Funding for Longitudinal Research Projects Stream – Work Integration Social Enterprises Phase II

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Application period

You can apply between August 30, 2022 to October 13, 2022 at 3:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Description of the funding

The Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISE) program will support research projects. These projects will investigate the extent to which social enterprises assist Black and other racialized Canadians overcome socioeconomic barriers. The findings will help determine if social enterprises are appropriate providers to assist these underrepresented groups.

Eligible organizations can apply for a maximum of $550,000.  We expect that successful projects will begin as early as March 2023. Research projects must end by March 31, 2027.

The Government of Canada reserves the right to accept an application for funding in whole or in part and give priority to factors such as geographic coverage and official languages requirements.


The objective of this process is to assess the extent to which social enterprises contribute to the social and labour market integration of Black and racialized Canadians. This open Call for Proposal (CFP) will fund organizations that will carry out a longitudinal study. They must answer the following policy research questions:


To apply, you must meet all the following eligibility criteria.

Eligible applicants

Your organization must be 1 of the following types:

You will need to confirm this partnership if your project is funded. The partner researcher should be a point of contact during the entire project

Note: For-profit organizations are eligible provided that the nature and intent of the activity is:

Note to organizations located and operating in Quebec

If we accept your application for funding, you will need to get approval from the Quebec government before you can accept our grant.

Consult the Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif.

Eligible projects

Your project must meet all of the following criteria:

Eligible activities

Your project must include the following mandatory activities:

Note: It is important to submit a complete application. Make sure you have all the documents you need before you apply. If your application is incomplete, we will notify you by email. You will have 5 business days to submit the missing information. If your application is not complete by that time, we will reject it from the process.

Screening for eligibility

We will assess your project only if you meet all of the following eligibility requirements and you provide the necessary documentation:

We will review your application by assessing how the project meets the program objectives (in questions 24 to 26 in the applicant guide).

How we assess your application

We will assess the merit of your application based on the following criteria:

Organizational capacity

Project activities

Project results

Project cost

Additional funding priority

We may give priority to projects that increase the geographical representation of the program across multiple provinces and territories.

Steps to apply

  1. Gather your supporting documents and information
  2. Decide how to apply

Step 1. Gather your supporting documents and information

Step 2. Decide how to apply

Apply online by the Grants and Contributions Online Service (GCOS)

You can apply for funding online through the Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) platform.

Creating a GCOS account allows you to apply for various funding opportunities with Employment and Social Development Canada in a secure web environment.

GCOS allows you to apply and track your application status, sign agreements, manage active projects, submit supporting documents, and review past projects.

You will have convenient 24/7 access to your account including on all mobile devices.

Before you apply
  1. Read the applicant guide to complete your application form. This guide includes details for each question of the form
  2. Information your need to know if you apply online:
    • private and public organizations must have a CRA business number to apply online
    • you can print a copy of your application before submitting your application
    • after you print a copy of your online application, click “submit” to complete your application. We will not receive your application if you do not click “submit”
Start your application

Login to GCOS

Help and support

Apply by email or mail

  1. Read the applicant guide to complete your application form. This guide includes details for each question of the form
  2. Complete the Standard Grant Application Form (EMP5671)
  3. Complete the attestation (part 4 of the application form)
  4. Send your complete application package by email or mail to:
    • email address:
      Note: Please include the name of the stream (Longitudinal Research Stream) in the subject line of your submission email
    • mailing address:
      Work Integration Social Enterprise Research Program – Longitudinal Research Stream
      Coordination Unit, Mailstop 402
      National Grants & Contributions Delivery Centre (ESDC)
      Phase IV, 4th Floor
      140 Promenade du Portage
      Gatineau QC  K1A 0J9

Note on PDFs

Our application form uses PDF form technology. You must have a PDF reader installed to use the form. There are several readers you can get on the Internet for free that support our form. Both Adobe Reader 8 (or higher) or Foxit Reader should work. Some questions may not expand properly if you are viewing the application form in a browser.

