Air Pollutant Emission Performance for the 2020 Model Year On-Road Vehicle Fleet

The information contained in this report is compiled from data reported to Environment and Climate Change Canada pursuant to the On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Information presented in this report is subject to ongoing verification.

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List of Figures

Figure 1: NOx fleet averages and standards for model years 2004 through 2016
Figure 2: NMOG+NOx Fleet averages and standards for the light-duty vehicle and light-duty truck 1 fleet and the light-duty truck 2, heavy light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles fleet
Figure 3: NMOG+NOx Fleet averages and standards for the Class 2B fleet and the Class 3 fleet

List of Tables

Table 1: light-duty vehicle, light light-duty truck, heavy light-duty truck and medium-duty passenger vehicle Tier 2 federal test procedure bin exhaust emission standards (grams/mile)
Table 2: scope of company reports (Tier 2)
Table 3: distribution of vehicles by NOx standard of each bin
Table 4: summary of company average NOx values for the heavy light-duty and medium-duty passenger vehicle fleet
Table 5: light-duty vehicle, light light-duty truck, heavy light-duty truck and medium-duty passenger vehicle Tier 3 federal test procedure bin exhaust emission standards (grams/mile)
Table 6: Class 2B vehicle Tier 3 federal test procedure bin exhaust emission standards (grams/mile)
Table 7: Class 3 vehicle Tier 3 federal test procedure bin exhaust emission standards (grams/mile)
Table 8: scope of company reports (Tier 3)
Table 9: distribution of Tier 3 vehicles by NMOG+NOx standard of each bin
Table 10: declining fleet average Tier 3 federal test procedure emission standards for NMOG+NOx (grams/mile)
Table 11: declining fleet average Tier 3 supplemental federal test procedure emission standards for NMOG+NOx (grams/mile)
Table 12: declining fleet average federal test procedure emission standards for NMOG+NOx (grams/mile)
Table 13: summary of company average NMOG+NOx federal test procedure values for the light-duty vehicle and light-duty truck 1, 150K fleet
Table 14: summary of company average NMOG+NOx supplemental federal test procedure values for the light-duty vehicle and light-duty truck 1, 150K fleet
Table 15: summary of company average NMOG+NOx federal test procedure values for the light duty truck 2, heavy light-duty truck, and medium-duty passenger vehicle, 150K fleet
Table 16: summary of company average NMOG+NOx supplemental federal test procedure values for the light duty truck 2, heavy light-duty truck, and medium-duty passenger vehicle, 150K fleet
Table 17: summary of company average NMOG+NOx federal test procedure values for the Class 2B vehicle fleet
Table 18: summary of company average NMOG+NOx federal test procedure values for the Class 3 vehicle fleet
Table 19: fleet average cold temperature NMHC exhaust emission standards
Table 20: summary of company average cold NMHC values for the light-duty vehicle and light light-duty truck fleet
Table 21: summary of company average cold NMHC values for the heavy light-duty truck and medium duty passenger vehicle fleet
Table 22: Tier 3 diurnal plus hot soak emission standards in grams per test
Table 23: summary of company average EVAP values for the light-duty vehicle and light duty truck 1 fleet
Table 24: summary of company average EVAP values for the light-duty truck 2 fleet
Table 25: summary of company average EVAP values for the heavy light-duty truck and medium-duty passenger vehicle fleet
Table 26: summary of company average EVAP values for the Class 2B and Class 3 vehicle fleet

Executive summary

The On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) establish national emission standards to limit smog-forming emissions (non-methane organic gases (NMOG), nitrous oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), cold non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), evaporative emissions (EVAP)) from new on-road vehicles and engines. The Tier 3 fleet average standards continue to align with the progressively more stringent standards adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the 2017 through 2025 model years (MYs) and beyond. These Regulations require importers and manufacturers of new vehicles to meet fleet average emission standards for air pollutants and establish annual compliance reporting requirements. The 2017 MY, was the first MY in which companies were required to meet the new Tier 3 standards.

This report summarizes the fleet average air pollutant emission performance of the Canadian 2020 MY fleet of vehicles. A total of 24 companies submitted end of MY reports comprising a total of 1 520 606 vehicles manufactured in Canada or imported into Canada for the purpose of first retail sale. This report includes the fleet average NMOG+NOx, cold NMHC and EVAP values for each company as well as their number of emission credits or deficits. It also provides a comparison of the distribution of vehicles certified to the various emission bins and compares the overall NMOG+NOx performance with that of the pre-Tier 3 MYs.

The average NMOG+NOx value for the Canadian 2020 MY combined fleet of light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 1 is 0.065370585 grams/mile compared to the standards of 0.065 grams/mile. The average NMOG+NOx value for the Canadian 2020 MY combined fleet of light-duty trucks 2, heavy-light duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles is 0.0738733 grams/mile compared to the standard of 0.074 grams/mile. The average NMOG+NOx value for the Canadian 2020 MY fleet of Class 2B vehicles is 0.21299 grams/mile compared to the standard of 0.228 grams/mile. The average NMOG+NOx value for the Canadian 2020 MY fleet of Class 3 vehicles is 0.27706 grams/mile compared to the standard of 0.349 grams/mile.

