Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory 2000: references

References and Bibliography


Canada Gazette (December, 1999) "Notice with Respect to Substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 2000", Department of the Environment, Extract Canada Gazette, Part I (December 25, 1999).

Canada Gazette (2000) "Notice with Respect to Substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 2000 - Amendment", Department of the Environment, Extract Canada Gazette, Part I (December 23, 2000).

Canada Gazette (1992) "Export and Import of Hazardous Wastes Regulations", Department of the Environment, Extract Canada Gazette, Part II (December 2, 1992).

Canada Gazette (1991) "Domestic Substances List", Department of the Environment, Extract, Supplement Canada Gazette, Part I (January 26, 1991).

Environment Canada (2000) "Supplementary Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory - Alternate Thresholds - 2000"

Environment Canada (1995) "Pollution Prevention - A Federal Strategy for Action".

Environment Canada (1993) "User's Guide to Hazardous Waste Classification".

Statistics Canada (1998) "North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada Manual - 1997", Catalogue 12-501-XPE, Ottawa, ON.

Statistics Canada (1989) "Standard Industrial Classification - 1980", Standards Division, Catalogue 12-501E, Ottawa, ON.

Publications of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Guidance Documents for Reporting to the Toxics Release Inventory

In 1988 and 1990, the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) developed many industry-specific guidance manuals to help industries estimate the releases for reporting to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). Since 1998, some of these manuals have been revised and some additional industry-specific guidance manuals have been prepared. These manuals, listed below, could also be used for reporting to the NPRI.

  1. Estimating Chemical Releases from Monofilament Fiber Manufacturing,
    EPA 560/4-88-004a (January, 1988).
  2. Estimating Chemical Releases from Printing Operations,
    EPA 560/4-88-004b (January, 1988).
  3. Estimating Chemical Releases from Electrodeposition of Organic Coatings,
    EPA 560/4-88-004c (January, 1988).
  4. Estimating Chemical Releases from Spray Application of Organic Coatings,
    EPA 560/4-88-004d (January, 1988).
  5. Estimating Chemical Releases from Semi-Conductor Manufacturing,
    EPA 560/4-88-004e (January, 1988).
  6. Estimating Chemical Releases from Formulation of Aqueous Solutions,
    EPA 560/4-88-004f (March, 1988).
  7. Estimating Chemical Releases from Electroplating Operations,
    EPA 560/4-88-004g (January, 1988).
  8. Estimating Chemical Releases from Textile Dyeing,
    EPA 560/4-88-004h (February, 1988).
  9. Estimating Chemical Releases from Presswood and Laminated Wood Products Manufacturing,
    EPA 560/4-88-004i (March, 1988).
  10. Estimating Chemical Releases from Roller, Knife, and Gravure Coating Operations,
    EPA 560/4-88-004j (February, 1988).
  11. Estimating Chemical Releases from Paper and Paperboard Production,
    EPA 560/4-88-004k (February, 1988).
  12. Estimating Chemical Releases from Leather Tanning and Finishing,
    EPA 560/4-88-0041 (February, 1988).
  13. Estimating Chemical Releases from Wood Preserving Operations,
    EPA 560/4-88-004p (February, 1988).
  14. Estimating Chemical Releases from Rubber Production and Compounding Operations,
    EPA 560/4-88-004q (March, 1988).
  15. Issue Paper - Clarification and Guidance for the Metal Fabrication Industry,
    (January, 1990).
  16. Guidance for Food Processors,
    EPA 560/4-90-014 (June, 1990).
  17. EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance For Food Processors (Update),
    EPA 745-R-98-011 (September, 1998).
  18. EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance for Spray Application and Electrodeposition of Organic Coatings,
    EPA 745-R-98-014 (December, 1998).
  19. Industry Guidance for Coal Mining Facilities,
    EPA 745-B-99-002 (January, 1999).
  20. Industry Guidance for Electricity Generating Facilities,
    EPA 745-B-99-003 (January, 1999).
  21. Industry Guidance for Metal Mining Facilities,
    EPA 745-B-99-001 (January, 1999).
  22. Industry Guidance for Chemical Distribution Facilities,
    EPA 745-B-99-005 (January, 1999).
  23. Industry Guidance for RCRA Subtitle C TSD Facilities and Solvent Recovery Facilities,
    EPA 745-B-99-004 (January, 1999).
  24. Industry Guidance for Petroleum Terminals and Bulk Storage Facilities,
    EPA 745-B-99-006 (January, 1999).
  25. EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance for Semiconductor Manufacturing,
    EPA 745-R-99-007 (July, 1999).
  26. EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance for Leather Tanning and Finishing Industry,
    EPA 745-B-00-012 (April, 2000).
  27. EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance for the Printing, Publishing, and Packaging Industry,
    EPA 745-B-00-005 (May, 2000).
  28. EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance for Rubber and Plastics Manufacturing,
    EPA 745-B-00-017 (May, 2000).
  29. EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance for the Textile Processing Industry,
    EPA 745-B-00-008 (May, 2000).

