Minister of Environment and Climate Change: Early actions and priority files


This information from the Minister’s transition binder was current as of October 2021. We don’t update this page as it is part of the historical record.

Proactive disclosure

The Access to Information Act

The Access to Information Act lays out proactive disclosure and publication requirements for Ministers’ offices to follow. The relevant provisions of the Act are that:

Proactive publication does not require the release of information that would normally be withheld in response to an access to information request.

Proactive disclosure

The proactive disclosure and publication requirements will affect all the contents of this transition document. In the past, the Department has published transition material on the Environment and Climate Change Canada website to make it available to the public.

Part A: Your first months as Minister

Over the next few months, a number of early actions will require attention. These include decisions on regulatory issues, participation in international events, tabling of documents in parliament, and action on ministerial and Governor in Council appointments. Outreach with partners ranging from international, provincial and territorial counterparts, leaders of national Indigenous organizations, as well as key non-governmental and national industry organizations is also proposed.

Early mandate actions

As the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, a number of issues will be brought forward for your consideration and decision to advance and/or support the Department’s mandate. These issues include the following key items (Table 1).

Table 1: Early mandate actions from October to December 2021

October 2021 - Priority items
# Theme Item Description Action Type
1 Climate 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP26 will take place from October 31 to November 12, 2021 in Glasgow, UK. Decisions on elements of Canada’s participation at UNFCCC COP26 Policy, program and regulatory
2 Climate Climate Finance Delivery Plan Canada is co-leading with Germany an international process to produce a Climate Finance Delivery Plan to 2025. Early briefing Policy, program and regulatory
3 Climate *Redacted* the Net-Zero Advisory Body The current Net-Zero Advisory Body is appointed by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. *Redacted* *Redacted* Legislative requirement
4 Impact Assessment Request(s) for Designation

The Minister has received requests to designate various projects pursuant to provisions in the Impact Assessment Act:

  • Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements
  • Canadian Pacific Logistics Park
  • Tenas Project
  • Touquoy Gold Mine
  • Highway 101 Twinning
  • Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Expansion
Determine whether to use discretionary authority under the Impact Assessment Act Legislative requirement
5 Impact Assessment Request for Regional Assessment The Minister has received a request for a regional assessment pursuant to provisions in the Impact Assessment Act: Infilling in Halifax Harbour. Determine whether to use discretionary authority under the Impact Assessment Act Legislative requirement
November 2021 - Priority items
# Theme Item Description Action Type
6 Climate 2030 Emission Reduction Plan pursuant to the Canadian Net- Zero Emissions Accountability Act The Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act requires that the Government of Canada establish an emissions reduction plan for the 2030 target by end of December, i.e., within six months of Royal Assent (June 29, 2021). The Act allows the Minister to extend the time limit by 90 days. Early briefing and direction on next steps Legislative requirement
7 Nature Species protection under Species at Risk Act Following science-based assessment, determine next steps on Western Chorus Frog in Quebec. Decision on recommending potential action Legislative requirement
8 Climate Canada’s Long Term Strategy submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) At the G7 in 2021, G7 members committed to submit a Long Term Strategy outlining the approach to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 in advance of COP26, or shortly thereafter. Decision on Canada’s approach Policy, program and regulatory
9 Climate Sustainable Finance Action Council (SFAC)

The SFAC’s mandate is to help lead the Canadian financial sector towards integrating sustainable finance into standard industry practice.

The SFAC will submit a letter to the Ministers of Finance and ECC annually on its activities and expected areas of focus in the next year.

