Comment on: Draft Canada-Saskatchewan Equivalency Agreement on coal-fired electricity regulations (2025-2026)
Current status: Open
This consultation runs until August 7, 2024.
The Government of Canada is seeking comments on the draft equivalency agreement between the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan to allow the provincial electricity sector regulations to replace the federal coal-fired electricity regulations under Section 10 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
Once finalized, it would apply from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2026.
Join in: how to participate
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Send us mail:
Electricity and Combustion Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0H3
Who is the focus of this consultation
The Government of Canada will engage with:
- industry stakeholders and association members
- non-governmental organizations
- the general public
Key questions for discussion
Your ideas and input are sought around:
The proposed equivalency agreement for federal coal-fired electricity regulations between the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan
Consultation Document
Contact us
Electricity and Combustion Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0H3
Submit your comments by email:
Privacy Statement
Consultation on the Proposed Canada-Saskatchewan Equivalency Agreement regarding the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations
The Government of Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) are committed to respecting the personal privacy of individuals who visit our websites, and who participate in consultations such as this one for the proposed equivalency agreement with the province of Saskatchewan on the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations (the federal coal-fired electricity regulations).
Participation in this consultation is voluntary, and acceptance or refusal to participate will in no way affect any relationship with ECCC or the Government of Canada.
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