    In addition, the U.S. EPA has developed a group of guidance documents specific to individual chemicals and chemical categories. Some of these documents are relevant to be used for reporting to the NPRI and are listed below.

  30. Guidance for Reporting Aqueous Ammonia,
    EPA 745-R-95-012 (July, 1995).
  31. List of Toxic Chemicals Within The Water Dissociable Nitrate Compounds Category and Guidance for Reporting - Revised,
    EPA 745-R-96-004 (May, 1996).
  32. Guidance for Reporting Sulfuric Acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size),
    EPA 745-R-97-007 (November, 1997 and updated March, 1998).
  33. Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals within the Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Category,
    EPA 745-R-99-009 (June, 1999).
  34. List of Toxic Chemicals within the Polychlorinated Alkanes Category and Guidance for Reporting,
    EPA 745-B-99-023 (June, 1999).
  35. Guidance for Reporting Hydrochloric Acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size),
    EPA 745-B-99-014 (December, 1999)
  36. Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals within the Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds Category (Draft),
    EPA 745-B-00-00X (May, 2000).

Locating and Estimating (L&E) Documents

To assist groups interested in preparing inventories of air emissions of various potentially toxic substances, the U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality and Planning Standards has prepared a series of L&E documents that compiles available information on sources and emissions of these substances. Documents in this series are listed below.

Substance EPA Publication # Date
37. Acrylonitrile EPA-450/4-84-007a 1984
38. Arsenic and Arsenic Compounds EPA-454/R-98-013 June 1998
39. Benzene EPA-450/4-84-007q 1988
40. Benzene (Update) EPA-450/R-98-011 June 1998
41. 1,3-Butadiene EPA 450/2-89-021 1989
42. 1,3-Butadiene (Update) EPA-454/R-96-008 Nov. 1996
43. Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds EPA-454/R-93-040 Sept.1993
44. Carbon Tetrachloride EPA-450/4-84-007b March 1984
45. Chlorobenzenes EPA-450/4-84-007m 1986
46. Chlorobenzenes (Update) EPA-454/R-93-044 March 1994
47. Chloroform EPA-450/4-84-007c March 1984
48. Chromium EPA-450/4-84-007g July 1984
49. Chromium (Supplement) EPA-450/2-89-002 August 1989
50. Coal and Oil Combustion Sources EPA 450/2-89-001 1989
51. Cyanide Compounds EPA-454/R-93-041 Sept. 1993
52. Dioxins and Furans EPA-454/R-97-003 May 1997
53. Epichlorohydrin EPA-450/4-84-007j March 1984
54. Ethylene Dichloride EPA-450/4-84-007d March 1984
55. Ethylene Oxide EPA-450/4-84-0071 Sept. 1986
56. Formaldehyde EPA-450/4-84-007e 1984
57. Formaldehyde (Update) EPA-450/4-91-012 March 1991
58. Lead and Lead Compounds EPA-454/R-98-006 May 1998
59. Manganese EPA-450/4-84-007h 1986
60. Medical Waste Incinerators EPA-454/R-93-053 1993
61. Mercury and Mercury Compounds EPA-453/R-93-023 1993
62. Mercury and Mercury Compounds (Update) EPA-454/R-97-012 Dec. 1997
63. Methylene Chloride EPA-454/R-93-006 February 1993
64. Methyl Ethyl Ketone EPA-454/R-93-046 March 1994
65. Municipal Waste Combustion EPA-450/2-89-006 1989
66. Nickel EPA-450/4-84-007f 1984
67. Organic Liquid Storage Tanks EPA-450/4-88-004 1988
68. Perc and Trichloroethylene EPA 450/2-89-013 1989
69. Phosgene EPA-450/4-84-007i 1986
70. Polycyclic Organic Matter EPA-454/R-98-014 July 1998
71. Sewage Sludge Incinerators EPA 450/2-90-009 1990
72. Styrene EPA-454/R-93-011 April 1993
73. Toluene EPA-454/R-93-047 March 1994
74. Vinylidene Chloride EPA-450/4-84-007k Sept. 1985
75. Xylenes EPA-454/R-93-048 March 1994

