Listing of collective agreements carried over from previous years by industry, jurisdiction, and expiry date (month)

Publication date: July 31, 2024

The Labour Program updates, at the end of each month, a listing of collective agreements carried over from previous years, which covers 500 or more employees in provincial jurisdictions and 100 or more employees in federal jurisdiction.

The New addition to the listing. indicates that the settlement appears for the first time in the listing.
The Settlement has been ratified. indicates that a new settlement has been ratified.
The Settlement has now less than 500 employees. indicates that the new settlement has now less than 500 employees (provincial) or less than 100 employees (federal).

Primary industries
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Orano Canada Inc. Division No. 18, Unorganized, Saskatchewan Unifor (Independent-natl.) 150 employees
  • Underground production and development miners
Federal jurisdiction May 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Cameco Corporation Division No. 18, Unorganized, Saskatchewan United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 400 employees
  • Machine operators and related workers in pulp and paper production and wood processing and manufacturing
  • Underground production and development miners
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Newfoundland and Labrador
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Iron Ore Company of Canada Labrador City, Newfoundland and Labrador United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,493 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Newfoundland and Labrador February 28, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Glencore Canada Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 798 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario January 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
North American Mining Inc. Improvement District No. 24 Wood Buffalo, Alberta International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 520 employees
  • Welders and related machine operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta April 30, 2020
Settlement has been ratified.
Suncor Energy Inc., Oil Sands Improvement District No. 24 Wood Buffalo, Alberta Unifor (Independent-natl.) 3,200 employees
  • Underground production and development miners
Alberta April 30, 2023
Willbros Facilities & Tanks (Canada) LP Province wide, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 720 employees
  • Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)
Alberta May 31, 2021
General Presidents' Maintenance Agreement - Suncor Inc. and Nexen Long Lake Site Improvement District No. 24 Wood Buffalo, Alberta Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,000 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta December 31, 2019
General Presidents' Maintenance Agreement - Syncrude Canada Limited and Albian Sands Energy Inc. Improvement District No. 24 Wood Buffalo, Alberta Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,950 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta December 31, 2019
General Presidents' Maintenance Agreement - Suncor Inc. and Nexen Long Lake Site Improvement District No. 24 Wood Buffalo, Alberta Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,000 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta December 31, 2022
General Presidents' Maintenance Agreement - Syncrude Canada Limited and Albian Sands Energy Inc. Improvement District No. 24 Wood Buffalo, Alberta Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,950 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta December 31, 2022
General Presidents' Maintenance Agreement - Dow Chemical Limited and Shell Canada Limited Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,500 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta December 31, 2022
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Teck Coal Limited - Fording River Operations Sayward, British Columbia United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 950 employees
  • Underground production and development miners
British Columbia April 30, 2021
Teck Resources Ltd. Trail, British Columbia United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,180 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
British Columbia May 31, 2022
Highland Valley Copper Logan Lake, British Columbia United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
British Columbia September 30, 2021
Teck Coal Ltd. - Elkview Operations Sparwood, British Columbia United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 830 employees
  • Underground production and development miners
British Columbia October 31, 2020
Nova Scotia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Nova Scotia Power Incorporated Province wide, Nova Scotia International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 930 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Nova Scotia March 31, 2023
New Brunswick
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Corporation Énergie NB Province wide, New Brunswick International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 600 employees
  • Customer and information services representatives
New Brunswick December 31, 2018
Corporation Énergie NB Province wide, New Brunswick International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 850 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
New Brunswick December 31, 2019
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Hydro-Quebec Province wide, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 5,647 employees
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
Quebec December 31, 2023
Hydro-Québec Province wide, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,625 employees
  • General office support workers
Quebec December 31, 2023
Hydro-Quebec Province wide, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,582 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Quebec December 31, 2023
Hydro-Québec Province wide, Quebec Syndicat professionnel des ingénieurs d'Hydro-Québec inc. (Independent-local) 1,850 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Quebec December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
EnerCare Home Services Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 520 employees
  • General office support workers
Ontario March 31, 2020
Hydro One Inc. Province wide, Ontario International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,550 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
  • Administrative officers
Ontario March 31, 2021
Bruce Power Limited Partnership, General Partner Bruce Power Inc. Province wide, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,200 employees
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
  • General office support workers
Ontario December 31, 2021
Independent Electricity System Operator Province wide, Ontario International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 860 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
  • Administrative officers
Ontario December 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Manitoba Hydro Province wide, Manitoba Association of Manitoba Hydro Staff and Supervisory Employees (Independent-local) 890 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Manitoba December 31, 2020
Manitoba Hydro Province wide, Manitoba Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 790 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Manitoba December 31, 2020
Manitoba Hydro Province wide, Manitoba International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,875 employees
  • Electrical power line and cable workers
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Manitoba December 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
SaskEnergy Incorporated Province wide, Saskatchewan Unifor (Independent-natl.) 810 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Saskatchewan January 31, 2023
SaskPower Province wide, Saskatchewan International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,690 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • Power system electricians
Saskatchewan December 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
SaskPower Province wide, Saskatchewan Unifor (Independent-natl.) 520 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Saskatchewan December 31, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Epcor Utilities Inc. Edmonton, Alberta Civic Service Union 52 (Independent-local) 1,030 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Alberta December 19, 2020
Epcor Utilities Inc. Edmonton, Alberta International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 780 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Alberta December 18, 2021
ATCO Electric Province wide, Alberta Canadian Energy Workers' Association (Independent-local) 1,170 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Alberta December 31, 2021
Epcor Utilities Inc. Edmonton, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 635 employees
  • Public works and other labourers, n.e.c.
Alberta December 16, 2023
ATCO Gas Edmonton, Alberta Natural Gas Employees' Association (Independent-local) 1,150 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Alberta December 31, 2023
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
FortisBC Energy Inc. Province wide, British Columbia International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 540 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
British Columbia March 31, 2019
BC Hydro Province wide, British Columbia International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,880 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • Power system electricians
British Columbia March 31, 2022
FortisBC Energy Inc. Province wide, British Columbia Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (CLC) 500 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2023
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Ledcor Pipeline Limited (Pipeline Construction and Maintenance) Province wide, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 130 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2021
Settlement has been ratified.
Expertech Network Installation Inc. Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 850 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Federal jurisdiction November 30, 2023
Nova Scotia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Nova Scotia Construction Labour Relations Association Limited Province wide, Nova Scotia United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,400 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
Nova Scotia April 30, 2021
Nova Scotia Construction Labour Relations Association Limited Province wide, Nova Scotia Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 800 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Nova Scotia April 30, 2021
Nova Scotia Construction Labour Relations Association Province wide, Nova Scotia International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 800 employees
  • Industrial electricians
Nova Scotia April 30, 2021
Nova Scotia Construction Labour Relations Association Cape Breton, Nova Scotia United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 1,850 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Nova Scotia June 30, 2020
Nova Scotia Construction Labour Relations Association Limited Cape Breton, Nova Scotia United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 1,850 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Nova Scotia June 30, 2020
New Brunswick
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Saint John Construction Association Incorporated Saint John, New Brunswick Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,400 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
New Brunswick June 30, 2018
Mechanical Contractors Association of New Brunswick Inc. Province wide, New Brunswick United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 750 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
New Brunswick June 30, 2019
Saint John Construction Association Inc. Saint John, New Brunswick Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,100 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
New Brunswick June 30, 2021
Moncton Northeast Construction Association Inc. Moncton, New Brunswick Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 600 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
New Brunswick June 30, 2021
Moncton Northeast Construction Association Inc. Moncton, New Brunswick Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 600 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
New Brunswick June 30, 2021
Mechanical Contractors Association of New Brunswick Inc. Province wide, New Brunswick United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 750 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
New Brunswick December 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Ontario Sheet Metal Contractors Association Province wide, Ontario Sheet Metal Workers' International Association (AFL-CIO/CLC) 5,000 employees
  • Sheet metal workers
Ontario April 30, 2019
Ontario Erectors Association, Incorporated Province wide, Ontario International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,800 employees
  • Welders and related machine operators
  • Ironworkers
Ontario April 30, 2019
Ontario Formwork Association Province wide, Ontario International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,500 employees
  • Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
Ontario April 30, 2019
Rodmen Employer Bargaining Agency Province wide, Ontario International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,700 employees
  • Ironworkers
Ontario April 30, 2019
National Elevator and Escalator Association Province wide, Ontario International Union of Elevator Constructors (AFL-CIO) 1,400 employees
  • Elevator constructors and mechanics
Ontario April 30, 2019
Ontario Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association Province wide, Ontario United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,250 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Ontario April 30, 2019
Ontario Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association Province wide, Ontario United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,250 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Ontario April 30, 2019
Toronto Residential Construction Labour Bureau Toronto, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Carpenters
Ontario April 30, 2019
National Capital Road Builders Association Ottawa, Ontario International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 800 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
Ontario April 30, 2019
Residential Roofing Contractors Association of Metropolitan Toronto Toronto, Ontario United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 750 employees
  • Roofers and shinglers
Ontario April 30, 2019
Construction Association of Thunder Bay Thunder Bay, Ontario United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 590 employees
  • Carpenters
Ontario April 30, 2019
Residential Siding Contractors Association of Greater Metropolitan Toronto Toronto, Ontario United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 500 employees
  • Roofers and shinglers
Ontario April 30, 2019
Electrical Trade Bargaining Association Agency of the Electric Contractors Association Province wide, Ontario International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 16,500 employees
  • Industrial electricians
Ontario April 30, 2022
Mechanical Contractors Association Ontario Province wide, Ontario United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 12,000 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
Ontario April 30, 2022
Labourers Employer Bargaining Agency Province wide, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 10,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Residential Framing Contractors Assn. of Metro.Toronto & Vicinity Inc Toronto, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 4,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Carpenters
Ontario April 30, 2022
Operating Engineers Employer Bargaining Agency Province wide, Ontario International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,500 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
Ontario April 30, 2022
Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association Toronto, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,120 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Transport truck drivers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Toronto and Area Road Builders Association Toronto, Ontario Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 3,100 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
  • Transport truck drivers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Utility Contractors' Association of Ontario Province wide, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,300 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Association of Millwrighting Contractors of Ontario Inc Province wide, Ontario United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 2,300 employees
  • Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
Ontario April 30, 2022
Interior Systems Contractors Association of Ontario Province wide, Ontario United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 2,000 employees
  • Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
  • Carpenters
Ontario April 30, 2022
