reserve. The Musqueam Indian Band has been working successfully for many years to deal with issues of water quality and quantity, stream flow improvement and fish passage. Musqueam Indian Band Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Earthwise Bee Gardens The Earthwise Bee Garden Project will benefit the environment by addressing the problem of declining bee populations. This will be achieved by engaging widespread community participation in taking individual actions to provide habitat for pollinators. The actions of this project will benefit the environment and bee species, and excellent long term opportunities will be realized through increased wild pollinator population. Increased public awareness and promotion of sustainable practices will also contribute to species health. Earthwise Bee Gardens will enhance pollinator habitat on private lands by installing three demonstration gardens with educational signage on public sites, by involving three business leaders to plant inspector plants on commercial sites, and by providing bee friendly garden tours. Earthwise Society Nature 2 2012-2013
Conserving Nature by Removing Debris from the Ocean This Living Oceans Society project will conserve species diversity and habitat in the local marine environment through three different actions. The first involves the removal of ghost crab traps from popular recreational crab sub-tidal fishing areas. The second involves developing an environmentally responsible method of vessel disposal at a local level. The third component of the project involves the removal, disposal and documentation of debris on regional beaches. As a result of these actions, the marine environment in the northern Vancouver Island region will be better protected in the future. Living Oceans Society Clean Water 0 2012-2013
The Lower Similkameen Indian Band (LSIB) Riparian Wetland Stewardship Workshops The reserve of the Lower Similkameen Indian Band (LSIB) comprises the largest matrix of wetlands and riparian habitat remaining in the Okanagan region of British Columbia. A series of hands-on workshops will bring riparian/wetlands educators and traditional knowledge keepers together to assist farmers, landowners and community members to stabilize stream bank erosion, improve water quality and enhance native habitat. Through the planting of 1300 native plants and trees, and by conducting educational workshops on riparian and wetland stewardship, members of the band will be actively involved in the enhancement of their land. Lower Similkameen Indian Band Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Millennium Library Park - Kiosk Of particular interest for residents of downtown Winnipeg, visitors and library patrons, the Millennium Library Park will become an active urban greenspace featuring a literary garden, an outdoor classroom, and an urban wetland. The design of the space will incorporate elements of Manitoba’s distinct ecosystems, water conservation techniques and wind power. The kiosk will allow for year-round environmental programming on topics such as native species and traditional aboriginal relationship with the land. Winnipeg Library Foundation Nature 2 2012-2013
Prairie Habitat Revival Project An extensive habitat restoration on 160 acres will return an area in Southwest Manitoba to a native grassland and functioning prairie wetland. The area will become a refuge for native plants and wildlife. The restored habitat will serve as a demonstration project of particular interest for its ability to help mitigate climate change. The Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Nature 2 2012-2013
Burrowing Owl Recovery Project In Manitoba, the Burrowing Owl is an endangered species. In recent years, small numbers of Burrowing Owls have been observed in and around southwest Manitoba. This slight increase prompted efforts to help with the recovery of the species. Through this project, young Burrowing Owls will be cared for over winter for release the following season. Monitoring activities will take place in the West Souris Conservation District and in the Turtle Mountain area where the breeding owls will be released. Portage Natural History Group Nature 2 2012-2013
Lake Winnipeg: Shared Solutions The H2O Solution, a new interactive exhibit at the Manitoba Museum, will feature a simulation of life in the Lake Winnipeg Basin. The exhibit will combine the science of water resource management with a powerful and captivating learning tool. The outreach component will focus on community, local and individual action on water issues within Lake Winnipeg and its basin. Exhibit visitors will explore how their individual choices impact both the land and water in Canada and the U.S. The Manitoba Museum Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Protection and Ecological Improvement of a Natural Area A widespread restoration and clean-up of Seal Creek, a main stream leading to New Brunswick’s Petite Tracadie River, will improve habitat for native flora and fauna, control river-bank erosion, and enhance water flow. The project will work closely with landowners living along Seal Creek and local schools to educate on river restoration techniques and residential impacts on water quality. Association des Bassins Versants de la Grande et Petite Rivière Tracadie Nature 2 2012-2013
Implementing New Bioengineering Restoration Techniques: Kennebecasis Watershed This project will utilize student staff, volunteer efforts and community partners to assess, install, promote, and monitor restoration projects on streams within the Kennebecasis watershed. This effort will improve water quality as well as land and aquatic habitat by planting 7,000 trees and reducing stream bank erosion. Education and monitoring efforts will also take place in the form of partnered workshops and volunteer bird and tree species counts. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Enhancing Meduxnekeag Biodiversity This multi-year initiative will enhance understory plant biodiversity in the 700 acre Meduxnekeag Valley Nature Preserve. Project activities will focus on sections of the Preserve which have been previously identified as “species poor”, often due to past management practices. The overall aim of the project is both to enhance biodiversity in protected areas and to increase the survival rate of selected rare species by establishing additional colonies in suitable protected habitat where they are not currently represented. Meduxnekeag River Association Inc. Nature 2 2012-2013
Climate Change Adaptation for Schools Many Bathurst area schools currently have no formal system of recycling or composting, this initiative will now help Bathurst area schools to start Youth Environmental Leadership Program clubs, school composting programs, conduct school environmental and energy audits, and start in-school recycling programs. This project will result in a large reduction of GHG emissions, the diversion of a considerable quantity of recyclable material from landfills and an increase in this community’s environmental awareness. Bathurst Sustainable Development (BSD) Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Biodiversity conservation in the Village en haut du ruisseau A class of sixth grade students will help residents of an eco-neighborhood in Dieppe, New Brunswick to maintain biodiversity by planting low-maintenance lawns and rain gardens, providing habitats for wildlife, planting vegetable gardens in pots or in yards, and transplanting forest plants. Residents and students will partner with a green neighborhood in Grenoble, France to discuss sustainable landscaping and improving urban biodiversity. Additionally, this project will provide a valuable demonstration site to the community and to New Brunswick architects and builders, teaching them the importance of conserving landscapes. Groupe Littoral et Vie Nature 2 2012-2013
Taking Action to Protect Water Quality in New Brunswick This project will engage communities to take action to protect local water resources with three campaigns aimed at water quality and related waste issues in schools, businesses and family homes. These initiatives have the goal of diverting waste from the landfill and local watershed. The community will celebrate the local watershed and shorelines through group tree planting and clean-up efforts. Falls Brook Centre Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Conserving Landscapes in Southeast New Brunswick The recent degradation of the rich Acadian mixed forest has meant a decline in southeast New Brunswick's forest industry. Regional community-based forest stewardship projects will provide public access to a working model of restoration forestry, on-site continuing education for woodlot owners, operators, and interested citizens, and capacity-building volunteer opportunities for youth. At project completion, 4.5 hectares of riparian habitat, will be treated with restoration forestry techniques including planting 2,000 trees. Community Forests International (CFI) Nature 2 2012-2013
Habitat Conservation and Protection for Chimney Swifts Bird Studies Canada will engage students and communities in long-term protection of the threatened species, Chimney Swifts. Bird Studies Canada will work with schools in New Glasgow and Middleton, Nova Scotia, and in Sainte-Anne de Madawaska, New Brunswick, to protect three large chimneys and secure thirty hectares of habitat adjacent to the chimneys. Bird Studies Canada Nature 2 2012-2013
Addressing water quality, river restoration and biodiversity in Pokemouche River restoration in the Sewell Creek Watershed includes in-stream deflectors to reduce turbidity and improve oxygen levels; river banks will be stabilized and debris cleaned up. Educational outreach activities will encourage community responsibility for water quality and good environmental practices. Also, two local schools will increase school-ground biodiversity by building a biodiversity garden, installing bird houses and planting native trees. Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche Nature 2 2012-2013
Helping New Brunswick Schools Adapt to Climate Change To help New Brunswick schools adapt to climate change, student-led sustainability projects at 15 elementary and middle schools will help students take leadership in helping their schools adopt achievable environmental principles with measurable outcomes. Students will develop a baseline for their school’s consumption of energy, waste, water, transportation and food to provide a reference point for reduction solutions. The Gaia Project Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Stewardship of Coastal Conservation Lands Environmental stewardship activities will restore four nature reserves in New Brunswick; Baie Verte, Pendleton Island, Tabusintac and New Horton. This will include the protection of nine hectares of habitat, beach clean-ups, planting 2000 indigenous trees and shrubs and ensuring coastal wetland protection. This project will complete stewardship actions on these conservation lands through the assistance of trained conservation volunteers and interns. Nature Conservancy of Canada – Atlantic Region Nature 2 2012-2013
From Land to Sea: The Importance of Natural Spaces for Water Quality This multi-year project shows students and their families in New Brunswick School District 11 how land activities and water quality are connected and how they can protect the neighboring Northumberland Straight. To create awareness of sound environmental practices participants will create 20 natural schoolyard spaces; plant at least 600 native trees and shrubs; install 20 bat houses; map the district’s water resources; create 20 rainwater harvesting sites; develop a district-wide information network; and a substantial reduction in water consumption. Ten francophone schools will be involved in project activities. Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne Nature 2 2012-2013
Wetland and Coastal Habitat Conservation This project will encourage municipalities to take action on habitat stewardship, resulting in formal stewardship agreements signed between the Province and each municipality. The agreements will conserve 500 acres of wetland each year with associated upland and coastal habitat within or near municipal planning boundaries. “Habitat for Wildlife” days will be held each year in four participating communities to raise awareness of wildlife and habitat stewardship initiatives and to highlight environmental education and habitat enhancement initiatives. Stewardship Association of Municipalities Inc. (SAM) Nature 2 2012-2013
Biodiversity Enrichment and Water Conservation This project will partner with the Memorial Botanical Gardens to work with 150 elementary students at Harbour Grace Primary School in order to develop an outdoor learning space and improve biodiversity. Students will learn about the importance of composting to improve soil quality by establishing both vermi-culture and dry composting sites. Students will establish greenhouse plantings and plant 20 native shrubs and trees to improve biodiversity in their schoolyard. Lower Trinity South Regional Development Association Nature 2 2012-2013
Green Community Project In an effort to divert harmful waste from the landfill in Rencontre East, an isolated community connected to mainland Newfoundland only by ferry, a school-based group will encourage students and their families to take action locally. They will construct and provide drop boxes for recyclables, secure a central location for them to be sorted, cleaned and stored as well as arrange weekly transportation to the mainland. Community outreach and education initiatives are also an important component of this project. St. Stephen's School Recycling Club Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Biodiversity Enhancement and Community Action A biodiversity garden, and outreach on habitat protection and recycling will increase the community of Lawn’s understanding and appreciation for biodiversity, nature and climate change. Recycling education and action is critical, with the nearest recycling depot 45 minutes from Lawn. The barrier to recycling will be reduced by volunteers sorting and transporting recyclables to the depot. Holy Name of Mary Academy (HNMA) Eco Kids Nature 2 2012-2013
Moving Ahead: Implementing a Wetland Conservation Program in NL Throughout this project, 40 hectares of land will be protected and conservation agreements will be signed for four hectares. There will be 50 native trees planted and 100 eider nesting boxes placed by the 130 participants and 25 volunteers. The Project Webfoot wetland education program will be delivered to students in western Newfoundland to promote environmental stewardship. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2012-2013
Activating the Energy Transition in Shelburne County Using community-based social marketing principles, community members will work together to cooperatively develop energy efficiencies; residents with experience in solar energy and wind power will serve as mentors to residents seeking to establish similar energy systems. Also, local contractors, plumbers, electricians and their employees will receive training and certification on alternative forms of energy in cooperation with the Nova Scotia Community College. By the end of this project, at least five residential and one community energy efficiency projects will have moved to the planning and installation stage. Shelburne County Women's Fishnet Clean Air 3 2012-2013
Demonstrating a 'Living Shorelines' Approach to Manage Coastal Erosion in Nova Scotia This project will conserve coastal landscapes and improve wildlife habitat along the Bay of Fundy and Northumberland Strait coasts of Nova Scotia. At least four pilot coastal sites, with two hectares of natural coasts, will be selected for the strategic placement of native plants and other biodegradable materials to manage erosion. Two public workshops and site tours will be delivered on how Living Shorelines can be used to manage coastal erosion, in addition to the production of a series of fact sheets and videos to encourage stakeholders to adopt these methods. Ecology Action Centre Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Taking Action on Climate Change This multi-faceted climate change project will help residents to undertake various waste-reduction initiatives, leading to an overall reduction in the volume of waste, the number of landfill trips and in greenhouse gas emissions. The “Blue W” campaign will encourage the use of municipal drinking water rather than buying bottled water. The project aims to involve over 1,000 participants in the campaign, reduce water consumption by 500 L per year and reduce GHG emissions by three tonnes. Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Atlantic Wetland Care Program – A Landowner Stewardship Initiative This new Maritime-focused wetland stewardship initiative will target landowners to encourage the protection of essential neighboring wetland habitat, resulting in the improvement of water resources, survival of waterfowl and associated wetland species and foster a stewardship ethic among private landowners. The program will secure 150 hectates of wetland habitat by encouraging landowners to sign conservation and stewardship agreements. Educational opportunities will be offered as well, such as ‘Caring for Your Wetland’ workshops and other user-friendly educational resources. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2012-2013
Sa’qatie’j Project Sa’qatie’j (pronounced Saw-caw-dee-edge) is the Mi’kmaq word for water strider, a long-legged bug that skims on top of the water. This initiative will teach Mi’kmaq elementary students about traditional knowledge on environmental sustainability with regard to water conservation. The project will supply up to seven schools with rain barrels and deliver workshops on water aimed at reducing consumption by 2,200 litres per year. Other student-led activities include the installation of a native plant pollinator garden, and the participation in the Fish Friends program and Project Wet, enabling over 250 students to learn about marine and freshwater ecosystems. Mi’kmaq Environmental Learning Center (MELC) Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Chapel Island Watershed Restoration Project Indian Lake, which is vulnerable to algae blooms and increased bacterial counts, is the sole source of drinking water for the Mi’kmaq community of Chapel Island/Potlotek. Working with youth at risk, the Chapel Island Waterkeepers program will undertake restoration of Indian Lake's watershed by removing an estimated 4,000 kilograms of debris and stabilizing 10 hectares of shoreline through the planting of trees and shrubs. . The project will also include a community education program throughout the fall and winter months, reaching out to all 13 Mi’kmaq bands in Nova Scotia. Chief John Basque Chapel Island Waterkeepers Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Wagmatcook Bee Habitat Restoration Project Bee populations have been facing a rapid decline in recent years for many reasons, one being linked to the loss of habitat and pollination points for bees. To increase bee habitat and biological diversity, more than 100 local youth will create wildflower pollination plots and bee nesting boxes in Wagmatcook First Nation, Cape Breton, home to some of the most ancient Mi’kmaq berry fields. The project aims to build and populate six bee boxes, and establish 600 indigenous pollinating plants and shrubs. Wagmatcook First Nation Nature 2 2012-2013
Enhancing Cape Breton/Unama'ki Rivers The Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources, in partnership with the Collaborative Salmon Initiative, will plant 2,000 native trees along several rivers in Cape Breton. A habitat best practices brochure will be developed for Cape Breton communities to help deter further degradation of local river systems. This will complement the Sespite'tmnej habitat protection strategies/best management practices information for the five Mi'kmaq communities in Unama'ki. Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources (UINR) Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Rural H20 Rural landowners will complete groundwater and surface water assessments and receive property-specific recommendations, as well as learn how to properly maintain their drinking, surface and waste water. Incentives will be available for drinking water quality monitoring, well repairs, water efficiency, riparian zone buffers and surface water run-off. The project aims to reduce yearly water consumption by 25,000 litres; stabilize and protect five hectares of shoreline; perform restoration on 10 hectares of land and plant 1,000 indigenous plants, trees and shrubs. Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Developing an appreciation for biodiversity among landowners and youth through hands-on habitat restoration This action-oriented, community-based project will bolster biodiversity in southwest Nova Scotia and provide education and tools for landowners to continue habitat restoration on their own. At least 40 landowners will receive one-on-one assistance to restore, regenerate and protect field and woodland habitat and to reduce lawns by planting native fields and flowers. This initiative will provide more than 50 youth and other volunteers with environmental education and job opportunities by engaging school and youth groups in planting native trees and shrubs and by working with local landowners. Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute (MTRI) Nature 2 2012-2013
Rideau Valley Healthy Watershed Project Project activities will alleviate pressure to aquatic and near-shore environments through stream stabilization and buffer enhancements, large-scale plantings and the implementation of agricultural best management practices such as livestock restriction control measures and alternative watering systems. Landowners and other community volunteers will plant 31,500 native trees, enhance 11 hectares of habitat and improve over four kilometres of shoreline. Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation Clean Water 0 2012-2013
100,000 Meters of Meadow The project will contribute to the creation of meadow habitat throughout sites across Ontario and support pollinator species dependent on the biodiversity of meadow ecosystems. Community members including elementary and secondary school students will participate in the project through the education, planting and monitoring of the restoration sites. Local community members will participate in habitat restoration activities to realize the creation of four hectares of meadow habitat through the planting of 13,500 native plants. Environmental Earth Angels Nature 2 2012-2013
Project iRestore In southern Ontario, tall grass prairie habitat and wetlands are amongst the most endangered habitats with less than 3% and 20% respectively remaining. Project results will increase local biodiversity and rehabilitate three former agricultural fields into native tall grass prairie habitat. Activities with community volunteers and university students include the rehabilitation of a seasonal wetland, the planting of 86 kilograms of flower and grass seed, 24,000 plugs, 85 trees and shrubs, along with the installation of 30 wildlife structures for birds. Earth Rangers Foundation Nature 2 2012-2013