Early briefing and direction on next steps Policy, program and regulatory
10 Climate Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies Review of non-tax inefficient fossil fuel subsidies for Canada’s G20 peer review with Argentina and to fulfill G20 commitment to rationalize or phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. Early briefing and direction on next steps (in coordination with Finance) Policy, program and regulatory
11 Climate National Adaptation Strategy Next steps particularly related to outreach and consultation are needed related to the development of a National Adaptation Strategy in order to maintain momentum. Canada is one of only two G7 countries without a national adaptation plan. Early briefing and direction on next steps Policy, program and regulatory
12 Climate Our Healthy Environment and Healthy Economy advertising campaign Campaign was launched during Summer 2021, and remaining media budget is available this fiscal year to buy digital and traditional media ads. Discussion of next steps Policy, program and regulatory
13 Climate Carbon Pricing Fall engagement and consultation on carbon pricing, including: federal pricing system for industry; provincial/territorial systems; Federal GHG Offset System development. Early briefing and direction on next steps Policy, program and regulatory
14 Environmental Protection Draft Single Use Plastics Prohibition Regulations Draft regulations would prohibit or restrict six categories of single-use plastics that are harmful to the environment and hard to recycle: checkout bags, cutlery, foodservice ware made from problematic plastics, ring carriers, stir sticks, straws. Early briefing and direction on next steps Policy, program and regulatory
15 Environmental Protection Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations (MDMER) Section 4.1 of the Fisheries Act provides provisions for equivalency agreements with a province, territory or aboriginal government. Approval of a proposed Equivalency Agreement with the Government of the Northwest Territories (NWT) to stand down the MDMER in the NWT Policy, program and regulatory
16 Environmental Protection *Redacted*


