Federal Offset Protocol Overview: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Refrigeration Systems

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Project type description
Commercial and industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems are found in many facilities across Canada, such as retail food stores, malls, ice rinks and cold storage warehouses. These systems release refrigerant during equipment installation, routine operation and maintenance, initial refrigerant charging, or re-filling (top-up). The transition away from refrigerants that contains hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) with high global warming potentials (GWPs) can help minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from unavoidable equipment leaks.
A project must meet the following conditions to register in Canada's GHG Offset Credit System:
- Location: The project takes place in any province or territory in Canada. If the project includes the destruction of HFCs, the destruction must occur in Canada for the project to be eligible to register.
- Additionality:
- GHG emission reductions generated by the project must not already be incentivized by carbon pricing and must not occur as a result of federal, provincial or territorial regulations.
- The proponent must not be required to retrofit or replace a pre-existing refrigeration system or its refrigerant.
- Baseline conditions:
- There is no pre-existing system at the project site or there is a pre-existing system that is either a stand-alone medium or low temperature refrigeration system, centralized refrigeration system, condensing unit, chiller, commercial air conditioning system or a heat pump.
- The pre-existing refrigeration system must have been using the same refrigerant and operating on the project site for more than three years prior to the project start date. It must also not use a refrigerant which consists entirely of ozone-depleting substances.
- Eligible project activities:
- The proponent can retrofit a pre-existing refrigeration system to use an eligible refrigerant or install a new refrigeration system containing an eligible refrigerant.
- The high-GWP refrigerant taken out of a pre-existing refrigeration system must be sent to an authorized destruction or reclamation facility in Canada.
- Eligible refrigerant:
- The refrigerant used in the project must have a GWP lower than values provided in the protocol or, if lower, the relevant GWP limit imposed by the province or territory in which the project is located.
- Eligible refrigerant GWP must be lower than that of the pre-existing system, if there is one.
- Ammonia is not an eligible refrigerant if a new refrigeration system is being installed and there is no pre-existing system in place.
- Project start date:
- The first day that a retrofitted or newly installed refrigeration system provides cooling is the project start date. The registration application of a project must be submitted within 18 months after the project start date.
GHG emission reductions generated from destroying, reducing, or replacing ozone-depleting substances are not eligible under this protocol.
GHG emission reductions generated by a project are based on the difference between GHG emissions due to the leaks from a high GWP refrigerant system that would have occurred in the absence of the project (baseline scenario) and the GHG emissions due to the leaks from a low GWP refrigerant in a retrofitted or newly installed refrigeration system in the project (project scenario).
Measurement and data
There is no direct measurement of refrigerants or system leaks required as default values and data from the manufacturer of systems are used in the quantification. The proponent is required to maintain records of all data and estimation methodologies used, including for refrigerant charge size and mass of refrigerant extracted from pre-existing refrigeration systems.
Reporting and verification
The proponent must prepare a project report for each reporting period:
- The first reporting period is one year, and subsequent reporting periods can be up to three years.
- Project reports must be verified by an accredited verification body.
- If applicable, the proponent must provide an HFC destruction certificate from an authorized destruction facility along with the first project report.
Other key requirements
- GHG emission reductions must be unique. The same reductions cannot earn credits under another offset system, program or other GHG crediting mechanism.
- The proponent must have exclusive entitlement to claim the credits issued for the GHG emission reductions generated by a project.
- Projects can be aggregated, but they must be located in the same province or territory.
- 3% of credits issued for a project are deposited in the environmental integrity account.
- A project can generate credits for ten years; however, eligibility for credit issuance stops if the GHG emission reductions become required by law. There is no opportunity for crediting period renewal.
Disclaimer: The information in this document is intended for communication purposes only and reflects the requirements contained within version 1.2 of the Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Refrigeration Systems federal offset protocol published in January 2025. It does not replace the requirements set out in the protocol or the Canadian Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System Regulations. Please refer to these documents for a complete list of rules and requirements. In the event of any conflict or difference between this protocol overview and any legal requirements, the latter prevail.
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