Smart about Salt Road salt, a toxic substance, results in the release of chlorides to the environment contaminating soil, groundwater and surface water. This project aims to improve and protect water quality from the improper use of salt to control ice on sidewalks, parking lots and roads. Activities target snow and ice removal contractors and facility managers through education and training initiatives that will help determine appropriate usage levels and application methods of roads salts. Activities proposed will see an overall fourteen percent reduction in salt use. Smart About Salt Council Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Watershed Forest Cover and Water Quality Improvement The project will address pressures from surrounding land use practices, largely agricultural, to improve forest cover and water quality in the Oxbow and Medway Creek watersheds. Over 650 volunteers will help participating landowners to create two hectares of forest and wildlife habitat. The planting of 1,165 native trees and shrubs will increase biodiversity, create connectivity between woodlots and create migratory corridors for wildlife. Three bird boxes will also be installed. Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Corridors for Life: Improving Vegetation Management Practices This restoration project will re-vegetate and enhance sites located on or adjacent to power transmission rights-of-way in Algoma District. These sites are severely eroded and damaged due to natural or mechanical means. Restoration sites will be evaluated to determine which native shrub or grass species is suitable to the area in order to control erosion and restore the site to its original condition. Site-specific vegetative rehabilitation methods will be developed that can be extrapolated to other locations and corridors (i.e., pipeline, roadsides, or reclamation sites). Approximately 1000 shrubs and seedlings will be planted and each site will be monitored periodically to replace any unsuccessful transplants. Seeds and hardwood cuttings will be harvested from native species compatible with rights-of-way to propagate for use in future restoration projects. Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre Nature 2 2012-2013
Protecting the Pottawatomi River Three floodwater stream restoration and enhancement projects along the Pottawatomi River will reduce sedimentation and stream bank erosion as a result of livestock farming. Through the installation of cattle fencing, it is estimated that 65 kilograms/year of harmful substances will be diverted from waterways. Additionally, over 2,600 native trees and shrubs will be planted to prevent stream bank erosion and improve riparian habitat. Landowner participation will lead to successful project delivery. Grey County Forest Stewardship Network Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Ontario EcoCentres Expansion Project This project will significantly increase the capacity of 40 education centres to operate in a sustainable manner, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 360 tonnes. Emission reductions in energy use and diversion of waste to landfills will be measured using a carbon tracking tool that is integrated with an online certification program. Plans will be developed to integrate greenhouse gas reductions in daily operational practices. The Living City Foundation Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Empowering Sault North Residents to take Long Term Responsibility for their Waste This project responds directly to the waste management needs of a municipally unincorporated area by expanding waste collection services for recyclables. Expansion of these services include: increasing the frequency of waste collection pick-ups for recyclables; incorporating a new waste collection stream for fibre materials and; expanding the geographic area will target community members to meet a 200 tonne reduction target of greenhouse gas emissions. Sault North Waste Management Council Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Naturalizing Fort Erie's Creek Drains With the participation of community members, this project will restore 25 hectares of land along Miller, Beaver and Six Mile Creek with native trees, wildflower and grass species. Over 50,000 native trees and shrubs will be planted, along with thousands of native wildflowers and grasses, in order to establish sustainable wildlife habitat. Twenty-four wildlife nesting structures will be installed to encourage the return of several species integral to Carolinian habitat. Niagara River Restoration Council Nature 2 2012-2013
Urban Biodiversity in East Toronto This project set in the Don and Highland Creek watersheds, will provide an integrated approach to protecting local biodiversity through public education and action through environmental restoration and monitoring. By engaging 2,500 volunteers in hands-on restoration through the planting of 10,000 native trees and 2,000 wildflowers, a portion of a 16 acre post-industrial Brick Works will be restored to its natural state – Ontario’s mixed wood plains ecozone. Evergreen Nature 2 2012-2013
Neighbourhood Roots: Community Stewardship Program Urban development continues to be one of the leading causes of habitat loss in Southern Ontario. Evergreen will work collaboratively with municipal and regional stakeholders, community partners, and local volunteers to increase the urban forest and restore wildlife habitat in parks and open spaces across Richmond Hill and Markham by planting 6,000 native trees and shrubs, 2,200 native wildflowers and engaging over 1,000 volunteers in 40 planting events and 40 stewardship events. Evergreen Nature 2 2012-2013
Securing Ecologically Significant Habitat in the Kawartha Lakes Region The Kawartha Lakes Region is under threat from increasing urbanization, cottage development, and recreational boating. This project proposes to identify key areas and engage communities in protecting significant habitat. Interested landowners will be guided through land securement processes (title transfers, conservation easements) that protect key habitats, helping them obtain financial benefits through tax and investment vehicles. For landowners not immediately interested in securement, other stewardship approaches will be explored that maintain the ecological integrity of the property. By project’s end, a minimum of 10 properties will be secured totaling approximately 400 hectares. Kawartha Heritage Conservancy Nature 2 2012-2013
Improving Water Quality in the Kawartha Lakes Region Near-shoreline farmland poses potential risks to water quality. Naturalization activities will benefit water quality in these near-shore areas by planting a vegetated buffer and restoring stream banks. Landowners will participate by installing cattle exclusion fencing and alternative water systems to remove 120 cattle from sensitive areas, reducing 50 kilograms of phosphorous from entering waterways. In addition the project will result in the creation of eight hectares of riparian buffer; the restoration of four hectares of stream habitat; and the planting of 6,000 trees and shrubs. Lakeland Alliance c/o Peterborough Green-Up Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Biodiversity in Our Community: King Property Project activities will address water quality and wildlife habitat issues due to agricultural practices by engaging volunteers in restoration and conservation initiatives. Approximately 15 hectares of habitat will be restored including native tall grass prairie and wetland habitats. The creation of tall grass and wetland habitats will aid in filtering nutrients, sediments and pesticides for improved water quality both in the headwaters and downstream areas. Wetlands will also help improve water quantity as wetlands retain water longer allowing for gradual release into the groundwater system. St. Clair Region Conservation Authority Nature 2 2012-2013
The Great Draft-proofing Crack Down – Phase 1 Air-leakage control is the single most important retrofit activity and it is an important first step in any retrofit strategy. Waterloo Region homeowners will host draft-proofing parties resulting in direct and measurable emission savings. Friends and neighbours will be invited to assist, observe and learn as the host home is draft-proofed by an experienced installer. The goal is to motivate the participants to take the same action in their own home, resulting in further emission savings in an additional 15 homes. Strategies to address barriers to draft-proofing homes will be developed based on participant feedback. The REEP House for Sustainable Living will provide support and demonstration on energy reduction opportunities, through expert workshops and open houses to consult with a Certified Energy Advisor. It is estimated that 30 tonnes of emissions and 75,000 kWh of electricity will be reduced. Waterloo Region Green Solutions (REEP Green Solutions) Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Restoring Conservation Lands This project will restore a large tract of habitat that will contribute to the goal of achieving 12% of natural habitat coverage in Essex County. Habitat restoration will take place on protected lands, namely Conservation Areas and will involve the local community. Approximately six hectares will be planted by high school students with a mixture of 4,000 seedling trees and 2,000 small potted stock trees. Essex Region Conservation Authority Nature 2 2012-2013
Implementing Integrated Watershed Management in the Pine River and Neighbouring Watersheds The goal of this project is to restore and protect riparian zones within Pine River Watershed for improved water quality health. Impairment caused in the nearshore zones due to land use practices, has resulted in the Pine River Watershed being given priority status within the Southeast shores of Lake Huron. Restoration activities such as the planting of over 28,000 trees and the installation of cattle exclusion control measures will contribute towards restoring 5 hectares of shoreline and 15 hectares of habitat. Opportunities will be provided for local community members, including landowners and students, to participate in restoration activities which will ultimately result in improved water quality and health of the Pine River Watershed and Lake Huron. Pine River Watershed Initiative Network Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Lynde Creek Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project – Phase 3 The primary goal of the project is to improve water quality and sustain and improve biodiversity in Pigeon Lake. Shoreline enhancement and protection will be realized through the implementation of habitat restoration activities such as the planting of 5,000 native shrubs and plants and the installation of 16 wildlife structures. Efforts from landowners and volunteers will help improve and stabilize 0.36 hectares of shoreline and 0.98 hectares of habitat. Community members will be educated on the importance of maintaining naturalized shorelines to reduce nutrient loading and sedimentation for improved water quality health. Ontario Streams Nature 2 2012-2013
Pigeon Lake and Area Shoreline Restoration and Habitat Enhancement Program The primary goal of the project is to improve water quality and sustain and improve biodiversity in Pigeon Lake. Shoreline enhancement and protection will be realized through the implementation of habitat restoration activities such as the planting of 5,000 native shrubs and plants and the installation of 16 wildlife structures. Efforts from landowners and volunteers will help improve and stabilize 0.36 hectares of shoreline and 0.98 hectares of habitat. Community members will be educated on the importance of maintaining naturalized shorelines to reduce nutrient loading and sedimentation for improved water quality health. Gamiing Nature Centre Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Naturalization Projects in Support of London’s Million Tree Challenge Community volunteers will plant 3,500 native trees and shrubs at 10 public parks and natural areas across London, Ontario. Approximately 2.5 hectares of land will be naturalized in targeted areas for improving woodlands, creating linkages, and supporting native ecosystems. At least 500 volunteers will be trained in effective tree planting techniques. A maintenance and monitoring program will be implemented to increase the survival rate of the planted trees. Activities of the project will also help mitigate the effects of the Emerald Ash Borer. ReForest London Nature 2 2012-2013
Native Plants and Watersheds- a Natural Alliance Eco-PEI will host riparian zone workshops and plant 6,000 trees and shrubs to create new or expanded buffer zones. This program will enhance wildlife habitat in over 12 hectares of riparian zone; control the amount of nitrates and other pollutants entering waterways by removing 600 tonnes of sediment; improve biodiversity; clean air and store carbon. Over 300 staff and volunteers of watershed groups in Prince Edward Island will carry out the plantings that will result in adding rarer plants suitable to the area. Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Wetland Restoration and Protection on Prince Edward Island Nitrate contamination of groundwater and surface water is a serious environmental issue on Prince Edward Island. Due to changes in land management, including the extensive use of fertilizers and the loss of wetlands and riparian areas, nitrate levels are approaching or exceeding Health Canada’s Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines. Ducks Unlimited Canada will work with landowners to identify 20 sites for wetland protection and restoration, completing restoration activities on at least three of these sites as a means to filter water flow and reduce nutrients and other contaminants. Landowners will be asked to sign conservation agreements for a minimum of 15 years. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2012-2013
Clyde River Watershed Nutrient Management Project This project will carry out assessment, restoration, and nutrient management initiatives on the Clyde River in Prince Edward Island. Aquatic habitat restoration techniques include the removal of in-stream sediment loads and the addition of cover and spawning habitat elements. This project will result in the planting of 2,000 trees, 4 kilometers of habitat restored and closed off to cattle, and 10 kilometers of improved fish passage. Central Queens Branch of the P.E.I. Wildlife Federation Nature 2 2012-2013
Reducing Nitrates through a Watershed Perspective This multi-year nitrate reduction pilot project will engage local farmers to address watershed nutrient loading. This program will include the thinning of pure alder stands and planting up to 4,000 native trees and shrubs per year, helping to reduce the impact of added nitrates from the nitrogen-fixing alders over 300 hectares. They will also work with 25 volunteers to keep streams clear of debris to reduce still water. Kensington North Watersheds Association Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Habitat Conservation and Ecological Protection Small acreage and hobby farm landholders will identify and adopt ecological agricultural practices which maintain and enhance the health of the soil, water, crops, livestock and environmental diversity in Prince Edward Island. The Association will develop specific online and printed resource materials, conduct on-site farm visits, create work plans, and host workshops and targeted training sessions. Project results will include the planting of native trees and shrubs, the diversion of toxic waste, habitat protection and the stabilization of shoreline. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Improving Surface Water Quality Through Improved Stewardship This project will encourage Prince Edward Island landowners to “retire” unused farm land and enhance its biodiversity, thereby reducing siltation and nutrient run-off into nearby waterways. The project will result in a permanent and measurable reduction in contaminants in streams, improved wildlife corridors and an increased area of Acadian forest. The overall goal is to increase the riparian buffer zones of ten properties from 15 to 60 metres by retiring 225,000 m2 of land. Approximately 2,000 trees or shrubs will be planted on this land. Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group Clean Water 0 2012-2013
The Arteries to the River of Life In order to address the issue of increasing nutrient inputs, this initiative will carry out watershed restoration techniques and water quality monitoring on a number of watersheds that flow into the Grand River Estuary. Project activities will include planting 1,100 native tree species in open and alder swale buffer zones, carrying out 3 km of in-stream restoration, installing over 100 wildlife structures, and collecting data on water quality and habitat conditions and providing environmental awareness and educational material to the local public. Richmond Bay Watershed Association Inc. Nature 2 2012-2013
Increasing biodiversity in plantation forests The project consists of providing alternatives to old reforestation techniques in order to improve the biodiversity of plantations in private forests in the Appalachian Region. Ultimately, 58 hectares will be reforested, which corresponds to 22,500 hardwood trees and 70,000 softwood trees planted in forests belonging to 40 owners. Agence de mise en valeur des forêts privées des Appalaches Nature 2 2012-2013
Increasing biodiversity in plantation forests The project consists of providing alternatives to old reforestation techniques in order to improve the biodiversity of plantations in private forests in the Appalachian Region. Ultimately, 58 hectares will be reforested, which corresponds to 22,500 hardwood trees and 70,000 softwood trees planted in forests belonging to 40 owners. Agence de mise en valeur des forêts privées des Appalaches Nature 2 2012-2013
Conservation of Natural Areas in the Lake Memphremagog Watershed, phase II The project aims to protect natural areas in the Lake Memphremagog watershed territory over the long term in order to preserve biodiversity and water quality in this area. Through information sessions and meetings with landowners, the organization aims to obtain at least two official voluntary conservation commitments (100 hectares) with a view to signing legal agreements, and begin negotiations with three other owners for medium­term conservation agreements (100 hectares). Memphrémagog Conservation Inc. Nature 2 2012-2013
green walls for a green that lasts! The project aims to reduce heat islands in the boroughs of Verdun, Le Sud­Ouest, Lachine and La Salle. The project will involve hundreds of volunteers planting 1,000 native vines on the façades of 100 buildings (housing cooperatives, institutions, businesses, stores), the creaton of 100 "cool" committees in charge of sustaining the plants, and raising of awareness (in­class workshops, door to door, kiosks) among 5,000 residents and 600 primary and secondary school students in the area regarding the collective fight against climate change. Pro-Vert Sud-Ouest Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Operation Cleaning Up the Banks 2012 The project aims to remove 175 tonnes of waste from 12 clandestine disposal sites on the riparian strip in the territory of the Portneuf RCM and the Chenaux RCM. About 800 square metres of the riparian strip will be cleaned. The population will also be made aware of good waste management habits. CAPSA Nature 2 2012-2013
Live-Stream your River! The project aims to enhance the knowledge of 3,000 residents so that they may take concrete action to protect seven waterways in the National Capital and the Gaspé / Lower St. Lawrence regions. An electronic riparian field record will be developed and available on the iPad and iPhone. A total of 1,000 youths will be asked to participate in the restoration of 10 areas (400 trees and shrubs over 1,000 metres of shoreline) and in four cleaning operations. Groupe d'éducation et d'écosurveillance de l'eau Nature 2 2012-2013
Community mobilization project for the renaturalization of banks adjacent to the natural reserve of strands in Saint-Augustin-des-Desmaures The project will include planting riparian strip vegetation on about 30 lands in order to control the erosion of banks. The lands targeted are within an area of five kilometres. The promoter has analyzed close to 100 properties, and about 50 of them have banks that show signs of degradation. Fondation québécoise pour la protection du patrimoine naturel Nature 2 2012-2013
Bourse Scol'ERE The project aims to reduce 10,000 tonnes of GHG by educating and changing the behaviours of 70 classes of students, 2,500 families, and businesses in the city of Lévis. The strategy consists of putting schools in a competition against one another, as well as businesses. Coopérative Forêt d'Arden Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Improving the free movement of fish and the quality of thier habitat in waterway crossings The project aims to improve the free movement of fish and water quality in the 20 waterway­crossing sites located at the head of the Etchemin River watershed. To do this, activities will include installing devices to slow down the water, such as deflectors and basins, installing fish ladders, or even replacing culverts that are too small by bigger ones. Agence de mise en valeur des forêts privées des Appalaches Nature 2 2012-2013
Sainte­Marie Alley Greening Network The project aims to reduce heat islands by removing 1,200 square feet of asphalt in two alleys in Montréal and by planting 30 trees, 110 shrubs and 50 herbaceous plants. Four rainwater recuperation barrels will also be installed. The project also includes training 250 residents on how to use two composting bins that will be set up as part of the project. Éco-quartier Sainte-Marie Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Restoration and enhancement of riparian lands on the Rivière Jaune upstream of the water intake, phase III The goal of the project is to restore land in Québec, along the Rivière Jaune, that has been degraded through human activity. Eight sites totalling a surface area of one hectare will be renaturalized by planting 315 trees and 3,300 shrubs. Moreover, six clandestine disposal sites will be cleaned by removing eight cubic metres of waste. Awareness­raising activities are also planned to encourage the population to preserve the integrity of the sites. Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac Saint-Charles et des Marais du Nord Nature 2 2012-2013
Revegetation of the banks of Lac Fortin The project aims to plant close to 5,000 native shrubs in order to restore the riparian strip on 200 lots and thereby delay the eutrophication of Lake Fortin, which is a source of drinking water for the municipality of Beauceville. The revegetation will be done on a surface area totalling around 1.5 hectares with the participation of 14 volunteers. Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac Fortin - APELF Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Restoring the Johnville peat bog Through the project, 30 hectares of the Johnville woodland peat bog will be restored (100–hectare Forest Park), thereby creating 0.73 hectare of a new wildlife habitat. The peat bog will be rewetted by installing dams and culverts, as well as by reducing the canopy that was created after it dried in the 1950s. Each hectare of the peat bog annually captures 0.2 tonnes of GHG, and the project therefore offers the possibility of trapping six tonnes of GHG. The public will be made aware of this ecological restoration of the peat bogs. Corporation de conservation du boisé de Johnville inc. Nature 2 2012-2013
Taking the Initiative on Waste Management in Listuguj The pilot project will help reduce the landfilling of organic matter and prevent dangerous and toxic waste from contaminating sources of drinking water in the Mi'gmaq community of Listuguj. Fifty volunteer owners are expected to begin the community composting program. The project aims to collect 800 kilograms per year of dangerous waste previously abandoned in the environment. Awareness­raising activities with youth, manufacturers and storekeepers will be carried out. Gespe'gewaq Mi'gmaq Resource Council Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Integrated development of the Rivière Noire sub­watershed in central Quebec The goal of the project is to improve the habitat quality of the white­tailed deer yards of the Rivière Barbue by increasing the number of forest hectares that provide shelter and food. To do this, silvicultural interventions will be carried out over a surface area of 35 hectares on intra­municipal public land. The project also aims to increase the surface area of wetlands and old­growth protected forests in the sub­watershed by educating 45 owners and obtaining 36 signatures stating a volontary conservation intent. Agence forestière des Bois-Francs - AFBF Nature 2 2012-2013