The overall NMOG+NOx fleet averages demonstrate continued industry improvements in emission performance since 2004. While the fleet average value for the light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 1 fleet is above the applicable standards for the 2020 MY, companies have three years to offset any deficits incurred, and all currently remain in compliance with the fleet averaging provisions of the Regulations. All companies have complied with the 2020 PM and EVAP phase-in percentages and have met the cold NMHC fleet average standards.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this report is to summarize the fleet average air pollutant emission performance of individual companies and the overall Canadian fleet for the 2020 MY. It is based on data submitted by companies in their end of MY reports and any subsequent revisions received prior to the publication of this report. It also serves to report on the effectiveness of the Canadian fleet average air pollutant emission program in achieving the environmental performance objectives outlined in the Regulations.

2. The Regulations

On January 1, 2004, the On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations came into effect under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). These Regulations introduced more stringent national emission standards for on-road vehicles and engines. The Regulations align Canada’s emission standards for light-duty vehiclesFootnote 1  (LDVs), light light-duty trucksFootnote 2  (LLDTs) composed of Light-Duty Trucks 1 (LDT1) and Light-Duty Trucks 2 (LDT2), heavy light-duty trucksFootnote 3  (HLDTs) composed of Light-Duty Trucks 3 (LDT3) and Light-Duty Trucks 4 (LDT4), medium-duty passenger vehiclesFootnote 4  (MDPVs), heavy-duty vehicles, heavy-duty engines and on-road motorcycles with those of the U.S. EPA through incorporation by reference to the U.S. CFR.

From MY 2004 through MY 2016, companies were required to meet fleet average NOx emission standards (Tier 1 and Tier 2 standards). Figure 1 shows the overall Canadian performance during those years.

Figure 1: NOx fleet averages and standards for model years 2004 through 2016

Long description for Figure 1

Figure 1 is a graph presenting the average NOx values trend relative to the standard since 2004 for both the light-duty vehicle/light light-duty truck and heavy light-duty truck/medium-duty passenger vehicle fleets. Overall, the fleet average NOx value for the combined fleet of light-duty vehicles, light light-duty trucks, heavy light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles has remained below the applicable standard from 2004 to 2016. It should be noted that the fleet average NOx values for the 2009 to 2016 model years are shown as single points since light light-duty trucks, heavy light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles were subject to the same standard as light-duty vehicles.

The Regulations were subsequently amended in 2015 to set new emission standards (Tier 3) for passenger cars, light-duty trucks and certain heavy-duty vehicles for 2017 and later MYs that are imported or manufactured in Canada. The amendments established progressively more stringent vehicle and fleet average standards over the MYs 2017 to 2025 for combined emissions of NMOG and NOx and established a phase-in schedule for more stringent PM and evaporative emission standards, in alignment with the U.S. EPA standards adopted in 2014.

A company’s fleet of light-duty vehicles, light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles will have to comply with progressively more stringent exhaust emission standards, reaching a fleet average standard for emission of NMOG+NOx of 30 milligrams per mile as of MY 2025. Similarly, heavy-duty vehicle weight classes 2BFootnote 5  and 3Footnote 6  will be required to comply with progressively more stringent fleet average standards for emissions of NMOG+NOx, reaching fleet average standards of 178 milligrams/mile and 247 milligrams/mile, respectively, as of MY 2022.

Also, as of MY 2017, new PM exhaust emission standards were introduced by means of a phase-in approach through which an increasing percentage of vehicles in a company’s fleet for each successive MY will be required to comply with the standards, with full implementation starting with MY 2021. An alternative phase-in compliance approach for these standards allows companies to conform to the standards by demonstrating that an equivalent number of vehicles conform to the new standards, when averaged over more than 1 MY included in the phase-in period. For vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) up to 6000 lb, the PM standard is 3 milligrams/mile. For vehicles with a GVWR above 6000 lb and up to 14 000 lb, this standard is 3 milligrams/mile for the applicable light-duty trucks and MDPVs, and 8 milligrams/mile and 10 milligrams/mile for heavy-duty vehicle weight classes 2B and 3, respectively.

As of MY 2017, new evaporative emission (EVAP) standards were introduced by means of a phase-in approach through which an increasing percentage of a company’s fleet of vehicles for each successive MY will be required to comply with the standards, with full implementation starting with MY 2022. An alternative phase-in compliance approach for these standards allows companies to conform to the standards by demonstrating that an equivalent number of vehicles conform to the new standards, when averaged over more than 1 MY included in the phase-in period. For LDV and LDT1 vehicles, this standard is 0.3 grams per test. For LDT2 vehicles, this standard is 0.4 grams per test. For HLDTs, this standard is 0.5 grams per test and for heavy-duty vehicles (Class 2B and 3), this standard is 0.6 grams per test.

The 2015 amendments also introduced new fleet average standards in Canada for cold temperature exhaust emissions of NMHCs. For fleets consisting of vehicles with a GVWR up to 6000 lb, the cold temperature NMHC fleet average standard was fixed at 0.3 grams/mile, starting with the 2017 MY. For fleets consisting of vehicles with a GVWR above 6000 lb and up to 10 000 lb, the cold temperate NMHC fleet average standard was fixed at 0.5 grams/mile, starting with the 2017 MY.