*Redacted* Policy, program and regulatory
17 Environmental Protection *Redacted* *Redacted* *Redacted* Policy, program and regulatory
18 Environmental Protection Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Concentration Limits for Certain Products Regulations The proposed Regulations would establish VOC concentration limits and reduce VOC emissions by 25 kilo-tonnes and have net benefits of $500 million over the first seven years. Approval of proposed regulations Policy, program and regulatory
19 Environmental Protection *Redacted* *Redacted* *Redacted* Policy, program and regulatory
20 Nature *Redacted* *Redacted* *Redacted* Policy, program and regulatory
21 Nature Protection Assessment under Species at Risk Act Protection assessments are underway for several species *Redacted* Approval of protection assessments Policy, program and regulatory
22 Parks Indigenous Engagement and Consultation on the development of an Indigenous Stewardship Framework The Response to the Minister’s Round Table on Parks Canada 2020 included the commitment to develop a proposed framework to support Indigenous stewardship in protected heritage places, collaboratively with Indigenous peoples and partners. Decision on consultation approach Policy, program and regulatory
23 Parks Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada – new designations The Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, established under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act, advises the Minister on the designations of persons, places and events of national historic significance. Approval of new designations and the approach to the review of designations Legislative requirement
24 Impact Assessment Referral to Review Panel The Minister could exercise discretionary provisions in the Impact Assessment Act: Global Container Terminals (GCT) Deltaport Expansion Berth Four. Determine whether to use discretionary authority under the Impact Assessment Act Legislative requirement
25 Impact Assessment Request for Designation The Minister has received a request to designate a project pursuant to provisions in the Impact Assessment Act: Meltech Industrial Building. Determine whether to use discretionary authority under the Impact Assessment Act Legislative requirement
November 2021 - Routine items
# Theme Item Description Action Type
26 Climate Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) for 2021 Under the greenhouse gas reporting program, a notice is published every year in Canada Gazette Part I describing who must report and what information must be reported. Approval to publish the notice Legislative requirement
27 Environmental Protection Review of Environmental Acts’ Fines and Sentencing Provisions Report Approval and tabling of the report in both Houses of Parliament is required by law by December 10, 2021. Approval to table the Report Requires tabling in Parliament
28 Environmental Protection Renewal of Emergencies Notification Agreements with some provinces and territories Six agreements with provinces or territories require renewal by March 2022 to ensure continued clear arrangements between jurisdictions. Approval to post agreements for comment on Canada Gazette Part I Policy, program and regulatory
29 Environmental Protection Chemicals Management Plan – Amendments to the Domestic Substances List Under Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 the Minister has 120 days after a substance is eligible to add it to the list. On average, 12 to 14 amendments are made annually. A number of amendments will require approval in November. Approval of amendments prior to registration and publication Policy, program and regulatory
30 Corporate (Portfolio) Updated Delegation of Spending and Financial Signing Authorities Delegation Matrix In accordance with the Treasury Board Directive on Delegation of Spending and Financial Authorities, departments are required to submit a revised Delegation Matrix to the Minister for signature within 90 calendar days of the Minister’s appointment date. One is prepared for each organization in the Portfolio. Approval of the three Delegation Matrices Policy, program and regulatory
31 Corporate (Portfolio) 2020-21 Departmental Results Report (DRR) The DRRs are the account of actual performance for the most recently completed fiscal year relative to expected results set out in the Departmental Plans as required under the Financial Administration Act. One Report is prepared for each organization in the Portfolio. Approval of the three Reports and signature prior to submission to Treasury Board Secretariat Requires tabling in Parliament
32 Corporate (Portfolio) 2020-21 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Report These Reports account for actual performance of the most recently completed fiscal year relative to the departmental activities and expected results set out in the Sustainable Development Strategy. Separate reports are prepared for ECCC and Parks Canada. Approval to table the Reports Requires tabling in Parliament
33 Corporate (Portfolio) Access to Information Act and Privacy Act Annual Reports Annual reports tabled in Parliament under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. Separate reports are prepared for each Portfolio organization. Approval to table the reports Requires tabling in Parliament
34 Corporate (Portfolio) 2020-21 Fees Report Annual reports tabled in Parliament under the Service Fees Act. Separate reports are prepared for each Portfolio organization. Approval to table the reports Requires tabling in Parliament
35 Corporate Progress Report on the 2019- 2022 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy The three-year report that highlights progress against the goals and targets of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy is to be tabled in Parliament. Approval to table the report Requires tabling in Parliament
36 Corporate Fall 2021 reports by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development In accordance with the Auditor General Act, the Auditor General/Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development will table a series of reports this fall. The Minister leads the response to these reports on behalf of the Government of Canada. Approval of the communications strategy to respond to the reports Policy, program and regulatory
December 2021 - Priority items
# Theme Item Description Action Type
37 Climate Review of the effectiveness of existing federal methane policy A report on the 2025 Methane review on the effectiveness of existing federal methane policy to achieve the target of 40­45% reduction in methane emissions by 2025 is expected to be finalized. The Strengthened Climate Plan committed to publically reporting on the review by December 2021. Approval to publish the final review report Policy, program and regulatory
38 Environmental Protection Publication of the Notice with respect to the substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 2022, 2023 and 2024 in the Canada Gazette Part I Certain facilities are required to report releases, disposals and recycling of over 300 substances to the National Pollutant Release Inventory every year. Reporting requirements are published in a notice every three years under the authority of section 46 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Approval of the notice Policy, program and regulatory
39 Environmental Protection Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations

The proposed regulations would add additional substances and remove some current exemptions. Substances added to these regulations would also require publication of a proposed Order amending the Export Control List.

Approval to publish the proposed regulations to update existing regulations by adding additional substances and removing some current exemptions.

Approval to publish proposed regulations and proposed order Policy, program and regulatory
40 Parks Federal Heritage Review Office – new designations The Minister has the authority to designate heritage buildings upon review of the heritage values of federally owned buildings over 50 years of age by the Federal Heritage Buildings Committee. Decision on designations Policy, program and regulatory
41 Parks World Heritage Issues – Managing the State of Conservation of Wood Buffalo National Park Heritage Site Parks Canada is the federal lead for implementing the World Heritage Convention in Canada and is the site manager for Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site. Decision on Canada’s proposed response Policy, program and regulatory
42 Impact Assessment Significance of environmental effects

Decisions on significance of environmental effects, under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 on the following projects:

