Archived: Departmental Plan 2017 to 2018 supplementary tables, Environment and Climate Change Canada, chapter 6

Up-Front Multi Year Funding

Clayoquot Biosphere Trust

For more information, please visit the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust site.

Start date

February 2000

End date

In perpetuity

Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture

Program 1.3 Sustainable Ecosystems and Sub-Program 1.3.3 Community Engagement


Creation of an endowment fund for the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust (CBT), which is the cornerstone of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The CBT will use the income from the endowment fund to support local research, education and training in the Biosphere Reserve region.

Total funding approved

$12 million

Total funding received

$12 million (in 2000)

Planned funding in 2017−18


Planned funding in 2018−19


Planned funding in 2019−20


Summary of annual plans of recipient

During 2017-18, the CBT will focus on the following objectives and deliverables:

Green Municipal Fund (GMF)

For more information, please visit the GMF site.

Start date

February 2000

End date

In perpetuity

Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture

Program 3.2 Climate Change and Clean Air and Sub-Program 3.2.3 Environmental Technology


Between 2000 and 2005, the Government of Canada endowed the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) with $550 million to administer a revolving fund for grants, loans and loan guarantees to encourage investment in municipal environmental projects. Budget 2016 committed an additional top-up of $125 million for the GMF in FY 2017-18. Half of this funding would flow through Environment and Climate Change Canada and half through Natural Resources Canada.

The GMF was established to have a positive impact on the health and the quality of life of Canadians by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving local air, water and soil quality and promoting renewable energy by supporting environmental studies and projects within the municipal sector. Eligible projects may fall into one or more of the following categories: energy, water, waste, sustainable transportation, brownfields, or integrated community projects.

The amount of GMF financing is directly related to the environmental benefits and/or innovation of the projects undertaken. Grant/loan combinations of up to 80% of eligible costs are available for capital projects with exceptional environmental benefits.

As stipulated in the GMF Funding Agreement between the FCM and the Government of Canada, the FCM has created two advisory bodies: the GMF Council and the Peer Review Committee. The GMF Council assists the FCM Board of Directors--the decision-making body for the GMF--with project approval. The 15-member GMF Council includes five federal members: two from Environment and Climate Change Canada, two from Natural Resources Canada and one from Infrastructure Canada. All federal members are appointed by the FCM Board of Directors based on recommendations from the Minister of the Environment. Environment and Climate Change Canada peer reviewers provide the GMF and federal Council Members with expert environmental science and technology advice to support the evaluation of funding proposals.

Total funding approved


Total funding received


Planned funding in 2017−18

See description

Planned funding in 2018−19


Planned funding in 2019−20


Summary of annual plans of recipient

The GMF’s 2016-17 Annual Statement of Plans and Objectives (ASPO) (available at states the following:

Grants for sustainable community plans, feasibility studies and field tests: After March 31, 2009, the FCM must aim to commit $6 to $8 million in grants for sustainable community plans, feasibility studies and field tests. In fulfillment of this requirement, the FCM is aiming to approve a total of $6 million for plans, feasibility studies and field tests in 2016-17.

Loans and grants for capital projects: The 2016-17 ASPO indicates that the FCM is aiming to approve $50 million in loans for capital projects in all sectors, and $5 million in grants for capital projects in the energy, transportation, waste and water sectors.

Performance measures:

To measure and demonstrate the qualitative, quantitative, short-term and long-term success of the GMF, the planned activities for 2016-17 include the following:

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