Reporting greenhouse gas emissions data, technical guidance 2020: introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to potential reporting companies to help determine if they are required to submit a report by June 1st and to present technical information related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting. This technical information includes the GHGs and emission sources subject to reporting, along with information on methods for calculating emissions and the required reporting format. An overview of the reporting process is also described herein. Should any inconsistencies be found between this guide and the 2020 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) Notice, the notice will prevail.
The GHGRP will continue to allow facilities subject to the expanded reporting requirements issued under phases 1 and 2 of the expansion to upload provincial reports for those who are already reporting the same or similar data to provincial programs (in BC, QC, NS and NL). Separate guidance is available at the GHGRP website regarding the online Single Window System that should be used to submit a report. Video tutorials are also available via YouTube. This guidance includes instructions on how to use the reporting system, how to complete and submit the report, and other relevant information.
1.2 Reporting process overview
The legal basis for the GHGRP is the Notice with respect to reporting of greenhouse gases (GHGs) for [a specified year], which is published annually in the Canada Gazette, Part I under the authority of subsection 46(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA).
The current GHG reporting requirements stipulate that all persons who operate a facility that emits 10 000 tonnes (or 10 kt) or more of GHGs (expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent [CO2 eq] units) in the calendar year (the reporting threshold), or a facility engaged in carbon capture, transport and storage (CCTS) activities are subject to the reporting requirements and must report their emissions and other identified information to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) (see Figure 1 for an overview of the reporting process). Facilities need to calculate their total emissions (in CO2 eq units) of the GHGs covered by this reporting requirement to determine if they are required to report. If the facility’s emissions fall below the reporting threshold and if the facility is not engaged in CCTS activities, the facility is not required to submit a report but is encouraged to submit a voluntary report nonetheless.
A reporting company with a facility or facilities subject to the reporting requirements must include with the GHG emissions report a statement of certification, signed by an authorized signing officer, indicating that the information submitted is true, accurate and complete. This statement should be submitted electronically with the GHG report through the online reporting system.
The reporting company may also submit, with the GHG report, a written request that the reported information be treated as confidential. If applicable, the reporting company must complete the confidentiality request process, which includes preparing the written request and submitting it online with the report to Environment and Climate Change Canada. Please note that a request for confidentiality must be submitted each year, since it applies only to the reporting year in which the request was made.
The information that must be submitted includes general information about the reporting company and facility (e.g., name, address/location, contacts, parent companies, various identifiers), the GHG emissions information for the facility in question, and additional activity-specific information as identified in the relevant schedules of the notice. Each facility is required to report total GHG emissions as per the reporting format described in section 4 of this document.
If the facility is owned by a non-Canadian parent company, and exceeds the reporting threshold, then the operator is required to submit a report for the facility. The operator would not, however, be required to provide parent company information if there is no Canadian parent company.
All information (i.e., the GHG report, statement of certification and confidentiality request, if applicable) must be submitted by the June 1st reporting deadline.
If a facility reported emissions in a previous year but does not meet the current year’s reporting threshold, it is required to notify Environment and Climate Change Canada by submitting a Does Not Meet Criteria notification online through the Single Window System.
Figure 1: Reporting process overview

Long description for Figure 1
Figure 1 is a flow chart of the reporting process overview. Step 1: Calculate each facility’s emissions for the calendar year. Step 2: Do the emissions meet or exceed 10 kilotonnes or are you a facility engaged in carbon capture, transport and storage (CCTS)? If the answer is No, then the facility is not required to report, but is encouraged to submit a voluntary report nonetheless. In these circumstances, if the facility has not submitted a report the previous year, there is no further action required, but if the facility has submitted a report the previous year, it must submit a “Does not meet Criteria” notification for the current year. If the emissions meet or exceed 10 kilotonnes or the facility is engaged in CCTS activities (Step 2), then the facility is required to report. Step 3: The facility gains access to the reporting system to complete the secure registration step. Step 4: The facility must then complete the information about the company and facility as per schedule 4 of the 2018 notice that describes the reporting requirements. If the facility is involved in Phase 1 or Phase 2 activities or sectors, then the facility is required to report under the expanded requirements (detailed in figure 2). Any other facility is required to report under the basic requirements (schedule 5). Step 5: The facility must complete the emissions and other required data. If you do not wish to submit a confidentiality request, then step 6 is to submit the report and the statement of certification online, which completes the reporting process. If you do wish to submit a confidentiality request, then step 6 is to prepare and attach your written request for confidentiality. Step 7 is to submit the report, the confidentiality request and the statement of certification online. The deadline for submission of all required information is June 1st.
1.3 Options for reporting
The online Single Window System is used to submit reports to the GHGRP. Some options are available to facilities when preparing the GHG report to be submitted:
- Facilities in British Columbia who provide GHG reports to their provincial government through ECCC’s Single Window system and are not subject to the GHGRP expanded reporting requirements, can choose to use the existing function to pre-populate the federal report with basic emissions data, based on relevant provincially reported data.
- Facilities that are subject to the Output Based Pricing System (OBPS) Regulations can access an “OBPS to GHGRP printout” from the OBPS reporting dashboard (in the Single Window system). This is intended to aid reporters that are not subject to GHGRP expanded reporting requirements in understanding how the information reported in the OBPS Annual Report is applicable to GHGRP reporting, and how to map similar data between the OBPS and GHGRP reports. Facilities that are subject to expanded reporting requirements must complete the GHGRP activity screens. Then, the Load Activity Emissions into sections A, B & C functionality, located in section A of the report, should be used to automatically populate the relevant sections. These facilities do not need to review the OBPS to GHGRP printout since they will not need to map data between the two programs.
As a provisional approach, for the 2020 calendar year, ECCC is also providing options for certain facilities that are subject to the expanded reporting requirements (see section 2.2) under the GHGRP:
- Facilities in British Columbia, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador engaged in the identified activities/sectors subject to expanded federal reporting under phases 1 and 2, and who already report the same information to these provinces, can complete the expanded GHGRP activity screens or upload a copy of their submitted provincial GHG report (as part of their 2020 GHG report submitted to ECCC).
- Note that in the majority of cases, as ECCC processes uploaded provincial reports, follow up with facilities is required to ensure transfer of data from provincial to federal reports is accurate and missing data is accounted for.
- Facilities in the remaining provinces are required to complete the expanded GHGRP screens to provide the information specified in the expanded requirements.
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