Heavy Construction Association of Toronto Toronto, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Metropolitan Plumbing and Heating Contractors Association Toronto, Ontario United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,700 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
Ontario April 30, 2022
Toronto and Area Road Builders Association Toronto, Ontario International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,600 employees
  • Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
Ontario April 30, 2022
Ontario Industrial Roofing Contractors Association Province wide, Ontario Sheet Metal Workers' International Association (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,600 employees
  • Roofers and shinglers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Architectural Glass and Metal Contractors Association Province wide, Ontario International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,580 employees
  • Glaziers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association Toronto, Ontario International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,530 employees
  • Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
Ontario April 30, 2022
Masonry Contractors Association of Toronto Inc. Province wide, Ontario Bricklayers, Masons Independent Union of Canada (CLC) 1,350 employees
  • Concrete finishers
  • Bricklayers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Residential Heating Ventilation Contractors Association Toronto, Ontario Sheet Metal Workers' International Association (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,300 employees
  • Sheet metal workers
Ontario April 30, 2022
The Residential Low Rise Forming Contractors' Association of Metropolitan Toronto and Vicinity Toronto, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Master Insulators Association of Ontario Inc. Province wide, Ontario International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Insulators
Ontario April 30, 2022
Residential Low-Rise Forming Contractors Association Metropolitan Toronto and Vicinity Toronto, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Greater Toronto Electrical Contractors Association Toronto, Ontario International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Industrial electricians
Ontario April 30, 2022
Masonry Industry Employers Council of Ontario Province wide, Ontario International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 950 employees
  • Bricklayers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Ontario Painting Contractors Association Province wide, Ontario International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (AFL-CIO/CLC) 860 employees
  • Industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators
Ontario April 30, 2022
Independent Plumbing and Heating Contractors Association Toronto, Ontario United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 775 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
Ontario April 30, 2022
Ontario Concrete and Drain Contractors Association Toronto, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 700 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
Ontario April 30, 2022
Wood Mill & Trim Owners Association of Ontario Province wide, Ontario United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 500 employees
  • Carpenters
Ontario April 30, 2022
Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada Province wide, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Ironworkers
Ontario April 30, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Construction Labour Relations Association of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,100 employees
  • Industrial electricians
Manitoba April 30, 2020
Construction Labour Relations Association of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 900 employees
  • Carpenters
Manitoba April 30, 2020
Construction Labour Relations Association of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 600 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
Manitoba April 30, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Saskatchewan Construction Labour Relations Association Province wide, Saskatchewan International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 650 employees
  • Ironworkers
Saskatchewan April 30, 2017
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
JVD Energy Inc. Leduc, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 520 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Alberta January 31, 2019
Pyramid Corporation Province wide, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 650 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Alberta January 31, 2021
Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta Province wide, Alberta International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 8,000 employees
  • Industrial electricians
Alberta April 30, 2019
Construction Labour Relations - Alberta Province wide, Alberta Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 7,500 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Alberta April 30, 2019
Construction Labour Relations - Alberta Province wide, Alberta United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 7,400 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
Alberta April 30, 2019
Construction Labour Relations - Alberta Province wide, Alberta International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,650 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Alberta April 30, 2019
Construction Labour Relations - Alberta Province wide, Alberta International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 780 employees
  • Insulators
Alberta April 30, 2019
Construction Labour Relations - Alberta Province wide, Alberta Sheet Metal Workers' International Association (AFL-CIO/CLC) 700 employees
  • Sheet metal workers
Alberta April 30, 2019
Construction Labour Relations-Alberta Association Edmonton, Alberta International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 650 employees
  • Bricklayers
Alberta April 30, 2019
Alberta Coating Contractors Association Province wide, Alberta International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (AFL-CIO/CLC) 500 employees
  • Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
Alberta April 30, 2019
Multi-Employer Fabrication & Manufacturing - Fabrication Shop Red Deer, Alberta United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,500 employees
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
  • Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters
Alberta April 30, 2020
Alberta Crane Owners' Association Province wide, Alberta International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 840 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Alberta April 30, 2021
Construction Labour Relations - Alberta Province wide, Alberta United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (CLC) 1,210 employees
  • Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
Alberta April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations-Alberta (Refrigeration Provincial Trade Division) Province wide, Alberta United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 700 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
Alberta April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations - Alberta Province wide, Alberta International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 550 employees
  • Ironworkers
Alberta April 30, 2023
Masonry Contractors Association of Alberta Province wide, Alberta International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 500 employees
  • Bricklayers
Alberta April 30, 2023
Integral Energy Services Ltd. Province wide, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 640 employees
  • Industrial electricians
Alberta May 31, 2021
AECOM Maintenance Contractors Ltd. Calgary, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 970 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta August 31, 2023
PCL Energy Province wide, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 3,800 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
Alberta September 30, 2022
Flint Maintenance Services Limited. Province wide, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 590 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta October 6, 2019
Kiewet Energy Construction Co., ULC Wood Buffalo, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 1,360 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta October 16, 2021
PCL Builders Inc. - Construction Province wide, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 630 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Alberta December 31, 2020
Boilermaker Contractors' Association of Alberta Province wide, Alberta International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,400 employees
  • Boilermakers
Alberta December 31, 2023
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Boilermaker Contractors' Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 910 employees
  • Boilermakers
British Columbia April 30, 2020
Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association - BC Chapter Province wide, British Columbia Sheet Metal Workers' International Association (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,240 employees
  • Sheet metal workers
British Columbia April 30, 2022
Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 4,700 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
British Columbia April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia Construction, Maintenance and Allied Workers Bargaining Council (CCU) 4,000 employees
  • Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
  • Carpenters
British Columbia April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,660 employees
  • Industrial electricians
British Columbia April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,500 employees
  • Plumbers, pipefitters and gas fitters
British Columbia April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,300 employees
  • Heavy equipment operators (except crane)
British Columbia April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,700 employees
  • Ironworkers
British Columbia April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,500 employees
  • Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
British Columbia April 30, 2023
Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 500 employees
  • Bricklayers
British Columbia April 30, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Construction Labour Relations - Alberta Province wide, Alberta United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 700 employees
  • Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
Multi-provinces April 30, 2022
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
BWXT Nuclear Energy Canada (BWXT) Toronto, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 750 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Federal jurisdiction February 11, 2019
Vice Studio Canada Inc. Toronto, Ontario Communications Workers of America - Canada (CLC) 170 employees
  • Printing press operators
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
BWXT ITG Canada, Inc. Vancouver, British Columbia Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 123 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
CAE Inc. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 130 employees
  • Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
Royal Canadian Mint Ottawa, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 780 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2021
Newfoundland and Labrador
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Settlement has been ratified.
Ocean Choice International Bonavista, Newfoundland and Labrador Unifor (Independent-natl.) 500 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • General office support workers
Newfoundland and Labrador December 31, 2023
Prince Edward Island
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Cavendish Farms Summerside, Prince Edward Island United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 550 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Prince Edward Island December 31, 2021
Nova Scotia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Halifax Shipyard, Division of Irving Shipbuilding Inc. Halifax, Nova Scotia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 800 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Nova Scotia June 30, 2022
New Brunswick
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Connors Bros., Clover Leaf Seafoods Company Saint John, New Brunswick Charlotte Seafood Employees Association (Independent-local) 550 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
New Brunswick December 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Rolls-Royce Canada limited Montréal, Quebec International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 630 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec March 19, 2020
Kruger Inc. Crabtree, Quebec Fédération de l'industrie manufacturière (CSN) 530 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec April 30, 2018
Domtar Inc. Windsor, Quebec Fédération de l'industrie manufacturière (CSN) 738 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec April 30, 2022
Chantier Davie Canada Inc. Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon, Quebec Fédération de l'industrie manufacturière (CSN) 820 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec June 30, 2021
Prevost, a division of Groupe Volvo Canada inc. Sainte-Claire, Quebec Unifor (Independent-natl.) 773 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec June 30, 2023
Waterville TG inc. Waterville, Quebec United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 653 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec July 31, 2023
Bridgestone Canada Inc. Joliette, Quebec Fédération de l'industrie manufacturière (CSN) 980 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec August 31, 2023
Tembec inc. Témiscaming, Quebec Unifor (Independent-natl.) 605 employees
  • Machine operators and related workers in pulp and paper production and wood processing and manufacturing
Quebec September 30, 2022
Olymel, limited partnership Saint-Henri, Quebec United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 500 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec October 31, 2017
Saputo inc., division Boulangerie Sainte-Marie, Quebec Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 500 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec December 31, 2017
Settlement has been ratified.
Société en commandite AIrbus Canada Montréal, Quebec International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,015 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec December 1, 2023
ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec operating as Glaxosmithkline Biologicals North America Montréal, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 600 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Quebec December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Autoliv Electronics Canada Inc. Markham, Ontario International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 580 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario January 12, 2019
PepsiCo Foods Canada Cambridge, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 520 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario January 2, 2021
Invista Canada Company Kingston, Ontario Kingston Independent Nylon Workers Union (Independent-local) 660 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario January 27, 2022
General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada London, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 500 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario March 17, 2022
Vale Canada Limited Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,700 employees
  • Foundry workers
  • Underground production and development miners
Ontario May 31, 2020
Bombardier Transportation Thunder Bay, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 880 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario May 31, 2020
Olymel, limited partnership Brampton, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 500 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario May 31, 2023
Cargill Value Added Meats London London, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 740 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario June 3, 2021
Bombardier Aerospace de Havilland Division Toronto, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 700 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Ontario June 22, 2021
Coca Cola Refreshments Canada Company Brampton, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 810 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario June 10, 2022
Lake Erie Works - U.S. Steel Canada - a subsidiary of United States Steel Haldimand County, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 950 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario July 1, 2022
Essar Steel Algoma Inc. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,420 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario July 31, 2022
Maple Leaf Poultry - Member of Maple Leaf Foods Inc Toronto, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 700 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario September 23, 2018
Sanofi Pasteur Limited Toronto, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 600 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario September 30, 2019
Settlement has been ratified.
Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. Halton Hills, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,085 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario October 12, 2023
Cargill Limited Guelph, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 800 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Ontario December 31, 2019
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Motor Coach Industries International Limited Winnipeg, Manitoba International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 550 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Manitoba January 31, 2021
New Flyer Industries Canada ULC Winnipeg, Manitoba Unifor (Independent-natl.) 750 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Manitoba March 31, 2023
VALE Thompson, Manitoba United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,130 employees
  • Foundry workers
  • Underground production and development miners
Manitoba September 15, 2019
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Consumers' Co-Operative Refineries Limited Regina, Saskatchewan Unifor (Independent-natl.) 800 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Saskatchewan January 31, 2019
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
JBS Food Canada Inc. Brooks, Alberta United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,520 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
Alberta January 3, 2022
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Canadian Fishing Company Province wide, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 820 employees
  • Fish and seafood plant workers
British Columbia April 15, 2021
Interior Forest Labour Relations Association Province wide, British Columbia United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,000 employees
  • Machine operators and related workers in pulp and paper production and wood processing and manufacturing
British Columbia June 30, 2023
Council on Northern Interior Forest Employment Relations Prince George, British Columbia United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,500 employees
  • Machine operators and related workers in pulp and paper production and wood processing and manufacturing
British Columbia June 30, 2023
Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Prince George, British Columbia United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,200 employees
  • Machine operators and related workers in pulp and paper production and wood processing and manufacturing
British Columbia June 30, 2023
BC Tree Fruit Cooperative Kelowna, British Columbia United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 600 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
British Columbia October 1, 2023
Wholesale and retail trade
Newfoundland and Labrador
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Dominion Stores Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Unifor (Independent-natl.) 1,400 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Newfoundland and Labrador October 28, 2023
Nova Scotia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation Halifax, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (CLC) 1,080 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Nova Scotia March 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Provigo Distribution inc. Laval, Quebec United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 510 employees
  • Shippers and receivers
  • General office support workers
Quebec February 1, 2022
Société des alcools du Québec Province wide, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 5,348 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
  • General office support workers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Automobile Industry Employers' Association Inc. Montréal, Quebec Unifor (Independent-natl.) 691 employees
  • Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
Quebec July 15, 2023
Frito-Lay Canada Province wide, Quebec Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 898 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Quebec August 29, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Rexall/Pharma Plus Pharmacies Ltd. (sales and service occupations) Province wide, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,990 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario January 31, 2021
National Grocers Co. Ltd. Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 580 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario May 16, 2020
No Frills Franchise Owners Province wide, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 10,000 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario June 30, 2022
New Dominion Stores, Division of Metro Ontario Inc. Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 4,000 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario July 13, 2019
Zehrs Markets Inc., division of Zehrmart Limited Province wide, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 8,000 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario July 1, 2021
Zehrs Markets Inc., division of Zehrmart Limited Lakeshore, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,600 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario July 1, 2021
Loblaws Companies Limited Ottawa, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,240 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario July 1, 2021
Fortino's Supermarket Ltd. Hamilton, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 5,000 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario July 1, 2022
The Barn Markets, Division of Metro Ontario Inc. And The Barn Market Franchisees Province wide, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 970 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario September 25, 2021
Sav-A-Centre, division of Metro Ontario Inc. Cobourg, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 580 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Ontario September 23, 2023
Metro Ontario Inc. Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 880 employees
  • Shippers and receivers
Ontario October 23, 2021
Brewers Retail Inc., operating as The Beer Store Province wide, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 6,000 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
  • Shippers and receivers
Ontario December 31, 2020
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Canada Safeway Limited Province wide, Manitoba United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,200 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Manitoba March 15, 2022
Loblaw Companies Ltd. Province wide, Manitoba United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,000 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Manitoba September 28, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Real Canadian Superstore / Wholesale Club Province wide, Saskatchewan United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,090 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Saskatchewan March 31, 2023
Extra Foods Stores Saskatoon, Saskatchewan United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 830 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Saskatchewan March 31, 2023
Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority Province wide, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 650 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
  • Shippers and receivers
  • General office support workers
Saskatchewan March 31, 2023
Canada Safeway Limited Regina, Saskatchewan International Longshore and Warehouse Union (CLC) 1,250 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Saskatchewan June 25, 2022
Saskatoon Co-Operative Association Limited Saskatoon, Saskatchewan United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 900 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
  • General office support workers
Saskatchewan November 18, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Finning (Canada), Division of Finning International Inc. Province wide, Alberta International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,580 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta April 30, 2022
Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission Province wide, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 650 employees
  • Casino occupations
Alberta July 31, 2020
Real Canadian Superstore Calgary, Alberta United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,800 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Alberta August 30, 2018
Real Canadian Superstore Edmonton, Alberta United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,000 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Alberta August 30, 2018
Real Canadian Superstore Province wide, Alberta United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,470 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
Alberta August 30, 2018
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Overwaitea Foods / Cooper's and Big Buy Foods Province wide, British Columbia United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 890 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
British Columbia February 28, 2019
Overwaitea Foods Group, Save-On-Foods BC, and Overwaitea Foods Province wide, British Columbia United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 7,920 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
British Columbia March 31, 2023
Canada Safeway Limited Province wide, British Columbia United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 5,350 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
British Columbia March 31, 2023
Canada Safeway Limited Province wide, British Columbia United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,500 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
British Columbia March 31, 2023
Finning (Canada), Division of Finning International Inc. Province wide, British Columbia International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 700 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Shippers and receivers
British Columbia April 14, 2023
Westfair Foods Ltd. Province wide, British Columbia United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 8,000 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
British Columbia August 1, 2021
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Jack Cooper Canada (LP2) Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 230 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
  • Transport truck drivers
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction January 10, 2018
Mantei's Transport Limited Province wide, Alberta The Petro Chem Driver's Association Inc (Independent-natl.) 120 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction January 15, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Halifax International Airport Authority Halifax, Nova Scotia Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 150 employees
  • Firefighters
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Federal jurisdiction January 31, 2023
Swissport Canada Handling Inc. Montréal, Quebec Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 300 employees
  • Air transport ramp attendants
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction February 25, 2018
Campeau Bus Lines Limited, Hawkesbury, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 209 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Federal jurisdiction February 15, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Canadian Merchant Service Guild (Independent-natl.) 1,090 employees
  • Deck officers, water transport
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2018
Meyers Transport Inc. Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 170 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2019
Air Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 130 employees
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2019
Loomis Express - a Transforce Company Province wide, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 470 employees
  • Processing and manufacturing machine operators and related production workers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2021
Loomis Express (Canada) Ltd. Province wide, Alberta Unifor (Independent-natl.) 430 employees
  • Processing and manufacturing machine operators and related production workers
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2021
Loomis Express - a Transforce Company Province wide, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 160 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2021
Bergeron Maybois (Albany Bergeron & Fils Inc.) Amos, Quebec Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 110 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 5, 2022
British Columbia Maritime Employers Association Vancouver, British Columbia International Longshore and Warehouse Union (CLC) 580 employees
  • Construction managers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
Algoma Great Lakes Shipping Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 250 employees
  • Other service support occupations, n.e.c.
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
Dynamex (Transforce) Vancouver, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 140 employees
  • Delivery and courier service drivers
  • Shippers and receivers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
H.M. Trimble & Sons (1983) Ltd. Province wide, Manitoba International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 110 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
Servisair Mirabel, Quebec International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 210 employees
  • Air transport ramp attendants
Federal jurisdiction April 30, 2013
Air Transat A.T. inc. Canada wide, Multiprovince Air Line Pilots Association International (AFL-CIO/CLC) 550 employees
  • Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
  • Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
Federal jurisdiction April 30, 2020
Air Transat A.T. Inc. Montréal, Quebec Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 160 employees
  • Airline ticket and service agents
Federal jurisdiction April 27, 2021
Pivot Airlines Toronto, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 110 employees
  • Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
  • Air traffic controllers and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction May 31, 2022
Canada Cartage System (Winnipeg Division) Winnipeg, Manitoba Unifor (Independent-natl.) 100 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction May 13, 2023
Algoma Central Corporation St. Catharines, Ontario Seafarers' International Union of Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 400 employees
  • Other service support occupations, n.e.c.
Federal jurisdiction May 31, 2023
Delta Air lines Inc. Canada wide, Multiprovince United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 310 employees
  • Other customer and information services representatives
  • Customer and information services representatives
Federal jurisdiction May 31, 2023
Sperry Rail Canada Limited Halifax, Nova Scotia (AFL-CIO/CLC) 100 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
Federal jurisdiction May 31, 2023
Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp., Eastern Division Province wide, Ontario Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 420 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Other customer and information services representatives
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2017
North Star Transport Ltd. Province wide, Alberta Northstar Employees' Association (Independent-local) 190 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2018
Flair Airlines Kelowna, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 130 employees
  • Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
Federal jurisdiction June 14, 2021
Les Autobus Transco (1988) inc. Dorval, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 350 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
Direct Transportation and Direct Distribution Centres Edmonton, Alberta International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 250 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
First Student Canada ULC Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 120 employees
  • Public works and other labourers, n.e.c.
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
NAV CANADA Canada wide, Multiprovince Unifor (Independent-natl.) 280 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2023
Air Inuit Ltd. Canada wide, Multiprovince Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 260 employees
  • Pursers and flight attendants
  • Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2023
Winnipeg Airports Authority Inc. Winnipeg, Manitoba Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 120 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2023
BC Rail Province wide, British Columbia Teamster Canada Rail Conference (CLC) 150 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
  • Railway conductors and brakemen/women
Federal jurisdiction July 22, 2016
Swissport Canada Inc. (Calgary International Airport) Calgary, Alberta International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 220 employees
  • Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
  • Airline ticket and service agents
Federal jurisdiction July 31, 2019
Servisair Edmonton, Alberta International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 180 employees
  • Air transport ramp attendants
Federal jurisdiction July 19, 2020
Canadian National Railway Company (Agreement 4.16 - Eastern Lines) Canada wide, Multiprovince Teamster Canada Rail Conference (CLC) 1,800 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
  • Railway conductors and brakemen/women
Federal jurisdiction July 22, 2022
Canadian National Railway Company Canada wide, Multiprovince Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 200 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
Federal jurisdiction July 22, 2022
Harbour Link Container Services Inc. Vancouver, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 130 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction July 31, 2022
A A S Canada abbr>Inc. Toronto Pearson International Airport - Mississauga Mississauga, Ontario International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 224 employees
  • Occupations in travel and accommodation
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2022
CAFAS FUELING ULC Montréal, Quebec International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 110 employees
  • Air transport ramp attendants
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2017
Kingsway Transport - a Transforce Company Province wide, Ontario Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 110 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2019
Pro-Source / Young Transportation System Mississauga, Ontario Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 130 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction September 20, 2021
Air Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Air Canada Pilots Association (CLC) 4,800 employees
  • Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
Federal jurisdiction September 29, 2023
Transit Windsor Windsor, Ontario Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 260 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2023
Garda Security Group Inc. Montréal, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 100 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
Air Transat Canada wide, Multiprovince Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,100 employees
  • Pursers and flight attendants
Federal jurisdiction October 31, 2021
Settlement has been ratified.
