Reference method for dibenzofuran and dibenzo-p-dioxin in defoamers: section 2
2.1 Apparatus
The following is a list of apparatus needed to carry out this procedure. Note that all glassware must be washed and dried, using the same procedure as that used for trace organic analysis.
- Volumetric flasks - 10, 50 and 100 mL.
- Steam distillation heads (see Figure 1 for construction and dimensions).
- Round-bottom flasks - 500 and 250 mL.
- Graduated centrifuge tubes - 15 mL with standard tapered glass stoppers or Teflon-lined screw caps.
- Chromatographic columns - 400 × 10 mm (id) with Teflon stopcocks.
- Three-stage Snyder columns - about 30 cm long.
- Heating mantles with temperature controls.
- Drying oven for glassware.
- Oven for activating alumina at 130°C.
- A GC-MS with good sensitivity operating in selected ion-monitoring mode. As an example, a HP5880A GC interfaced to a HP5970B Mass Selective Detector and a data system were used. Other equally or more sensitive systems may be used.
- Fused silica capillary column - 30 m × 0.25 mm (id) coated with 5% diphenyl, 94% dimethyl, and 1% vinyl polysiloxane phases, 0.25 μm film thickness.
- Hamilton syringes - 10, 50, 100, 250 and 500 μL.
Figure 1: Steam Distillation Head
2.2 Reagents
The following reagents are used in this procedure. Note that all organic solvents must be of distilled-in-glass grade with blanks suitable for residue analysis.
- Iso-octane.
- Petroleum ether (P.E., b.p. 30 to 60°C).
- Dichloromethane.
- Alumina - basic, 100 to 200 mesh, Brockman Activity 1, activated at 130°C overnight and kept in a tightly sealed bottle placed inside a desiccator until use. Reactivate adsorbent once every two weeks.
- Anhydrous sodium sulphate previously heated at 600°C overnight.
- Reagent water- defined as water in which an interferent is not observed at the method detection limit of the parameters of interest. For example, a sample was used that was prepared by passing distilled water through a 4-cartridge purification unit.
- Dibenzofuran - 99+%.
- Dibenzo-p-dioxin - 98+%.
- Dibenzofuran-d8 and dibenzo-p-dioxin-d8 - 99.0 atom % D.*
- Hexamethylbenzene - 99%.
- Boiling chips - anti-bumping granules of fused alumina. Teflon boiling stones can also be used.
* When available, 13C-labelled DBF and DBD surrogates can be used instead of the deuterated surrogates.
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