  • Bay du Nord
  • Énergie Saguenay
Determine significance of environmental effects on various projects Legislative requirement
43 Impact Assessment Request for designation The Minister has received a request to designate a project pursuant to provisions in the Impact Assessment Act: Vivian Sand. Determine whether to use discretionary authority under the Impact Assessment Act Legislative requirement
December 2021 - Routine items
# Theme Item Description Action Type
44 Nature Species at Risk Annual Report 2020 A report must be prepared and tabled each calendar year. Tabling expected between November 2021 to January 2022. Approval to table the Report Requires tabling in Parliament
45 Nature Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act Annual Report, 2020 (WAPPRIITA) A report must be prepared and tabled each calendar year on the administration of this Act. Tabling expected between November 2021 to January 2022. Approval to table the Report Requires tabling in Parliament
46 Nature Publication of multi-species report on critical habitat protection under the Species at Risk Act Section 63 of the Species at Risk Act requires updates for listed species to be published every 180 days. Deadline for publication of the next report is December 31, 2021. Approval to publish the Report Legislative requirement
47 Environmental Protection Chemicals Management Plan – Amendments to the Domestic Substances List Under Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the Minister has 120 days after a substance is eligible to add it to the list. On average, 12 to 14 amendments are made annually. One amendment will require approval in December. Approval of amendments prior to registration and publication Policy, program and regulatory
48 Corporate 2022-23 Annual Reference Level Update (ARLU), Main Estimates The annual reference level update (ARLU) is a technical exercise to update departmental funding for future fiscal years. The reference levels form the basis of the Main Estimates, used to seek Parliament’s approval of departmental spending for the next fiscal year. Approval of the ARLU and supporting documents Requires tabling in Parliament
49 Parks 2021 State of Canada’s Natural and Historic Places Report Every five years, per the Canada National Parks Act, the Minister is legislatively required to table in Parliament a report on the state of national parks, national historic sites, national marine conservation areas and other protected heritage areas and heritage protection programs. The last report was tabled in 2016. Approval to table the Report Requires tabling in Parliament
50 Impact Assessment 2020-2021 Reports by Federal Authorities with Obligations under Section 71 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 A consolidated annual report to Parliament of federal authorities having to report their activities under section 67 and 68 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. Approval to table the Report Requires tabling in Parliament

Proposed outreach

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) works in close collaboration with stakeholders and partners to achieve its mandate. These include provincial, territorial and international counterparts, as well as leaders of national Indigenous organizations. Separate listings of select non-governmental organizations and stakeholders, as well as national industry organizations, are provided in the Departmental Overview.

Provincial and territorial counterparts

The following is a list of your provincial and territorial counterparts that are also members of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) and/or the Conservation, Wildlife and Biodiversity (CWB).


Hon. Jason Nixon, Ministry of Environment and Parks (CCME, CWB) Hon. Devin Dreeshen, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (CWB)

British Columbia

Hon. George Heyman, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (CCME, CWB) Hon. Katrine Conroy, Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (CWB)


Hon. Sarah Guillemard, Department of Conservation and Climate (CCME, CWB) Hon. Ralph Eichler, Department of Agriculture and Resource Development (CWB)

New Brunswick

Hon. Gary Crossman, Department of Environment and Local Government (Minister of Environment and Climate Change) (CCME, CWB) Hon. Mike Holland, Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development (CWB)

Newfoundland and Labrador

Hon. Bernard Davis, Department of Environment and Climate Change (CCME, CWB) Hon. Derrick Bragg, Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture (CWB)

Northwest Territories

Hon. Shane Thompson, Department of Environment and Natural Resources (CCME, CWB)

Nova Scotia

Hon. Tim Halman, Department of Environment and Climate Change (CCME, CWB) Hon. Tory Rushton, Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (CWB)


Hon. Joe Savikataaq, Department of Environment (Premier of Nunavut; Minister of Environment; Minister of Energy) (CCME, CWB)


