Applicant guide for the Early Learning and Child Care small projects component under the Enabling Accessibility Fund

On this page

This page guides you on how to fill out the application form (EMP5684).

As you prepare your application, you can consult the ESDC Accessibility Resource Centre and the EAF program page. These resources will inform you on proposed accessibility requirements, safety measures, and features.

Program: Early Learning and Child Care small projects component under the Enabling Accessibility Fund.

Section A – Notice to applicants

Please read this section before completing Section C.

Section B – Program information

Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) small projects component under the Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) provides funding for projects that make Canadian communities and workplaces more accessible for persons with disabilities.

Section C – Application form

Section C - Part 1 - Organization

Organization identification

Question 1: Legal Name (Organization’s full name, as it appears on legal documents)

What is your organization’s legal name? The legal name is usually the name on your registration with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and used on funding cheques.

Question 2: Operating Name (if different from legal name)

What is the operating (or common) name of your organization (if it differs from the legal name)?

Question 3: Year Established (Year the organization was created)

When was your organization established?

Question 4: Organization type

Choose one of the following:

  • not-for-profit
  • private sector
  • public sector

Question 5: Organization Category

Indicate the most appropriate category from the following options:

  • Indigenous not-for-profit groups
  • Local community, charitable, voluntary organizations
  • Not-for-profit band councils
  • Provincial or territorial non-governmental organizations
  • Municipal governments and agencies
  • Territorial governments
  • Private sector (business, private schools, etc.)
  • Private band councils or corporations
  • Businesses (incorporated or unincorporated)

Question 6: Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number

What is your 15-digit CRA business number? For registered charities and not-for-profit organizations, what is your registration number? (For example, 123456789 RR 0001).

You can find your CRA business number on tax-related documents or written communications from the CRA.

For more information, please visit the CRA website.

If you do not have a:

  • CRA business number
  • charity registration number
  • not-for-profit registration number

You must provide one of the following documents if you are incorporated:

  • a copy of letters of patents
  • articles of incorporation
  • certificate of incorporation
  • memorandum of association
  • your rules, by-laws, or constitution

You must provide one of the following documents if you are not incorporated:

  • a copy of your rules
  • by-laws
  • council resolutions, or
  • constitution

Questions 7: Organization Primary Address

What is the address of your organization? Give a complete address in a format recognized by Canada Post. Look at the Canada Post website for information.

Questions 8: Mailing Address

What is the mailing address of your organization (if it differs from your organization’s address)?

If you select “No”, another section will appear for you to fill out your organizations mailing address.

Question 9: Organization’s Primary Activities

In 500 words or less, describe your organization’s primary activities and how they focus on early learning and child care. Please explain how your organization caters to persons with disabilities, including children, parents/guardians and employees. You must include your childcare license/registration number.

Organization contacts

Primary Contact - This should be your primary contact person with respect to this application for funding

Question 10: Given Name/Surname

Who is the main contact person for the proposed project?

Question 11: Position Title

What is the title of the contact person named in question 10?

For example:

  • business owner
  • president
  • executive director
Question 12: Preferred language of communication

Please select the primary contact’s preferred written language and their preferred spoken language between English and French.

Question 13: Primary Contact – Address

Please select whether the primary contact’s address is:

  • same as Organization Primary Address
  • same as Organization Primary Mailing Address
  • different (include below)

If you select Different (include below), a new set of boxes to complete an address will appear for you to populate.

Secondary Contact - This should be your secondary contact person with respect to this application for funding in case we cannot reach the primary contact

Questions 14: Given Name/Surname

Who is the secondary contact person for the proposed project?

Question 15: Position Title

What is the title of the secondary contact person named in question 14.

For example:

  • business owner
  • president
  • executive director
  • project manager
Question 16: Preferred language of communication

Please select the secondary contact’s preferred written language and their preferred spoken language between English and French.

Question 17: Secondary Contact – Address

Please select whether the secondary contact’s address is:

  • same as Organization Primary Address
  • same as Organization Primary Mailing Address
  • different (include below)

If you select Different (include below) a new set of boxes to complete an address will appear for you to populate.

Questions 18: Does your organization owe any amounts to the Government of Canada?

If “Yes”, complete the fields for each amount owing. If you answer is “Yes”, your application will not be rejected for this reason. However, you must provide details as to the type of debt owed and department or agency to which the amount is owed.

Question 19: If an amount is owing, is a payment plan in place?

Select “Yes” or “No” for each amount owed.

Here is an example:

Table 1: Amounts owing to the Government of Canada
Amount owing Nature of amount owing (for example, taxes, penalties, overpayments) Department or agency to which money is owed If an amount is owing, is a payment plan in place?
$10,000 Overpayment Employment and Social Development Canada Select “Yes” or “No”

Section C - Part 2 – Project proposal

Project Proposal identification

Question 20: Project title

Give a short title that describes your project.

Questions 21: Planned Project Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

When do you plan to start your project?

Please note that projects cannot start earlier than the date the agreement is signed with ESDC and your organization. Projects must be completed within 24 months.

ESDC will communicate decisions between January 2022 and March 2022.