Flexibilities for vehicles sold concurrently in Canada and the United States are included for compliance with the fleet average emission standards as well as the phase-in emission standards. These flexibilities recognize that the emission performance of a company’s fleet of vehicle models that are sold concurrently in the United States is effectively anchored by the U.S. regulatory program.

The Regulations require that all companies submit a compliance report to the Minister no later than May 1 after the end of each MY. The end of MY report must contain detailed information concerning the company’s fleet(s) and/or groups of vehicles.

For more information regarding the Regulations, or more specifically, the calculation of fleet average values and emission credits or deficits, please refer to the Regulations, which can be found on the Environment and Climate Change Canada CEPA Environmental Registry.

3. Tier 2 reporting for the 2020 MY

Small volume manufacturers in the United States have the option to continue to certify their vehicles to Tier 2 standards until MY 2022. Given that Canadian companies may meet the emission standards listed on the EPA Certificate of Conformity instead of the standards of the Regulations, 2 small volume manufacturers have submitted a 2020 end of MY report containing vehicles certified to Tier 2 standards. Companies certify their vehicles to a bin for which there are specific emission standards for NOx and other pollutants (see table 1). Table 2 presents the companies that submitted an end of MY report which contained vehicles that were certified to Tier 2 standards, including the vehicle makes and the number of Tier 2 certified test groups.

Table 1: light-duty vehicle, light light-duty truck, heavy light-duty truck and medium-duty passenger vehicle Tier 2 federal test procedure bin exhaust emission standards (grams/mile)
Bin number NOx NMOG CO Formaldehyde PM
8 0.20 0.125/0.156 4.2 0.018 0.02
7 0.15 0.09 4.2 0.018 0.02
6 0.10 0.09 4.2 0.018 0.01
5 0.07 0.09 4.2 0.018 0.01
4 0.04 0.07 2.1 0.011 0.01
3 0.03 0.055 2.1 0.011 0.01
2 0.02 0.01 2.1 0.004 0.01
1 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.000 0.00
Table 2: scope of company reports (Tier 2)
Company Makes Number of test groups
BYD Canada Company Limited BYD 1
Lotus Cars Ltd Lotus 1

3.1. Fleet average NOx emission performance

Table 3 summarizes the distribution of vehicles by the NOx standard for each Tier 2 bin. It also provides the calculated fleet average NOx value of the Canadian Tier 2 fleet for the 2020 MY.

Table 3: distribution of vehicles by NOx standard of each bin
Tier and bin number NOx standard(grams/mi) Total number of vehicles in “bin” Percentage of vehicles in “bin”
Tier 2 Bin 8 0.20 0 0
Tier 2 Bin 7 0.15 0 0
Tier 2 Bin 6 0.10 0 0
Tier 2 Bin 5 0.07 15 37.5
Tier 2 Bin 4 0.04 0 0
Tier 2 Bin 3 0.03 0 0
Tier 2 Bin 2 0.02 0 0
Tier 2 Bin 1 0.00 25 62.5

For the 2020 MY, all 40 Tier 2 vehicles were certified to a bin at or below the fleet average NOx standard of 0.07 grams/mile. The average NOx value for the Canadian fleet was 0.026 grams/mile.

A total of 2 companies submitted a report containing Tier 2 vehicles for the 2020 MY.

The company average NOx values were at or below 0.070 grams/miles and no companies reported a fleet average NOx value that was above the standard of 0.07 grams/mile (see table 4).

No Tier 2 credits were generated for the 2020 MY. No company incurred a deficit with respect to their fleet, and no company reported a deficit at the end of this MY. In addition, there were no Tier 2 credit transfers to or from companies for the 2020 MY.

Table 4: summary of company average NOx values for the heavy light-duty and medium-duty passenger vehicle fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average NOx value(grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits
BYD CanadaCompany Limited 25 0.00 0
Lotus Cars Ltd 15 0.07 0

4. Tier 3 reporting for the 2020 MY

Under the Tier 3 standards, companies certify a vehicle to a combined “NMOG+NOx” bin. These bins represent the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) standards that vehicles are certified against. For the 2020 MY, a company’s fleet average NMOG+NOx FTP values are calculated over the following fleets:

  1. A company’s fleet that is composed of all of its light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 1 to which the applicable NMOG+NOx standard applies for a useful life of 120 000 miles
  2. A company’s fleet that is composed of all of its light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 1 to which the applicable NMOG+NOx standard applies for a useful life of 150 000 miles
  3. A company’s fleet that is composed of all of its light-duty trucks 2, heavy light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles
  4. A company’s fleet that is composed of all of its Class 2B vehicles
  5. A company’s fleet that is composed of all of its Class 3 vehicles

Table 5, table 6 and table 7 outlines the corresponding exhaust emission standards for the Tier 3 FTP bins.

