Covid-19 response

Environment and Climate Change Canada


Points to register

Background/current status

From a financial perspective, how is ECCC impacted by the COVID-19?

  Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Other expenses (masks, goggles, hand sanitizer, protective equipment, task team, etc) Total
Funding approved $11.4M - $11.4M
Department existing funding used - $4.9M $4.9M
Expenses as of February 28 $11.3M $4.9M $16.2M

How many employees are currently using code 699?

What is the total accumulated cost to the Department of employees using code 699?

How many employees are working remotely?

How many employees are working from the office?

How much has the Department spent to equip a remote workforce?

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada


Points to register

Has the Agency been able to spend all of their allocated budget for grants and contribution distribution?

What has been the impact of COVID-19 on IAAC operations (e.g., Engagement/Public Participation, Indigenous Consultation and Compliance/Enforcement activities)?

What has the Agency done to prepare the workplace for the safe return of employees? How much has this cost?

Page details

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