Hon. David Piccini, Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (CCME, CWB) Hon. Greg Rickford, Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry (CWB)

Prince Edward Island

Hon. Steven Myers, Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (CCME, CWB)


M. le Ministre Benoit Charette, Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (CCME, CWB) M. le Ministre Pierre Dufour, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (CWB)


Hon. Warren Kaeding, Ministry of Environment (CCME, CWB)


Hon. Nils Clarke, Department of Environment (CCME, CWB)

National Indigenous organizations

Assembly of First Nations

RoseAnne Archibald, National Chief

Métis National Council

Cassidy Caron, President

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

Natan Obed, President

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples

Elmer St. Pierre, National Chief

Native Women’s Association of Canada

Lorraine Whitman, President

International counterparts

United States

John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) SPEC is a position in the Executive Office of the President of the United States with authority over diplomacy in energy policy and climate policy.

Michael S. Regan, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Michael S. Regan leads the EPA, an independent agency, whose mission is to protect human health and the environment. The EPA also conducts environmental assessments, and maintains and enforces national standards under a variety of environmental laws and regulations. Administrator Regan is the United States’ representative on the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation Council.

Debra Haaland, Secretary, Department of Interior (DOI) Debra Haaland leads the DOI, which has responsibility for the management and conservation of most federal lands and natural resources. DOI is also responsible for the administration of programs relating to Native Americans, territorial affairs, and insular areas of the United States, as well as programs related to historic preservation. Related agencies include the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service.


Svenja Schulze, Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Canada and Germany collaborate increasingly closely on environment issues, including under the Canada-Germany Deputy Minister-level steering group launched in the summer of 2021. Germany joined the Powering Past Coal Alliance in 2019 and has shown itself motivated to help further the goals of the Alliance. Germany will also assume the G7 Presidency in 2022 and is expected to advance an ambitious agenda on the environment and climate change. Note: Federal elections were held in Germany on September 26, 2021.

United Kingdom

Alok Sharma, Minister of State at the Cabinet Office (Cabinet Minister) Minister Sharma is the President of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26) in Glasgow, Scotland from October 31 - November 12, 2021.

Kwasi Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (Cabinet Minister) Secretary of State Kwarteng leads the department of business energy and industrial strategy as a full Cabinet Minister and his responsibilities include climate change policies and negotiations, clean growth, and energy transition, including the Powering Past Coal Alliance.

Greg Hands, Minister of State (Minister for Energy, Clean Growth and Climate Change) Minister Hands is the new co-chair of the Powering Past Coal Alliance with Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change as of September 16, 2021. Minister Hands reports directly to Secretary Kwarteng.

Lord Zac Goldsmith, Minister of State for the Pacific and Environment (right to attend Cabinet) Minister Goldsmith leads on biodiversity and nature-based solutions.


Barbara Pompili, Minister for Ecological Transition Canada and France work closely together on climate and environment issues, including through the Canada-France Climate and Environment Partnership.


Roberto Cingolani, Minister for Ecological Transition Italy holds the Presidency of the G20 in 2021, and has identified ‘Planet’ as one of three core priorities. In July 2021, Minister Cingolani chaired G20 Environment, Climate and Energy Ministers’ meetings. The G20 Leaders’ Summit will take place on October 30-31, 2021 which precedes UNFCCC COP26.

European Union

Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President, European Green Deal Canada and the EU collaborate closely on climate change issues and the EU is an influential player in international negotiations. Canada and the EU engage bilaterally under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the Strategic Partnership Agreement. Mr. Timmermans leads the development of the Green Deal, including transforming Europe to become the world’s first “climate-neutral” continent by 2050. He also holds the role of Commissioner for Climate Action in the EU (supported by the Directorate-General for Climate Action).

Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner, Environment, Fisheries and Oceans Commissioner Sinkevičius is responsible for several key elements under the European Green Deal, including biodiversity, circular economy, zero pollution ambition, chemicals, and plastic pollution.