Table 5: light-duty vehicle, light light-duty truck, heavy light-duty truck and medium-duty passenger vehicle Tier 3 federal test procedure bin exhaust emission standards (grams/mile)
Bin Number NMOG+NOx CO Formaldehyde PM
160 0.160 4.2 0.004 0.003
125 0.125 2.1 0.004 0.003
1101 0.110 2.1 0.004 0.003
851 0.085 2.1 0.004 0.003
70 0.070 1.7 0.004 0.003
50 0.050 1.7 0.004 0.003
30 0.030 1.0 0.004 0.003
20 0.020 1.0 0.004 0.003
0 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.000

1. Transitional Bins to which vehicles may be certified to through MY 2019.

Table 6: Class 2B vehicle Tier 3 federal test procedure bin exhaust emission standards (grams/mile)
Bin Number NMOG+NOx CO
3951 0.395 6.4
3401 0.340 6.4
250 0.250 6.4
200 0.200 4.2
170 0.170 4.2
150 0.150 3.2
0 0.000 0.0

1. Transitional Bins to which vehicles may be certified to through MY 2021.

Table 7: Class 3 vehicle Tier 3 federal test procedure bin exhaust emission standards (grams/mile)
Bin Number NMOG+NOx CO
6301 0.630 7.3
5701 0.570 7.3
400 0.400 7.3
270 0.270 4.2
230 0.230 4.2
200 0.200 3.7
0 0.000 0.0

1. Transitional Bins to which vehicles may be certified to through MY 2021.

Table 8 presents the companies that submitted an end of MY report which contained vehicles that were certified to Tier 3 standards, including the vehicle makes and the number of Tier 3 certified test groups.

Table 8: overview of company reports (Tier 3)
Company Makes Number of test groups
Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. Aston Martin 2
BMW Group Canada BMW, MINI,Rolls-Royce 24
FCA Canada Inc. Chrysler, Dodge,Jeep, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, RAM 40
Ferrari North America, Inc. Ferrari 2
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. Ford, Lincoln 50
General Motors of Canada Company Buick, Cadillac,Chevrolet, GMC 47
Honda Canada Inc. Acura, Honda 27
Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. Hyundai 31
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC Jaguar, LandRover 11
Kia Canada Inc. Kia 21
Maserati North America, Inc. Maserati 3
Mazda Canada Inc. Mazda 5
McLaren Automotive Ltd. McLaren 3
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. Mercedes, Smart 33
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada Mitsubishi 6
Nissan Canada Inc. Infiniti, Nissan 22
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. Porsche 13
Subaru Canada, Inc. Subaru 6
Tesla Motors Canada Inc. Tesla 5
Toyota Canada Inc. Lexus, Scion,Toyota 36
Volkswagen Group Canada Audi, Bentley,Bugatti, Lamborghini, Volkswagen 36
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. Volvo 3

Table 9 summarizes the distribution of vehicles by the NMOG+NOx standard for each bin.

Tier and Bin Number NMOG+NOx standard (grams/mile) Total number of vehicles in “bin” Percentage of vehicles in “bin”
Table 9: distribution of Tier 3 vehicles by NMOG+NOx standard of each bin
Tier 3 Bin 630 0.630 0 0.00
Tier 3 Bin 570 0.570 430 0.03
Tier 3 Bin 400 0.400 1 771 0.11
Tier 3 Bin 395 0.395 4 0.00
Tier 3 Bin 340 0.340 2 262 0.15
Tier 3 Bin 270 0.270 42 542 2.74
Tier 3 Bin 250 0.250 9 420 0.61
Tier 3 Bin 230 0.230 925 0.06
Tier 3 Bin 200 0.200 34 120 2.20
Tier 3 Bin 170 0.170 320 0.02
Tier 3 Bin 160 0.160 18 408 1.18
Tier 3 Bin 150 0.150 2 853 0.18
Tier 3 Bin 125 0.125 242 021
Tier 3 Bin 1101 0.110 0 0.00
Tier 3 Bin 851 0.085 0 0.00
Tier 3 Bin 70 0.070 644 872
Tier 3 Bin 50 0.050 215 096 13.85
Tier 3 Bin 30 0.030 298 646
Tier 3 Bin 20 0.020 747 0.05
Tier 3 Bin 0 0.000 38 455
Total number of Tier 3 vehicles in 2020 MY fleet 1 552 892

1. Transitional Bins

4.1. Fleet average NMOG+NOx emission performance

This section describes the manufacturers NMOG+NOx fleet average performance.

Table 10 and table 11, both taken from section 86.1811-17 of the CFR, present the declining fleet average Tier 3 FTP and Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP) emission standards for NMOG+NOx for light-duty vehicles, light-duty trucks, heavy-light duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles from MY 2017 to MY 2025.

Table 10: declining fleet average Tier 3 federal test procedure emission standards for NMOG+NOx (grams/mile)
MY LDV, LDT1 – 150 000 mile useful life1 LDV, LDT1 – 120 000 mile useful life 1 LDT2, HLDT2
20173 0.086 0.073 0.101
2018 0.079 0.067 0.092
2019 0.072 0.061 0.083
2020 0.065 0.055 0.074
2021 0.058 0.049 0.065
2022 0.051 0.043 0.056
2023 0.044 0.037 0.047
2024 0.037 0.031 0.038
2025 and subsequent
model years
0.030 0.026 0.030

1. Vehicles certified to standards based on a useful life of 120 000 miles may comply based on the fleet-average standard specified for 150 000 mile useful life in certain circumstances as specified in paragraph (b)(8)(iii)(A) of this section.

