Risk management strategy for products containing mercury

Table of Contents

Beginning date: December 20th, 2006
Closing date: March 31st, 2007

Contact: mercury@ec.gc.ca


Environment Canada is holding consultations to obtain the view of Canadians on a Risk Management Strategy for Mercury-containing products (RMS). The RMS provides a framework for the development of control instruments to manage the environmental effects of mercury used in products.

Interested parties are invited to provide written comments on the RMS by March 31st, 2007. Based on demand, stakeholder consultation sessions may also be scheduled. Comments received through this consultation will be considered in developing the instruments proposed in the RMS. Proposed instruments will be published in the Canada Gazette for formal consultations.

Please be advised that any information received as a result of these consultations will be considered publicly available information unless it is clearly specified that the submission is to be held in confidence by the government. Please send your written questions and/or comments to either of the following addresses:

Raihan Butt
Sustainable Consumption Division
National Office of Pollution Prevention
Environment Canada
351 St. Joseph Blvd., 13th Floor
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3

Email: mercury@ec.gc.ca
Please type "Consultation on RMS for Mercury-containing Products" in the subject line of your Email message.

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