Downloading the application form
  • Make sure that you have 1 of the above PDF readers installed on your system
  • Select the application form
  • When prompted to open or save, select “Save as”
  • Select your folder location and save (file type must be PDF)
  • Reopen the form from your computer:
    • select the “Open with” option
    • choose option to open with your PDF reader
    • make sure that the form opens in your PDF reader of choice, by looking at the top of your screen
  • Begin inputting and save your form as you go
  • Before submitting make sure that the form is complete and is saved
Forms that perform calculations

Some sections of the form will calculate totals for you. Please double-check all data you enter. You are in charge of ensuring the form is complete and correct.

Beware that these issues will impact your form
  • Not using correct reader software. For example, old versions of Adobe, or Preview reader on a Mac
  • Completing the form in a browser

After you’ve applied

We will review your application and decide if you will receive funding.


You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt.

By email

You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt by email.

By mail

You will receive a confirmation of receipt by email within 14 calendar days of the closing date of the call. We will use the email address you provided in your application.

How long it will take to get a funding decision

We expect to make funding decisions in winter 2023.

We will issue a notification of funding decision letter within 84 to 154 calendar days of the date the submission period has ended. 


For approved grant projects, we will issue the payment within 14 calendar days after the approved project’s start date under normal circumstances. 

Contact us

We will answer questions sent before October 11 at 12:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Information sessions

We will hold information sessions to provide an overview of this application process on September 14, 2022. You can participate online or by teleconference.


Accessible formats

Accessible formats are also called alternate formats. These are ways of presenting printed, written, or visual material so that people who do not read print can access it. People who do not read print may:

  • be blind or visually impaired
  • have a learning disability that affects reading
  • have a physical disability and be unable to hold or turn pages

Some examples are:

  • Braille
  • large print
  • accessible web content using screen readers, software programs that read aloud text on the screen of a computer or mobile device
Black and racialized individuals (or visible minorities)

Refers to whether a person is a visible minority (or racialized person) or not, as defined by the Employment Equity Act. The Employment Equity Act defines visible minorities as “persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour". The visible minority population consists mainly of the following groups:

  • South Asian
  • Chinese
  • Black
  • Filipino
  • Arab
  • Latin American
  • Southeast Asian
  • West Asian
  • Korean
  • Japanese
Knowledge transfer activities

These activities will aim to share methods and tools with the social enterprise sector to build their capacity in:

  • measuring their outcomes and impacts
  • strengthening a culture of ongoing measurement, learning and improvement of interventions
Longitudinal studies

A longitudinal study follows the same participants over multiple years and measures before and after interventions.

Modes of labour market integration

Work integration social enterprises (WISEs) operate under 4 main modes of labour market integration:

  1. permanent employment
  2. transitional employment
  3. socialization through a productive activity
  4. self-employment
The short-term and medium-term changes that you expect the project to deliver. You can link more than one outcome to an objective. Outcomes answer the following questions:
  • How do we know the project is a success?
  • How do the activities lead to improvements for the beneficiaries?
Tangible products, including goods and services, stemming from the activities of the organization within the control of the organization itself.
Performance indicators
Measurable values that show the progress of the project towards its expected results.
Social enterprise

A social enterprise is a revenue-generating organization whose objective is to have a social impact.

Social enterprises include "non-profit organizations" or "registered charities" who operate revenue generating related businesses. They also include organizations that operate as "for-profit" businesses with a social goal.

Work integration social enterprise (WISE)
WISEs are an important subset of social enterprises. They can be defined as discrete economic organizational entities whose common aim is the work integration of socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (O’Shaughnessy, 2008; Aiken, 2007). These organizations combine training and skills development (essential skills and technical) of marginalized individuals in a business that trades in the market and is led by a social purpose (Cooney 2011; Spear and Bidet 2003). WISEs engage in developing permanent jobs, temporary jobs and pathways to employment in the mainstream labor market through intermediate or transitional labour market programs. WISE organizations may take a variety of legal forms.

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