2. MDPVs are subject to all the same emission standards and certification provisions that apply to LDT4.

3. HLDT and MDPV must meet the Tier 3 standards starting with MY 2018.

Table 11: declining fleet average Tier 3 supplemental federal test procedure emission standards for NMOG+NOx (grams/mile)
MY NMOG+NOx (grams/mile)
20171 0.103
2018 0.097
2019 0.090
2020 0.083
2021 0.077
2022 0.070
2023 0.063
2024 0.057
2025 and subsequent
model years

1. HLDT and MDPV must meet the Tier 3 standards starting with MY 2018.

Table 12, from section 86.1818-18 of the CFR, presents the declining fleet average Tier 3 FTP emission standards for NMOG+NOx for Class 2B and Class 3 vehicles from MY 2018 to MY 2022.

Table 12: declining fleet average federal test procedure emission standards for NMOG+NOx (grams/mile)
MY Class 2B Class 3
20161 0.333 0.548
20171 0.310 0.508
2018 0.278 0.451
2019 0.253 0.400
2020 0.228 0.349
2021 0.203 0.298
2022 0.178 0.247

1. Fleet-average standards are shown for 2016 and 2017 for purposes of voluntary early compliance.

4.1.1. Light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 1, 150k

Table 13 presents the summary of the company average NMOG+NOx FTP values for their LDV/LDT1 150k fleets.

Table 13: summary of company average NMOG+NOx federal test procedure values for the light-duty vehicle and light-duty truck 1, 150K fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average NMOG+NOx value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY creditsFootnote 7  Credit balance
Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. 74 0.125 0 0
BMW Group Canada 18 188 0.0511281 252 2 314
FCA Canada Inc. 2 857 0.1235 -167 -1573
Ferrari North America, Inc. 267 0.125 0 0
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 18 870 0.058111 130 -511
General Motors of Canada Company 29 379 0.053744 331 -895
Honda Canada Inc. 135 882 0.0876654 0 0
Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. 122 929 0.0684135 0 0
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC 423 0.0464 8 107
Kia Canada Inc. 70 283 0.061745 229 -62
Maserati North America, Inc. 77 0.160 0 0
Mazda Canada Inc. 21 267 0.053724 240 2049
McLaren Automotive Ltd. 157 0.116 0 0
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 13 543 0.065648 -9 611
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada 10 585 0.070000 -53 84
Nissan Canada Inc. 53 401 0.054369 568 2664
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 2 944 0.05803 0 0
Subaru Canada,Inc. 21 877 0.073815 0 0
Tesla Motors Canada Inc. 18 811 0.00000 1223 3193
Toyota Canada Inc. 94 520 0.059060 561 2695
Volkswagen Group Canada 22 059 0.059475 122 5000
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. 953 0.0318 32 32

Table 14 presents the summary of the company average NMOG+NOx SFTP values for their LDV/LDT1 150k fleets.

Table 14: summary of company average NMOG+NOx supplemental federal test procedure values for the light-duty vehicle and light-duty truck 1, 150K fleet


Total number of vehicles in fleet

Fleet average NMOG+NOx value (grams/mile)

Total 2020 MY credits

Credit balance

Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.





BMW Group Canada

18 188



2 635

FCA Canada Inc.

2 857




Ferrari North America, Inc.





Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.

18 870



1 828

General Motors of Canada Company

29 379



2 274

Honda Canada Inc.

135 882




Hyundai Auto Canada Corp.

122 929




Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC





Kia Canada Inc.

70 283


1 463

2 624

Maserati North America, Inc.





Mazda Canada Inc.

21 267



4 738

McLaren Automotive Ltd.





Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc.

13 543



2 133

Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada

10 585




Nissan Canada Inc.

53 401



4 175

Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd.

2 944




Subaru Canada, Inc.

21 877




Tesla Motors Canada Inc.

18 811


1 561

3 992

Toyota Canada Inc.

94 520


2 573

6 250

Volkswagen Group Canada

22 059



7 874

Volvo Cars of Canada Corp.





4.1.2. Light-duty trucks 2, heavy light-duty trucks, and medium-duty passenger vehicles

Table 15 provides a summary of the company average NMOG+NOx FTP values for their LDT2/HLDT/MDPV fleets.

Table 15: summary of company average NMOG+NOx federal test procedure values for the light duty truck 2, heavy light-duty truck, and medium-duty passenger vehicle, 150K fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average NMOG+NOx value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit balance
BMW Group Canada 13 506 0.081656 -103 -356
FCA Canada Inc. 137 876 0.0850412 -1522 -7138
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 171 291 0.0738410 27 -1402
General Motors of Canada Company 124 171 0.0728255 146 -3706
Honda Canada Inc. 18 260 0.064876 0 0
Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. 8 298 0.07000 0 0
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC 14 985 0.053615 305 936
Kia Canada Inc. 11 161 0.070000 45 109
Maserati North America, Inc. 191 0.160 0 0
Mazda Canada Inc. 18 928 0.040797 628 1710
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 26 523 0.059319 389 306
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada 8 001 0.05772 130 625
Nissan Canada Inc. 47 375 0.046655 1295 5490
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 4 856 0.07512 0 0
Subaru Canada, Inc. 29 376 0.070300 0 0
Toyota Canada Inc. 122 805 0.0622387 1444 1236
Volkswagen Group Canada 32 233 0.048498 822 1496
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. 9 061 0.04548 258 258

Table 16 provides a summary of the company average NMOG+NOx SFTP values for their LDT2/HLDT/MDPV fleets.

