Solicited process - Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE)

From: Employment and Social Development Canada

On this page

Application period Closed

The solicited organization can apply between February 8, 2023 to February 15, 2023, by 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

We expect that the project will begin in March 2023.

Note: Only the organization invited by Employment and Social Development Canada can apply for, and receive funding.

General description of the program

Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity (WORBE) is a grants and contributions program. WORBE Program is designed to support employers subject to the Employment Equity Act  in their efforts to improve designated group representation in areas of low representation through:

  • partnerships
  • industry-tailored strategies

WORBE provides funding through grants or contributions to eligible recipients to develop tailored solutions to support the four (4) designated groups under the Act:

  • women
  • Indigenous peoples
  • persons with disabilities, and
  • members of visible minorities

Organization solicited for funding

  • Trucking HR Canada

Objective of this solicited process

Employment and Social Development Canada is soliciting a proposal from Trucking HR Canada for a project targeting stakeholder engagement and supporting the human resource reporting requirements of small and medium-sized ground transportation companies.

The project would need to include:

  • details on how they plan to improve human resource reporting requirements under the Legislated Employment Equity Program in the transportation sector
  • details on how they would conduct targeted engagement and provide supports to small and medium-sized ground transportation companies that are encountering difficulty in meeting reporting requirements

This organization must submit a full and complete proposal in order to be considered for funding.

The Proactive disclosure page discloses details on funded projects.


This is a solicited funding process. One organization has been invited to apply for funding: Trucking HR Canada  

The maximum funding available is up to $250,000 and for a duration of up to 12 months.

Contact us

For questions or help with this application process, contact

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