Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance


The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures is an international panel of 32 members from G20 countries, representing banks, investors, and companies—including both users and preparers of disclosures. Since the Task Force released its voluntary, industry-led recommendations, on June 29, 2017, over 250 international companies and countries have endorsed them.

Other governments are working with the financial sector and businesses to accelerate the growth of sustainable finance, for example:

  • The European Union’s High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance released recommendations to create a financial system that supports sustainable investments.
  • The United Kingdom’s Green Finance Taskforce brought together finance-sector leaders to work with industry to develop recommendations to accelerate the growth of green finance.  

 The work of Canada’s Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance will build on the recent review of climate-related financial impacts, by the Canadian Securities Administrators, which is made up of provincial and territorial securities regulators.

Finance Canada participates with the Bank of Canada, in the G20 Sustainable Finance Study Group, and it supports work by G7 environment ministers on sustainable-finance issues.

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