Your proposed activities must start after we approve your project and after a funding agreement is signed. We will only pay for activities that take place after we sign the funding agreement.

Question 22: Planned Project End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

When do you plan to end your project?

Your project must be completed within 24 months of the project start date.

Question 23: Amount requested from Employment and Social Development Canada

For this question, please provide the amount you are requesting from ESDC for your proposed project. This amount cannot exceed $70,000 and will automatically populate the first line Amount requested from Employment and Social Development Canada in question 31.

Project Proposal Description

Question 24: Project Summary

In 500 words or less, you must:

  • describe the current barriers to accessibility and safety for persons with disabilities in the early learning and childcare centre or facility
  • describe how your project will increase the overall accessibility of the child care centre
  • consider a barrier free path of travel throughout the facility
  • enable Canadians with disabilities to access child care centres
  • indicate if there are other accessible features in the space. Consult the flowchart for information on sequencing your accessibility projects
  • if you are a childcare centre that operates in a public school (primary and secondary) or on public school property you must clearly describe how the project is intended for exclusive use of the childcare facility

For projects other than ramps, accessible washrooms, accessible doors, elevators, accessible lifts, pool lifts and non-flat rate activities (for example: accessible kitchens, playgrounds, accessible equipment and information and communications technology).

Explain how your project will allow persons with disabilities to access and/or use child care centres or facilities.

Note: Your project activities must be usable/transferable to other persons with disabilities who experience similar accessibility barriers within the child care centre.

Question 25: Program Objective and Priorities – In no more than 500 words, describe the need of the project including its goals, expected results, and the targeted group.

In 500 words or less, describe how the proposed project meets the objective(s) and/or priority(ies) of the funding program under which you are applying. You must:

  • explain the need for the proposed project within the child care centre by specifying:
    • the gaps in services, programs or employment opportunities for persons with disabilities (this could include lack of programs or services and/or long wait times to access programs or services)
    • indicate how your project will help persons with disabilities (children, parents/guardians, employees). Disabilities in the Accessible Canada Act is defined as any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment – or a functional limitation – whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society

It is important to note that organizations that receive Enabling Accessibility Fund funding will be required to report on the results of their accessibility project.

Question 26: Project Activities and Timelines - (provide the activities that will be taking place as part of this project)

Project activities are the steps you will take to meet your goals. They should be specific, measurable, realistic and relevant.

For example:

Table 2: Project activities and timelines
Activities Timelines
Hire contractor March 2022
Demolition work June 2022
Construction of Accessible washroom July to December 2022
Project completion January 2023

Question 27: Will any of the proposed project activities be delivered at your organization’s primary address?

Select “Yes” or “No”.

Will any of the proposed project activities be delivered in a different location from your organization’s primary address?

Select “Yes” or “No”.

If “Yes”, indicate each address that project activities will take place.

Please note that all projects must take place in locations owned/leased by your organization. All activities must increase the accessibility to the location for persons with disabilities.

Question 28: Will the project or any of its activities involve or benefit people in English or French linguistic minority communities in Canada, in some way?

We commit to enhance the vitality of the English and French linguistic minorities in Canada. We support and assist their development and foster the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society. Official language minority communities are English-speaking communities established within the province of Québec and French-speaking communities established outside the province of Québec.

Answering “No” to this question will not invalidate your application.

If your proposed project involves official language minority communities, you should answer “Yes” to this question.

Complete the question following the instructions in the application form.

Find more information about official language minority communities.

Question 29: Is your project targeting vulnerable groups?

Select “Yes” or “No”.

If “Yes”, select the specific target group(s) that applies to your project in your application.

Section C - Part 3 - Budget

Question 30: Project cost - (expenses) for the eligible activities or services of the proposed project

ESDC has developed a calculator (EMP 5678) to determine the amount of funding that you may be eligible to receive. The Calculator provides ESDC with the necessary information to assess the budget for your project. It is mandatory for all organizations to complete it.

You must use the Calculator to estimate projects costs and the amount of grant funding you could receive. You can do this by entering your project activities in the appropriate fields of the Calculator.

The total project amount in the Calculator may exceed this amount providing your organization or other sources will assume these costs.

For project activities, such as ramps, accessible washrooms, accessible doors, elevators, accessible lifts and pool lifts, you must use flat rate costing in the Calculator to estimate your project costs. Applicants do not need to provide a quote for these flat rate activities.

Note – the Calculator does not include taxes. Please include the taxes (based on the % that your organization pays to CRA) in Question 31.

For all other project activities – non-flat rate - you must provide an external quote from a contractor. If you cannot obtain an external quote, you will need to provide an explanation of your estimated project costs. You can list these project activities in the “other activities” section of the Calculator.

If you are aware of exceptional circumstances that result in your project costs being higher than those in the Calculator, please provide a quote to support your costs. Please outline these details in Question 32.

For information on the flat rate costs, accessibility requirements and specifications, please consult the flat rate information sheet.

Note: You are required to meet or exceed accessibility standards and requirements such as those in the Canadian Standards Association’s “Accessible Design for the Built Environment (PDF, 3.8MB)”.

