How to apply

You can apply from May 28, 2024, to July 26, 2024, at 3:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Closed

On this page

Determining the cost of your accessibility project (EAF small projects calculator)

In the Budget section of the Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS), you will be prompted to click on a link that will take you to the Online EAF small projects calculator.

Important technical notes on the EAF small projects calculator

You must complete the online EAF small projects calculator. The link to this calculator will become available in the Budget section in the GCOS system.

Note: Costs for all project activities (flat-rate and non-flat rate activities) must be entered into the EAF small projects calculator. Every applicant must fill this out. You must enter the total amount of requested funding from the EAF small projects calculator into the budget section in GCOS. You may use the back button in the calculator to adjust your selections and recalculate project costs.

  • Inactivity in the portal: After 60 minutes of inactivity, you will be prompted to continue. If you respond, the session will continue. Otherwise, the session will end, and all data will be lost
  • Saving your calculator draft: Your calculator input can be saved and accessed at a later time. In order to save a draft, you must provide your email address and create a password. Once saved, an email will be sent to you with a link to resume completion of the calculator. However, you must complete the calculator within 14 calendar days
  • Printing the total estimated eligible costs for your project: You must save the Total Eligible Costs of Your Project document after you have entered your project’s details in the EAF small projects calculator. This document will then be required to be uploaded when you return to the GCOS system
  • To save a copy of this document your must select the option to ‘print’, a new window will open and there will be an option to ‘save as a PDF’, choose this option and save the document to your computer so that you can upload it in GCOS when prompted

Apply now

Use your Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) account to apply.

If you don’t have a GCOS account, create one as soon as possible.

  • You can submit your application as soon as you complete your GCOS user and organization profile
  • Once your GCOS user and organization profiles are completed, you can immediately submit your application
  • Once your application is submitted, you will need to finalize and validate your GCOS account information in order to become a fully registered user to benefit from all the advantages
What is the Grants and Contributions Online Service (GCOS)?

The Grants and Contributions Online Services is an online platform where users can create an account for their organization. This allows users to submit funding applications online to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). Once you create your account it allows you to:

  • track the status of your application
  • sign an agreement if your application is approved for funding
  • manage active projects
  • submit documents; and
  • review past projects submitted through your GCOS account

Important Information

The questions in the online form are not numbered but they are in the same order as the Prepare to apply questions section.

You will be asked to upload some of your supporting documents into the GCOS application.

Note: You must submit a complete application package by 3:00 pm EDT on July 23, 2024. If you are in the process of completing your application at this time, it will not be accepted as the GCOS is scheduled to disallow applications after 3:00 pm EDT.

Sign in or register for GCOS

Confirmation of receipt

When you submit your application through GCOS, you will receive an acknowledgment immediately and a tracking number.

When you'll get a funding decision

The Department expects to make funding decisions in Fall 2024.

You should not start your project until you hear from the Department. Costs incurred before a funding agreement is signed by an organization and the Department, will not be reimbursed and the project may no longer be eligible for funding.

Not all submitted applications will be selected for funding, as funding is limited and will be screened by using a first-come first-served approach. Please note that decisions are final and there is no appeal process.

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