Import and export of elephant tusk (ivory) and rhinoceros horn

The Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations have been amended to implement stricter measures on the import and export of elephant tusk (ivory) and rhinoceros horn. These changes will come into effect on January 8, 2024.

Are you planning to take elephant ivory or rhino horn in or out of Canada?


Long description

Are you planning to take elephant ivory or rhino horn in or out of Canada?

There are new permitting requirements that may impact but are not limited to:

  • Musicians
  • Trophy Hunters
  • Museums (exhibitions)
  • Moving companies
  • Law Enforcement
  • Scientists / Researchers
  • Zoos

The requirements will be in force on January 8, 2024.

If you are starting the process of exporting or importing after November 22, 2023, you are required to apply for the necessary permits. If it can be shown that importing or exporting was in process before November 22, 2023, ECCC will not apply the new requirements even if they arrive to the border after the coming into force date. 

For additional information please visit: Permits for trade in protected species

Contact Us:

If you have any questions, or if you would like assistance in completing the permit application forms, contact us at or 1-855-869-8670.

Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351, St. Joseph Blvd, PVM - 15th floor,
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
Telephone: 1-855-869-8670
Fax: 1-855-869-8671

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change 2023

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Global elephant and rhinoceros populations are threatened by sustained population declines. The main threat they face is poaching, fueled by the demand for their tusks (elephants) and horns (rhinoceros). Even with global measures in place to prevent poaching and illegal trade, legal sources of elephant tusk (also commonly referred to as elephant ivory) and rhinoceros horn provide markets for these items, as well as opportunities for traffickers to launder these materials, which sustains the threat to these species.

To support the global effort to address this problem, Canada has introduced strengthened restrictions on the import and export of elephant tusk (ivory) and rhino horn. The objectives of these changes are to:

What has changed

For all items entering or leaving Canada made of or that contain RAW elephant tusk (ivory) and RAW rhinoceros horn:

Import and export continues to be prohibited without a permit.

For all items entering or leaving Canada that are or contain WORKED elephant tusk (ivory) and WORKED rhinoceros horn:

Permits are required for the import and export of all items of worked elephant tusk (ivory) or rhinoceros horn, including those that are personal or household effects. This includes, but is not limited to, items such as musical instruments, jewelry, game pieces, cutlery handles and sculptures.


Raw elephant tusk (ivory) and rhinoceros horn includes the whole tusk or horn, polished or unpolished and in any form, cut pieces, polished or unpolished and changed from its original form, except for ‘worked’ elephant tusk (ivory) or rhinoceros horn.

Worked elephant tusk or rhinoceros horn has been carved, shaped or processed, either fully or partially. This does not include whole tusks or horns in any form, except where the whole surface has been carved.

What has not changed

New permitting requirements for worked elephant tusk (ivory) and rhinoceros horn

Table of permitting requirements


Worked product

Individuals (including hunters) importing or exporting a personal effect or household effect

Import: A foreign CITES export document (or equivalent) from the source country AND a Canadian CITES import permit.

Export: A Canadian CITES export permit AND an import permit (as required) from the destination country to allow entry.

Individuals importing or exporting (gifts, items purchased, sold or loaned)

Import: A foreign CITES export document (or equivalent) from the source country AND a Canadian CITES import permit.

Export: A Canadian CITES export permit AND import permit (as required) from the destination country to allow entry.

Individuals traveling with musical instruments into or out of Canada

Musical ensembles (orchestras, piping bands…) with multiple musical instruments

Import: Musical instrument certificate issued by the CITES authority of the musician’s/ensemble’s home country AND a Canadian import permit for the instrument(s). Canadian residents/ensembles with a Temporary Movement Certificate for their instrument(s) do not require an additional permit to enter Canada.

Export: A Canadian CITES export permit or a Canadian CITES Temporary Movement Certificate (multi-use import/export permit), allowing musicians/ensembles to travel abroad and return with their instrument(s) (only available to Canadian residents/ensembles).

Scientists, Museums, Zoos, Law Enforcement

Import: A foreign CITES export document (or equivalent) from the source country AND a Canadian CITES import permit.

Export: A Canadian CITES export permit AND import permit (as required) from the destination country to allow entry.

Traveling Exhibition

Import (from foreign institutions): Travelling exhibition certificate issued by the CITES authority of the institutions home country AND a Canadian temporary import/export permit for the exhibit.

Export (from Canadian institutions): A Canadian CITES export permit or a Canadian CITES Temporary Movement Certificate (multi-use import/export permit) allowing the exhibit to leave Canada and return.

Moving companies or households entering or leaving Canada

Import: A foreign CITES export document (or equivalent) from the source country AND a Canadian CITES import permit.

Export: A Canadian CITES export permit AND import permit (as required) from the destination country to allow entry.

Importing or exporting RAW elephant tusk (ivory) or rhinoceros horn is strictly prohibited unless you are one of the following and you have the appropriate permits: Scientists, Museums, Traveling Exhibition, Zoos, or Law Enforcement.

Obtaining permits

Further information on permits, as well as application forms, can be found at Permits for trade in protected species.

Note: The new permit requirements will be in force as of January 8, 2024.  Items coming into or out of Canada on and after this date will require the appropriate permits. If it can be shown that the imported or exported item was in transit before November 22, 2023, (CGII publication) ECCC will not apply the new requirements even if they arrive at the border after the coming into force date.

For more information

For more information on the regulatory changes made to the Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations, including rationale and results of consultations, please refer to the Canada Gazette Part II publication.

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments about the import or export of elephant tusk (ivory), rhinoceros horn, or species protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species (CITES), or if you want assistance in completing permit application forms, contact us at:

CITES Canada - Management Authority
Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment Canada
351, St. Joseph Blvd, PVM - 15th floor,
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3

Telephone: 1-855-869-8670
Fax: 1-855-869-8671
website: CITES

The information presented here is a summary of the law. If there is a discrepancy with the information presented in the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act, the legislation and relevant regulations prevail.

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