Carbon pollution pricing: options for a Federal Greenhouse Gas Offset System, chapter 10
Proposed criteria for offset project eligibility
Offset project start date of January 1st, 2017 or later.
The project start date corresponds to the date that the offset project activity first began
The offset project must occur in Canada
The offset project activities and greenhouse gases (GHG) targeted by the project must be covered in Canada’s most recent National Inventory Report – including any land use, land use change, and forestry activities.
The offset project activity must be a specific and identifiable action that results in a net reduction of GHGs and that can be demonstrated to have been implemented in in accordance with the applicable Federal Offset Protocol.
An approved Federal Offset Protocol exists for the offset project type, which includes all project and baseline sources, sinks or reservoirs that are relevant for the project.
The GHG reductions from the project are quantified in a transparent and repeatable manner using scientifically-established standards, acceptable statistical precision for the project or equipment type, and conservative assumptions and approaches to avoid over-estimation of GHG reductions.
The project activity must be additional to a business-as-usual scenario (baseline) defined for the project activity in the Federal Offset Protocol.
The GHG reductions are surplus to legal or regulatory requirements in the jurisdiction where the project activities will take place.
The project activity is not covered by carbon pricing.
Incremental to other incentives
The offset project GHG reductions must be beyond what would have occurred from the receipt of other climate change incentives.
The offset project is eligible if the project has not been registered under another offset program (no double registration)
An offset credit has not been issued for the GHG reductions under another compliance or voluntary offset system.
A GHG reduction that has already been used or sold in another compliance or voluntary system or program cannot also be credited in the Federal GHG Offset System.
A GHG reduction must be verifiable to a reasonable level of assurance by an accredited Verification Body.
The underlying project data and information must be monitored and documented in accordance with an offset protocol.
The verification body must be able to review sufficient evidence, and determine whether the project activities conform to regulatory and program requirements.