Aluminum salts final content: figures
Lists of figures and tables
List of figures
- Figure 2.1: Solubility of aluminum species (and total aluminum, Alt) in relation to potential of hydrogen (pH) in a system in equilibrium with microcrystalline Gibbsite (0.001 mM = 0.027 mg/L; Driscoll and Schecher 1990)
- Figure 2.2: Mean aluminum concentrations in PM10 in outdoor air from provinces and territories across Canada (µg/m³) (1996-2006)
- Figure 2.3: Mean total aluminum concentrations in aluminum-treated drinking water from provinces and territories across Canada (µg/L) (1990-2007)
- Figure 2.4: Comparison of mean total aluminum concentrations in soils from provinces across Canada (mg/kg) (1987-2007)
- Figure 3.1: Compilation of the lowest observed effect level (LOEL) values from the two major subsets of studies (adult exposure > 90 days and reproductive/developmental) considered in the exposure-response Analysis
List of tables
- Table 2.1: Physicochemical properties of aluminum chloride, aluminum nitrate and aluminum sulphate
- Table 2.2: Estimated production, import, export and consumption of aluminum in the form of aluminum salts in Canada for 2006
- Table 2.3: Estimated total releases in Canada of aluminum from aluminum salts for 2006, by application (kilotonnes aluminum; Cheminfo Services Inc. 2008)
- Table 2.4: Estimated total releases of aluminum, by salt, for 2006 (kilotonnes aluminum; Cheminfo Services Inc. 2008)
- Table 2.5: Mean total aluminum concentrations in various food groups based on the Fifth Canadian Total Diet Study (2000-2002)
- Table 2.6: Range of total aluminum concentrations in various categories of cosmetic products sold in Canada
- Table 2.7: Ranges of estimated aluminum bioavailability for various routes of exposure in humans and/or animals
- Table 3.1: Estimated mean daily intake of total aluminum based on canadian data
- Table 3.2: Contribution (%) of each source of exposure based on canadian mean daily intake of total aluminum
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