Fresh roofing: Lachine group The project aims to mitigate the effects of urban heat islands by creating a 400­square metre green roof and installing green walls covering about 30 square metres on a building that houses mobilizing organizations from the Lachine borough in Montréal. The goal of the project is also to further raise awareness among residents about heat islands through presentations as an educational platform. Groupe de recherche appliquée en macro-écologie (GRAME) Climate Change 1 2012-2013
A green street for a healthy environment The project aims to fight against the heat island effect by removing 58 square meters of asphalt in an alley in Montreal and by planting five trees, 30 shrubs and 250 herbaceous. Training sessions will be offered to encourage the hundreds of residents to obtain recovery of rainwater and implement composting projects. Nature-Action Québec Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Awareness­raising and engagement campaign to preserve wildlife and plant habitats in the traditional Innu territory The project aims to reduce the degradation of wildlife and plant habitats used by four Innu communities as part of their traditional activities by fighting against waste and the inappropriate use of off­road vehicles. The goal is to raise awareness among communities by involving and empowering youth from four schools, distributing information sheets and putting up an information board. Four bank, beach and path cleaning activities will be carried out by the students, their parents and relevant technical services in the communities. Letters of commitment will be signed by the students, thereby making them protectors of the traditional Innu territory. Agence Mamu Innu Kaikusseht (AMIK) Nature 2 2012-2013
Working towards energy efficiency in Quebec The project aims to educate 50,000 people regarding energy and its issues, as well as promote best practices for energy efficiency. Thirty regional committees will be created in order to implement energy efficiency measures aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by 3,000 tonnes and other pollutants by 2,000 tonnes. Association Québécoise de Lutte contre la Pollution Atmosphérique (AQLPA) Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Greening up Little Burgundy The project aims to develop green ways that will serve as cool island areas in order to mitigate the effects of climate change in Little Burgundy. The project consists in creating a wide strip of trees and two green alleys, as well as greening two large residential complexes (LCH) by planting 100 trees and over 700 bushes and climbing vines. At the community level, the project will be based on the active participation of residents for the relevant components, thereby ensuring the sustainability of the developments. Les YMCA du Québec Climate Change 1 2012-2013
Educating Youth About Fish Habitat with Sammy the Sturgeon Targeting youth and adults in the Saskatchewan River Basin, the project will result in the development of an interactive computer program about water quality and quantity. The computer program will focus on what is needed for a healthy water ecosystem to maintain species, particularly fish. The action component of the program will include commitments from individuals that protect shorelines and fish habitat. Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Wetland Margins The Wetland Margin program will restore 2,813 metres of shoreline and 16,316 square meters of habitat at selected wetlands near Saskatoon, where the natural plant communities were reduced over time by historic use. Controlled burns, removal of invasive species, planting and seeding will be used to favour existing important natural spaces and reintroduce some that have been lost. Meewasin Valley Authority Nature 2 2012-2013
Moose Jaw River Watershed Ground Water Conservation and Protection Project Beneficial Management Practices will be promoted to rural watershed residents on the need to protect ground and surface water. Two well decommissioning field days and rural hazardous waste collections will be held. Other project activities will include checking the integrity of farm wells, well water sampling and landowner surveys on the history of ground water in the area. Information gathered though the project will be used to provide ongoing outreach and education to be incorporated into the Moose Jaw River State of the Watershed Report. Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards Inc. Clean Water 0 2012-2013
Old Crow Flats Riparian Birds Assessment and Restoration Planning This project will take place in the Old Crow Flats, a wetland north of the Arctic Circle with designation under the United Nations Ramsar Convention and of paramount importance to the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation as an essential component of their livelihoods. Riparian birds are some of the most sensitive indicator species in regard to wetland ecosystems and this project will not only establish trends over time but will assist with planning for restoration and habitat management. The actions of this project will help to establish a monitoring program that connects legacy data to future community monitoring for change. This project will combine the expertise of Dr. Dave Mossop who conducted population surveys on the Flats in the 1970s with current and past traditional knowledge in order to survey current bird populations, habitat and breeding. Recommendations from the project will be implemented and contribute to the Old Crow Management Area Plan and 50 nesting boxes will be installed. Vuntut Gwitchin Government Nature 2 2012-2013
Improving Water Quality and Restoring Habitat The Alberta Birds of Prey in Coaldale, Alberta recently acquired a 40-acre property and will re-establish it as a wetland. The healthy wetland will eliminate stagnant water, restore habitat for nesting birds and other wildlife, restore the beauty of the natural landscape, and provide environmental learning opportunities for the local community. Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Solutions and Successes - Penelakut Tribe's Recycling Program In the project Solutions and Successes - Penelakut Tribe's Recycling Program the Penelakut Tribe will activate the waste management solutions that the community has generated over the past four years in order to establish a long term solid waste management program that is beneficial to both the environment and the residents of the Penelakut Island. The main objective of the project is to initiate a recycling program that will implement all levels of waste management and eventually lead to closure of the Penelakut Island landfill. Penelakut Tribe Clean Air 3 2011-2012
Bilston - Latoria Good Neighbours This project will educate the communities of Albert Head Lagoon and Witty's Lagoon about restoration and healthy maintenance of their watersheds by creating local demonstration projects that will lead to individual land care efforts. During this project, a minimum of 800 landowners will be contacted, 50 volunteers will be engaged in activities, 20 hectares of natural habitat will be protected, and/or restored, and 250 indigenous plants and trees will be planted. Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) Nature 2 2011-2012
OceanSmart Fuel Efficiency Project Working with partner organizations, industry, and local authorities, this project will engage and educate small commercial vessel operators, including fisherman, tugboat operators and tourism operators on bringing fuel efficiency practices, including operational and design measures, into action. T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Don't Worry, Bee Happy - Simple Habitat Improvements to Increase Native Bee Populations and Pollination on Farms / TLC Native Pollinator Stewardship Project Native bee populations are declining in British Columbia. The goal of the project is to protect native bee population within agricultural communities through simple habitat protection and enhancement measures directed to farmers and landowners on Vancouver Island. The Land Conservancy of British Columbia (TLC) Nature 2 2011-2012
Stanley Park Fragmentation Restoration - Restoring ecological integrity in damaged Forest Habitats This project aims to repair habitat fragmentation in Stanley Park by planting 600 trees, installing 8 nesting structures, rehabilitate unsanctioned trails and increase the biodiversity of 1 hectare of land throughout the park. Complementing these intensive stewardship action events, this project will also involve a first-ever BioBlitz event that will engage the community in partnership with experts from diverse fields to evaluate the effectiveness of the restoration efforts on overall species diversity in the future. Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) Nature 2 2011-2012
The BioKit Project- Building BioDiversity in BC The goal of this project is to build biodiversity in BC through awareness, appreciation and facilitated opportunities for action. The Naturalists' Club of BC will develop and deliver hands-on workshops that inspire and engage children and their families to take measureable actions that benefit the environment using the Vancouver and Nature BioKits as tools. The workshop will involve planting 930 indigenous plants and trees, installing 103 wildlife structures and debris clean up and removal in 12 hectares of lands around Metro Vancouver. Young Naturalists' Club of British Columbia Nature 2 2011-2012
Idling Gets You Nowhere This idle reduction project focuses on implementing ten Idle Free Zones around Langley schools. A workshop entitled 'Our Changing Climate' will be delivered to 1500 students. Over 2500 citizens will be engaged in community events by taking pledges to action in order to help combat climate change. This capacity building project will increase knowledge and improve the level of community awareness in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 395 tonnes. Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS) Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Mayne Island Community Stewardship Program A stewardship project that will fully engage the Mayne Island landowners and community by protecting 5 hectares of native habitat and planting over 400 indigenous plants, trees and scrubs. The overall objective of this landowner stewardship and community education project is to restore and enhance Henderson Community Park which will serve as a demonstration site for community, volunteer and landowner training and workshops. Mayne Island Conservancy Society Nature 2 2011-2012
Climate Change: Community Solutions The project will engage citizens in Inveremere and the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia by providing tangible and implementable solutions for energy and greenhouse gas emission reduction at the community level. Through the development and deliver of workshops, business communities will be engaged through youth-led outreach campaigns to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 270 tonnes and conserve commercial and residential energy consumption by 9000 kilowatts. Wildsight Kimberley/Cranbrook Branch Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Biodiversity: A Community Approach Ruby Lake Lagoon will create a biodiversity park on land that is owned by the Sunshine Coast Regional District. Eight educational signs will be installed in the park, 12 workshops on conservation, restoration, and biodiversity will be held, 50 hectares of land will be protected through stewardship agreements with local landowners, and two BioBlitz events will be held. Ruby Lake Lagoon Nature Reserve Society Nature 2 2011-2012
Low Flow Okanagan City Green will address water conservation issues in the Okanagan by targeting a reduction in the 30% of municipally treated water used for bathing. The project will partner with local utility companies to distribute and install free low flow fixtures to residents of the Okanagan and Okanagan Similkameen. The project will install a minimum of 3000 low flow fixtures and engage 10,000 residents on the benefits of water and energy efficiency. City Green Solutions Society Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Manitoba Environmental Youth Network/MEYN Mentorship Project The Manitoba Eco-Network’s Youth Network Mentorship project will help youth reduce school waste, conserve water and improve energy efficiency. Youth project leaders will receive training and experience in public speaking, workshop design, and project management and evaluation while reducing environmental impacts at their schools. Manitoba Eco-Network Climate Change 1 2011-2012
A Comparison of the Breeding Biology of Wild and Captive Released Western Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) in Southwestern Manitoba The Portage Natural History Group will implement new and improved methods for re-introducing burrowing owl populations to southwestern Manitoba. These improvements will raise public awareness of this endangered species while increasing the numbers and range for Burrowing Owl populations in southwestern Manitoba. Portage Natural History Group Nature 2 2011-2012
Seeds of Diversity-preserving the natural heritage of the tall grass prairie through local ecotype seed production plots The Friends of the Living Prairie Museum will establish native prairie seed production plots that will be used for local prairie restoration and habitat enhancement projects. Members of the public, school groups and community organizations will be encouraged to participate in seed collection workshops and will have access to the seeds for their own landscaping projects. The Friends of Living Prairie Museum Nature 2 2011-2012
Bridging the Gap: 2011-2012 Expansion and Development Project Nature Manitoba’s “Bridging the Gap” project will allow Winnipeg’s inner-city community to develop new urban green spaces while fostering opportunities for learning more about traditional indigenous teachings and environmental stewardship. These community gardening activities will feature composting and waste reduction practices that will benefit local water and soil conservation. Nature Manitoba Nature 2 2011-2012
Establishing the Prairie Center for Sustainable Landscapes & Communities The Harvest Moon Society’s Prairie Center for Sustainable Landscapes & Communities will work with farmers and landowners to change land-use practices and improve biodiversity and water quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce waste. Project activities will include community outreach through the development of demonstration sites and educational programming. Harvest Moon Society Nature 2 2011-2012
Composting Service in Manitoba Rural Communities The Economic Development Council for Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities will set up a residential composting service in the Manitoba municipalities of De Salaberry, Notre Dame de Lourdes and St-Pierre-Jolys. The Composting Service in Manitoba Rural Communities project will collect residential organic waste for processing and provide the finished compost to local farmers to enrich the soil and stabilize it against erosion. Conseil de développement économique des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba (CDEM) Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Urban Eco Stewardship The West Broadway Development Corporation will divert organic waste from landfills through vermicomposting and bulk organic waste pick up. The pilot project will recruit local youth to educate children on culturally significant plants that are relevant to the Aboriginal heritage of many within this community. West Broadway Development Corporation Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Restoration of Delta Marsh Ducks Unlimited Canada will install six structures to keep invasive carp out of Delta Marsh while allowing access for native fish species. This initiative is a primary step in the long term restoration of 18,000 hectares of wetland within Delta Marsh, which has seen a decline in health since the arrival of the carp over the past 50 years. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2011-2012
YELP Recycling and Green Plan for Community Schools This project will assist approximately 1,000 children in three elementary schools to implement Green Plans and establish 'Enviro Clubs'. The schools will start recycling programs where students will take leadership roles in preparing waste paper and beverage containers for recycling pick up. A Youth Environmental Leadership Program (YELP) will be launched at each school and will focus on energy conservation and 'Litter-less Lunch' programs. The program will also include roughly 36 climate change presentations. The project’s goal is to divert five percent of school waste from the landfill; reduce energy needs by five percent and have children put into practice at home ideas for reducing, re-using and recycling. Bathurst Sustainable Development Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Tournons nous 'vert' un changement! -- Let's make a green change! This community campaign will educate youth and work with municipal councils to reduce water consumption, improve water quality and inspire local residents to take action. Over 500 community residents will be targeted to divert up to 100 kilograms of hazardous waste, to save about 5,000 litres of water and to reuse an additional 500 litres of water. A key activity will be to minimize algae in waterways by reducing the use of products containing nitrates and phosphates. The group will also work to maintain natural vegetation areas along stream and river banks. Local businesses will also be encouraged to participate through the creation of green workplace committees. Association des Bassins Versants de la Grande et Petite Rivière Tracadie Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Towards a Better World! This project will focus on creating a green network via a new website and internet applications at 10 French-language elementary schools on New Brunswick's Acadian Peninsula. The network will provide the tools, tips and motivation for 2,000 students, their teachers and families to adopt better environmental practices. The website will give students tools to measure their ecological footprint and also offer real solutions for environmental change. Project goals include saving up to 142,500 kilowatt hours of energy per year at the students’ homes and schools; diverting 1,000 kg of compostable organic material; and saving approximately 21,000 litres of water. The students will also plant up to 1,000 indigenous trees. The green network will be maintained by the schools after the project concludes to ensure continued learning and environmental action. Collectivité ingénieuse de la Péninsule Acadienne Inc. (CIPA) Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Watershed Planning and Restoration in the Baie des Chaleurs The Nigadoo River provides drinking water for the village of Petit-Rocher. The Bassins versants de la Baie des Chaleurs, in partnership with five area municipalities and local businesses, will develop a plan to identify their watershed management strategies for the future. During this project, 10,000 native tree seedlings will be planted to stabilize river banks and create shade. Illegal dumpsites will be cleaned up and waste such as plastics and tires will be removed from watercourses. Over 200 tonnes of carbon dioxide are expected to be captured annually as a result of project activities. Bassins versants de la Baie des Chaleurs Nature 2 2011-2012
Partners for Environmental Education and Action Over 500 students living along the Bay of Fundy will develop wildlife projects and in-class lessons that link environmental education and action. Teachers and volunteers will support community clean-ups and water quality and conservation projects. The project will see up to 200 kg of marine debris removed from the Bay and water consumption reduced by approximately 125,000 litres. Forty high school students will role-play to gain experience working with community members to identify solutions to local environmental issues. Coastal Livelihoods Trust Clean Water 0 2011-2012
The Acadian Forest Biodiversity Initiative (AFBI) A native species nursery will be established in order to conserve the Acadian Forest in the Chignecto Isthmus and near the communities of Sackville, Point de Bute, Baie Verte and Port Elgin. Up to 6,000 trees and shrubs will be planted in priority reforestation areas and 25 wildlife structures will be installed. Seeds will be sourced from plants native to the region to ensure that local genetics are preserved. Working with approximately 120 private woodlot owners, the project will protect 40 hectares through securing land conservation easements that allow sensitive and sustainable tree harvesting. Community Forests International Nature 2 2011-2012
Sewell Creek Restoration and Development of a Green School Yard This watershed committee will take action to restore Sewell Creek and educate approximately 500 community residents about the importance of biodiversity. The creek restoration will include a stream clean-up and installing deflectors to restore the natural stream channel. The group will also stabilize shorelines by planting up to 250 indigenous trees and shrubs. In addition, they will plan and develop a demonstration biodiversity garden at École La Rivière Pokemouche. The community will also create and implement a mapped design plan at the school. Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Taking Action to Green PEI Francophone Schools Two Prince Edward Island Francophone schools will partner with the Island Nature Trust and the Cape Jourimain Nature Centre to develop and implement school-wide Green Plans/Plans verts. These comprehensive environmental action plans will be implemented by students with the support of staff, and focus on increasing the amount of energy and water conserved in school buildings, developing and maintaining composting and recycling sites and designing and planting school yard biodiversity sites. Cape Jourimain Nature Centre Inc. Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Rural Transportation Model in Tantramar The Tantramar Planning District Commission will work with residents in Dorchester, Memramcook, Port Elgin and Sackville to create a sustainable regional transportation system. Residents will be encouraged to use a van/bus, carpooling and car sharing to reduce reliance on dwindling fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 487 tonnes. The project is part of the regional Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) and has the potential to serve as a rural transportation model for other Atlantic Canadian communities. EOS Eco-Energy./ EOS Éco-énergie Inc. Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Energy Demand Side Management - Lowering Energy Use Through Informed Consumption This project will help to educate approximately 100 home owners in southwestern New Brunswick about real time energy use, ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and how to lower energy use – all while saving money and protecting the environment. The project’s goal is to reduce up to 50,000 kilograms of greenhouse gases and to conserve 100,000 kilowatt-hours of energy. Falls Brook Centre Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Reducing Polluting in Agricultural Production This project will work with farmers in western New Brunswick to reduce the use of electricity, fuel and agri-chemicals. The project will focus on improving waste management on about 25 farms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water contamination. A pilot site will demonstrate conservation techniques. Farmers will be asked to sign action pledges to reduce their farm’s environmental footprint over two years. The project aims to reduce approximately 50,000 kilograms of carbon and conserve up to 50,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. Canadian Organic Growers - New Brunswick Chapter (COG-NB) Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Observe and Conserve - Smart Meter Project By installing 100 energy use display devices in Saint John households, homeowners will become aware of power consumption in real time. Realizing how and when power is used will motivate residents to permanently change their behaviour and consume less electricity. This project aims to achieve reductions of up to 15.75 tonnes of greenhouse gases, 11.43 tonnes of sulphur oxides, 5.07 tonnes of nitrogen oxide and 300,000 kilowatt hours of energy. New Brunswick Lung Association Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Say Y.E.S. to Eel River Bar: The Young Environmental Stewards Program Young people will learn about erosion, how to identify flora and fauna, how to document plants found on reserve and how to compare today’s results to traditional knowledge. Youth in Eel River Bar First Nation will map information, identify environmental concerns and learn to protect the environment and their future while becoming informed environmental stewards. Participants will plant approximately 75 trees and shrubs and restore habitat by cleaning debris on shore and in streams and making and installing up to 25 habitat structures. Gespe'gewaq Mi'gmaq Resource Council, Inc. Nature 2 2011-2012