Viterra Inc. Province wide, Saskatchewan Grain and General Services Union (ILWU Canada) (CLC) 550 employees
  • Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade
Federal jurisdiction October 31, 2022
ICS Courier (Division of Information Communications Services (ICS) Inc.) Toronto, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 115 employees
  • Delivery and courier service drivers
  • Distribution, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations
Federal jurisdiction October 31, 2023
First Student Canada ULC Markham, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 250 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Federal jurisdiction November 9, 2019
Reimer Express Lines Limited Winnipeg, Manitoba Unifor (Independent-natl.) 120 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction November 30, 2021
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited Richmond, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 320 employees
  • Airline ticket and service agents
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2018
Settlement has been ratified.
Société de transport de l'Outaouais Gatineau, Quebec Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 500 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2019
Rio Tinto Alcan Saguenay, Quebec Unifor (Independent-natl.) 140 employees
  • Longshore workers
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2020
TForce Final Mile Winnipeg, Manitoba Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CLC) 210 employees
  • Delivery and courier service drivers
Federal jurisdiction December 4, 2022
Airport Terminal Services Montréal, Quebec International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 100 employees
  • Air traffic controllers and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction December 15, 2022
Canadian National Railway Company Canada wide, Multiprovince Teamster Canada Rail Conference (CLC) 1,800 employees
  • Railway and yard locomotive engineers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Canadian Pacific Railway Canada wide, Multiprovince United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 950 employees
  • Train crew operating occupations
  • Railway carmen/women
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Jazz Air LP Canada wide, Multiprovince Unifor (Independent-natl.) 950 employees
  • Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Marine Atlantic Inc. Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Unifor (Independent-natl.) 592 employees
  • Other service support occupations, n.e.c.
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Coach Canada / Trentway-wagar Inc. Peterborough, Ontario Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 365 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
VIA Rail Canada Inc. Canada wide, Multiprovince Teamster Canada Rail Conference (CLC) 350 employees
  • Railway and yard locomotive engineers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Purolator Inc. Province wide, Quebec Unifor (Independent-natl.) 163 employees
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Calgary Airport Authority Calgary, Alberta Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 140 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Marine Atlantic Inc. Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Canadian Merchant Service Guild (Independent-natl.) 130 employees
  • Fishing vessel deckhands
  • Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Purolator Inc. Vancouver, British Columbia Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 130 employees
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Canada Post Corporation Canada wide, Multiprovince Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (CLC) 11,000 employees
  • Mail, postal and related workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Canada Post Corporation Canada wide, Multiprovince Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CLC) 8,000 employees
  • Letter carriers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Canadian National Railway Company Canada wide, Multiprovince Teamster Canada Rail Conference (CLC) 6,164 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Canadian Pacific Railway Canada wide, Multiprovince Teamster Canada Rail Conference (CLC) 3,279 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
  • Railway conductors and brakemen/women
  • Railway and yard locomotive engineers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
Canadian National Railway Company Canada wide, Multiprovince United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,050 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Maritime Employers Association Montréal, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,300 employees
  • Longshore workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Canadian National Transportation Limited Canada wide, Multiprovince Unifor (Independent-natl.) 800 employees
  • Transport truck drivers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
NAV CANADA Canada wide, Multiprovince International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 700 employees
  • Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Vancouver Terminal Elevators' Association Vancouver, British Columbia Grain and General Services Union (ILWU Canada) (CLC) 550 employees
  • Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities
  • Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
WestJet Encore Ltd. Calgary, Alberta Air Line Pilots Association International (AFL-CIO/CLC) 355 employees
  • Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
Ontario Northland Transportation Commission Province wide, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 350 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
NAV CANADA Canada wide, Multiprovince Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 235 employees
  • General office workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Maritime Employers Association Montréal, Quebec International Longshoremen's Association (AFL-CIO/CLC) 178 employees
  • Longshore workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
City of Ottawa - Para Transpo Ottawa, Ontario Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 165 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Prince Rupert Grain Limited Prince Rupert, British Columbia International Longshore and Warehouse Union (CLC) 120 employees
  • General farm workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Réseau de transport de Longueuil Longueuil, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 672 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Quebec December 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Toronto Transit Commission Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 650 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Ontario March 31, 2022
Corporation of the City of Brampton (Transit Division) Brampton, Ontario Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 790 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Ontario June 30, 2019
Metrolinx (Go Transit) Toronto, Ontario Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,130 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • General office support workers
Ontario June 1, 2022
City of Mississauga Mississauga, Ontario Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,210 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Ontario September 30, 2023
Ziptrack Ltd.; Taxitab; Coventry Connections Inc. (Blue Line Taxi) Ottawa, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 890 employees
  • Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs
Ontario November 28, 2020
Bombardier Transportation Inc. Province wide, Ontario Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 1,030 employees
  • Railway yard and track maintenance workers
  • Dispatchers
Ontario December 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
City of Winnipeg Winnipeg, Manitoba Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,383 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Manitoba January 12, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
City of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,800 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • General office support workers
Alberta January 3, 2021
Diversified Transportation Limited Improvement District No. 24 Wood Buffalo, Alberta Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 530 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Alberta December 31, 2022
City of Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,592 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Alberta December 30, 2023
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
BC Transit Victoria, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 650 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Coast Mountain Bus Company Vancouver, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 5,000 employees
  • Public works and other labourers, n.e.c.
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
British Columbia March 31, 2023
British Columbia Rapid Transit Co. Ltd. Burnaby, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 900 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia August 31, 2023
MVT Canadian Bus Inc. Vancouver, British Columbia Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 640 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • General office support workers
British Columbia December 31, 2018
Information and culture
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Settlement has been ratified.
TELUS Québec Province wide, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 650 employees
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Wirecomm Systems (2008) Inc. Mississauga, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 150 employees
  • Electrical trades and electrical power line and telecommunications workers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
Shaw Media Limited Partnership (Global Alberta Bargaining Unit) Calgary, Alberta Unifor (Independent-natl.) 220 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction April 30, 2022
National Film Board of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 150 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
National Film Board of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 100 employees
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
National Gallery of Canada Ottawa, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 222 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
Corus Television Limited Partnership Toronto, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 300 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction July 31, 2023
MusiquePlus Inc. Montréal, Quebec Syndicat des employées et employés de MusiquePlus (CSQ) 150 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2019
Citytv Vancouver, OMNI BC Operations, Rogers Media Inc. Vancouver, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 120 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2020
Vidéotron Ltée Gatineau, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 275 employees
  • Sales and service occupations
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2021
MusiquePlus Inc. Montréal, Quebec Syndicat des employées et employés de MusiquePlus (CSQ) 150 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2021
Groupe TVA inc. division CFCM Québec, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 120 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2014
Bell Canada, Bell West Division Province wide, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 120 employees
  • Computer and information systems professionals
Federal jurisdiction December 18, 2021
Settlement has been ratified.
Groupe TVA Inc. Montréal, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,070 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2021
NorthwesTel Inc. Province wide, Yukon Territory International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 320 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • Receptionists
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2021
Bell Canada Province wide, Manitoba Unifor (Independent-natl.) 1,200 employees
  • Receptionists
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction December 22, 2022
Bell Media Inc. Toronto, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 500 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
The Canadian Press Canada wide, Multiprovince Communications Workers of America - Canada (CLC) 240 employees
  • Writing, translating and related communications professionals
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
CFCN-TV Calgary and CFRN-TV Edmonton AB (Divisions of Bell Media Inc.) Edmonton, Alberta Unifor (Independent-natl.) 230 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
Allstream Incorporated Canada wide, Multiprovince Unifor (Independent-natl.) 141 employees
  • Telecommunications installation and repair workers
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
Groupe TVA Inc. - Québec Québec, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 124 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Canadian Media Production Association Province wide, Ontario Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (CLC) 20,000 employees
  • Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
Ontario December 31, 2018
Toronto Public Library Board Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,250 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Librarians
  • General office support workers
Ontario December 31, 2019
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Settlement has been ratified.
Edmonton Public Library Edmonton, Alberta Civic Service Union 52 (Independent-local) 630 employees
  • Librarians
  • Administrative officers
Alberta December 19, 2020
Calgary Public Library Board Calgary, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 650 employees
  • Librarians
  • General office support workers
Alberta December 31, 2023
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Canadian Film and Television Production Association Province wide, British Columbia International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 8,000 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
British Columbia March 31, 2021
Vancouver Public Library Board Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 818 employees
  • Librarians
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia December 31, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Settlement has been ratified.
Canadian Film and Television Production Association Canada wide, Multiprovince Writers Guild of Canada (Independent-natl.) 1,020 employees
  • Authors and writers
Multi-provinces December 31, 2023
Finance, real estate and management services
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Securitas Canada Limited Oshawa, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 130 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 21, 2018
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Laurentian Hills, Ontario Sheet Metal Workers' International Association (AFL-CIO/CLC) 280 employees
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2018
Securitas Canada Limited Oshawa, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 130 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 15, 2022
National Research Council Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Research Council Employees' Association (Independent-natl.) 1,020 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2022
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 820 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2022
Canadian Corps of Commissionaires and Yukon Division Victoria, British Columbia Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 390 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2022
The Canadian Corps of Commissionaires (N.B. & P.E.I. Division, Inc.) Province wide, Prince Edward Island Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 130 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
National Research Council Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Research Council Employees' Association (Independent-natl.) 270 employees
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction April 30, 2022
National Research Council Canada Ottawa, Ontario Research Council Employees' Association (Independent-natl.) 190 employees
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction April 30, 2022
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Laurentian Hills, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 150 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2019
National Research Council Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 110 employees
  • Other customer and information services representatives
Federal jurisdiction June 20, 2022
National Research Council Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 1,540 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Federal jurisdiction July 19, 2022
National Research Council of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Research Council Employees' Association (Independent-natl.) 120 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Federal jurisdiction July 30, 2022
A.S.P. Incorporated Calgary, Alberta United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 120 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction September 23, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Garda World Canada Ltd. Province wide, Nova Scotia Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 110 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction October 31, 2023
G4S Cash Solutions (Canada) Ltd. Montréal, Quebec Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 290 employees
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2014
National Research Council Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Research Council Employees' Association (Independent-natl.) 180 employees
  • Computer network technicians
Federal jurisdiction December 21, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
A.S.P. Incorporated, Lester B. Pearson International Airport Toronto, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 800 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) Laurentian Hills, Ontario Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 660 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
City of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario Amalgamated Transit Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 250 employees
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Quebec Province wide, Quebec Les avocats et notaires de l'État québécois (Independent-local) 800 employees
  • Lawyers and Quebec notaries
Quebec March 31, 2023
Les Caisses populaires Desjardins du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean Saguenay, Quebec Fédération du commerce inc. (CSN) 800 employees
  • General office support workers
Quebec December 31, 2016
SSQ, Société d'Assurance-Vie Inc. Québec, Quebec Fédération du commerce inc. (CSN) 503 employees
  • General office support workers
Quebec December 31, 2021
Beneva Québec, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,025 employees
  • General office support workers
Quebec December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Garda Canada Security Corporation Province wide, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 7,250 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Ontario June 30, 2020
Securitas Canada (Ontario) Province wide, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,440 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Ontario June 30, 2020
Paladin Security Group Limited Province wide, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,250 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Ontario June 30, 2020
Serco DES Inc. cob as Drivetest Province wide, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 650 employees
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Ontario September 30, 2019
Toronto Community Housing Corporation Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 700 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Ontario December 31, 2019
Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre Corporation Toronto, Ontario Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 680 employees
  • Service support and other service occupations, n.e.c.
