Export of biomedical samples: application forms
The following forms are to be used for biomedical specimens (such as serum, plasma, microscope slides, etc) of animals which are being sent for testing and research.
Export permit for biomedical shipments - the animals from which the specimens are extracted can be of Canadian or foreign origin.
- Application Form (PDF; 0.99 MB) (HTML)
- Table 1 - Legality_Inventory (XLS; 23 KB)
- Table 2 - Biomedical Specimen Inventory (XLS; 22 KB)
- Instruction Sheets (PDF; 262 KB) (HTML)
Request for additional permit shipments - used when permits for multiple biomedical shipments have been issued and permits are required for additional shipments.
- Application Form (PDF; 0.99 MB) (HTML)
- Instruction Sheets (PDF; 262 KB) (HTML)
Renewal of multi-shipment permit - used when permits for multiple biomedical shipments have expired, and shipments for those samples are still required. A renewal cannot be requested when there are changes to the specimens listed in the original permit. This would require the submission of a new request.
- Application Form (PDF; 0.98 MB) (HTML)
- Instruction Sheets (PDF; 105 KB) (HTML)
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