Together for Nature This project will create a demonstration site focusing on habitat and native species reforestation in the Cocagne watershed. The group will partner with approximately 300 residents, School District 11 teachers, elementary and high school students at École Notre-Dame and École Blanche-Bourgeois. Composting demonstration sites will be installed and maintained at the schools. A native tree nursery will be established to supply rare seedlings and Acadian Forest species and workshops with be held on tree-planting technique and the importance of native species. A one-hectare grassy area will be converted to natural habitat, up to 200 trees and shrubs will be planted and two bird nesting boxes will be installed. The group will also organize and maintain a network of youth and elder residents to build community capacity and engagement and ensure the project's sustainability into the future. Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group Inc. Nature 2 2011-2012
Nature Preserve Management and Action Initiative New stewardship management plans for five New Brunswick properties will ensure their delicate ecological balance can survive the impacts of human activities on nature. Through the Nature Preserve Management and Action Plan Initiative, five-year plans will be created to protect unique tracts of land for future generations. Protection areas will include wetlands, islands, endangered plant species and numerous provincially rare plants. The success of this project will be measured by the improved environmental integrity of the five nature preserves, the training and efforts of approximately 100 environmental stewards and the planting of 500 trees, shrubs and plants. Nature Trust of New Brunswick Inc. Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Trees for Biodiversity in Southern Kent Forest restoration of degraded wooded areas in the Cocagne, Bouctouche and Chockpish River watersheds will increase local biodiversity. The project will also establish tree demonstration sites in the Notre-Dame and Saint-Antoine schoolyards with a focus on Acadian forest species including red oak, beech, white ash, American elm, eastern hemlock and ironwood. These sites will be enhanced by planting up to 500 additional native trees. Information about the International Year of Forests and trees that are indigenous to the area will also be distributed at community events. Coalition des bassins versants de Kent Nature 2 2011-2012
Enhancing Watershed Health and Educational Opportunities in the Kennebecasis Watershed This project will restore the natural ecosystems of the Kennebecasis watershed and improve habitat and biodiversity. Planting up to 4,000 trees will stabilize over 100 metres of stream bank and habitat enhancement structures will also be installed. The project will work with students from local schools to deliver outdoor learning experiences that will help develop a generation of future environmental stewards. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Nature 2 2011-2012
Wetland Habitat Conservation via SAM Municipal Outreach Municipal councils and residents will work together to increase participation in the Municipal Habitat Stewardship Program. Up to eighteen member communities will be encouraged to take action on recommendations in their Wetland Habitat Conservation Plans. Formal stewardship agreements, which will conserve approximately 200 hectares of sensitive wetland ecosystems, will be negotiated with two more councils. The project will also work to protect water quality and quantity in areas that have experienced boil orders and water shortages. Stewardship Association of Municipalities Inc. Nature 2 2011-2012
Seabird conservation and habitat improvement along the southern shore of Newfoundland Artificial lighting associated with increased human development can disorient fledging seabirds at night leaving them stranded and vulnerable on land. The key Witless Bay Ecological Reserve is home to 260,000 pair of Atlantic Puffins and 780,000 pair of Leach's Storm Petrels. This project will work in nearby communities to inform residents about this issue and to encourage responsible lighting practices. This includes altering lighting along 1,500 metres of shoreline with the cooperation of the provincial electrical utility. Approximately 50 trained volunteers will patrol for stranded birds and use approved protocols to return them to the ocean. Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Newfoundland and Labrador Nature 2 2011-2012
Conservation Through Conversation - Phase III During the final phase of this project, the NCC will expand its conservation activities to the Avalon Peninsula and the Town of Torbay. Using workshops, community events, door to door canvassing and field trips, landowners will be encouraged to become involved in the protection of ecologically important lands. The project is targeting permanent protection for 100 hectares including ten hectares of shoreline habitat. Nature Conservancy of Canada Nature 2 2011-2012
St. John's Safer Soil - Phase Two Human activities in St. John's along with two major fires have added to naturally occurring lead in soil and resulted in concentrations exceeding normal levels. This project will build local capacity to reduce this threat through the promotion of safe, environmentally- sustainable gardening and landscaping. Common Ground will test up to ten residential lots and suggest options to reduce lead exposure. Lead removal rates will be demonstrated at public sites using biodegradable substances, turf grass and lead-absorbing native plants. Transporting just two tonnes of lead contaminated soil for treatment could generate one tonne of carbon dioxide in emissions as opposed to zero emissions when soil is treated on site. Common Ground Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Acadian Forest Restoration and Capacity Building for Small Woodland Owners and Communities in Southwest Nova Scotia This project will rehabilitate Acadian forests on small private woodlands through forest restoration activities. It will educate English and French woodland owners and the community about steps they can take to protect the reforested lands and manage their woodlots in a more sustainable manner. The project will create up to five restoration areas and enhance five existing hectares of habitat. The group plans to plant 260 native tree species and graft and plant approximately 40 indigenous trees to be used as root stock to create seeds for future replanting. Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute Nature 2 2011-2012
Environmental Family Workshops Approximately 80 Nova Scotians will take part in three, half-day environmental workshops learning about building and installing bat houses; creating bee boxes for insects that help pollinate plants; and taking part in a beach clean-up to learn about the species found around beaches and the negative effects of dumping trash. The project will result in the installation of at least 15 wildlife structures, a cleaner beach and the improvement of three kilometres of shoreline. Hope for Wildlife Society Nature 2 2011-2012
Acadian Forest Enhancement and Awareness Initiative The River Hebert Garden Club, the Children's Green Club, the Village Commission and the Cumberland County River Enhancement Association will plant a publicly accessible collection of trees, known as an arboretum, to help re-establish Nova Scotia’s Acadian forests. The arboretum will include about 50 rare and approximately 500 native Acadian Forest species and will be located at the River Hebert Tidal Bore Park. A native tree nursery will also be built at the River Hebert High School. Seminars will be held on native tree identification, seed collection and sustainable forestry practices. A three-year, post-plant survival assessment record will track the project’s success. Cumberland County River Enhancement Association (CCREA) Nature 2 2011-2012
Riparian Restoration & Biodiversity Planning with LaHave River Farmers Farmers in the LaHave River watershed will develop and implement Agricultural Best Management Plans that include improved planting methods, cattle fencing and developing alternative water sources that will enhance biodiversity and improve water quality in agricultural areas. The group will work with approximately 30 participants to stabilize and improve 2,000 metres of shoreline, protect roughly 10,000 square metres of habitat and plant up to 7,500 native species trees and shrubs. Project partners include the Lunenburg-Queens Federation of Agriculture and the Nova Scotia Departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Cool Truro:::Colchester This project will perform energy and environmental reviews for 100 homes and 80 businesses in Colchester County. Partnerships will be developed with Nova Scotia Power, the Town of Truro, the Living Earth Council and others. Action plans will reduce energy consumption by roughly 300,000 kilowatt hours and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 250 tonnes during the two-year project. Participants will also reduce their combined water consumption by up to 1,000,000 litres and divert two tonnes of waste from landfills. The two tonnes of compost that will be produced will be used to reduce pesticides and improve water quality. Colchester Regional Development Agency (CoRDA) Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Atlantic Wetland Care Program - A Wetland Stewardship Initiative for the Maritimes Ducks Unlimited Canada will work with landowners to conserve and restore wetlands for waterfowl habitat as part of the Atlantic Wetland Care program in the Maritimes. About 1,000 landowners will be asked to support wetland projects and sign conservation agreements. The project aims to protect up to 500 hectares of wetlands and to encourage approximately 500 landowners sign conservation agreements. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2011-2012
Native Plant Pollinator Project Five new nature sites will be created and five existing demonstration sites will be expanded in urban areas throughout the Halifax Regional Municipality to address increasing biodiversity loss in the city. The project will teach approximately 150 residents to plant and cultivate up to 700 native plants, establish nature sites with indigenous plants, reduce the use of pesticides, and conserve water through rainwater harvesting and recycling. Workshops will offer information on water use and reuse and will examine how to improve biodiversity and plant reproduction. Participants will also learn about the role pollinators, insects that help pollinate plants, play in food production and the use of insects in natural pest management. Project partners include Dalhousie University, the Halifax Regional Municipality, Imagine Bloomfield and TD Friends of the Environment. Ecology Action Centre - Food Action Committee (FAC) Nature 2 2011-2012
Involving Aboriginal Youth in Natural Resources Unama’ki (Cape Breton Island) First Nation youth will participate in various hands-on environmental activities. Youth Environmental Stewards will plant over 100 indigenous trees and shrubs in their communities to increase biodiversity and re-introduce native species that have been lost. Community youth will also participate in a Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) workshop to learn about the importance of clean water and conservation measures. The youth will also do school yard and beach clean-ups to benefit their communities. Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources Nature 2 2011-2012
Ika'taqn'ewey Community Naturescape Pictou Landing First Nation students will create Ika'taqn'ewey – a Community Naturescape project. The 75 youth will address biodiversity loss by planting 100 indigenous trees and creating biodiversity sites in their community. The project will also promote Aboriginal traditional knowledge. Students will learn about native species that are historically important medicinal plants. They will also support pollinators, insects that pollinate plants, by planting species that attract pollinators specific to Nova Scotia. Community schools will launch a compositing and water conservation program with a goal of creating about 200 kilograms of compost and conserving up to 1,000 litres of water in rain barrels. This recycled water will be used at the biodiversity sites. Pictou Landing First Nations Band Nature 2 2011-2012
Coastal Call to Action Five coastal habitat sites in Nova Scotia will be conserved and approximately 75 Nova Scotians will be encouraged to become environmental stewards in their communities. Project activities will preserve approximately 500 hectares of ecologically significant land and up to 22,000 metres of shoreline. Conservation efforts will protect two important resting sites for migratory birds and roughly 20 coastal wetlands. Outreach activities will increase awareness of the need to protect these areas. Nova Scotia Nature Trust Nature 2 2011-2012
Leeds Community Pasture Stream Restoration: Phase 2 Sections of the Gananoque Watershed have increased nutrient and soil inputs to downstream wetlands, and have experienced loss of wildlife habitat. The installation of 5,000 metres of cattle exclusion fencing will restrict 500 cattle from creek and wetland areas, resulting in approximately 110 kilograms of harmful waste per year being diverted from waterways. The project will include planting 4,000 trees and shrubs, and installation of 40 wildlife structures, and will result in the restoration of 2.5 hectares of shoreline. Leeds-Grenville Stewardship Council Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Community Trees Initiative This project will plant 146,000 native Carolinian tree seedlings, restoring 144 hectares of land along riverbanks, marginal agricultural land, forest linkages, and shelterbelts – made up of one or more rows of trees or shrubs planted in such a manner as to provide shelter from the wind, and to protect soil from erosion. Project activities will improve water quality, increase migratory bird rest areas, improve habitat, and increase biodiversity in the region. Local students, community and youth groups will participate in seed germination and seedling maintenance workshops. Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Nature 2 2011-2012
The Catfish Creek Restoration Project - Phase 2 This project will rehabilitate a portion of Catfish Creek in the Town of Aylmer. Restoration efforts will focus on riparian areas, where 200 metres of streambank will be stabilized through the use of bio-engineering and in-stream restoration activities. In addition, buffer strip areas will be expanded by planting more than 800 native trees, shrubs and grasses. Project activities will improve stream morphology, reduce sediment loads, and improve terrestrial and aquatic habitat in the area. The Rotary Club of Aylmer Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Lynde Creek Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project-Phase 2 Shoreline habitat will be improved through a series of restoration activities along Lynde Creek, a tributary of Lake Ontario that is located within the Oak Ridges Moraine. Regeneration activities will include buffer plantings along stream corridors and the installation of cedar sweeps to stabilize eroding banks. The project will plant 1,751 trees, install 10 wildlife habitat structures and improve water velocity and temperatures. Volunteer involvement will support the restoration of 1.1 hectares of shoreline. Ontario Streams Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Protecting Grey County Streams A series of coldwater stream restoration and enhancement projects will improve four hectares of shoreline. The installation of fencing will exclude 100 cattle, resulting in approximately 22 kilograms of harmful waste diverted from waterways flowing into the Georgian Bay. Additionally, one acre of planting will protect stream banks from erosion. Grey County Forest Stewardship Network Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Improving Water Quality in the Pine River Watershed Project activities will increase the overall environmental integrity of the watershed through wetland creation, the protection of 22 hectares of land, and by planting 47,000 native trees and grasses. Additionally, 14 kilometres of shelterbelt – made up of one or more rows of trees or shrubs planted in such a manner as to provide shelter from the wind, and to protect soil from erosion – will be created to reduce the effects of wind erosion. Also, 1,100 metres of fencing will be installed to divert cattle from the river. Pine River Watershed Initiative Network Clean Water 0 2011-2012
RAIN! An ecological approach to stormwater management RAIN! An ecological approach to stormwater management will engage partners, professionals, stakeholders and individual homeowners in lessening the burden of non-point source pollution on our lakes and rivers. RAIN! will motivate behaviour and physical changes in 8 Ontario communities.
Homeowners will reduce stormwater run-off and non-point source pollution entering surface water via the stormsewer system and improve surface water quality. Measureable impacts will be volume of water diverted, pollutants reduced, waste diverted and area naturalized.
Primary messages:
1. RAIN! Slow the flow. Capture, storage and slow release of rainwater (install cisterns/rainbarrels with soaker hoses); Maintain and enhance the urban forest/canopy (tree planting)
2. RAIN! Soak it up. Increase permeable surfaces (permeable paving, soaking pits, rain gardens); Design natural areas to maximize infiltration (rain gardens, etc.)
3. RAIN! Keep it clean. Avoid release of pollutants (pet waste, fuels, solvents, fertilizer, road salt).
Province-wide delivery will include establishing a website, training, incentives development, and collated tracking/reporting.
Green Communities Canada Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Trout Creek Community Forestry Project The Trout Creek Watershed is affected by low forest cover and sedimentation issues. Through the planting of 1,350 native trees and shrubs along a 0.81 hectare of agricultural land bordering the creek, this project will result in the creation of wildlife habitat, improved water quality, increased forest cover, and will help reduce sedimentation. Trout Creek Watershed Action Group Nature 2 2011-2012
The Elgin County Habitat Stewardship Initiative This initiative will result in more than 46 hectares of restored habitat on marginal or fragile rural lands in Elgin County. Landowners will be directly involved in habitat restoration projects. These include the establishment of tallgrass prairie, wetland restoration, native tree and shrub planting, and the installation of fencing to restrict cattle access to a natural watercourse. Elgin Stewardship Council Nature 2 2011-2012
Don-Highland Pollinator Plants Restoration Project Restoring degraded natural areas and incorporating pollinator plant meadows into park lands creates habitat for vital species and helps strengthen biodiversity in the area. Project activities will restore 1.8 hectares of habitat through the planting of 12,150 native plants and wildflowers, and through the installation of 20 habitat structures. Restoration activities will be supported with the engagement of 1,800 students and 300 community volunteers. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Nature 2 2011-2012
Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association 2011/2012 Rehabilitation Project This project will help to improve the water quality of a coldwater stream ecosystem near Manitoulin Island. Approximately 1.5 hectares of stream and shoreline will be restored by installing fencing to restrict livestock from points of the stream and planting 2,000 trees and shrubs to revegetate riverbank areas. In-stream structures will be installed to promote oxygenation and help restore the natural stream ecosystem. Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Portable Gasoline Container Collection Project This project will undertake a pilot program to increase awareness of the proper use of fuel containers and the environmental impact of harmful spills and emissions, reaching 50,000 individuals. It is also designed to stimulate behavioural change through a fuel container exchange program. An incentive-based, take-back series of events will retire 2,000 inefficient portable fuel containers and lead to the reduction of 14,780 pounds of air contaminants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Summerhill Foundation Clean Air 3 2011-2012
Bringing Back the Forest: Volunteers Turn Fields into Forest on Pelee Island This project will restore more than eight hectares of former agricultural fields into forest habitat on Pelee Island. With the help of community volunteers, four sites will be restored, with more than 4,000 trees and shrubs planted and 25 kilograms of seed scattered. This project will increase the size and connectivity of the existing natural cover on the island, and also increase the populations of species on the island that can use this habitat. Nature Conservancy of Canada Nature 2 2011-2012
Healthy Ecosystems - Healthy Communities Project Community members will be engaged in a series of on-the-ground restoration efforts. Volunteers will help plant 4,800 trees and participate in implementing wildlife and fish habitat improvement activities. Restoration activities will take place within the Nottawasaga watershed and are designed to have an overall positive effect on water quality and surrounding river habitat. Nottawasaga Watershed Improvement Program Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Brick Works Biodiversity Project The goal of the Brick Works Biodiversity Project is to improve Canadians' access to opportunities for learning and taking action to address biodiversity loss in cities. Evergreen proposes to restore a ravine slope that lies between the industrial site and the City park to the north end of the property; create demonstration gardens representing various Ontario ecozones; engage hundreds of visitors in educational workshops and tours; and provide visitors and local residents with the educational resources and tools to achieve greater biodiversity in their backyards and communities.
The program will be delivered at Evergreen Brick Works, a venue offering innovative exhibits on the site's unique natural and cultural heritage and green design, native plant and food gardens, a local food market, and an outdoor classroom and play area for children. Locating the project here will enable Evergreen to promote biodiversity and sustainability across the GTA, provincially, and nationally.
