Implementation guidelines for Environmental Emergency Regulations: appendix 2

Appendix 2: notices of identification of substance and place, of implementation and testing of E2 plans, and of closure and decommissioning and report on the preparation of E2 plans and certification

(Schedules 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Environmental Emergency Regulations)

Appendix 2 presents schedules 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Environmental Emergency Regulations (E2 regulations). These schedules contain information regarding the notification, reporting and certification requirements of the E2 regulations.

The E2 regulations require that the information in Appendix 2 be sent to the Minister. To submit your information, please go to Environmental Emergencies Regulations reporting system.

Schedule 2 of the E2 regulations (Subsections 3(1), (4) and 4(1))

Information to be submitted in the Notice of identification of substance and place

1. Place where one or more substances are located:

  1. a description of the place or the facility name (if applicable), civic address and location by latitude and longitude
  2. the names, position titles, e-mail addresses (if any), telephone numbers and fax numbers (if any) of the contact person and their alternate

2. Head office (if different from above):

  1. name and address
  2. the names, position titles, e-mail addresses (if any), telephone numbers and fax numbers (if any) of the contact person and their alternate

3. For each substance located at the place:

  1. the name of the substance
  2. the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number
  3. the United Nations (UN) number (if applicable)
  4. the maximum expected quantity of the substance at any time during the calendar year
  5. the maximum capacity of the largest container in which the substance is stored
  6. the maximum expected quantity of the mixture (if applicable)
  7. the concentration of the substance within the mixture (if applicable)

Schedule 3 of the E2 regulations (Subsections 3(6), 4(5) and 5(2))


I hereby certify that the information provided with respect to Schedule ____ to the Environmental Emergency Regulations is accurate and complete.

(Signature of the person or duly authorized representative)

Name (please print): ____________________________
Title: ____________________________
Date: ____________________________

Schedule 4 of the E2 regulations (Subsections 4(4) and 7(3))

Information to be submitted in the report regarding the preperation of an environmental emergency Plan

1. Place where one or more substances are located:

  1. a description of the place or the facility name (if applicable), civic address and location by latitude and longitude
  2. the name of each substance

2. Use of prior plans:

  1. indicate whether the environmental emergency plan was based on a plan prepared on a voluntary basis
  2. indicate whether the environmental emergency plan was based on a plan prepared for another government and provide particulars, if applicable
  3. indicate whether the environmental emergency plan was based on a plan prepared under another Act of Parliament and provide particulars, if applicable

3. Local-level involvement:

  1. give the name of the local authorities, community or interest groups that have been involved in the plan’s development, if any
  2. identify whether the plan or its relevant parts were made available to the appropriate local authorities (such as police and fire departments) that may be involved in an emergency response

4. Information for each substance covered by an environmental emergency plan:

  1. the name, CAS registry number and UN number (if applicable) of the substance
  2. the nature of activities at the place where the substance is located

5. The date on which the preparation of the environmental emergency plan or an amendment to the plan referred to in subsection 7(2) was completed.

6. The location of the environmental emergency plan if it is different from the place where one or more substances are located.

Schedule 5 of the E2 regulations (Subsection 5(1))

Information to be submitted in the Notice of the implementation and testing of an environmental emergency plan

1. Place where one or more substances are located:

  1. a description of the place or the facility name (if applicable), civic address and location by latitude and longitude
  2. the name of each substance

2. The implementation and testing of the environmental emergency plan for the substances mentioned in section 1:

  1. the date of testing
  2. the list of all local authorities, community or interest groups, if any, that have been involved in the testing of the plan

Schedule 6 of the E2 regulations (Subsection 3(5.1))

Information to be submitted in the Notice of closure or decommissioning

1. Place where one or more substances are located:

  1. a description of the place or the facility name (if applicable), civic address and location by latitude and longitude
  2. the name of each substance
  3. the quantity of each substance remaining at the place or facility
  4. the names, position titles, e-mail address (if any), telephone numbers and fax numbers (if any) of the contact person and their alternate

2. The closing or decommissioning date for the facility or place.

3. A description of the measures taken to prevent and to respond to an environmental emergency when the facility or place closes or is decommissioned.

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