Ontario December 31, 2019
Paragon Protection Ltd. Province wide, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,630 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Ontario December 19, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,500 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Manitoba September 26, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Saskatchewan Government Insurance Regina, Saskatchewan Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (CLC) 1,550 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Saskatchewan December 31, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
ACDEN Bee-Clean LP, operated by Bee Clean North Ltd. Wood Buffalo, Alberta Laborers' International Union of North America (AFL-CIO/CLC) 750 employees
  • Motor vehicle and transit drivers
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
Alberta November 15, 2021
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
B.C. Pavilion Corporation Vancouver, British Columbia British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (CLC) 630 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
British Columbia May 31, 2020
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (CLC) 4,660 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
Pacific Blue Cross, British Columbia Life and Casualty Company Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 600 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
British Columbia July 31, 2022
Accenture Business Services Province wide, British Columbia Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (CLC) 660 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
  • Administrative officers
  • Financial managers
British Columbia August 31, 2020
Sodexo Canada Limited Province wide, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,340 employees
  • Light duty cleaners
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia September 30, 2020
Aramark Canada Facilities Services Limited (Vancouver Coastal Health Authority) Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,300 employees
  • Light duty cleaners
British Columbia September 30, 2020
Compass Group Canada / Marquise Hospitality Province wide, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 600 employees
  • Light duty cleaners
British Columbia September 30, 2020
Educational, health and social services
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Settlement has been ratified.
Yukon Hospital Corporation Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 250 employees
  • Dietitians and nutritionists
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
Federal jurisdiction January 31, 2022
Hay River Health and Social Services Authority Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 180 employees
  • Health occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2021
Yellowknife Public Denominational District Education Authority Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 110 employees
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Yukon Hospital Corporation Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 340 employees
  • Medical laboratory technologists
  • General office support workers
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Eskasoni School Board Eskasoni 3, Nova Scotia Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 110 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Wequedong Lodge of Thunder Bay Thunder Bay, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 106 employees
  • Health occupations
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2023
Newfoundland and Labrador
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (CLC) 6,580 employees
  • Administrative officers
Newfoundland and Labrador March 31, 2020
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (CLC) 860 employees
  • Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
Newfoundland and Labrador March 31, 2020
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (CLC) 790 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • General office support workers
Newfoundland and Labrador March 31, 2020
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (CLC) 760 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Newfoundland and Labrador March 31, 2020
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (CLC) 590 employees
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
Newfoundland and Labrador March 31, 2020
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,700 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
Newfoundland and Labrador March 31, 2022
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and College of the North Atlantic Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (CLC) 810 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Newfoundland and Labrador March 31, 2022
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador / Newfoundland and Labrador Health Boards Association Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Registered Nurses’ Union Newfoundland & Labrador (CLC) 5,500 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
Newfoundland and Labrador June 30, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Allied Health Professionals, Newfoundland and Labrador (Independent-natl.) 750 employees
  • Health occupations
Newfoundland and Labrador June 30, 2022
Prince Edward Island
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Prince Edward Island Department of Health and Wellnes Province wide, Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Union of Public Sector Employees (CLC) 1,400 employees
  • Health occupations
Prince Edward Island March 31, 2020
Prince Edward Island Department of Health Province wide, Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Nurses' Union (CLC) 1,210 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
Prince Edward Island March 31, 2021
Prince Edward Island Department of Health Province wide, Prince Edward Island International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,160 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Paramedical occupations
  • Administrative officers
Prince Edward Island March 31, 2022
Prince Edward Island Department of Health Province wide, Prince Edward Island Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
Prince Edward Island March 31, 2023
Government of Prince Edward Island - Education Negotiating Agency Province wide, Prince Edward Island Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 850 employees
  • Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • General office support workers
Prince Edward Island June 30, 2018
Government of Prince Edward Island Province wide, Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 2,200 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Prince Edward Island August 31, 2021
Nova Scotia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,200 employees
  • Administrative officers
Nova Scotia March 31, 2021
Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (CLC) 850 employees
  • Administrative officers
Nova Scotia June 30, 2020
Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia Dalhousie Faculty Association (Independent-local) 1,000 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
Nova Scotia June 30, 2022
Tri-County Regional School Board Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Independent-natl.) 530 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Nova Scotia July 31, 2019
Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Independent-natl.) 1,080 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Nova Scotia July 31, 2021
Annapolis Valley Regional School Board Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Independent-natl.) 1,000 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Nova Scotia July 31, 2021
Strait Regional Centre for Education Antigonish, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Independent-natl.) 550 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Nova Scotia July 31, 2021
Government of Nova Scotia Province wide, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Independent-natl.) 9,300 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Nova Scotia July 31, 2023
Halifax Regional Centre for Education Halifax, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Independent-natl.) 3,650 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Nova Scotia July 31, 2023
Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education Pictou, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Independent-natl.) 1,670 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Nova Scotia July 31, 2023
Nova Scotia Community College Halifax, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Independent-natl.) 770 employees
  • Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training
Nova Scotia August 31, 2020
EMC Emergency Medical Care Incorporated Province wide, Nova Scotia International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 800 employees
  • Paramedical occupations
Nova Scotia October 31, 2015
Izaak Walton Killam Health Centre Halifax, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (CLC) 790 employees
  • Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
  • Health occupations
Nova Scotia October 31, 2020
Izaak Walton Killam Health Centre Halifax, Nova Scotia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 610 employees
  • Medical administrative assistants
Nova Scotia October 31, 2020
Nova Scotia Health Authority Province wide, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Nurses' Union (CLC) 8,540 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
Nova Scotia October 31, 2023
Nova Scotia Health Authority Province wide, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (CLC) 6,870 employees
  • Health occupations
Nova Scotia October 31, 2023
Nova Scotia Health Authority Province wide, Nova Scotia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,590 employees
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
Nova Scotia October 31, 2023
Nova Scotia Health Authority Province wide, Nova Scotia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 3,500 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
Nova Scotia October 31, 2023
New Brunswick
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,990 employees
  • Administrative officers
New Brunswick February 28, 2018
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick New Brunswick Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 8,000 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
New Brunswick February 28, 2021
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,600 employees
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
New Brunswick March 31, 2019
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees (NUPGE) 1,590 employees
  • Paramedical occupations
New Brunswick March 31, 2019
Government of New Brunswick, Hospital Boards Province wide, New Brunswick Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 9,340 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
New Brunswick June 30, 2019
University of New Brunswick Fredericton, New Brunswick Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers (Independent-local) 550 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
New Brunswick June 30, 2020
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees (NUPGE) 730 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
New Brunswick July 31, 2020
New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes Inc. Province wide, New Brunswick Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,800 employees
  • Health occupations
  • General office support workers
New Brunswick October 15, 2022
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick New Brunswick Nurses' Union (CLC) 6,500 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
New Brunswick December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Université de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke, Quebec L'Association des professeurs d'enseignement clinique de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Sherbrooke (CSQ) 596 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec January 1, 2022
Corporation d'urgences-santé Québec, Quebec Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux (CSN) 1,780 employees
  • Paramedical occupations
Quebec March 31, 2015
Le Comité Patronal de Négociation de la Corporation des Services d'Ambulance du Québec (CSAQ ASAQ) Province wide, Quebec Service Employees International Union (CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Paramedical occupations
Quebec March 31, 2015
Bureaux coordonnateurs de la garde en milieu familial Province wide, Quebec Fédération des intervenantes en petite enfance du Québec (CSQ) 12,800 employees
  • Early childhood educators and assistants
Quebec March 31, 2019
Ministère de la famille Province wide, Quebec Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux (CSN) 2,785 employees
  • Early childhood educators and assistants
Quebec March 31, 2019
Management Negotiating Committee for French-language School Boards Province wide, Quebec Fédération indépendante des syndicats autonomes (Independent-natl.) 1,020 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2020
Corporation d'urgences-santé Montréal, Quebec Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux (CSN) 932 employees
  • Paramedical occupations
Quebec March 31, 2020
Government of Quebec Province wide, Quebec Syndicat des professeurs de l'État du Québec (Independent-natl.) 880 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec March 31, 2020
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Centrale des syndicats démocratiques (directly chartered unions) (CSD) 850 employees
  • Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training
Quebec March 31, 2020
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux (CSN) 110,000 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Health occupations
  • General office support workers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (Independent-natl.) 60,000 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Health occupations
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (Independent-natl.) 60,000 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for French-language School Boards Province wide, Quebec Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement (CSQ) 51,636 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comite patronal de négociation des commissions scolaires francophones Province wide, Quebec Fédération autonome de l'enseignement (Independent-natl.) 39,533 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des commissions scolaires francophones Province wide, Quebec Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (CSQ) 29,200 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 26,000 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Health occupations
  • General office support workers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for French-language School Boards Province wide, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 11,024 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des commissions scolaires francophones Province wide, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 10,110 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des collèges Province wide, Quebec Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (CSN) 10,110 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Service Employees International Union (CLC) 9,480 employees
  • Health occupations
  • General office support workers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee English-language School Boards Province wide, Quebec Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers (Independent-natl.) 9,320 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des commissions scolaires francophones Province wide, Quebec Fédération des professionnelles et professionnels de l'éducation du Québec (CSQ) 7,793 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des collèges Province wide, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 6,386 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Fédération de la santé du Québec (CSQ) 5,750 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des commissions scolaires francophones Province wide, Quebec Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (CLC) 4,970 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comite patronal de negociation des colleges Province wide, Quebec Fédération des enseignantes et enseignants de CÉGEP (CSQ) 3,469 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des collèges Province wide, Quebec Fédération du personnel de soutien de l'enseignement supérieur (CSQ) 2,670 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Université de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke, Quebec Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 1,823 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for English-language School Boards Province wide, Quebec Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (CLC) 1,819 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des commissions scolaires anglophones Province wide, Quebec Independent Association of the Support Staff of the Lester B.Pearson School Board (Independent-local) 1,649 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for English-language School Boards Province wide, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 1,578 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Fédération des professionnèles (CSN) 1,050 employees
  • Health occupations
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des collèges Province wide, Quebec Fédération du personnel professionnel des collèges (CSQ) 1,030 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for the Cree School Board Province wide, Quebec Fédération des professionnelles et professionnels de l'éducation du Québec (CSQ) 1,030 employees
  • Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for English-language School Boards Province wide, Quebec Service Employees International Union (CLC) 1,013 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for the Cree School Board Wemindji, Quebec Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement (CSQ) 930 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for French-language School Boards Province wide, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 930 employees
  • Professional occupations in education services
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des collèges Province wide, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 880 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation des collèges Province wide, Quebec Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du Gouvernement du Québec (Independent-natl.) 770 employees
  • Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations
Quebec March 31, 2023
Comité patronal de négociation secteur santé et services sociaux Province wide, Quebec Fédération de la santé du Québec (CSQ) 700 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Health occupations
  • General office support workers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Management Negotiating Committee for the Cree School Board Wemindji, Quebec Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (CSQ) 556 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Concordia University Montréal, Quebec Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 1,100 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Quebec April 30, 2016
Université de Montréal Montréal, Quebec Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 1,640 employees
  • Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Quebec April 30, 2021
Université du Québec en Outaouais Gatineau, Quebec Fédération des professionnèles (CSN) 730 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec April 30, 2022
Université de Montréal Montréal, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,900 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Quebec May 31, 2018
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Trois-Rivières, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 930 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec May 31, 2020
McGill University Montréal, Quebec Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 1,240 employees
  • Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
Quebec May 30, 2021
Université du Québec à Rimouski Rimouski, Quebec Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (CSN) 735 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec May 31, 2021
Université de Montréal Montréal, Quebec Syndicat général des professeurs de l'Université de Montréal (Independent-local) 1,400 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec May 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Concordia University Montréal, Quebec Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 2,017 employees
  • Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
Quebec May 31, 2023
Université du Québec à Montréal Montréal, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,750 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec May 31, 2023
Universite du Quebec à Trois-Rivières Trois-Rivières, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 525 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • General office support workers
Quebec May 31, 2023
Université de Montréal Montréal, Quebec Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (CSN) 1,790 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec July 31, 2021
Settlement has been ratified.