Table 16: summary of company average NMOG+NOx supplemental federal test procedure values for the light duty truck 2, heavy light-duty truck, and medium-duty passenger vehicle, 150K fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average NMOG+NOx value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit Balance
BMW Group Canada 13 506 0.087546 -61 588
FCA Canada Inc. 137 876 0.0849100 -263 55
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 171 291 0.0823531 111 2887
General Motors of Canada Company 124 171 0.0843744 -171 -1114
Honda Canada Inc. 18 260 0.088583 0 0
Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. 8 298 0.07000 0 0
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC 14 985 0.099940 0 0
Kia Canada Inc. 11 161 0.070000 145 255
Maserati North America, Inc. 191 0.150 0 0
Mazda Canada Inc. 18 928 0.061593 405 2632
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 26 523 0.061885 560 2537
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada 8 001 0.06386 153 236
Nissan Canada Inc. 47 375 0.055122 1321 2312
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 4 856 0.08186 0 0
Subaru Canada, Inc. 29 376 0.060826 0 0
Toyota Canada Inc. 122 805 0.0692848 1684 5623
Volkswagen Group Canada 32 233 0.059101 770 3415
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. 9 061 0.07161 103 103

4.1.3. Class 2B vehicles

Table 17 presents the summary of the company average NMOG+NOx FTP values for their Class 2B vehicle fleets.

Table 17: summary of company average NMOG+NOx federal test procedure values for the Class 2B vehicle fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average NMOG+NOx value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit balance
FCA Canada Inc. 8642 0.2202 67 1408
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 24213 0.20000 678 1744
General Motors of Canada Company 12014 0.23920 -135 -577
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 3478 0.1998 98 501
Nissan Canada Inc. 632 0.186 27 120

4.1.4. Class 3 vehicles

Table 18 presents the summary of the company average NMOG+NOx FTP values for their Class 3 fleets.

Table 18: summary of company average NMOG+NOx federal test procedure values for the Class 3 vehicle fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average NMOG+NOx value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit balance
FCA Canada Inc. 3873 0.3033 177 951
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 16539 0.27064 1296 -1429
General Motors of Canada Company 24331 0.27902 1703 2317
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 925 0.230 110 326

Average NMOG+NOx values above the applicable NMOG+NOx standards for a given fleet can be attributed to the following factors:

  1. The company elects to exclude from mandatory compliance with the fleet average NMOG+NOx standard its group of U.S. certified vehicles that are sold in Canada and the U.S. This exclusion is allowed because the objective of the fleet averaging provisions is to achieve an overall Canadian vehicle fleet emission performance comparable to that of the U.S., while minimizing the regulatory burden on companies. An analysis conducted by Environment and Climate Change Canada indicated that, even under extreme scenarios, the variations between the Canadian and U.S. fleet averages are expected to be small.
  2. The company made use of an interim provision allowing them to include their LDV/LDT1 120 000 mile useful life vehicles certified to bins greater than bin 70 in their LDV/LDT1 150 000 mile useful life fleet. This interim provision may be used through MY 2019. This allows their LDV/LDT1 120 000 vehicles to meet the less stringent standard of the LDV/LDT1 150 000 fleet.
  3. The average NMOG+NOx value is above the NMOG+NOx standard for 1 of its fleets. A company can offset a deficit from 1 fleet with credits from another fleet within the same averaging set.
  4. The average NMOG+NOx value is above the applicable standard. A company can offset a deficit in a subsequent MY.

4.1.5. NMOG+NOx Averaging Sets

NMOG+NOx credits may be exchanged only within an averaging set, as follows:

  1. LDV and LDT1 certified to standards based on a useful life of 120 000 miles and 10 years
  2. LDV and LDT
  3. HDV

However, FTP and SFTP credits are not interchangeable.

4.1.6. Early action credits

Early Action credits are earned over the 2015-2016 MYs for a company’s fleet of LDV/LDT1 vehicles and over the 2016-2017 MYs for a company’s fleet of LDT2/HLDT/MDPV vehicles if the respective NMOG+NOx fleet averages are below the 0.160 standard.

Early action credits are also earned over the 2016-2017 MYs for a company’s fleet of Class 2B vehicles or fleet of Class 3 vehicles if the respective NMOG+NOx fleet averages are below the applicable standards for the MY in question set out in Table 12.

4.1.7. Overall performance of Canadian fleets

Figure 2 shows the overall Canadian NMOG+NOx fleet averages from the 2015 to 2020 MY for the LDV/LDT1 and LDT2/HLDT/MDPV fleets.

Figure 2: NMOG+NOx Fleet averages and standards for the light-duty vehicle and light-duty truck 1 fleet and the light-duty truck 2, heavy light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles fleet

Long description for Figure 2

Figure 2 shows the overall Canadian NMOG+NOx fleet averages from the 2015 to 2020 model year for the LDV/LDT1 and LDT2/HLDT/MDPV fleets.