Other Documents from the U.S. EPA

76. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Vol. 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, U.S. EPA, AP-42, 5th Edition (1996), and AP-42 Supplements A, B, C, D, E, and F (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000).

77. Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Factors - A Compilation for Selected Air Toxic Compounds and Sources, Second Edition, U.S. EPA, EPA 450/2-90-011 (1990).

78. Protocols for Equipment Leak Emission Estimates, U.S. EPA, EPA 453/R-95-017 (November, 1995).

79. Hot Mix Asphalt Plants - Emission Assessment Report (Draft), U.S. EPA, EPA 454/R-00-0XX (June, 2000).

Copies of the U.S. EPA documents are available from:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Center For Environmental Publications
and Information (NCEPI)
P.O. Box 42419
Cincinnati, OH 45242

Tel: (513) 489-8190
Fax: (513) 489-8695

They can be downloaded from the U.S. Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Web site at or the U.S. EPA's Technology Transfer Network Web site at

Or, they can be ordered from:

National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161

Tel: (703) 605-6000
Fax: (703) 605-6900
Web site:

Documents Produced by Industry Associations

80. Evaporation Loss from External Floating Roof Tanks, American Petroleum Institute, Publication 2517 (1994).

81. Evaporation Loss from Fixed Roof Tanks, American Petroleum Institute, Chapter 19.1 (1991).

82. Evaporation Loss from Internal Floating Roof Tanks, American Petroleum Institute, Publication 2519 (1996).

83. Review of Air Toxic Emission Calculations from Storage Tanks, Air Toxic Emissions Calculation Validation Program: Analysis of Crude Oil and Refined Product Samples and Comparison of Vapor Composition to Model Predictions, American Petroleum Institute, Publication 2525 (1992).

Copies of the above reports can be ordered from:

American Petroleum Institute
Order Desk
1200 L Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20005

Tel: (202) 682-8375
Fax: (202) 962-4776

84. NCASI Handbook of Chemical Specific Information for SARA Section 313 Form R Reporting - and yearly updates, National Council of The Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement Inc. (1991).

85. Handbook of Substance-Specific Information for National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) Reporting, National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement Inc. (2000).

The reports can be ordered either from:

P.O. Box 13318
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3318

Tel: (919) 558-1999
Fax: (919) 558-1998

Or, if you are a member of the CPPA, from:

Canadian Pulp and Paper Association
1155 Metcalfe St., 19th Floor
Montreal, QC
H3B 4T6

Tel: (514) 866-6621
Fax: (514) 866-3035

General Information

86. Howard, P. H. and M. Neal, Dictionary of Chemical Names and Synonyms, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI (1992).

87. Lide, David R., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 75th Edition, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL (1995) pp. 15-38, Characteristics of Particles and Particle Dispersoids.

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