McGill University Montréal, Quebec Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (CSN) 1,408 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Quebec July 31, 2023
McGill University Montréal, Quebec Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (CSN) 1,374 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec August 31, 2022
Université du Québec à Montréal Montréal, Quebec Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (CSN) 2,130 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec December 31, 2019
Association patronale des centres de la petite enfance Montréal, Quebec Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux (CSN) 1,500 employees
  • Early childhood educators and assistants
Quebec December 31, 2020
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Saguenay, Quebec Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (CSN) 660 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec December 31, 2021
University of Sherbrooke Sherbrooke, Quebec Fédération du personnel professionnel des universités (CSQ) 500 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec December 31, 2021
Université Laval Québec, Quebec Syndicat des professeurs et professeures de l'Université Laval (Independent-natl.) 1,375 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec December 1, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Laval Université Québec, Quebec Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec (CSN) 1,219 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Quebec December 31, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
York University Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,100 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario February 28, 2022
Carepartners Toronto, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 3,700 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario March 31, 2019
Children's Aid Society of Toronto Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 600 employees
  • Social workers
  • General office support workers
Ontario March 31, 2019
St. Michael's Hospital Toronto, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 800 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario March 31, 2020
Community Living Essex County Essex, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 650 employees
  • Administrative officers
Ontario March 31, 2020
Regional Municipality of Durham, Home for the Aged Whitby, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,190 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Ontario March 31, 2021
Canadian Blood Services Toronto, Ontario Ontario Public Service Employees Union (CLC) 950 employees
  • Health occupations
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Ontario March 31, 2021
Grand River Hospital Corporation Kitchener, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 920 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario March 31, 2021
St. Mary's General Hospital Kitchener, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 505 employees
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
Ontario March 31, 2021
Settlement has been ratified.
Schlegel Villages Inc. Whitby, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 2,219 employees
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
  • Health occupations
Ontario March 31, 2022
Ottawa Hospital Ottawa, Ontario Ontario Public Service Employees Union (CLC) 1,870 employees
  • Paramedical occupations
  • Health occupations
Ontario March 31, 2022
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Toronto, Ontario Ontario Public Service Employees Union (CLC) 1,780 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario March 31, 2022
St. Joseph's Health Care London London, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 1,540 employees
  • Technical occupations in health
  • Health occupations
Ontario March 31, 2022
Bruyère Continuing Care Ottawa, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,105 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Professional occupations in nursing
Ontario March 31, 2022
Central Local Health Integration Network Newmarket, Ontario Ontario Nurses' Association (CLC) 670 employees
  • Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
Ontario March 31, 2022
Central East Community Care Access Centre Newmarket, Ontario Ontario Nurses' Association (CLC) 530 employees
  • Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
Ontario March 31, 2022
York University Toronto, Ontario York University Faculty Association (Independent-local) 1,550 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
Ontario April 30, 2021
Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario Province wide, Ontario Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Ontario (Independent-natl.) 5,000 employees
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
Ontario June 30, 2020
Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 850 employees
  • Administrative officers
Ontario June 30, 2020
Brock University St. Catharines, Ontario Brock University Faculty Association (Independent-local) 600 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
Ontario June 30, 2020
Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association (CLC) 520 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
Ontario June 30, 2020
University of Western Ontario London, Ontario University of Western Ontario Staff Association (Independent-local) 840 employees
  • General office support workers
Ontario June 30, 2021
University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario University of Guelph Faculty Association (Independent-local) 800 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
  • Veterinarians
Ontario June 30, 2021
University of Western Ontario London, Ontario University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (Independent-natl.) 1,630 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Ontario June 30, 2022
University of Western Ontario London, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 570 employees
  • Occupations in food and beverage service
Ontario June 30, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,700 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario June 30, 2023
Ryerson University Toronto, Ontario Ryerson Faculty Association (Independent-local) 995 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
Ontario June 30, 2023
University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 850 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
Ontario June 30, 2023
Revera Inc. (Bestview) Sarnia, Ontario Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 650 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario July 31, 2019
York University Toronto, Ontario York University Staff Association (CCU) 1,400 employees
  • General office support workers
Ontario July 31, 2021
University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 880 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario August 31, 2019
University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario Association of Part-time Professors of the University of Ottawa (Independent-local) 2,190 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Ontario August 31, 2021
Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association Province wide, Ontario Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (CLC) 48,800 employees
  • Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
Ontario August 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Ontario Public School Boards Association Province wide, Ontario Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (CLC) 44,000 employees
  • Secondary school teachers
Ontario August 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Council of Trustees’ Association Province wide, Ontario Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (CLC) 19,190 employees
  • General office support workers
Ontario August 31, 2022
Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques Province wide, Ontario Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (Independent-natl.) 11,950 employees
  • Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
Ontario August 31, 2022
Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association Province wide, Ontario Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (CLC) 9,250 employees
  • Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
Ontario August 31, 2022
Council of Trustees’ Association Province wide, Ontario Association of Professional Student Services Personnel (Independent-natl.) 3,975 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario August 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,800 employees
  • Professional occupations in education services
Ontario August 31, 2022
University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 530 employees
  • Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario August 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
University of Western Ontario London, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 1,960 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario August 31, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
York University Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,900 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario August 31, 2023
University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,200 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario August 31, 2023
Bridgepoint Hospital Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 510 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
Ontario September 28, 2017
Sienna Living Toronto, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 2,940 employees
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
Ontario September 15, 2019
Revera Inc., Long Term Care Orillia, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 1,110 employees
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
Ontario September 15, 2019
Sienna Senior Living Toronto, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 920 employees
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
Ontario September 21, 2019
Extendicare Canada Inc. Toronto, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 1,800 employees
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
Ontario September 22, 2019
Extendicare Canada Inc. Toronto, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 930 employees
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
Ontario September 22, 2019
Brock University St. Catharines, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,100 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario September 6, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Ontario Hospital Association Province wide, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 36,000 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario September 28, 2023
Ottawa Hospital Ottawa, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,576 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
Ontario September 28, 2023
London Health Sciences Centre London, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 1,500 employees
  • Licensed practical nurses
Ontario October 10, 2021
Regional Municipality of Niagara Niagara Falls, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,220 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Licensed practical nurses
Ontario December 31, 2018
City of Toronto, Homes for the Aged Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,910 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario December 31, 2019
Settlement has been ratified.