Year LDV/LDT1 Fleet Average LDT2/HLDT/MDPVFleet Average Fullyphased-in standard LDV/LDT1 Standard LDT2/HLDT/MDPVStandard
2015 0.1465676 - 0.03 0.16 0.16
2016 0.1366518 0.1336806 0.03 0.16 0.16
2017 0.09370673 0.1113309 0.03 0.086 0.101
2018 0.07638061 0.09138542 0.03 0.079 0.092
2019 0.06664580 0.07528215 0.03 0.072 0.083
2020 0.06537059 0.07400491 0.03 0.065 0.074

Figure 3 shows the overall Canadian NMOG+NOx fleet averages from the 2018 to 2020 MY for the Class 2B and Class 3 fleets.

Figure 3: NMOG+NOx Fleet averages and standards for the Class 2B fleet and the Class 3 fleet

Long description for Figure 3

Figure 3 shows the overall Canadian NMOG+NOx fleet averages from the 2018 to 2020 model year for the Class 2B and Class 3 fleets.

Year Class 2B Fleet Average Class 3 Fleet Average Fully phased-in Class 2B standard Fully phased-in Class 3 standard Class 2B Standard Class 3 Standard
2018 0.24563 0.45054 0.178 0.247 0.278 0.451
2019 0.24332 0.44316 0.178 0.247 0.253 0.400
2020 0.21299 0.27706 0.178 0.247 0.228 0.349

4.2. Fleet average cold NMHC emission performance

This section describes the manufacturer’s cold NMHC fleet average performance.

Table 19 presents the fleet average cold temperature NMHC exhaust emission standards.

Table 19: fleet average cold temperature NMHC exhaust emission standards
Vehicle weight category Cold temperature NMHC sales-weighted fleet averagestandard (grams/mile)
LDVand LLDT 0.3
HLDT 0.5

4.2.1. Light-duty vehicles and light light-duty trucks

Table 20 presents the summary of company average cold NMHC values for their LDV/LLDT fleets.

Company Total Number of Vehicles inFleet Fleet Average cold NMHC Value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY Credits Credit balance
Table 20: summary of company average cold NMHC values for the light-duty vehicle and light light-duty truck fleet
Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. 74 0.3 0 0
BMW Group Canada 25 104
0.3 0 0
FCA Canada Inc. 38 596 0.3 0 0
Ferrari North America, Inc. 267 0.3 0 0
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 77 236 0.3 0 0
General Motorsof Canada Company 61 962 0.3 0 0
Honda Canada Inc. 148 394 0.3 0 0
Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. 125 654 0.3 0 0
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC 9 453 0.3 0 0
Kia Canada Inc. 77 767 0.3 0 0
Maserati North America, Inc. 77 0.3 0 0
Mazda Canada Inc. 40 195 0.2 4020 19313
McLaren Automotive Ltd. 157 0.3 0 0
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 26 794 0.2 2679 2679
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada 18 586 0.3 0 0
Nissan Canada Inc. 97 559 0.3 0 0
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 4 628 0.3 0 0
Subaru Canada, Inc. 51 253 0.3 0 0
Toyota Canada Inc. 198 887 0.3 0 0
Volkswagen Group Canada 50 037 0.3 0 0
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. 7 502 0.3 0 0

4.2.2. Heavy light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles

Table 21 presents the summary of company average cold NMHC values for their HLDT/MDPV fleets.

Table 21: summary of company average cold NMHC values for the heavy light-duty truck and medium duty passenger vehicle fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average cold NMHC value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit Balance
BMW Group Canada 6 432
0 4 486
FCA Canada Inc. 98 648 0.4 9865 55066
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 112 660 0.4 11266 51810
General Motors of Canada Company 80 701 0.4 8070 46916
Honda Canada Inc. 5 748 0.3 0 0
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC 4 834 0.3 483 1434
Maserati North America, Inc. 191 0.3 38 38
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 13 272 0.2 3982 5157
Nissan Canada Inc. 1 369 0.5 0 0
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 2 133 0.3 0 0
Toyota Canada Inc. 18 416 0.5 0 0
Volkswagen Group Canada 2 303 0.3 461 5724
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. 2 512 0.3 502 502

4.3. Fleet average EVAP emission performance

This section describes the manufacturers EVAP fleet average performance.

Table 22 presents the fleet average EVAP emission standards.

Table 22: Tier 3 diurnal plus hot soak emission standards in grams per test
Vehicle category Low-altitude conditions – fleet average
LDV,LDT1 0.3
LDT2 0.4
HLDT 0.5
HDV 0.6

4.3.1. Light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 1

Table 23 shows the summary of company average EVAP values for their LDV/LDT1 fleets.