Question 31: Funding sources (revenues) for the proposed project costs noted above

Complete the question by following the instructions in the application form.

Please note that the first line Amount requested from Employment and Social Development Canada will pre-populate from your input in Question 23. This amount cannot exceed $70,000.

If your accessible project is greater than $70,000, your organization and/or partners can provide additional funding that would be required to complete your project. In this case, indicate the additional funding in the chart for this question.

A confirmation of the additional sources of cash contribution will be required. Your proposal could be disqualified at any stage if this requirement is not fulfilled.

Total government funding (federal, provincial/territorial and municipal funding for the same eligible expenditures) must not exceed 100% of eligible expenditures.

Question 32: Use this field to provide any further budget details that you may find necessary in describing your project (This field is optional if you want to provide more information)

Note: For non-flat rate projects, such as accessible playgrounds, multisensory rooms, accessible kitchens, accessibility equipment and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects, you must submit one external cost estimate (quote).

Some ICT project ideas include:

  • purchasing specialized accessible communication equipment
  • modifying a website to make it accessible for persons with disabilities
  • installation of an FM loop system
  • installing visual-audio fire alarm systems
  • purchasing screen readers
  • installing voice recognition software and speech synthesizers
  • installing adaptive technology for a client services desk to render them accessible for employees with disabilities

If you cannot provide a cost estimate, use this question to provide a rationale and explain why and how you calculated your project costs.

Please note: All project funding may be negotiated upon grant approval.

Section C - Part 4 – Program Specific questions and Checklist

Question 33: In 250 words or less, describe the community support you have for the success of your project

Please describe how organizations or individuals will support your project in obtaining your set goals and objectives.

Please describe any additional support that the organization’s or individual’s involvement will contribute towards the project, such as:

  • their contribution
  • their added value to the success of the project
  • their previous experience in delivering similar projects; and/or
  • their capacity and commitment to engage in partnerships for the successful delivery of the project

Support can come from:

  • groups or organizations that support ELCC
  • persons with disabilities in your community*
  • organizations that serve persons with disabilities
  • community members
  • employees in your organization with disabilities*
  • parent, grandparent or other family member of a children with disabilities served by your organization*; and/or
  • other organizations providing financial support or resources toward your project

How does this support link to a project objective or goal? Will it:

  • increase safety and accessibility
  • increase use of space by persons with disabilities
  • contribute to project completion on time and on budget

*If an individual providing support to your project wishes to remain anonymous, they are not required to provide their name.

Question 34: Please select which best describes your organization

  • Not-for-profit regulated and/or licensed child care centres not located on public school property
  • For-profit regulated and/or licensed child care centres not located on public school property
  • Not-for-profit regulated or for-profit regulated child care centres located on public school property

Provide your child care’s provincial/territorial license or registration number.

Question 35: Is your organization an Indigenous organization?

Select “Yes” or “No”.

Indigenous organization: are organizations that:

  • have mandates that support First Nations, Inuit, Métis or non-affiliated; and
  • are governed by people who self-identify as First Nations, Inuit, Métis or non-affiliated

Question 36: Does your organization support /serve the racialized community?

For example, are there or have there recently been (by recently it is meant within the last 2 years), employees or parents/guardians or children, who identify as racialized, included in your ELCC? If so, answer “Yes”, if not, answer “No”.

Select “Yes” or “No”.

Program checklist

Ensure you have included the required documents before submitting your application.

Please review the following checklist carefully. Errors or incomplete applications will result in delayed processing and/or rejection.

  • Application for Funding (EMP5671): Filled out in its entirety
  • I confirm that I am either
    • the owner of the building, or
    • have a lease and written approval of building owner to undertake the project (select only one option)
  • I confirm that the project is not located on a Government of Canada property, in a public hospital, nor in a private home or dwelling
  • I confirm that either:
    • our ELCC centre is situated in or on public school property and that the proposed project activity is exclusively for the use of the child care centre/program; or
    • the project is not in or on public school property
  • I have provided an external quote for each project activity or an acceptable rationale if a quote is not provided (Please note this is not needed for flat rate activities)
  • I have provided the completed Calculator (ESDC-EMP5678) for all activities (flat rate and non-flat rate)
  • I have provided a digital picture of the project space to be improved in an appropriate format (if applicable) (GIF, JPG, JPEG)

Section C – Part 5 – Attestation

In order for your application to be eligible, an official representative who has the capacity and the authority to submit project proposals and enter into contracts and agreements on behalf of the organization must complete this section of the form. By doing so, you are attesting to the following 3 points:

  • I have the capacity and the authority to submit this Application for Funding on behalf of the applicant organization
  • I certify and warrant on behalf of the organization and in my personal capacity that the information provided in this Application for Funding and any supporting documentation is true, accurate, and complete
  • I have read the Applicant Guide and understand the program’s requirements

To be considered eligible, an official representative who has the capacity and the authority to submit proposals on behalf of your organization must confirm that:

  • they have the authority to submit the proposal
  • certify that the information provided is true
  • they have read and understood the program’s requirements

To do this, the official representative must:

  • agree with the attestation
  • provide his or her name, title and the date

As this is an attestation, no signature is required.

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