Ontario Hospital Association Province wide, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 10,580 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
  • Health occupations
  • General office support workers
Ontario December 31, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 5,800 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario December 31, 2023
Board of Governors of Toronto Metropolitan University Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,400 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Ontario December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 10,250 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Manitoba March 31, 2017
Victoria General Hospital Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 8,000 employees
  • Health occupations
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Manitoba March 31, 2017
St. Boniface Hospital Winnipeg, Manitoba United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,240 employees
  • Health occupations
  • General office support workers
Manitoba March 31, 2017
Deer Lodge Centre Inc. Winnipeg, Manitoba Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 510 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Manitoba March 31, 2017
Actionmarguerite (Saint Boniface) Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 500 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
Manitoba March 31, 2017
Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 4,800 employees
  • Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
  • Social and community service workers
Manitoba March 31, 2018
Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,620 employees
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Manitoba March 31, 2018
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 890 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
  • Health occupations
  • General office support workers
Manitoba March 31, 2018
St. Amant Inc. Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 590 employees
  • Social workers
  • Administrative officers
Manitoba March 31, 2018
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,350 employees
  • Health occupations
Manitoba March 29, 2019
Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (Independent-natl.) 3,560 employees
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Manitoba March 31, 2023
University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Association of Employees Supporting Education Services (Independent-local) 2,600 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
Manitoba April 4, 2019
Seven Oaks School Division Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Teachers' Society (Independent-natl.) 840 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Manitoba June 30, 2018
St. James-Assiniboia School Division Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Teachers' Society (Independent-natl.) 620 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Manitoba June 30, 2018
Brandon School Division Brandon, Manitoba Manitoba Teachers' Society (Independent-natl.) 550 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Manitoba June 30, 2018
Louis Riel School Division Winnipeg, Manitoba Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 560 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Manitoba June 30, 2019
Louis Riel School Division Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Teachers' Society (Independent-natl.) 980 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Manitoba June 30, 2020
Red River College Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,300 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Manitoba June 18, 2021
Winnipeg School Division Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Teachers' Society (Independent-natl.) 3,870 employees
  • Librarians
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Manitoba June 30, 2022
River East Transcona School Division Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Teachers' Society (Independent-natl.) 1,160 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Manitoba June 30, 2022
Pembina Trails School Division Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Teachers' Society (Independent-natl.) 940 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Manitoba June 30, 2022
Winnipeg School Division Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg Association of Non-Teaching Employees (Independent-local) 1,740 employees
  • Occupations in food and beverage service
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • General office support workers
Manitoba July 1, 2017
Université du Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 800 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Manitoba August 31, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Extendicare (Canada) Inc. Regina, Saskatchewan Service Employees International Union (CLC) 600 employees
  • Health occupations
Saskatchewan March 31, 2017
Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Province wide, Saskatchewan Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 14,772 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Saskatchewan March 31, 2022
Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Province wide, Saskatchewan Service Employees International Union (CLC) 12,800 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Saskatchewan March 31, 2022
Saskatchewan Associations of Health Organizations Province wide, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,100 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
Saskatchewan March 31, 2022
University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association (Independent-local) 1,400 employees
  • Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations
Saskatchewan April 30, 2022
Saskatoon School Division No. 13 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 1,400 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Saskatchewan June 30, 2020
Regina School Division No. 4 Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 1,380 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Saskatchewan June 30, 2021
University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan University of Regina Faculty Association (Independent-local) 1,020 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
Saskatchewan June 30, 2021
Regina RCSS Division No. 81 Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 620 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Saskatchewan June 30, 2021
Prairie Valley School Division No. 208 Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 580 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Saskatchewan June 30, 2021
University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association (Independent-local) 1,120 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Saskatchewan June 30, 2022
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology Province wide, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 690 employees
  • Administrative officers
Saskatchewan June 30, 2022
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology Province wide, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,520 employees
  • Librarians
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Saskatchewan June 30, 2023
Prairie South School Division No. 210 Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 630 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Saskatchewan July 31, 2021
Prairie Spirit School Division No. 206 Warman, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 590 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Saskatchewan August 31, 2019
St. Paul's RCSS Division No. 20 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 600 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
Saskatchewan August 30, 2020
Saskatoon School Division No. 13 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,223 employees
  • Public works and other labourers, n.e.c.
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
Saskatchewan August 31, 2020
Board of Education of the Regina School Division No. 4 Regina, Saskatchewan Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 590 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Saskatchewan August 31, 2021
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 1,130 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Saskatchewan August 31, 2022
Government of Saskatchewan Province wide, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (Independent-natl.) 12,800 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Saskatchewan August 31, 2023
University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 1,500 employees
  • Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
Saskatchewan August 31, 2023
University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,000 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Saskatchewan December 31, 2020
University de Regina Regina, Saskatchewan Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 730 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Saskatchewan December 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta University of Alberta Non-Academic Staff Association (Independent-local) 6,000 employees
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Alberta March 31, 2019
Alberta Health Services Province wide, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 26,000 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Administrative officers
Alberta March 31, 2020
University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 4,800 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Alberta March 31, 2020
Covenant Health - Misericordia Community Hospital and Villa Caritas Edmonton, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 600 employees
  • General office support workers
Alberta March 31, 2021
Good Samaritan Society Province wide, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 1,400 employees
  • Licensed practical nurses
Alberta June 30, 2017
University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta The University of Calgary Faculty Association (Independent-local) 2,470 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Alberta June 30, 2020
Carewest - Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre Calgary, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 1,400 employees
  • Licensed practical nurses
Alberta June 30, 2020
CapitalCare Group Inc. and St. Joseph's Auxiliary Hospital Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 1,300 employees
  • Licensed practical nurses
  • Administrative officers
Alberta June 30, 2020
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 1,140 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • Administrative officers
Alberta June 30, 2020
Grant MacEwan University Edmonton, Alberta Grant MacEwan University Faculty Association (Independent-local) 1,000 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Alberta June 30, 2020
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Calgary, Alberta SAIT Academic Faculty Association (Independent-local) 993 employees
  • Librarians
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Alberta June 30, 2020
Mount Royal University Calgary, Alberta Mount Royal Faculty Association (Independent-local) 900 employees
  • Librarians
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Alberta June 30, 2020
Carewest - Glenmore Parks and George Boyack Calgary, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 700 employees
  • Public works and other labourers, n.e.c.
  • Administrative officers
Alberta June 30, 2020
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Polytechnic Calgary, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 650 employees
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Alberta June 30, 2020
Board of Governors of Bow Valley College Calgary, Alberta The Bow Valley College Faculty Association (Independent-local) 600 employees
  • Administrative officers
Alberta June 30, 2020
Intercare Corporate Group Inc. Calgary, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,420 employees
  • Licensed practical nurses
  • Administrative officers
Alberta June 30, 2022
Calgary School District No. 19 Calgary, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 6,510 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Board of Trustees of the Calgary Board of Education Calgary, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 6,350 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Settlement has been ratified.
Calgary Board of Education Calgary, Alberta Calgary Board of Education Staff Association (Independent-local) 5,000 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Alberta August 31, 2020
Edmonton School District No. 7 Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 4,800 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Calgary Roman Catholic Separate School District No.1 Calgary, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 3,110 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Edmonton School District No. 7 Edmonton, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,000 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
Alberta August 31, 2020
Edmonton CSSD No. 7 Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 2,250 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Edmonton Catholic Separate School District No. 7 Edmonton, Alberta Unifor (Independent-natl.) 1,500 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • General office support workers
Alberta August 31, 2020
Rocky View School Division No. 41 Rocky View County, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 1,180 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Edmonton School District No. 7 Edmonton, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 850 employees
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
Alberta August 31, 2020
Elk Island PSRD No. 14 Improvement District No. 13 Elk Island, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 820 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Settlement has been ratified.
Calgary Board of Education Calgary, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 680 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
Alberta August 31, 2020
Fort McMurray School District No. 2833 Improvement District No. 24 Wood Buffalo, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 630 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Black Gold Regional Division No. 18 Leduc County, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 620 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Lethbridge School District No. 51 Lethbridge, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 590 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Parkland School Division No. 70 Stony Plain, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 580 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Chinook's Edge School Division No. 73 Red Deer, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 550 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Red Deer Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 17 Red Deer, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 530 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Red Deer Public School District No. 104 Red Deer, Alberta Alberta Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 520 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
Alberta August 31, 2020
Black Gold Regional Division No. 18 Leduc County, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 500 employees
  • Library and public archive technicians
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Alberta August 31, 2021
Calgary Laboratory Services (CLS) Calgary, Alberta Health Sciences Association of Alberta (CLC) 4,720 employees
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
Alberta September 30, 2020
Nutra 2000 Province wide, Alberta Canadian National Federation of Independent Unions (AFL-CIO/CLC) 990 employees
  • Licensed practical nurses
  • Health occupations
Alberta November 30, 2020
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Post-Secondary Employers' Association Province wide, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 3,200 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia March 31, 2019
Health Employers Association of Brithis Columbia Province wide, British Columbia British Columbia Nurses' Union (CLC) 44,000 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Health Employers Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (CLC) 15,970 employees
  • Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
  • Health occupations
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Community Social Services Employers' Association, Community Living Services Province wide, British Columbia British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (CLC) 10,950 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Social workers
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Community Social Services Employers’ Association (General Services) Province wide, British Columbia British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (CLC) 4,070 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Social workers
  • Health occupations
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Post-Secondary Employers' Association Province wide, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 3,200 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia March 31, 2022
University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,037 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Health Employers Association of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia Resident Doctors of BC (Independent-natl.) 1,300 employees
  • Specialist physicians
British Columbia March 31, 2022
University College of the Fraser Valley Abbotsford, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 1,290 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Simon Fraser University Burnaby, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,240 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Kwantlen Polytechnic University Surrey, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 1,070 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia March 31, 2022
University of Victoria Victoria, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 900 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
British Columbia March 31, 2022
University of Victoria Victoria, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 868 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Vancouver Island University Nanaimo, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 800 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Vancouver Community College Vancouver, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 770 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Langara College Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 730 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Langara College Vancouver, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 710 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Capilano University North Vancouver, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 670 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Thompson Rivers University Kamloops, British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (CLC) 650 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Simon Fraser University Burnaby, British Columbia Teaching Support Staff Union (Independent-local) 1,500 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia April 30, 2022
University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia Faculty Association of The University of British Columbia (Independent-local) 4,170 employees
  • Librarians
  • University professors and lecturers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
British Columbia Institute of Technology Burnaby, British Columbia British Columbia Institute of Technology Faculty and Staff Association (Independent-local) 2,500 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 39 - Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,320 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 23 - Central Okanagan Kelowna, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,190 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 41 - Burnaby Burnaby, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,130 employees
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
University of Victoria Victoria, British Columbia Professional Employees Association (Independent-natl.) 960 employees
  • Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
  • Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 34 - Abbotsford Abbotsford, British Columbia Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 900 employees
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 57 - Prince George Prince George, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 870 employees
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
British Columbia Institute of Technology Burnaby, British Columbia British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (CLC) 860 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
Okanagan College Kelowna, British Columbia British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (CLC) 810 employees
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
Board of Education of School District 42, Maple Ridge-Pitt MeadowsSchool District Maple Ridge, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 802 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 44 - North Vancouver North Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 800 employees
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
Douglas College New Westminster, British Columbia British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (CLC) 780 employees
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 68 - Nanaimo/Ladysmith Nanaimo, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 740 employees
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 39 - Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 720 employees
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 73 - Kamloops/Thompson Kamloops, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 700 employees
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 38 - Richmond Richmond, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 690 employees
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 37 - Delta Delta, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 610 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
School District No. 71 - Comox Valley Comox, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 500 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • General office support workers
British Columbia June 30, 2022
University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,090 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia August 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Vancouver Community College Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 624 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
British Columbia September 30, 2022
All territories
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Yukon Province wide, Yukon Territory Yukon Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 900 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
All territories June 30, 2021
All territories
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Nunavut Province wide, Nunavut Nunavut Teachers' Association (Independent-natl.) 710 employees
  • Secondary and elementary school teachers and educational counsellors
All territories June 30, 2021
Entertainment and hospitality
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
National Arts Centre Corporation Ottawa, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 100 employees
  • Other service support occupations, n.e.c.