María Luisa Albores González, Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources Canada and Mexico engage in strong trilateral collaboration through the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) and the Canada-Mexico Partnership. Secretary Albores is the Mexican representative on the CEC Council and current President of the Council until June 2022. Mexico is one of Canada’s important partners in the Americas.


YAMAGUCHI Tsuyoshi, Minister of the Environment Canada and Japan are increasing their collaboration on environmental issues. Environment and climate change is one of six shared Canada-Japan priorities for a free and open Indo‑Pacific region that were jointly announced by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of both countries in May, 2021. As an influential regional partner and member of the G7 and G20, there are several areas for further collaboration on climate and the environment with Japan.


HUANG Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment China will chair the Convention on Biological Diversity for the next two years. Minister Huang is the Chinese Executive Vice Chair of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development.

XIE Zhenhua, Special Envoy on Climate Change Xie Zhenhua will be one of the key players at COP26. He led China’s delegation during key climate negotiations in Copenhagen (2009) and Paris (2015). He was re-appointed special envoy in early 2021 to work more closely with Western nations on climate change. China plays a key role in climate change negotiations, has significant influence over developing countries and can facilitate consensus at UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties meetings.


Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Environment and Forestry Indonesia will assume the G20 Presidency in 2022. While Indonesia has yet to communicate its priorities for its Presidency, it has recently played an active role in some areas of international environmental cooperation, such as co-chairing with the United Kingdom the COP26 Forest, Agriculture and Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue to advance global cooperation against deforestation and on sustainable land-use. Early engagement could offer Canada the opportunity to establish a productive relationship with the Indonesian G20 Presidency and contribute to shaping the G20 agenda on environment and climate issues in 2022

Part B: Priority files

Priority files are comprised of issues that require attention and are core to Environment Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) mandate or its functioning. These include files related to employees and people management, as well as policy priorities such as climate change, nature and biodiversity, freshwater, weather and environmental prediction, environmental protection and emergencies, enforcement, and broader government-wide horizontal files such as the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy

ECCC’s people





Diversity, inclusion and employment equity


Climate change

Climate change


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26)


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report


Climate change mitigation

Canada’s 2019 emissions by economic sector
Long description
Sector Emissions (Mt CO2 eq) Percentage
Oil and gas 191 26%
Electricity 61 8.4%
Transport 186 25%
Heavy industry 77 11%
Buildings 91 12%
Agriculture 73 10%
Waste and others 51 7%

Adaptation and resilience





Portfolio’s tools to conserve nature

Collaboration and Influence

Partnerships with federal departments, provinces and territories, Indigenous organizations, non-­governmental organizations (NGOs), the private and philanthropic sectors and academia are key

Legislative and
Regulatory Actions*

  • Strong suite of legal tools - significant “must do” obligations but also flexible enabling authorities
  • Federal Species at Risk Act (SARA), Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canada Wildlife Act, etc.

Direct Conservation*

  • Establish and manage a network of federal protected areas, including ECCC’s National Wildlife Areas, Migratory Bird Sanctuaries and Parks Canada’s National Parks and National Marine Conservation Areas
  • Currently, federal areas count for 38% of all protected areas in Canada

Funding and Incentives*

  • Grants and Contributions are critical conservation tools enabling actions & stewardship by others
  • Matching funding leverages considerable financial and in-kind support
  • Tax incentives e.g. Ecogifts

*Science and Indigenous knowledge underpin all of ECCC’s conservation work

Species at Risk


Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework


Protected and conserved areas


Canada’s freshwater

Canada’s freshwater


Weather and environmental prediction

Weather and environmental prediction


Extreme weather events


Environmental protection and emergencies

Environmental emergencies


Canadian Environmental Protection Act


Chemicals Management Plan


Regulatory priorities





Environmental and Wildlife Enforcement


Federal Sustainable Development Strategy

Federal Sustainable Development Strategy


Page details

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