Table 23: summary of company average EVAP values for the light-duty vehicle and light duty truck 1 fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average EVAP value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit Balance
BMW Group Canada 17 339 0.3 0 0
FCA Canada Inc. 2 230 0.3 0 0
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 16 146 0.3 0 0
General Motors of Canada Company 8 221 0.3 0 0
Honda Canada Inc. 114 945 0.3 0 0
Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. 106 401 0.3 0 0
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC 350 0.3 0 0
Kia Canada Inc. 63 569 0.3 0 0
Mazda Canada Inc. 16 355 0.3 0 0
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 13 207 0.3 0 0
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada 10 585 0.3 0 0
Nissan Canada Inc. 46 571 0.3 0 0
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 1 384 0.3 0 0
Subaru Canada, Inc. 17 468 0.3 0 0
Toyota Canada Inc. 90 744 0.3 0 0
Volkswagen Group Canada 10 062 0.3 0 0
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. 953 0.3 0 0

4.3.2. Light-duty trucks 2

Table 24 presents the summary of company average EVAP values for their LDT2 fleets.

Table 24: summary of company average EVAP values for the light-duty truck 2 fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average EVAP value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit Balance
BMW Group Canada 7 074 0.3 707 707
FCA Canada Inc. 35 013 0.4 0 0
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 52 499 0.4 0 0
General Motors of Canada Company 37 819 0.4 0 0
Honda Canada Inc. 12 512 0.4 0 0
Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. 8 298 0.4 0 0
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC 9 030 0.4 0 0
Kia Canada Inc. 11 161 0.4 0 0
Mazda Canada Inc. 13 819 0.3 1382 8043
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 11 475 0.3 1148 1478
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada 8 001 0.3 800 2676
Nissan Canada Inc. 35 261 0.4 0 0
Subaru Canada, Inc. 29 376 0.3 0 0
Toyota Canada Inc. 104 389 0.4 0 0
Volkswagen Group Canada 29 907 0.4 0 0
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. 6 549 0.4 0 0

4.3.3. Heavy light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles

Table 25 presents the summary of company average EVAP values for their HLTD/MDPV fleets.

Table 25: summary of company average EVAP values for the heavy light-duty truck and medium-duty passenger vehicle fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average EVAP value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit Balance
BMW Group Canada 6 432 0.5 0 0
FCA Canada Inc. 75 514 0.5 0 0
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 112 660 0.5 0 0
General Motors of Canada Company 80 701 0.5 0 0
Honda Canada Inc. 5 748 0.5 0 0
Jaguar Land Rover Canada, ULC 3 001 0.5 0 0
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 13 272 0.5 0 0
Nissan Canada Inc. 344 0.5 0 0
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 2 133 0.5 0 0
Toyota Canada Inc. 1 398 0.4 140 140
Volkswagen Group Canada 2 303 0.5 0 1477
Volvo Cars of Canada Corp. 2 512 0.5 0 0

4.3.4. Class 2B and Class 3 vehicles

Table 26 presents the summary of company average EVAP values for their Class 2B and Class 3 fleets.

Table 26: summary of company average EVAP values for the Class 2B and Class 3 vehicle fleet
Company Total number of vehicles in fleet Fleet average EVAP value (grams/mile) Total 2020 MY credits Credit Balance
FCA Canada Inc. 2894 0.6 0 0
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. 22 981 0.6 0 0
General Motors of Canada Company 10 182 0.6 0 0
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 1 0.5 0 0

4.3.5. Evaporative emission averaging sets

The following separate averaging sets apply for evaporative emission standards:

  1. LDV and LDT1 together represent a single averaging set.
  2. LDT2 represents a single averaging set.
  3. HLDT represents a single averaging set.
  4. HDV represents a single averaging set.

Credits can be exchanged across averaging sets as follows if additional credits are needed to offset a deficit after the final year of maintaining deficit credits:

  1. You may exchange LDV/LDT1 and LDT2 emission credits.
  2. You may exchange HLDT and HDV emission credits.

4.4. PM and EVAP phase-in performance

For the 2020 MY, 70% of a company’s fleet of light-duty vehicles, light-duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles and 70% of a company’s fleet of Class 2b and Class 3 vehicles must meet the Tier 3 PM standards and 80% of a company’s overall fleet must meet the Tier 3 EVAP standards. All companies met these requirements.

5. Conclusions

The 2020 MY results represents the fourth reporting cycle under the new more stringent Tier 3 emission standards. All companies subject to reporting requirements submitted end of MY reports comprising a total of 1 520 606 vehicles manufactured in Canada or imported into Canada for the purpose of first retail sale.

The average NMOG+NOx value for the Canadian 2020 MY combined fleet of light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 1 is 0.065370585 grams/mile compared to the standards of 0.065 grams/mile. The average NMOG+NOx value for the Canadian 2020 MY combined fleet of light-duty trucks 2, heavy-light duty trucks and medium-duty passenger vehicles is 0.0738733 grams/mile compared to the standard of 0.074 grams/mile. The average NMOG+NOx value for the Canadian 2020 MY fleet of Class 2B vehicles is 0.21299 grams/mile compared to the standard of 0.228 grams/mile. The average NMOG+NOx value for the Canadian 2020 MY fleet of Class 3 vehicles is 0.27706 grams/mile compared to the standard of 0.349 grams/mile.

The overall NMOG+NOx fleet averages demonstrate continued industry improvements in emission performance since 2004. While the fleet average value for the light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 1 fleet is above the applicable standards for the 2020 MY, companies have three years to offset any deficits incurred, and all currently remain in compliance with the fleet averaging provisions of the Regulations.

All companies have complied with the 2020 PM and EVAP phase-in percentages and have met the cold NMHC fleet average standards.

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