Evergreen Nature 2 2011-2012
Beachville Trail Corridor Restoration More than 900 volunteers will plant 1,880 native trees to reforest riparian woodlands, plant 1,000 aquatic plants to enhance an existing wetland, create two hectares of tallgrass prairie, and install 10 nesting boxes along the Beachville Trail corridor which supports the Thames River. Restoration activities will complement previous work to restrict unauthorized all-terrain vehicle access to the site and educate the community on acceptable use. Oxford County Trails Council Nature 2 2011-2012
South Mill Creek Rehabilitation Project South Mill Creek will undergo a series of restoration activities designed to result in improved water quality and enhanced forest coverage in surrounding river habitat. Area residents will be educated on the links between water quality on South Mill Creek and its impact on connecting water systems such as Lake Erie. Elgin Stewardship Council Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Stream Neighbours Initiative This project will re-establish connectivity within stream systems by engaging urban and rural stream neighbours along three waterways in the Peterborough and Northumberland County, Kawartha Lakes, and Durham Region areas. Fifteen stream restoration projects will take place along these waterways, thereby promoting cleaner water and a healthier aquatic ecosystem. Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Nature 2 2011-2012
Beaver Creek Wetland Restoration Project This project will improve 20 hectares in the Beaver Creek wetland through wetland restoration activities, and project results will be used as the basis for a provincial Best Management Practices fact sheet and recommendations for habitat management in municipal drains. Friends of Fort Erie's Creek Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Restoring Priority Rouge Park Sites Over the course of this project, 90,000 trees, 30,000 wildflowers, and 600 kilograms of native seed will be planted in the Rouge River watershed. This will create approximately 67.5 hectares of forest, six hectares of wetland, and 1.5 hectares of meadow habitat. Approximately 1.5 kilometres of streamside restoration will take place, and 360 habitat structures will be created. Friends of the Rouge Valley Watershed Inc. Clean Water 0 2011-2012
The Dufferin Marsh Swamp and Amphibian Habitat Restoration Program The objective of this project is to restore the swamp habitat on the south part of the Dufferin Marsh wetland in order to restore habitat diversity and to optimize habitat features for amphibians. Optimum water levels will be determined for the restoration of the swamp and the associated amphibian habitat. An adjustable weir will be installed to control seasonal water levels and will result in 2.5 hectares of rehabilitated swamp habitat. Dufferin Marsh Collaborative Nature 2 2011-2012
Water Quality and Education Initiative This project will stabilize one kilometre of stream bank and result in 500 native tree species being planted in the Brae River watershed. The group will install large brush mats where the salt marsh begins to trap silt and to stop damage to the marsh. The project will address the rising earwig population by distributing three types of viable, ecologically sound and environmentally friendly traps to interested residents. The group will also work with schools to enhance understanding of the importance of maintaining clean water and protecting the watershed. Trout Unlimited - Prince County Chapter Nature 2 2011-2012
Wetland Creation in Covehead - Brackley Bay High nitrate levels have contaminated the Covehead - Brackley Bay Watershed since the 1980s. This has resulted in adverse health and environmental effects including increasing algae, sea lettuce and anoxic events. This project will work with Ducks Unlimited Canada to develop wetlands that can remove up to 98 per cent of harmful nutrients in waterways. The wetlands will also create valuable waterfowl and wildlife habitat. The project’s success will be measured in part by the number of landowners who have signed wetland maintenance agreements by the end of the project. Friends of Covehead Brackley Bay Nature 2 2011-2012
Estuary Restoration in the Tryon River Watershed The Tryon River estuary, a major staging area for migratory birds, receives nitrate and silt runoff from nearby agricultural fields. To improve water quality in this 10,000-hectare watershed, the Cooperative will plant approximately 500 native wetland tree and shrub species and maintain raptor platforms and nest boxes. The group will educate landowners about protecting habitat and the watershed by producing a best practices guide. A hydrological engineer will help determine the best methods for sediment control and produce a work plan for work next year. Tryon River Watershed Cooperative Nature 2 2011-2012
Turning the Corner on Stream Sediment Development in Queens and Prince Counties of Prince Edward Island has led to increased siltation and significant water quality degradation. This project will address the problem by installing eight silt traps and 75 brush mats in the watershed. Youth and school groups will learn about watershed health and also assist with the planting of 4,000 trees in riverbank areas. The group will discuss soil conservation strategies with area landowners to address silt runoff from public and private roads. A tree planting day will educate community members about how they can take action to improve watershed health. Kensington North Watersheds Association Nature 2 2011-2012
Winter River Watershed Restoration Initiative Residential and industrial development in the Winter River - Tracadie Bay watershed has led to loss of habitat, riverbank vegetation and old forests. There is also increased silt run-off causing lower water quality and quantity. Wildlife populations, especially those of indicator species such as the osprey and the leopard frog, have decreased as a result. This project will restore approximately 13,000 hectares of streams, riverbanks and forested lands throughout the watershed by clearing obstacles and planting up to 5,000 trees. The project will also work with the city of Charlottetown to improve water conservation through public education. Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Inc. Nature 2 2011-2012
Growing Forward Together - Building Nature's Bridges This project will connect youth and elders through partnerships with local schools, youth groups and seniors. Participants will plant approximately 1,000 indigenous trees, plants and shrubs in urban, public spaces to create improved habitat for native insects that help pollinate plants. The project will also reclaim and create new habitat for pollinating insects by planting indigenous species and placing up to 50 wildlife structures in the natural landscape. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Nature 2 2011-2012
West River Watershed Restoration Project This project will take action to improve five hectares of aquatic habitat on the West and Clyde Rivers. Community volunteers will work with Federation staff to remove debris, install brush mats, add spawning gravel to the streambeds and plant approximately 600 native trees. The Federation will also work with the provincial Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal to improve water flow at three culverts and reduce erosion from unpaved roads. Central Queens Wildlife Federation Nature 2 2011-2012
Riparian Zone Restoration and Habitat Improvement EcoPEI will partner with Island organizations, governments, schools and landowners to plant approximately 3,300 native trees, shrubs and pollinator plants on 13.5 hectares along waterways. EcoPEI will also install up to 30 bird nesting boxes and create brush piles for wildlife in areas adjacent to streams and rivers. Volunteers will create four hectares of new habitat areas adjacent to waterways around the Town of Stratford. Two public meetings will be held to educate residents about the importance of these areas. Community members will also be encouraged to participate in two volunteer days to assist with planting. Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island Nature 2 2011-2012
Riparian and Hedgerow Enhancement Restoring hedgerows, lines of closely spaced shrubs and trees, around the Pisquid River watershed will create important wildlife corridors. They will also serve as windbreaks and erosion control devices. The restoration will involve planting about 2,000 seedlings with the assistance of the Prince Edward Island Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry. Plants will be provided by the provincial nursery. Landowners are encouraged to become partners in this project by helping to ensure the survival and care of these seedlings. Pisquid River Enhancement Project Nature 2 2011-2012
I Love My Schoolyard! This project aims to combat urban heat islands in the Saint-Joseph schoolyard in Montréal. Several ecosystems will be created with over 500 native trees, shrubs and perennials. Children, parents and neighbours will learn more about the environmental benefits of urban natural spaces. A maintenance committee will be established to care for the plants. Fondation des amis de l'école Saint-Joseph Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Greening the Nouvelle-Querbes Primary School Schoolyard This project aims to combat urban heat islands in the schoolyard of the Nouvelle-Querbes primary school by planting 16 native trees, 135 shrubs and 375 plants. The schoolyard, where 200 m2 of asphalt will be replaced by plants, will be open to the community. As a result, the schoolchildren and the whole community will have a schoolyard in their image: green and stimulating. Comité de verdissement de la cour de l'école primaire Nouvelle-Querbes Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Restoration and enhancement of the Nelson River shoreline upstream from the intake (phase 2) The purpose of this project is to restore urban properties along Quebec’s Nelson River shoreline. Access to the waterway will be blocked, and illegal landing and camping sites will be closed and naturalized. In all, 460 m of shoreline will be revegetated and 1.3 ha of land will be naturalized by planting 400 trees and 4 400 shrubs. Beach cleanup sweeps and outreach activities are also planned to encourage local residents to preserve the area’s integrity. Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac Saint-Charles et des Marais du Nord Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Actions to reduce GHG emissions and energy use in Quebec and Labrador First Nations The purpose of this project is to change behaviours that generate greenhouse gases (GHGs) in 42 First Nation communities. Targeted awareness activities such as workshops and contests will be organized to reach elders and young people in their communities. One of the project’s objectives is to reduce GHG emissions from vehicles (12 t) and from generators used to produce electricity (310 200 kWh). Assemblée des premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Environmental rehabilitation of the watershed of the Grand ligne discharge This project aims to rehabilitate 27 km of shoreline along an Etchemin River tributary. The activities planned include planting 9000 trees and 6000 shrubs, removing 700 kg of garbage from the waterway, restoring fish habitat through various interventions and stocking 600 Brook Trout fry. The project will require the cooperation and involvement of over 25 farmers and around 60 student volunteers. Conseil de bassin de la rivière Etchemin Nature 2 2011-2012
Maintenance and improvement of aquatic habitat quality in the Bernier Creek watershed through healthy management of waterway crossings The purpose of the project is to preserve aquatic habitats by improving water quality around existing crossings in the Bernier Creek watershed. For example, the three crossings that alter fish habitat the most will be targeted for interventions. Some 20 stakeholders will be trained to ensure the continuation of work necessary after project completion. Conseil de gouvernance de l'eau des bassins versants de la rivière Saint-François Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Green Alley – Alexandra Marconi The purpose of this project is to create a cool island in the Alexandra Marconi alley in Montréal. The alley is devoid of vegetation and is enclosed by two large buildings. Approximately 20 volunteers will participate in planting and maintaining 52 native trees and shrubs and monitoring the environmental and wildlife gains. The addition of a composter will help manage biodegradable waste; as well, rainwater will be collected to water the plants. The alley will henceforth be closed to traffic. Société de développement environnemental de Rosemont inc. Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Energy, the Foundation of Green Homes This project aims to spark behavioural changes by offering citizens specific solutions to improving the energy efficiency of their homes and reducing their carbon footprint. Ten fact sheets will be produced and distributed to help citizens take action. An outreach tour of five Quebec communities is also planned. Écohabitation Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Clear the Air! Old Vehicle Recycling Program The Clear the Air! old vehicle recycling program targets the preventive retirement of 15 500 old vehicles and the transfer of 3000 car users to public transit. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3875 t a year and air pollutant emissions by 7500 t a year. Participants can benefit from a range of incentives for public and active transit and for more environmentally friendly vehicles. The project aims to reach over a million people through a mass public awareness campaign. Association Québécoise de Lutte contre la Pollution Atmosphérique (AQLPA) Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Development of a Pollinator Habitat The objective of this project is to increase the area's biodiversity by attracting pollinator species by planting 1300 trees, shrubs and perennials known to attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Four nesting boxes for bees and another 4 for hummingbirds will be made and installed. Some 100 people will be educated about the project. Action Saint-François Nature 2 2011-2012
Operation Compost This project involves installing 30 composting sites for 5 community organizations and 25 educational institutions to recover 23 t of organic matter. Moreover, the project includes planting 600 trees and educating 150 000 people on the importance of composting. La RHA pour la reconstruction harmonieuse de l'agriculture Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Introduction of the 4-max waste management program in 36 schools in the Hautes-Rivières school board The purpose of this project is to reduce sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by over 10 000 students in 36 primary schools in the Hautes-Rivières school board by showing them how to manage their biodegradable waste and to combat overconsumption, which increases the size of landfills. The amount of biodegradable waste not dumped (kg) and the volume of GHG not emitted will be measured at the end of the project. Centre d'interprétation des énergies renouvelables de la fondation jeunesse de Richelieu Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Working for wooded corridors! The purpose of this project is to protect and restore forest habitats in three Monteregian forest massifs (Mont Rougemont, Mont Yamaska and Mont Saint-Bruno). Some 100 employees from 5 local businesses will receive information and 50 volunteers will participate in closing 5 illegal paths and restoring degraded or threatened woodlands. In total, 50 native trees, 150 native shrubs and 100 native herbaceous plants will be planted. Nature-Action Québec Nature 2 2011-2012
Cartierville Green Alley This project will create a cool island in an urban environment by planting 100 native trees and shrubs in an alley near Salaberry Street in Montréal. Fourteen volunteers will handle the planting. The planned activities are educating the local community on the importance of native plants, assessing ecological gains (wildlife and plant survival), recovering rainwater and reducing waste going to landfill. The site owners will commit to maintaining the alley plants. Éco-quartier Ahuntsic-Cartierville Climate Change 1 2011-2012
Conservation of Natural Areas in the Lake Memphremagog Watershed In response to the intense anthropogenic development that the Lake Memphremagog watershed area has experienced, this project aims to protect 250 ha of natural areas in perpetuity by reaching conservation agreements with two landowners. The project also aims to initiate new negotiations with other landowners to conserve an additional 1000 ha. Memphrémagog Conservation Inc. Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Greening Banks and Educating Shoreline Residents in the Municipality of Métabetchouan, Lac-à-la-Croix The purpose of this project is to restore 35 riparian strips of Lake St-Jean by planting 1575 plants, for a total surface area of 0.24 ha of rehabilitated riparian strip. Groupe Naïades Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Let's Protect the Tremblay Woodlands! This project aims to maintain the ecological integrity of a portion of the Boisé du Tremblay in Boucherville. The property's 69 ha of habitats will be protected by structuring access with the closure of 1900 m of informal paths with the help of volunteers, who will plant 250 native trees and 120 native shrubs. The project will also see the removal of 60 m3 of waste and the creation of a stewardship network of 5 volunteers to ensure site supervision. Nature-Action Québec Nature 2 2011-2012
Moose Jaw River Watershed Place Based Land Use Strategy The Moose Jaw River Water Stewards will work with agricultural producers and local land owners to identify Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce negative environmental impacts to water quality. Together, project leaders and participants will identify areas with particular water quality concerns and work collaboratively to implement changes. Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards Inc. Clean Water 0 2011-2012
Native Plants in the Classroom Native Plants in the Classroom is a project to educate and actively involve youth in native plants and their habitats through classroom and outdoor exercises, teacher resources, and other related events across Saskatchewan. By engaging and empowering youth to become 'citizen scientists', they will learn about the importance of our natural habitats. Teacher resources will consist of online lesson plans, printed materials and web-based resources and will complement the current curriculum while giving teachers more options to engage the students. The classroom and outdoor exercises involve a number of projects such as growing native plants in classroom grow labs and/or field trips and will serve as a hands-on learning tool. Other components will include related partner events and any school visits/talks/demonstrations that can be opportunistically attended.
The project will also capitalize on 2011 being the International Year of Forests. Environmental results from the project will include the planting of 20,000 to 30,000 native plants and 1,000 trees.
Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan Nature 2 2011-2012
Engaging Youth and the Public in the Stewardship of Conserved Lands in Saskatchewan The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Saskatchewan Region will hire conservation interns to work with local landowners and volunteers on stewardship activities that will maintain and enhance the environmental value of their properties. Activities will include tree planting, site clean-up, biological inventories, invasive species control and ecological monitoring. Nature Conservancy of Canada - Saskatchewan Region Nature 2 2011-2012
Building Riparian Stewardship - Riparian Education and Action Plan The Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society, also known as Cows and Fish, will promote a better understanding of the function and value of riparian areas through community and watershed meetings, presentations, field days, youth events and workshops. Learning events will be designed to address specific conditions such as rural and urban land use accommodating the needs and interests of the audience. Participants will be encouraged to take action. In person activities will be supported by written extension materials and podcasts. Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Jumpingpound Creek Integrated Watershed Management Plan An Integrated Watershed Management Plan will be developed by the Jumpingpound Creek Watershed Partnership. This partnership draws on the expertise of the Bow River Basin Council and Alberta Environment's Water for Life Strategy in addition to recent studies, the experience and expertise of its steering committee and through public consultations. The Integrated Watershed Management Plan will make and implement recommendations for improving the health of the watershed around water quantity, water quality and land use. Jumpingpound Creek Watershed Partnership Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Edmonton Newcomers' BioKit Project This project will provide education and outreach to approximately 100 immigrant families in Edmonton about local natural areas and biodiversity through the development and delivery of an Edmonton BioKit. The BioKit, a biodiversity education tool, will include information about the city's natural areas and biodiversity. There will be seven planned events tailored to different immigrant groups including language learners, families with pre-school age children, community groups and youth. Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers Nature 2 2010-2011
Mobilizing learners to become stewards of the environment The Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE) will engage their community, a network of over 180 environmental education stakeholder groups through a series of Leadership Clinics and workshops. These opportunities respond to the identified need for training and support to optimize programs and lessons resulting in increased stewardship action by the learners. This collaborative activity will result in a product titled, 2010 Action Plan to Advance Environmental Education in Alberta. Alberta Council for Environmental Education Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Bow Valley Sustainable Action Program Through the action-based sustainability workshop series, households will measure and reduce their impact on the environment. A range of issues will be covered resulting in improved sustainability actions and behaviours in areas of waste, water, energy, transportation, consumption and will provide measurable changes. The workshop series will be complemented by a variety of speakers generating interest in action-specific workshops. The hands-on workshops, will focus on actions such as creating worm composting bins, or monitoring and reducing household electricity use. Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Water, Wings & Wetlands - Wetland Enhancement The goal of this project is wetlands biodiversity preservation along with public environmental awareness about wetlands and water. The wildlife rescue and environmental learning facility situated on a storm water retention site is in urgent need of environmental enhancement work while at the same time offers a superb public environmental learning opportunity focused on biodiversity and water. Protection and enhancement of the biodiversity of the surrounding wetland area and its community is to be accomplished by: stabilizing and reinstating some key portions of eroded wetland shoreline; installing additional shoreline erosion control measures; planting native trees and shrubs; installing nest structures; designing, fabricating and installing interpretive signs. Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation Nature 2 2010-2011
Riparian Water Quality Improvement Project The Federation of Alberta Naturalists known as FAN endeavours to develop community knowledge of values and benefits of Alberta's lakes, encourage naturalization of bordering riparian and backlot areas and build residents' skills to reduce sources of water pollution for the betterment of their lakes. FAN will promote seasonal communities as an ecologically friendly alternative to traditional manicured shorelines which degrade wildlife and riparian habitats resulting in ecosystems whose sustainability has been compromised. Through its education program, the benefits of implementing, protecting, conserving, enhancing or restoring shorelines will be communicated with the community. Environmental results of the project will benefit the riparian area including increased and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, reduction in pollutants, shoreline stabilization, and improved water quality. Federation of Alberta Naturalists Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Community Stewardship for the Protection and Enhancement of Native Biodiversity in Laskeek Bay This project will help provide protective habitat for songbirds and ground nesting seabirds in the Laskeek Bay area. It focuses on the restoration of protective vegetation enclosures, and the building and installation of artificial nest boxes. Approximately 120 people from the local community are involved. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society Nature 2 2010-2011
Island View Beach Good Neighbours Project Island View Beach is home to many species of wildlife. Recreational activities are a threat to its well-being. By creating park awareness events, private land management prescriptions, demonstration projects, and media stories, the Habitat Acquisition Trust will help to focus the community's love for their natural areas into science-based habitat conservation actions. Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) Nature 2 2010-2011
T'Sou-ke Smart Energy Group Environmental education for Climate change and energy conservation Through a community engagement program, this project will address climate change issues and promote energy conservation. It will focus on recycling, composting, appropriate hazardous waste disposal, reduced idling of cars, car pooling, and other healthy lifestyle choices. The project will also develop several different culturally appropriate environmental educational materials which will be used to develop energy conservation programs that are transferrable to other First Nation communities. T'Sou-ke Nation (T'Sou-ke Smart Energy Group) Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Increasing Xeriscape Capacity in the Okanagan with a Teaching Demonstration Garden Xeriscape gardening practices can help reduce outdoor water use by 25 to 100 percent. The emphasis of this project is on increasing public awareness and building capacity for Xeriscape gardening in the Okanagan region of British Columbia. A demonstration garden centrally located in Kelowna will provide training opportunities for local residents, garden clubs and businesses interested in water conservation in the Okanagan. Okanagan Xeriscape Association Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Green Graffiti By profiling how biological diversity can flourish through the creation of living wall gardens, this project will highlight the importance of green wall and green roof technologies in mitigating the effects of climate change. The living wall gardens provide food, wildlife habitat, and therapeutic value to areas where conventional tree and shrub planting is not feasible with the added bonus of improving storm water management. Environmental Youth Alliance Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Friends of Cowichan Creeks Project This project will engage community members in restoration and protection of riparian habitat. The focus of this two-year pilot project is on ecological restoration of six urban creeks within the Cowichan Valley. Four StreamKeeper courses and two riparian restoration workshops will be offered to increase the capacity and knowledge of those taking part in the project. Cowichan Community Land Trust Society Nature 2 2010-2011
Be The Change Youth Initiative The "Be the Change" Youth Initiative will deliver a five-part sustainability program that activates and engages students in Vancouver secondary schools. Within the first year, club members are expected to reduce energy, water use, auto travel, meat consumption, and plastic packaging by a minimum of 20%. This will be done through collaborative outreach, education, inspiration, and peer support to encourage behaviour change, capacity-building, and inter-school partnerships. Multifaith Action Society of British Columbia Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Building Blocks for Municipal Energy and Water Efficiency Municipalities will be assisted in developing and implementing cost-effective, action-oriented community engagement campaigns through this project. The campaigns are designed to reduce energy and water consumption and can be replicated elsewhere with measurable results. Opportunities for community members to take action will be provided. City Green Solutions Society Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Implementing the Quamichan Watershed Management Plan This project will help improve water quality, ensure that water levels in Quamichan Lake can support multiple users within the watershed and champion ecologically sustainable land-use practices. It is also designed to help improve habitat in the watershed to support overall biological diversity and a sustainable fishery. Its implementation will help inspire the people in the Quamichan Valley to be effective stewards of the Quamichan Watershed. Quamichan Watershed Stewardship Society Clean Water 0 2010-2011
BX Creek Wetland Enhancement and Interpretive Project This legacy project will provide the City of Vernon, the Regional District of the North Okanagan, and local citizens with new opportunities to work collaboratively on the first of a series of wetland restoration and interpretation projects. Attractive interpretive signage and brochures will be developed. These materials will help educate people about the restored wetland, and about biodiversity, ecological restoration, species identification, and environmental stewardship opportunities. Allan Brooks Nature Centre Society Nature 2 2010-2011
Okanagan Riparian Enhancement Program The overarching goal of this project is to rehabilitate and restore a riparian buffer and the ecological services that the buffer provides along the Okanagan River at McIntyre Dam. Restoration activities include stream-bank stabilization and support to terrestrial and aquatic habitat. After restoration, the riparian buffer will provide higher quality habitat such as improved cover, and better foraging and breeding areas for a variety of wildlife. Okanagan Nation Alliance Nature 2 2010-2011
Restoration of Coldstream Creek from Kirkland Drive to McClounie Road High levels of sediment and nutrients in Coldstream Creek pose a threat to local residents whom obtain their drinking water from Kalmalka Lake. For these reasons, improved water quality, fish habitat and sediment control are needed in varying amounts along different stretches of the Creek. This project will focus on the restoration of a segment of Coldstream Creek that requires riparian habitat improvement. The Society for the Protection of Kalamalka Lake Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Naramata Creek Riparian Area South Bank Enhancement This project will enhance the natural habitat on the south bank of Naramata Creek. Project activities include stabilizing the stream bank by planting native species. Signage and fencing will be erected to discourage people from disturbing habitat. Naramata Centre Society Nature 2 2010-2011
SHIFT: A Whistler2020 Implementation Strategy The aim of this initiative is to significantly reduce the ecological footprint of businesses and individuals in Whistler's accommodation sector. Through joint workshops and one-on-one action planning with each organization, the Whistler Centre of Sustainability will facilitate the development of an environmental action plan. Using a web-based program, business organizations in the accommodation sector will be able to witness, record and measure their environmental performance and report on progress within their respective reorganizations, as well as on individual behavior change and collective progress in the community. Whistler Centre of Sustainability Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Stanley Park State of the Park Project - Restoring Ecological Integrity in Aquatic Ecosystems and Riparian Areas Stanley Park is situated in the downtown core of Vancouver, Canada's third largest city. It is one of the world's most famous urban parks. This project involves the release of the first-ever State of the Park Report, as well as water quality testing, wildlife surveys and the restoration of native biodiversity in the Park's ecosystems, particularly its aquatic ecosystems and riparian zones. Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) Nature 2 2010-2011
Denman Conservancy Landkeepers The focus of this project is the updating of a baseline study and a management plan for Railway Grade Marsh. The marsh is a 31.5 hectare conservation area on Denman Island. A team of volunteer land-keepers will be recruited, trained and activated to undertake conservation activities as well. Denman Conservancy Association Nature 2 2010-2011
Spear Lake Buffer Zoning-Community Tree Planting The project will re-establish a healthy riparian zone around Spear Lake. The lake is an important recreational site for the local community of Russell and visitors to the area. This project is one component of a long-term vision to restore Spear Lake to a more natural setting where a native vegetative buffer will surround and protect the entire shoreline of Spear Lake. Partners, community groups and individuals will have the opportunity to participate in the project through the planning process and tree planting. Lake of the Prairies Conservation District (LPCD) Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Climate Friendly School Travel Planning Climate Friendly School Travel Planning is a two year project to develop, pilot and deliver training workshops to introduce the concept of School Travel Planning to school divisions and municipalities in Manitoba. The project will build local capacity by training school travel planning facilitators to work with schools and community partners to develop site-specific school travel plans such as safe walking and cycling routes with clear signage, walking school buses, safety training for students and reductions in levels of air pollutants in the immediate area around the schools. Green Action Centre, Inc. Clean Air 3 2010-2011
The Conservation of Biodiversity by Engaging Communities and Volunteers of Southern Manitoba This project engages communities and volunteers in southern Manitoba to help the Nature Conservancy of Canada to take care of ecologically significant lands. Six conservation volunteer events are planned for 2010 designed to maintain and enhance biodiversity through meaningful, hands-on educational experiences including inventories of species and habitats, site restoration work and aspen encroachment control. The Nature Conservancy of Canada - Manitoba Division Nature 2 2010-2011
Community Greenhouse Project, Phase Two The second phase of the Spence Neighborhood Asssociation's Community Greenhouse Project will create a natural space from a derelict community parking lot. Greenspace will cover the entire lot to benefit the immediate environment and grow food locally. Residents will be engaged in the planning process, increase inner city residents' access and appreciation for nature and natural spaces and providing the knowledge and skills to create and maintain a sustainable greenspace and community food source. Spence Neighbourhood Association Inc Nature 2 2010-2011
Protection and Restoration of Biodiversity/ Lakeshore Protection and Restoration Le Comité pour l'environnement des Lacs is eager to restore the Baker Lake shoreline, after a cyano bacteria bloom in September 2007 led to declining fish stocks. The project's goal is to improve fish habitat and water quality in Baker Lake and two connected lakes, and to reduce impacts on the Lake from neighbouring properties. To achieve these long-term goals, the group will provide property owners with information that encourages the use of phosphate-free products to reduce pollution and ways to protect and restore the shore by planting local trees, shrubs and grasses. Information about how to properly maintain septic systems will also be shared. The group will also work with municipal council and will help to draft guidelines and recommendations for better watershed management. Le Comité will hire local contractors to work on decreasing erosion and runoff. Partnerships with other groups will help assess lake biodiversity before and after the project. Comité pour l'environnement des Lacs Clean Water 0 2010-2011
The Environmental Leadership and Biodiversity Project People of all ages will be encouraged to learn about everyday actions they can take to protect our environment - especially concerning the biodiversity of plants and animals. Outdoor educational workshops will teach residents to take small, positive and sustainable actions to reduce their environmental footprints. In addition, Biodiversity Centers at local schools and the Outdoor Biodiversity Center at the Community Garden will share project success stories and encourage public involvement. Bathurst Sustainable Development Nature 2 2010-2011
Ecosystem Biodiversity on the Acadian Peninsula Partenariat pour la gestion intégrée du bassin versant de la baie de Caraquet is developing an interpretive nature trail which will highlight four different Acadian Peninsula ecosystems and help increase public awareness on the importance of local biodiversity. As part of the project, a plant survey will be conducted to identify plant and animal species found in a mixed wood forest, a former peat land, a river and salt marshes. This information will be gathered so interpretive signs can be produced and installed on the trail. Emphasis will be placed on the salt marsh ecosystem due to the presence of the Maritime Ringlet, a designated threatened species in New Brunswick since 1996, in an adjacent marsh. This project will offer information sessions to the general public and school groups. The site will also be used by post-secondary students for study. Partenariat pour la gestion intégrée du bassin versant de la baie de Caraquet Inc. Nature 2 2010-2011
Enhancing Watershed Biodiversity and Health Through Increasing Agricultural Stakeholder Awareness The Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee has a long history of working and communicating with farmers in the the Kennebecasis Watershed. This year's project will focus on educating farmers, colleges and schools in the region about steps they can take to enhance watershed biodiversity and health through Beneficial Management Practice plans. In partnership with Kings County Agri-Conservation Club and the Agriculture Alliance of New Brunswick, the Committee aims to improve the number of farmers putting Environmental Farm Plans in place. Tours will showcase examples of Beneficial Management Practices in various stages of implementation, including a new habitat restoration demonstration site. They will also provide information on tilling practices, nutrient and riparian zone management, erosion control, and watering options. A Beneficial Management Practice manual will be given to interested farmers and various presentations relating to better management practices will also be conducted. The project will also provide farmers with ongoing support and information about possible funding sources in order to put in place Environmental Farm Plans. Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee Nature 2 2010-2011
Growing a Green Appetite for Local Food This public awareness campaign will make Charlotte County residents more aware of the many benefits of producing and eating local food. A network for local food producers will be developed and there will be school presentations and activities to raise awareness of the links between climate change and the food we eat. Materials will also be developed and distributed to encourage support for local food and community awareness events will be held. Eastern Charlotte Waterways Climate Change 1 2010-2011
MAWIW Council of First Nations - Phase Two This project will focus on cleaning-up illegal dumpsites on First Nations' land and preventing illegal dumping from occurring in the future. Waste management campaigns will be conducted with residents from Esgenoopetitj (Burnt Church), Elsipogtog (Big Cove) and Negotkook (Tobique) to emphasize the importance of recycling and composting. Elders and youth will educate others on the harmful, long-term impacts of illegal dumping. The goal is to not only stop illegal dumping from taking place, but also to improve the health of First Nations members and the health of communities around the reserves. MAWIW Council of First Nations Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Building Capacity to Improve Collaborative Action on Environmental Issues Building on the success of the Network's regional youth forums in 2009, two one-day capacity-building workshops will be held in different parts of New Brunswick. The workshops will focus on developing concrete action plans to address biodiversity issues. The Network will provide follow-up support to ensure the groups can effectively and efficiently implement these action plans. New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN) Nature 2 2010-2011
It is Time to Take Action in Conserving Our Water! Association des Bassins Versants de la Grande et Petite Rivière Tracadie will create new water quality stewards who will make residents, youth and community groups more aware of how to protect the environment. The Association will hold presentations for students about how to conserve water and encourage biodiversity. Youth will also take part in field activities in a river bank ecosystem. The project will also educate community members about steps they can take to conserve water. A brochure will be developed and distributed to community members that focuses on how to protect river bank areas and environmentally-friendly lawn care options. Municipal councils will also be asked by the Association to discuss creating integrated environmental management plans for water resources. Association des Bassins Versants de la Grande et Petite Rivière Tracadie Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Improving Water Quality in the Pokemouche River Watershed The Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la rivière Pokemouche (CGERP) will work with a local school to create an eco-garden as a tool to educate both students and community residents about simple ways to improve water quality and why it is important to protect and respect the environment. In addition to the garden, the Comité will hold information sessions and staff kiosks to provide information about environmentally friendly lawn care, landscaping and gardening practices. The group will also explain the importance of healthy river bank zones and the role they play in maintaining and protecting water quality. A survey will allow the Comité to gather information on steps residents have taken to improve water quality as a result of this project. Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la rivière Pokemouche Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Biodiversity in Pays de Cocagne The Cocagne Sustainable Development Group will educate community members on ecological site development with a goal of increasing the biodiversity of the Pays de Cocagne watershed. Environmental management practices will be applied to community-accessible demonstration sites and community workshops will be offered to build residents' capacity to create ecological site conversion projects. The project will demonstrate proven eco-techniques such as composting and companion planting, soil preparation, and water conservation. Community members will also learn the skills to establish a biodiversity site in their own backyards. Teaching materials will be developed, including a list of regional biodiversity resources, native plant species, and guidelines for decision-making based on sound ecological principles. Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group Inc. Nature 2 2010-2011
The Our Bay, Our Future Ethic in Action Learning Kit This project will examine ecological issues facing our coasts and explain the environmental efforts of local coastal stewards to protect them. A learning kit will be created to help teach youth in the region about threats to the coastal environment, the importance of a healthy environment to coastal workers, and actions they can take to help protect the Bay of Fundy. Partnerships with other local groups, including the Passamaquoddy First Nation, will be encouraged. Coastal Livelihoods Trust Nature 2 2010-2011
Inter-Generational Conservation Sharing Program Low water levels in the Avalon Peninsula last summer led to an outdoor water-use ban and highlighted the need to educate local residents about water issues. This project will inform young students and residents about the importance of conserving water through an inter-generational sharing program. Students in grades two and three will participate in hands-on learning about conserving and protecting the water supply and workshops will be held for community members on water conservation and organic gardening methods. Lower Trinity South Regional Development Association Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Climate Change, Biodiversity and Our Future: MUN Botanical Garden School Program This wildlife-friendly gardening program will be used as a creative learning tool for students in grades primary to 12. The project will teach students about the connections between climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as the importance of building a sustainable future. Information sessions for the public and teachers will be held and a 'Day for Biological Diversity' will be celebrated. A photo and art challenge exhibit will also be held to celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity. Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden Inc. Nature 2 2010-2011
