Draft Federal Offset Protocol: Landfill Methane Recovery and Destruction
Methane (CH4) emissions from landfills are generated by the anaerobic decomposition of organic material in the buried solid waste. Installation of landfill gas (LFG) recovery and destruction systems allows for the destruction of this landfill CH4, instead of allowing it to be passively released to the atmosphere.
The federal offset protocol for Landfill Methane Recovery and Destruction is intended for use by a Proponent implementing LFG recovery and destruction systems in order to generate federal offset credits under the Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System Regulations (Canada). Proponents will need to follow the methodology and requirements in the final version of this protocol to quantify and report greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions achieved from the active recovery of LFG by newly installed recovery system infrastructure and the destruction of this LFG in eligible destruction devices, including flares, boilers, turbines and internal combustion engines. Emission reductions under this protocol cannot be generated from using LFG for energy generation or the associated displacement of GHG emissions from fossil fuel use or grid-delivered electricity.
ECCC is seeking public input on the draft protocol for Landfill Methane Recovery and Destruction to help inform the final protocol. The deadline for comments on this draft protocol is February 18, 2022. To submit feedback on the draft protocol, or for more information on this consultation process, please email the Offsets and Emissions Trading Section at creditscompensatoires-offsets@ec.gc.ca.
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