Marine spark-ignition engine regulations technical guidance: chapter 1
Table of Contents
- 2 Regulatory Framework
- 3 Engines, Vessels and Vehicles Subject to the Regulations
- 4 Persons Affected by the Regulations
- 5 National Emissions Mark
- 6 Emission Standards
- 7 Optional Fleet Averaging Regime
- 8 End of Model Year Report
- 9 Evidence of Conformity and Records
- 10 Importing an Engine, Vessel or Vehicle
- 11 Other Obligations
- 12 Special Cases of Marine Spark-Ignition Engines, Vessels and Off-Road Recreational Vehicles
- 13 Compliance and Enforcement
- Appendix A: Sample Cover Letter for Submission of End of Model Year Report
- Appendix B: Recommended Template for End of Model Year Report
- Appendix C: Sample Fleet Averaging Calculations for Marine Engines and Off-Road Recreational Vehicles
This document provides guidance only. It does not in any way supersede or modify the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 or the Marine Spark-Ignition Engine, Vessel and Off-Road Recreational Vehicle Emission Regulations. In the event of an inconsistency between this document and the Act and/or the Regulations, the Act and the Regulations shall prevail.
1 Introduction
This guidance document provides information about the requirements of the Marine Spark-Ignition Engine, Vessel and Off-Road Recreational Vehicle Emission Regulations (the Regulations) established under the authority of Part 7, Division 5 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999).
Given that the text of CEPA 1999 is not repeated in the Regulations, this guidance document cites both the Regulations and CEPA 1999 to aid in understanding the requirements of the Regulations and CEPA 1999.
Figure 1 illustrates how this document is organized. Each section includes a short description of a specific aspect of the Regulations, followed by additional details in question and answer format.
Figure 1: Structure of the guidance document

Description of Figure 1
Figure 1 is a box flow chart showing how the guidance document is organized by section. It contains the following information: Regulatory framework (section 2); Engines, vessels and vehicles affected by the Regulations (section 3); Persons affected by the Regulations (section 4); Regulatory requirements... who needs to do what... (section 4); Compliance and enforcement (section 13) with additional details on: national emissions mark (section 5); emission standards (section 6); optional fleet averaging regime (section 7); reporting requirements (section 8); evidence of conformity (section 9); importing an engine, vessel or vehicle (section 10); other obligations (section 11); special cases of engines, vessels, and vehicles (section 12).
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