Conservation through Conversation, Year 2 The Nature Conservancy of Canada is the only land trust organization acquiring land from private owners in the province. In a project last year, several landowners in the Corduroy Valley began negotiations to protect over 1,600 hectares of land. This year the Nature Conservancy of Canada will concentrate on Stephenville Crossing and the Avalon Peninsula. The project will encourage residents to take part in conservation and stewardship activities. Nature Conservancy of Canada Nature 2 2010-2011
Gardening for Green Learning - Phase II In order to establish hands-on learning about habitat and biodiversity, the urban outdoor green-learning project will be initiated at a second school on the Avalon Peninsula. Teachers and student volunteers will work on the design and installation of a green space for their school which will incorporate different types of plants and garden areas to highlight different environmental issues and provide habitat for wildlife. Resources and classroom support for the project will be provided. Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador (CCNL) Nature 2 2010-2011
Where do we go from here? Development and Implementation of a NL Conservation Projects Atlas for wetland conservation and restoration Working with communities and local partners in Labrador, priority conservation areas will be reviewed and plans to restore and conserve waterfowl habitat will be created. The public will be educated about and encouraged to get involved in conservation activities. This project stems from a list of proposals to enhance waterfowl habitat within the conservation atlas that was created for Newfoundland and Labrador. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2010-2011
Bringing Back the Common Eider Duck to Red Bay, Labrador Common eider populations in Labrador are lower than in the past and recent sightings of eider ducks nesting on islands near Red Bay sparked a need to protect this species. This project will reduce disturbances to the nests and construct shelters to protect eggs from weather and hunting birds. Awareness of this species will be increased through the projects' report which will be available to the public at the Red Bay National Historic Site and at Pinware Provincial Park. Quebec-Labrador Foundation Nature 2 2010-2011
Engaging Industrial and Retail Businesses in Watershed Protection Groups on the Northeast Avalon A series of Watershed Protection Groups will be created to protect and restore watersheds that are vulnerable to impacts from business and community development. Industrial, municipal and retail partners will join together to learn about local watershed issues and take some responsibility for wetlands in the area. Workshops will be held on watershed protection and site visits will be conducted to ensure participants gain the necessary skills. This project will build on the positive environmental impacts resulting from the Freshwater Joys program, which targeted homeowners living adjacent to riverbanks. Northeast Avalon ACAP (Atlantic Coastal Action Program) Inc. Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Ocean Champions: Preventing Offshore Pollution and Protecting Special Marine Areas This campaign will promote the need to protect marine areas and to partner with stakeholders to identify priority areas for protection. It will focus on creating a network of stewards who will work to protect specific marine areas. Information about protecting marine areas will be shared with the public through a film in which people describe their memories of the ocean and how it has changed. Community members will be encouraged to form a local working group to help protect and restore marine areas. Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Newfoundland & Labrador Nature 2 2010-2011
Debert Eco-Industrial Park (DEIP) Energy and environmental reviews will be completed for 40 companies in the Debert Industrial Park. These reviews will calculate carbon footprints and carbon emissions, as well as identify ways to divert waste and conserve energy and water. The goal is to work towards reducing the environmental and financial costs of doing business through the sharing of resources and expertise between businesses and the community. This will be accomplished through various initiatives, such as an eco-industrial networking workshop and a waste materials exchange program. Colchester Regional Development Agency (CoRDA) Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Young Naturalists Club - Provincial Expansion New community chapters of the Young Naturalists' Club will be established to provide youth with mentors and learning opportunities in natural history. Club Start-up Kits will be developed and distributed through the Nova Scotia Museum network and training will be provided to communities interested in founding a local chapter. This project will be made possible through partnerships with the Nova Scotia Museum, Nova Scotia Environmental Network and Nature Nova Scotia. Young Naturalists Club Nature 2 2010-2011
Micou's Island Habitat Restoration and Enhancement This project will focus on habitat restoration and enhancement of Micou's Island - a 22-acre tidal island in St. Margaret's Bay which is rich in historical and biological treasures. Island stewards and community volunteers will be trained on how to protect and increase the biodiversity of the island and will work to improve habitats. An Island Management Manual will also be created. The goal of the project is to promote ecological awareness. St Margaret's Bay Stewardship Association Nature 2 2010-2011
Wetland restoration projects in the Annapolis Valley and Windsor Lowlands This project will enhance biodiversity, conserve water resources and improve wildlife habitat for farmland within Ducks Unlimited Canada's Conservation Priority Areas for Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick. Beneficial Management Practice plans for farmers were identified in phase one of the project. In phase two, Ducks Unlimited Canada will work with farmers to deliver these plans by creating and restoring wetlands and securing land conservation agreements, benefitting approximately 1200 hectares of farmland. The program will be delivered in collaboration with the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources as part of the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture and it will be promoted through various partners. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2010-2011
Instream Habitat Restoration Community members will be engaged in improving water quality and fish habitat through the installation of 38 in-stream structures above two fish ladders on the Waugh River and Miller Brook. The Fish Friends program at the local elementary school and organized river walks will inform students about fish habitat restoration. This project builds on earlier work and contributes to long-term watershed management goals. North Colchester River Restoration Association Nature 2 2010-2011
L's+tkuk Apoqnmu'k Kkijinu Wskitqamu Bear River First Nation will look at how biodiversity and climate change link with each other and Mi'kmaw culture. The project will involve Mi'kmaq people on and off reserve and promote community skills through employment and volunteer opportunities. Participants will have an opportunity to be engaged in a variety of initiatives, such as helping conduct spring and fall surveys to identify and protect 45 rare and medicinal plants. Knowledge about protecting the environment from the Mi'kmaw perspective will be shared with the community. L's+tkuk Environment Nature 2 2010-2011
UnamakiDS Known as Netukilimk by the Mi'kmaq, Unama'ki youth will learn how to use natural resources so the earth is protected for future generations. The project will connect the youth with traditional knowledge through gatherings, video-conferences and hands-on workshops. The youth will learn about species-at-risk, climate change, clean water, and other culturally important topics. Unama'Ki Institute of Natural Resources Nature 2 2010-2011
Clean Nova Scotia's In-shore Fishing Industry Waste Resource Management Implementation Project (FInWRM) This project will educate harbour users on waste management and its importance to protecting our oceans. With guidance from Clean Nova Scotia, 21 Nova Scotia small craft harbours will design, implement and maintain waste management strategies. Partnering with several groups such as the Harbour Authorities, the Maritime Fishermen's Union and the Regional Waste Resource Educators, the amount of potential waste on board a boat pre-departure and upon return to the dock will be monitored and compared to waste properly discarded upon return to the shore. Clean Nova Scotia Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Site Restoration and Programming for the Clare Biodiversity Environmental Centre La Société acadienne de Clare will continue to develop La Colonie Jeunesse Acadienne Nature Camp as a community biodiversity education centre. A 'Green Mapping' ecological kit developed in collaboration with St. Mary's University will educate youth on the diverse ecology of the 30-kilometre site. A number of initiatives will be undertaken as a part of this project including the construction of bird, duck and bat houses; the restoration of lake banks through the planting of a variety of native trees and shrubs; the design of a historic Acadian eco-garden as a water conservation teaching tool; and the enhancement of ecological awareness through a public launch for the International Year of Biodiversity, including a presentation of the site's Green Map. Twenty students from École secondaire de Clare will assist project leaders and be mentors in school and community presentations. This project, with the support of other community partners including the Salmon River Association and Association des Dames Patronnesses, will advance the Municipality of Clare's Green Energy Concept Plan. Société acadienne de Clare Nature 2 2010-2011
Wild Child Nature Immersion Pilot Program Through hands-on activities and games, students will learn about basic ecological concepts within their school yard. Linked to the Halifax Region School Board's EXCEL after school child-care program, the project will work with elementary students in a pilot education program over seven months. It will provide students with a chance to explore the outdoors in a safe, inviting way. The children's knowledge and attitudes toward the environment will be assessed pre- and post-project. Sierra Club of Canada-Atlantic Canada Chapter Nature 2 2010-2011
The Grey-Bruce Greenway: A Collaborative Effort This project aims to preserve the landscape, biodiversity and wildlife in the Niagara Escarpment area by developing and managing a system of nature reserves. Landowners will be engaged to secure eight conservation agreements, permanently protecting 200 hectares of land and creating a contiguous forest ecosystem. Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy Inc Nature 2 2010-2011
Making Shorelines Natural This project will plant 12 000 seedlings on a minimum of four kilometres of degraded shoreline along identified tributaries within the City of Ottawa and the Rideau River watershed. This project will identify priority degraded shoreline areas, consult with property owners and develop a naturalization plan and complete the shoreline naturalization project with community partners. Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Restoration of Bronte Creek in Lowville Park Urban development and human activities are putting a strain on Bronte Creek's aquatic ecosystem, causing it to suffer from habitat degradation. This project will restore approximately one kilometre of Bronte Creek, increasing habitat, water quality, and biodiversity. The restored section of the creek will be used as a demonstration site to educate local landowners and promote stewardship and restoration activities within the watershed. Trout Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2010-2011
Downsview Dells Community: An Action Program for Stormwater Control This project will reduce stormwater flow into Black Creek through community participation by encouraging activities such as downspout diversions, property landscaping and large tree planting for increased canopy cover. Volunteers will plant 4,200 trees and shrubs, 2,000 terrestrial plants, and 3,000 lowland/wetland plants. They will also install 125 bird and bat houses, collect 20 tonnes of trash and clean & protect three existing wetland sites. Black Creek Conservation Project of Toronto Nature 2 2010-2011
Forestry Silviculture Initiative for Culturally Significant Species This project will enhance habitat and encourage the planting of culturally significant species for First Nations communities by planting 2000 tree seedlings and 200 pounds of wild rice throughout the watershed. The tree and rice plantings will improve water quality and increase the biodiversity of 540 hectares of land throughout the South Nation watershed region. South Nation River Conservation Authority Nature 2 2010-2011
The Catfish Creek Restoration Project 2010 This project will focus on the rehabilitation of the most environmentally degraded section of Catfish Creek. Project activities will improve riparian and aquatic habitat, water quality, and restore eroded streambanks. A total of 450 metres of stream habitat restoration will take place. Approximately 100 large caliper native trees, 100 native tree seedlings, and 100 shrubs and wildflowers will be planted. Approximately, 225 metres of streambank stabilization work will be conducted through conventional rip-rap protection, and bio-engineering work. Local high school students in the Environmental Leadership Program at East Elgin Secondary School will play a large role in the habitat enhancement and stream restoration efforts proposed in this project. Rotary Club of Aylmer Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Trout Creek Naturalization Project This project will increase biodiversity through the naturalization of approximately 0.6 hectares of Trout Creek in the Town of St. Marys. Approximately 122 native trees and shrubs will be planted along with 2,874 perennials. A butterfly garden will also be established. This project will provide habitat for wildlife and connect the area to an existing wetland. Rotary Club of St. Marys Nature 2 2010-2011
Huron County Wetland/Riparian Restoration This project will improve water quality and quantity and the natural habitats within Huron County watersheds through the completion of several restoration projects. These projects will be used as community demonstration sites to profile Best Management Practices, such as riparian buffers and wetland restoration. 10.5 hectares of habitat will be improved through the use of water control structures, grassed waterways, wetland creation and seedling planting. Huron Stewardship Council Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Snapping Turtle Nest Site Restoration Pilot Project This project will improve the viability of known populations of snapping turtles currently threatened by predation and human activities. Approximately 320 square meters of turtle nesting structure will be created, providing protection from predators during optimal nesting times. A minimum of two environmental management plans will be developed for conservation property with the intention of identifying future habitat restoration projects. The Couchiching Conservancy Nature 2 2010-2011
TowerWise: Green Condo Champions This project will empower condominium directors to take action against climate change. Through a comprehensive training and engagement program, this project will equip the directors of 50 condominium buildings with the tools, information, and technical services they require to cut energy costs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their buildings by 200 to 400 tonnes through energy saving retrofits. Case studies of successful projects will be developed and used to sustain the initiative beyond the life of the project. Toronto Atmospheric Fund Climate Change 1 2010-2011
BioDiversity Matters Using the International Year of Biodiversity as a point of departure, this project will inform, educate and offer the public ways to take action to protect and restore our priceless biodiversity. Project activities include the restoration of 17 acres of land through the planting of 11,200 native trees and shrubs with the help of 1,600 youth and adult volunteers. Through the course of this project, 150 schools will mark the International Day for Biological Diversity by participating in the Green Wave through the planting one tree in their local community. Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources (P.O.W.E.R.) Nature 2 2010-2011
Grand River Tallgrass Prairie Project Tallgrass prairie is an endangered ecosystem in Ontario. The project will convert 4.8 hectares of an agricultural field into tallgrass prairie habitat. A prescribed burn will be initiated to remove the pre-existing vegetation and the site will be planted with new tallgrass prairie seed. Tallgrass Ontario Nature 2 2010-2011
Benishek and Rankin Prairie Restorations This project has two components. The first is the Rankin Prairie Project which will convert 6 hectares of agricultural field adjacent to an abandoned railway known to have remnant prairie plants into a tallgrass prairie/savanna. The second part of the project is to restore an existing prairie in Orford Township. The site will have a prescribed burn applied on the existing prairie and the project will include the expansion of the prairie with the planting of an additional 5 hectares. Tallgrass Ontario Nature 2 2010-2011
Eastern Georgian Bay Stewardship Action Program This project will improve water quality and biodiversity in the eastern shorelines of Georgian Bay. Workshops based on the Eastern Georgian Bay Stewardship Manual that was developed in partnership with the Lake Huron Georgian Bay Framework for Community Action will be offered for the community. Resources will be provided to landowners and two demonstration sites will be created to illustrate how to restore habitat and improve water quality in a negatively impacted area. Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve Inc. Nature 2 2010-2011
Ecological Restoration and Exclusion Fencing in Riparian Buffer Strips within the Pine River Watershed This project is designed to increase environmental integrity and biodiversity within the Pine River watershed. This will be accomplished by fencing cattle out of four kilometres of streams and tributaries to slow erosion and nutrient input as well as reducing trampling which can alter streambed communities. Approximately two hectares of stream bank will be restored by planting 37,100 native plants on 10 sites. Pine River Watershed Initiative Network (PRWIN) Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Bayfield North Watersheds Enhancement Project The goal of this project is to reduce erosion, improve water quality, and restore habitat in the Bayfield North Watershed. Residents will be educated about the importance of water quality and habitat restoration and will be encouraged to implement stewardship projects, including water quality assessments. This project supports the greater Management Plan for the Bayfield North Watersheds. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (ABCF) Clean Water 0 2010-2011
The One Mile Creek -Landsdowne Pond Wetland Biodiversity Enhancement Project Properly functioning wetlands act like nature's 'filter', enhancing water quality. This project aims to restore Landsdowne Pond into a natural self-sustaining wetland through the planting of over 22,000 native plants around the pond and along the banks of One Mile Creek. To create habitat, river stone riffles and wildlife nesting structures will be installed, encouraging the return of several species. Niagara River Restoration Council Nature 2 2010-2011
Swamp & Riparian Companion Forest & Meadow This project will restore approximately 3.5 acres of a 12 acre floodplain adjacent to the Little Rouge River. Approximately 3,925 native trees and shrubs, and 1,500 wildflowers will be planted during the course of this project. Project activities will restore biodiversity to a floodplain previously used for agricultural purposes. 10,000 Trees for the Rouge Valley Nature 2 2010-2011
Community Partners in Shoreline Stewardship and Freshwater Conservation: Action and Education Goals for this project include 16 stewardship projects that will improve the quality of freshwater outputs from agricultural properties while increasing biodiversity and habitat for fish and birds dependant on natural shorelines. Activities include four livestock exclusion projects, the installation of five solar powered alternative watering systems, three erosion control projects and four habitat management projects. In addition, seminars will be provided to real estate agents, giving them the tools necessary to ensure that prospective cottage owners are informed about their roles as lake stewards. Workshops for lake-based businesses outlining the relationship between a healthy lake ecosystem and a successful operation will be provided to help them adopt lake friendly business practices. Lakeland Alliance Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Restoring Niagara's Short Hills Project The Short Hills represent one of the largest areas of Carolinian forest in Niagara. This project aims to restore former agricultural fields, which will increase biodiversity and habitat by planting 40,000 trees and shrubs, along with thousands of wildflowers and grasses, and installing of wildlife nesting structures. The project will promote long-term forest protection through conservation agreements and will assist landowners with applications for tax incentive programs. Niagara River Restoration Council Nature 2 2010-2011
Oxbow Watershed Enhancement Community Forestry Project This project will help improve water quality of the Oxbow Creek, and enhance wildlife habitat in the local area. Approximately 750 local elementary students will be involved in the planting of 1,575 native shrubs and seedlings, 75 large hardwoods, and 37 potted stock over approximately 2.3 acres of land. These plantings will help increase tree cover, interior forest habitat, and connectivity to adjacent woodlots. Friends of Oxbow Creek Nature 2 2010-2011
Climate Change Action Program Scouts Canada will train volunteers to provide workshops for youth focused on climate change action. Five thousand youths will take home the 'At Home Energy Audit', with a goal for families to reduce energy consumption and water usage. This project will ultimately be incorporated into Scouts Canada summer program. Through participation in this project, all youth will be given an opportunity to earn the Climate Change Action crest. Scouts Canada, White Pine Council Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Lynde Creek Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project This project will protect the remaining natural habitat within Lynde Creek, as well as rehabilitate degraded habitats. Activities include in-stream habitat enhancement, wetland restoration, monitoring, public education, and the planting of several trees and shrubs for riparian regeneration and bank stabilization. The project will address the assessment and monitoring required to create five stream rehabilitation plans for landowners, with implementation to follow in 2011. Ontario Streams Nature 2 2010-2011
Pigeon Lake and Area Shoreline Restoration and Habitat Enhancement Program This project will address the need for water quality and habitat improvement as well as biodiversity sustainability along the shores of Pigeon Lake and area waterways in the City of Kawartha. Eighteen shoreline restoration projects will be undertaken with 3,300 shrubs and wildflowers being planted to repair damaged habitats. Information focusing on erosion, nutrient and bacterial loading, the use of phosphorous-loaded soaps and fertilizers, and their impact on regional biodiversity, habitat, and water quality will be distributed to residents Gamiing Nature Centre Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Trout River Watershed Plan Implementation Watershed restoration can happen when a community works together. Trout Unlimited Canada - Prince County Chapter's project The Trout River Watershed Plan Implementation will educate landowners in the Coleman area about the Alternative Land Use Services program. Barclay Brook will be also be cleaned up and deflector ridges installed. Trout Unlimited Canada - Prince County Chapter Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Watershed Enhancement 2010 This project seeks to build community capacity and interest through improvements to the Covehead-Brackley Bay watershed area. Regular water sampling will help assess water quality and reduce siltation and runoff from farms. It will also allow the group to identify where nutrients and contaminants are entering the watershed. Community members will be encouraged to get involved in restoration activities through volunteer days. Friends of Covehead-Brackley Bay Watershed Nature 2 2010-2011
Watershed Educational Initiative This project will work restore the Trout and Brae River watersheds and re-establish a productive brook trout population and a wild salmon run. It will also reduce siltation by planting native trees and shrubs along the riverbank area of the watersheds. Local residents will learn more about this important work through guided tours of the Trout River Natural Area, distribution of a newsletter and one-on-one visits with landowners and farmers to promote environmentally sound practices. The project will be guided by the provincial Alternative Land Use Strategies program. Trout Unlimited Prince County Chapter Nature 2 2010-2011
Pits to Ponds - Wetland Demonstration Sites The community will be engaged in the restoration of wetlands and accompanying habitat. Remediation of old burrow pits, considered ?wasteland' by the public, will help restore wetlands. Hundreds of native tree species will be planted and wood duck and swallow boxes will be put in place. Local residents, schools, landowners and construction companies will be encouraged to take part in the projects. Ducks Unlimited will inform the public about the progress of this project through the media, trails and signage, field trips and tours. Ducks Unlimited Canada Nature 2 2010-2011
Our Rivers: So much more than water This project will focus on building relationships with Western P.E.I. farmers and landowners in order to better manage water resources and to improve wildlife habitat and biodiversity. Activities will include planting three thousand native Acadian tree species; installing nest boxes; building brush piles; removing garbage from areas around water courses; monitoring water quality and carrying out in-stream restoration to reduce erosion. The community will be informed about project activities and results through newsletters, website updates and public meetings. Richmond Bay Watershed Association Inc Nature 2 2010-2011
Partnering to Restore Biological Diversity Improving the environment and green spaces by planting native trees, shrubs and rare wildflowers is the goal of this project by the Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island. Planting will take place at two municipal parks in the Town of Stratford and at two schools in Charlottetown. Public talks will be held to explain project benefits including an increase in biodiversity and carbon storage and improved human and ecosystem health. Public meetings, website updates and e-newsletters will describe project goals and achievements. Environmental Coalition of Prince Edward Island Nature 2 2010-2011
