Rationale for list of regulated substances under Canadian Environmental Protection Act: figures and tables

Lists of Figures and Tables

List of Tables

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Development of the CRAIM List

Figure 1 is a flow diagram, illustrating the origins of the CRAIM list (Conseil pour la réduction des accidents industriels majeurs). The CRAIM list was designed to take into account the list of hazardous substances from the EPA Risk Management Program (RMP) while retaining the most hazardous substances from MIACC (Major Industrial Accidents Council of Canada) List 2. Previously, the process for identifying hazardous substances for emergency measures was based primarily on concerns of air toxicity, physical damage (air blast effects), and accidents.

Toxic substances were included on the list based on their toxicity, physical state, vapour pressure, and accident history.

The substances in the CRAIM List began from the US EPA under the RMP, Seveso List (Council of European Communities), and the Original List of Accidents

Up to and including the year 1990, a hazardous chemical list was used which was created primarily on the basis of hazardous chemical accidents. This was the MIACC Original List 1. It was a Priority Hazardous Substance List. MIACC list 2 (Hazardous Substances) and 3 (Environmentally Hazardous Substances) were then assembled from the SEVESO List 1 and EPA Hazardous substance list.

The OSHA (the U.S Occupational Safety and Health Association) and the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) hazardous substance lists, which contained flammable chemicals, and those relating to occupational safety and health, were drafted from Seveso and the EPA. These 2 substances lists also contributed to the final CRAIM list.

The final draft of CRAIM includes -63 flammables from RMP

In total there are 174 substances

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