Climate data from Environment and Climate Change Canada

The following climate datasets are available on the climate data viewer and climate data extraction tool. In addition, the Canadian Centre for Climate Services provides both a Datamart and an application program interface (API) that will allow you to access these dataset in a bulk and/or automated fashion. Please refer to the documentation on these advanced tools for more information. For other datasets, visit the library of climate resources. More data may be available; contact the Climate Services Support Desk for assistance. 

Display and download climate simulations

Future climate simulations (gridded data)
Full dataset name Global climate model scenarios
Dataset description

This dataset provides historical and future climate scenarios based on an ensemble of global climate model projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5).

See the technical documentation on the Global climate model scenarios data for more detailed information on this dataset.

Station or gridded Gridded
Grid cell resolution Data are available across Canada at a 1x1 degree resolution.
Historical or future Both
Variables available Temperature
Snow depth
Sea ice thickness
Sea ice concentration
Wind speed
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High resolution future climate simulations (gridded data)
Full dataset name Statistically downscaled climate scenarios
Dataset description

This dataset provides historical and future high-resolution statistically downscaled climate scenarios of temperature and precipitation.

See the technical documentation on the Statistically downscaled climate scenarios for more detailed information on this dataset.

Station or gridded Gridded
Grid cell resolution Data is available at a 10km resolution across Canada.
Historical or future Both
Variables available Temperature
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Seasonal forecasts
Full dataset name Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System (CanSIPS)
Dataset description This dataset provides predictions of atmospheric elements. Atmospheric elements include temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction and others.
Station or gridded Gridded
Grid cell resolution This dataset has a resolution of 2.5 degrees and is global in extent.
Historical or future Future. Forecasts from the beginning of a month out to up to 12 months into the future are provided.
Variables available Temperature
Access this dataset Download Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System data

Display and download value-added historical climate data products

Adjusted historical climate data (at weather stations)
Full dataset name Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Data (AHCCD)
Dataset description

This dataset incorporates adjustments (derived from statistical procedures) to data to account for discontinuities from non-climatic factors.

See the technical documentation on the Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Data for more detailed information on this dataset.

Station or gridded Station
Historical or future Historical
Variables available Temperature
Wind speed
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Changes in temperature and precipitation (gridded data)
Full dataset name Canadian Gridded Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies (CANGRD)
Dataset description

This dataset contains historical gridded temperature and precipitation anomalies interpolated from climate station data.

See the technical documentation on the Canadian Gridded Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies data for more detailed information on this dataset.

Station or gridded Gridded
Grid cell resolution Data are available at a 50km resolution across Canada.
Historical or future Historical
Variables available Temperature
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Precipitation estimates (gridded data)
Full dataset name Regional Deterministic Precipitation Analysis (RDPA)
Dataset description

This dataset provides an estimate of precipitation across North America. The data are provided at a 6-hourly and 24-hourly time resolution.

See the technical documentation on the Regional Deterministic Precipitation Analysis for more detailed information on this dataset.

Station or gridded Gridded
Grid cell resolution Data are provided at a 10 or 15 km spatial resolution.
Historical or future Historical
Variables available Precipitation
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Download Regional Deterministic Precipitation Analysis data

Display and download historical climate and river data

Average, monthly, daily and hourly data
Full dataset name
Climate Normals 1981-2010, Monthly climate summaries, Daily and Hourly climate data
Dataset description

The Climate Normals 1981-2010 dataset summarizes average climatic conditions from stations across Canada. The Monthly climate summaries dataset contain averages and extremes for each month for a suite of climate variables from station data across Canada. The Daily and Hourly climate datasets provide daily and hourly data for a suite of climate variables from station data across Canada.

See the technical documentation on the Climate Normals 1981-2010  for more detailed information on this dataset.

See the technical documentation on the Monthly climate summaries for more detailed information on this dataset.

See the technical documentation on the Daily climate data for more detailed information on this dataset.

See the technical documentation on the Hourly climate data for more detailed information on this dataset.

Station or gridded Station
Historical or future Historical
Variables available

Dew Point Temperature (hourly)
Wind direction
Wind speed
Wind chill

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Download Climate Normals 1981-2010

Download Monthly climate summaries

Download Daily climate data

Daily Climate Records (Long Term Climate Extremes)

Full dataset name          
Daily Climate Records (Long Term Climate Extremes)
Dataset description                                                                                                                                                                                   

The Daily Climate Records database, also known as Long Term Climate Extremes (LTCE), was developed to address the fragmentation of climate information due to station changes (opening, closing, relocation etc.) over time. For approximately 750 locations in Canada, “virtual” climate stations have been developed by joining (threading) climate data for an urban location from nearby stations to make long-term records. Each long-term record consists of the extremes (record values) of daily maximum/minimum temperatures, total precipitation and snowfall for each day of the year.

See the technical documentation on Daily Climate Records (LTCE) or Frequently Asked Questions on Daily Climate Records (LTCE) for more detailed information on this dataset.

Station or gridded Station
Historical or future     Historical
Variables available

Highest Maximum temperature (°C)

Highest Minimum temperature (°C)

Lowest Maximum temperature (°C)

Lowest Minimum temperature (°C)

Greatest Precipitation (mm)

Greatest Snowfall (cm)

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River levels and flow
Full dataset name Historical hydrometric data
Dataset description

This dataset provides daily average flow data from National Hydrological Service (NHS). NHS provides Canadian hydrometric data and information services.

See the technical documentation on the Historical hydrometric data for more detailed information on this dataset.

Station or gridded Station
Historical or future Historical
Variables available

Flow level

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