Community Groundwater Monitoring Network A groundwater monitoring network in the Bedeque Bay watershed will be created to protect the quantity and quality of groundwater and ensure a reliable water supply for the future. The goal is to foster ownership of groundwater resources by teaching landowners to identify and implement steps that can lead to responsible water management. Local volunteers will also become groundwater monitors. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Watershed Stream Enhancement and Watershed Management Planning This project will improve biodiversity and watershed management through a variety of activities including clearing several kilometres of stream; constructing rock pools and silt traps; installing brush mats and nest boxes; planting thousands of native trees along riverbanks; collecting water samples and mapping the watershed. The public will be encouraged to participate through a digital photo contest and will be informed of project activities through a newsletter and website updates. Kensington North Watersheds Association Nature 2 2010-2011
Environmental awareness project for Lake Saint-Jean marinas Through this project, the proponent wants to reach out to 600 marina users and managers about adopting greener behaviours in their nautical activities. The target clientele frequent 12 marinas on the shores of Lake Saint-Jean. The proponent will also plant about 100 plants on marina lands. Comité ZIP Alma-Jonquière Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Rehabilitation of the buffer strips around Roger Lake and Laurent Lake The purpose of the project is to improve water quality in the Roger and Laurent lakes in order to prevent blue-green algal blooms. To this end, 6000 shrubs will be planted and 5800 square metres of shoreline will be restored (new habitats created). An awareness component will target behavioural changes. Comité ZIP Saguenay Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Let's reforest the PSLL and Saint-Pierre! The project is focused on biodiversity and improving water quality in the lakes around Perkins-sur-le-Lac and Lake Saint-Pierre, including McMullin Lake, because of a fear of blue-green algal blooms there. The project will include an outreach component for shoreline residents and the revegetation of bare buffer strips over at least five metres. In all, an area of 7000 square metres will be vegetated. Fédération des lacs de Val-des-Monts Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Restoration of land adjacent to the Saint-Charles River upstream of Quebec City's water intake The purpose of the project is to restore urban lands in Québec City on the Saint-Charles River shoreline. Trails and clandestine landing sites will be closed and revegetated. In all, 210 metres of shoreline will be revegetated and one hectare of land will be naturalized by planting 440 trees and 3000 shrubs. Beach sweeps are also planned, as is an awareness campaign to encourage the population to preserve the sites' integrity. Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac Saint-Charles et des Marais du Nord Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Outreach and re-naturalization project for the shores of Sept-Îles Lake The purpose of the project is to improve water quality in Sept-Îles Lake by reaching out to 480 shoreline residents about adopting responsible behaviours. The project also aims to plant 19 000 native trees and shrubs at 200 shoreline residents' homes over an area 5 to 7.5 metres deep. Association des Propriétaires du lac Sept Îles Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Community involvement and outreach for the protection of riparian ecosystems The purpose of the project is to conserve and improve wildlife and plant habitats over 8000 square metres of shoreline and reach out to 40 shoreline property owners about protecting riparian ecosystems and therefore improving water quality in the Carignan canals, the Chambly Basin and the Richelieu River. Nature-Action Québec Nature 2 2010-2011
Enhancement of the natural environment of the Magdalen Islands The purpose of the project is to restore sites on the Magdalen Islands that have been denatured by clandestine waste disposal. The group plans to remove ten tonnes of waste from ten sites totalling 0.5 hectares. At the same time, an awareness campaign will be conducted with the people of the Magdalen Islands to prevent other illegal waste disposal sites from being created in the future. Comité ZIP des Îles-de-la-Madeleine Nature 2 2010-2011
Greening of Beaumont Avenue in Parc-Extension The purpose of the project is to vegetate an urban heat island in the city of Montréal (Beaumont Avenue in the Park Extension district). The goal is to cover 200 square metres of mineralized soil and 1000 square metres of walls by planting 50 trees, 100 vines and 100 shrubs with the collaboration of at least ten landowners. Vrac Environnement Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Nature Chelsea Biodiversity Stewardship Initiative The goal of the project is to promote biodiversity on private lands in Chelsea, Quebec. ACRE plans to conduct biodiversity assessments with 40 property owners whose land has a high conservation value. ACRE's ultimate goal is to encourage 30 of these property owners to actively participate in stewardship activities by signing voluntary contracts that will prevent additional habitat losses. Action Chelsea for the Respect of the Environment (ACRE) Nature 2 2010-2011
Participatory actions to preserve the biodiversity of Rougemont Mountain The purpose of the project is to preserve the biodiversity of Rougemont Mountain by getting property owners, users and the community involved in the fight against two threats to biodiversity: recreational activities and nonsustainable forestry and maple-sugaring practices. Protection and threat mitigation projects are planned at 50 sites. Another purpose of the project is to create and use participatory-awareness and communication tools. Association du mont Rougemont Nature 2 2010-2011
Des Érables Avenue green alley Project to reduce heat islands in an alley in Montréal's Ville-Marie borough, which is now completely unvegetated and located near a major highway. The group plans to plant 60 trees, 30 shrubs, 25 climbing plants and 50 native perennials with the help of residents. Société écocitoyenne de Montréal // Éco-quartier Sainte-Marie Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Awareness and action for the Sainte-Anne River in Saint-Alban The purpose of the project is to protect a particularly sensitive area on the shoreline of the Sainte-Anne River. The project has two components: 1) revegetating the shore and 2) instilling sound navigation habits in boaters to limit their impact on water quality. The group is seeking the participation of 20 property owners who will renaturalize 600 square metres of shoreline by planting 1200 cuttings and 300 shrubs. The goal is to reach out to 280 shoreline residents and river users directly and to post permanent informational signage. Corporation d'aménagement et de protection de la Sainte-Anne inc. Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Concrete actions in the Beauport River Basin and creation of a best practices guide for taking action The purpose of the project is to restore a riparian shoreline and the wildlife habitats on the site of an old landfill that also has a holding tank. The project will involve primary school and college students. Along with the field work (planting shrubs and herbaceous plants, creating a filter marsh that is favourable to amphibians), biodiversity awareness and education workshops will be given to students at two primary schools. Groupe d'éducation et d'écosurveillance de l'eau Nature 2 2010-2011
Green alleys ? Hawarden Avenue and Du Souvenir Street Project to reduce heat islands in the alleys in the Peter-McGill district of Montréal's Ville-Marie borough. Two alleys will be greened by planting eight trees, 80 shrubs and 600 native plants and digging up 220 square metres of land. Union Étudiante de Concordia Nature 2 2010-2011
One shore to share The purpose of the project is to improve plant and avian diversity by vegetating several sections of buffer strips in two municipal parks along the St. Lawrence River in the Montérégie area. The goal of the project is to plant 2700 plants in parcels scattered along the shoreline to create a green corridor. Nature-Action Québec Nature 2 2010-2011
Riverside resident outreach and restoration of the banks of Dam-en-Terre in Alma The purpose of the project is to fight blue-green algal blooms by mobilizing residents of the Dam-en-Terre shoreline (Grande Décharge River) who are concerned about deteriorating water quality. The project will vegetate the shoreline on at least 30 plots of private land over a depth of at least three metres; 1350 plants will be planted on 0.5 km of shoreline. An awareness component will target the adoption of behaviour favourable to biodiversity along the shore and on the water. Comité ZIP Alma-Jonquière Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Working together to green the Sud-Ouest borough's schools The purpose of the project is to reduce heat islands and improve air quality by revegetating the Dollard-des-Ormeaux (d'Aragon Street) and Option II (Biencourt Street) schoolyards and two adjacent alleys. The revegetation of 1000 square metres of land with 240 native plants will reduce GHGs by 40 tonnes/year. Pro-Vert Sud-Ouest Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Reducing GHGs for applied ecology The purpose of the project is to reach out to 500 participants about reducing the GHGs they generate by half (50%). Stakeholders will quantify the amount of GHGs they produce as a way to make behavioural changes. The goal of the project is to reduce GHGs by 250 tonnes. Enviro-Action Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Revitalizing shorelines from a broader sustainable development perspective The project consists of revegetating the shores of Trois-Saumons Lake and reaching out to shoreline residents. In total, 800 plants will be planted over one square kilometre of shoreline. Club des résidents du lac Trois-Saumons Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Water guardians The purpose of the project is to improve water quality in an Aboriginal community. Through awareness-raising activities, 100 youths will be equipped to become project initiators in their areas. These youths will receive interactive training and be asked to initiate projects and make short films on the theme of water. They will have the title of 'Water Guardians' bestowed upon them. Secrétariat international de l'eau (SIE) Clean Water 0 2010-2011
I do my part for the environment The purpose of the project is to protect the environment by getting 1000 high school and college students to take action. All the youths will learn about sustainable development and 100 of them will prepare and implement an action plan related to an environmental issue in their area. Comité ZIP Alma-Jonquière Nature 2 2010-2011
Environmental education at Lake Saint-Pierre The purpose of the project is to educate young people and teachers about the environment by offering courses of action and carrying them out in class with the children. The goal is to train 200 teachers and do 150 in-class presentations. The project will be offered in the four school boards bordering Lake Saint-Pierre. Coopérative de solidarité de la biosphère du lac Saint-Pierre Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Implementation of the Plan to Protect and Enhance the Sandy Beach Spit: fragile environment protection, disturbed area restoration and community outreach components The goal of the project is to protect the ecological integrity of the Sandy Beach Spit, a fragile and sensitive site. The area will be restored by removing 200 cubic metres of litter and 20 tonnes of metal. Another goal is to close side trails and funnel users onto one trail. Société de Barre de Sandy Beach (SBSB) Nature 2 2010-2011
Greening project The purpose of the project is to reduce a schoolyard heat island by planting 4200 plants. The project's secondary objectives include recycling, harvesting rainwater and erecting nest boxes. The project includes educational activities. Giving the entire community access to the school's park is planned. Fondation Sault-Saint-Louis Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Project Backyard Habitat The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan (NPSS) will engage rural and urban communities attending home and garden events and project workshops by distributing free kits for making backyards more attractive to local wildlife. Each kit contains a native plant or seed packet, a list of beneficial native plants, and guidelines and resources for creating backyard habitats. In addition to a NPSS certificate recognizing their efforts, participants will learn how to use native plants to reduce water consumption and chemical use while providing valuable wildlife habitats. Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan , Inc. (NPSS) Nature 2 2010-2011
Northeast Swale Restoration The Meewasin Valley Authority project will engage the community of the South Saskatchewan River Valley to aid in the restoration and protection of the Northeast Swale, a 225 hectare area comprised of natural prairies, forests and wetlands. The project will include activities to establish native plant species and remove non-native species in natural areas and cleaning up areas which have become damaged through human activity. Improvements will be measured by monitoring wildlife and their increased use of renewed habitat areas. The community will be engaged in the project through a bio-blitz that will educate volunteers on the value of this natural area and how to assist in its conservation. Meewasin Valley Authority Nature 2 2010-2011
WUQWATR Watershed Awareness Project Wascana and Upper Qu'Appelle Watersheds Taking Responsibility Inc. (WUQWATR) will develop awareness of water quality management and beneficial practices within rural and urban communities of the Wascana and Upper Qu'Appelle watersheds. Public education and outreach will take the form of hazardous waste demonstration and collection events; abandoned water well decommissioning events and the distribution of brochures promoting source water protection and beneficial management practices for watershed protection. Wascana and Upper Qu'Appelle Watersheds Association Taking Responsibility Inc. Clean Water 0 2010-2011
Greenscapades Agriculture in the Classroom's Greenscapades project will establish learning gardens in five inner city schools in Saskatoon over two years. Teachers, students and community members will work collectively to design and grow gardens offering hands-on learning opportunities. Students will experience the natural environment's impact on crops and learn how the elements work together to create our natural landscapes. Participants will practice water conservation, composting, and planting. Students and their families will also develop the skills and knowledge to decrease their environmental footprint and grow food in a sustainable way. Agriculture in the Classroom Sask Inc. Nature 2 2010-2011
Moose Jaw River Watershed Agricultural Plastic Round Up The Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards Inc. will hold two agricultural plastic waste round-ups in the Missouri Coteau and the Regina Plains, the heart of the Saskatchewan's grain belt. Information will be provided to producers on the environmental impacts of agricultural waste plastics, leading up to a community round-up where they will gather, clean and sort their agricultural plastic at a designated collection site. In addition to diverting these plastics to local recycling depots, the watershed will gain valuable insight on the amount, type and quality of agricultural waste plastics and the industrial capacity available to recycle them. Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards Inc. Clean Air 3 2010-2011
The Greening of Ruth Buck & Button Parks The Normanview West Community Association will transplant and replace trees from their tree nursery in Ruth Buck Park and Button Park, covering approximately 12 hectares in the northwest sector of Regina. In addition to enhancing the beauty of the parks, this re-greening initiative will engage local community, improve air quality, and increase habitat for birds. Normanview West Community Association Inc. Nature 2 2010-2011
The Urban Restored Prairie: A Teaching Class for a Youth Group from the Core Area in Regina The Al Ritchie Action Centre and the First Nations University will work together to develop a program in which community youth maintain and expand a restored prairie and grow their own vegetable garden. Craft activities and traditional knowledge sharing, led by the University's First Nations elders, will promote hands-on learning and establish a connection to the natural environment. The youth will share their knowledge and experiences with their larger community through a brochure distributed through the Al Ritchie Centre newsletter. Regina Qu'Appelle Regional Health Authority Nature 2 2010-2011
Communities Take Action 'Communities Take Action' is a project designed to inspire young people in the towns of Carcross and Dawson to tackle the issue of climate change. It includes a school-based educational forum, activities, films, conversations, and processes that help youth identify how their culture and way of life is being impacted by climate change. The project is designed to ensure that youth will be empowered to become part of the solution by identifying and leading initiatives that will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. GreenThink Institute Council Climate Change 1 2010-2011
Grimesthorpe Creek Restoration and Freshwater Protection 2023,2024 The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve ecological benefits to the Lake Huron basin, by restoring freshwater on Manitoulin Island. Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Big Ranch Cottonwood Restoration This project will improve freshwater riparian and floodplain cottonwood ecosystem habitat and mitigate flood impacts through streambank restoration. Elk River Watershed Alliance Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Improving Climate Resiliency and Freshwater Quality in BC's Coastal Douglas,fir Zone through Wetland Restoration and Nature,based Solutions This project will improve water quality and enhance wetland habitat by installing natural infrastructure and hydrological features to prevent erosion, sedimentation and pollution in the Maxwell Creek watershed. Transition Salt Spring Society Climate Change 0 2023-2024
The Critical Catch The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality and aquatic habitat by addressing the issue of marine debris in Georgian Bay. Georgian Bay Forever Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Albemarle Brook Restoration, Fresh Water Sustainability for the Rankin River System The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality in the Albermarle Brook, a watercourse that flows through a Provincially Significant Wetland, and eventually drains into Lake Huron. Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Fish Habitat Restoration and Stewardship Workshops This project will enhance freshwater fish habitat by instream soil staking, restoration of stream channel, and planting of riparian vegetation, and will train volunteer stream stewardship through workshops. Bc Wildfire Federation Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Preservation of wetlands and forests of three properties of high ecological value west of Lake Saint-Charles in Quebec This project will preserve wetlands and woodlands on three properties of high ecological value west of Lake Saint-Charles in Quebec City. Agiro Climate Change 0 2023-2024
STOP Zebra Mussel, waste section This project will address a major freshwater quality issue: waste in Lake Massawippi. In addition to clean-up operations on site, the project involves educating the public and increasing awareness about the impact of waste in watercourses and the zebra mussel problem. Bleu Massawippi Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Community Collaboration Towards Water Quality Improvement in Langley BC This project will improve water quality and reduce point source pollution and bacterial contamination in freshwater ecosystems through public education on agricultural land management practices and engagement in aquatic habitat restoration. Langley Environmental Partners Soci Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Communities Protecting Freshwater Together, Restoration in the St. Clair Region The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality and increase climate resiliency by restoring natural infrastructure in the St. Clair region. St. Clair Region Conservation Authority Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Jericho Wetland Restoration Project The purpose of this project is to improve wetland, riparian and marsh habitat, and to create two freshwater wetlands through excavation and restoration and community engagement. Wildcoast Ecological Society Climate Change 0 2023-2024
A River Runs Through It, Restoring Healthy Waters and Habitat in the Nottawasaga Valley The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality in the Nottawasaga Valley watersheds, and subsequently Lake Huron, by implementing a series of on-the-ground stewardship projects. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Project Watershed , Healthy Stewardship Initiative The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to bring regional community stakeholders together to encourage a more holistic protection of aquatic ecosystems which incorporates citizen science, community awareness, action and education to empower stakeholders to become active watershed stewards. Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association Climate Change 0 2023-2024
NatureKids BC, Clean Water Begins in Your Own Backyard This project will improve freshwater habitat through public engagement in restoration, conservation and stewardship activities and freshwater citizen science initiatives including plantings of native plants, removal of invasives and through shoreline clean-ups. Young Naturalists' Club Of Bc Society Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Freshwater Ecosystem Health in the Cocagne Watershed This project will improve water quality through the restoration of freshwater ecosystems in the Cocagne watershed by increasing native plants in nursery and naturalizing riparian areas, in co-operation with schools in the Cocagne watershed, which is located in Kent County in southeastern New Brunswick. Groupe De Developpement Durable Du Pays De Cocagne Sustainable Development Group Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Floatable Waste Collaborative Action in Lake Ontario and Toronto's Inner Harbour The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality in the Toronto Inner Harbour through the management of floatable anthropogenic debris, knows as ‘floatables.” Water pollution and marine plastic is transported from all parts of the Toronto region into Lake Ontario, causing harm to aquatic and wildlife habitat, and freshwater health. Toronto And Region Conservation Authority Climate Change 0 2023-2024
River Restoration 2023 The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to provide fish habitat restoration on one or more watercourses in the Sackville River Watershed through the installation of 10 habitat restoration structures (diggerlog, rock sills, deflectors), which will result in the restoration/protection of freshwater habitat and improvement of water quality. Sackville Rivers Association Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Water Guardians (WG) The purpose of this project is to educate and engage youth in improving freshwater quality to reduce harmful substances in freshwater and to restore ecosystem health, through outreach, citizen science and shoreline clean-ups. Sea Smart School Society Climate Change 0 2023-2024
The Kawartha Lakes Landowner Engagement and Shoreline Habitat Restoration Project The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve shoreline health in the Kawartha Lakes region. As a result of clear cutting vegetation to the water’s edge and increased development, high levels of pollutants and nutrients are entering water bodies, which has impaired sensitive aquatic ecosystems and water quality. Kawartha Lake Stewards Association Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Oak Valley Streambank Restoration , Building a More Resilient Shoreline with Natural Infrastructure The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality and increase climate resiliency in the South Nation River watershed. South Nation River Conservation Authority Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Sustainable Futures, Building community capacity for freshwater conservation in Newfoundland and Labrador The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to enhance the capacity of the next generation to tackle environmental issues related to fresh water, contribute to baseline environmental monitoring of freshwater resources and enhance water quality through restoration of degraded riparian areas. Ducks Unlimited Canada Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Improvement and restoration of water crossings in the Etchemins This project will correct erosion, sedimentation and nutrient input problems caused by inadequate stream crossings in private forests. The project's overall objective is to get the community working in private forests involved in better managing stream crossings in the area. Agence de mise en valeur des forets privees des appalaches Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Action to Improve Water Quality, Prevent Pollution, and Stabilize Banks for Trout Brook, Southwestern Newfoundland The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve and sustain water quality in Trout Brook, a major tributary of Harry’s River in southwestern Newfoundland, through the removal of harmful substances, replanting bank vegetation, reducing erosion and siltation, and facilitating knowledge transfer among First Nation groups, youth, and small businesses. Intervale Associates Inc. Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Integrated Watershed Management in Shediac Bay Using Green Infrastructure to Improve Water Quality This project will reduce the presence of freshwater contaminants, increase knowledge of the impact of rainwater on water quality, increase the ability of citizens and businesses to manage rainwater properly, and share more knowledge about green infrastructure and rainwater management in southeastern New Brunswick Shediac Bay Watershed Association Climate Change 0 2023-2024
Engaging Farmers in Sustainable Clean Water Solutions for the Next Generation The purpose of this project is to improve water quality and increase climate resiliency by restoring natural infrastructure in the St. Clair region. Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Climate Change 0 2023-2024

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