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Canadian Museum of History Gatineau, Quebec Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 330 employees
  • Technical occupations related to museums and art galleries
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
Professional Association of Canadian Theatres Province wide, Ontario Canadian Actors' Equity Association (CLC) 5,500 employees
  • Occupations in manufacturing and utilities
  • Other performers, n.e.c.
Federal jurisdiction June 28, 2020
Professional Association of Canadian Theatres Canada wide, Multiprovince Playwrights Guild of Canada (Independent-natl.) 890 employees
  • Authors and writers
Federal jurisdiction June 27, 2021
Canadian Museum of Nature Ottawa, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 110 employees
  • Technical occupations related to museums and art galleries
Federal jurisdiction June 15, 2022
National Arts Centre Corporation Ottawa, Ontario International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 220 employees
  • Support occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts
Federal jurisdiction August 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Société des casinos du Québec inc. Montréal, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 860 employees
  • Casino occupations
Quebec March 31, 2017
Société des casinos du Québec Montréal, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,100 employees
  • Casino occupations
Quebec March 31, 2020
Société des casinos du Québec Inc. Montréal, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 510 employees
  • Food and beverage servers
Quebec March 31, 2022
Confédération des syndicats nationaux et ses organismes affiliés Province wide, Quebec Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de la CSN (Independent-local) 680 employees
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Quebec May 31, 2021
Station Mont-Tremblant, Société en commandite Mont-Tremblant, Quebec Fédération du commerce inc. (CSN) 738 employees
  • Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
Quebec October 31, 2021
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Sheraton Centre Toronto Toronto, Ontario UNITE HERE Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 580 employees
  • Hotel front desk clerks
Ontario January 31, 2022
VHA Home Healthcare Toronto, Ontario Service Employees International Union (CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario March 31, 2021
Gate Gourmet Canada Inc. Toronto, Ontario Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 730 employees
  • Occupations in food and beverage service
Ontario March 31, 2021
The Fairmont Royal York Hotel Toronto, Ontario UNITE HERE Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 940 employees
  • Hotel front desk clerks
  • Food and beverage servers
Ontario April 30, 2022
Cara Operations cob as Swiss Chalet Restaurants Province wide, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 2,700 employees
  • Occupations in food and beverage service
Ontario May 31, 2019
Ontario Gaming West GTA LP/c.o.b. Elements Casino Brantford Brantford, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 650 employees
  • Casino occupations
  • Occupations in food and beverage service
Ontario May 31, 2022
Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd. Toronto, Ontario Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Occupations in food and beverage service
Ontario June 30, 2020
Ontario Gaming GTA LP/c.o.b. Great Blue Heron Casino Scugog, Ontario Unifor (Independent-natl.) 800 employees
  • Casino occupations
  • Occupations in food and beverage service
Ontario July 23, 2022
HMS Host - Lester B. Pearson International Airport Mississauga, Ontario United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 500 employees
  • Hotel front desk clerks
Ontario December 11, 2019
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Manitoba Lotteries Corporation Winnipeg, Manitoba Unifor (Independent-natl.) 970 employees
  • Casino occupations
Manitoba June 4, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
OEM Remanufacturing A Finning Enterprise Edmonton, Alberta Christian Labour Association of Canada (Independent-natl.) 590 employees
  • Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
Alberta December 31, 2023
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
White Spot Limited Vancouver, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 800 employees
  • Food and beverage servers
British Columbia January 15, 2022
BDC (Empress Hotel) Investment Corporation (Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria) Victoria, British Columbia Unifor (Independent-natl.) 620 employees
  • Hotel front desk clerks
British Columbia March 1, 2020
Hospitality Industrial Relations Province wide, British Columbia UNITE HERE Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,200 employees
  • Hotel front desk clerks
British Columbia May 31, 2020
Greater Vancouver Hotel Employers' Association Vancouver, British Columbia UNITE HERE Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,600 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Hotel front desk clerks
British Columbia June 30, 2018
Pacific National Exhibition Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,300 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Other service support occupations, n.e.c.
  • Other customer and information services representatives
British Columbia December 31, 2020
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Institute of Communication Agencies and Association of Canadian Advertisers Toronto, Ontario Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (CLC) 600 employees
  • Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
Multi-provinces June 30, 2020
Public administration
Federal jurisdiction
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Canadian Federal Pilots Association (Independent-natl.) 420 employees
  • Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
Federal jurisdiction January 25, 2023
Government of Canada Province wide, British Columbia Federal Government Dockyard Trades and Labour Council (Esquimalt) (West) (AFL-CIO/CLC) 830 employees
  • Deck officers, water transport
Federal jurisdiction January 30, 2023
Communications Security Establishment Canada Ottawa, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 2,588 employees
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction February 9, 2022
House of Commons of Canada Ottawa, Ontario House of Commons Security Services Employees Association (Independent-local) 230 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2017
New Democratic Party Federal Caucus Canada wide, Multiprovince United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (AFL-CIO/CLC) 250 employees
  • Senior government managers and officials
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2020
Senate of Canada Ottawa, Ontario Senate Protective Service Employees Association (Independent-local) 172 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2020
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada wide, Multiprovince Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 220 employees
  • Program officers unique to government
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2021
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Ottawa, Ontario Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 380 employees
  • Financial auditors and accountants
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince National Police Federation (Independent-natl.) 19,000 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
Canadian Forces Base Suffield Medicine Hat, Alberta Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 110 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction March 31, 2023
Corps Canadien des Commissionnaires, division du Québec Province wide, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 100 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Federal jurisdiction April 30, 2017
House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 230 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Federal jurisdiction April 20, 2020
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Unifor (Independent-natl.) 350 employees
  • Audio and video recording technicians
Federal jurisdiction April 30, 2022
Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, Ontario Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 150 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction April 30, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Association of Justice Counsel (Independent-natl.) 2,600 employees
  • Lawyers and Quebec notaries
Federal jurisdiction May 9, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Union of Canadian Correctional Officers (CSN) 7,670 employees
  • Correctional service officers
Federal jurisdiction May 31, 2022
Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 200 employees
  • Computer network technicians
Federal jurisdiction May 31, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 5,900 employees
  • Purchasing and inventory control workers
  • Other financial officers
  • Financial auditors and accountants
Federal jurisdiction June 21, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association (Independent-local) 180 employees
  • University professors and lecturers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
Canadian Forces Base Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier, Quebec Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 120 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction June 30, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 8,500 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 3,340 employees
  • Architects
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 2,650 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 2,320 employees
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
  • Health occupations
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2022
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 1,080 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2022
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 510 employees
  • Veterinarians
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2022
Office of the Auditor General of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 155 employees
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction September 30, 2023
National Energy Board Calgary, Alberta Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 260 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Federal jurisdiction October 31, 2022
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 500 employees
  • Statistical officers and related research support occupations
Federal jurisdiction November 30, 2018
Government of Canada Canada wide, Multiprovince Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 1,950 employees
  • Statistical officers and related research support occupations
Federal jurisdiction November 30, 2023
National Capital Commission Canada wide, Multiprovince Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 400 employees
  • Administrative officers
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2021
Canada Revenue Agency Canada wide, Multiprovince Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (CLC) 11,400 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
  • Financial auditors and accountants
  • Financial managers
Federal jurisdiction December 21, 2022
Government of Canada Halifax, Nova Scotia Federal Government Dockyard Trades and Labour Council (East) (AFL-CIO/CLC) 760 employees
  • Deck officers, water transport
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2022
City of Yellowknife Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 191 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Federal jurisdiction December 31, 2023
Newfoundland and Labrador
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Province wide, Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (CLC) 3,470 employees
  • Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Newfoundland and Labrador March 31, 2020
Prince Edward Island
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Prince Edward Island Province wide, Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Union of Public Sector Employees (CLC) 2,600 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Prince Edward Island March 31, 2018
Nova Scotia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Nova Scotia Province wide, Nova Scotia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
Nova Scotia October 31, 2020
Halifax Regional Municipality Halifax, Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Union of Public and Private Employees (CCU) 690 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Nova Scotia October 31, 2021
New Brunswick
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees (NUPGE) 2,120 employees
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
New Brunswick March 31, 2019
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 540 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Health occupations
New Brunswick June 15, 2017
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,200 employees
  • Health occupations
New Brunswick August 15, 2017
Government of New Brunswick Province wide, New Brunswick Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,500 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
New Brunswick December 15, 2017
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Quebec Province wide, Quebec Syndicat des agents de la paix en services correctionnels du Québec (Independent-natl.) 2,530 employees
  • Correctional service officers
Quebec March 31, 2020
Settlement has been ratified.
Société québécoise des infrastructures Québec, Quebec Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du Gouvernement du Québec (Independent-natl.) 600 employees
  • Administrative officers
Quebec March 31, 2020
Settlement has been ratified.
Autorité des marchés financiers Montréal, Quebec Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du Gouvernement du Québec (Independent-natl.) 501 employees
  • Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
Quebec March 31, 2020
Government of Quebec Province wide, Quebec Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec (Independent-natl.) 3,600 employees
  • Health occupations
Quebec March 31, 2021
Settlement has been ratified.
Government of Quebec Province wide, Quebec Quebec Provincial Police Association (Independent-natl.) 5,400 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Quebec March 31, 2022
Government of Quebec Province wide, Quebec Syndicat de la fonction publique et parapublique du Québec (Independent-natl.) 27,000 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Quebec March 31, 2023
Government of Quebec Province wide, Quebec Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du Gouvernement du Québec (Independent-natl.) 21,000 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Quebec March 31, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
Government of Quebec Province wide, Quebec Syndicat de la fonction publique et parapublique du Québec (Independent-natl.) 4,000 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
Quebec March 31, 2023
Gouvernement du Québec Province wide, Quebec Association professionnelle des ingénieurs du gouvernement du Québec (Independent-natl.) 1,800 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Quebec March 31, 2023
City of Laval Laval, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 910 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Quebec December 31, 2018
City of Levis Lévis, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 530 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
Quebec December 31, 2019
City of Montreal Montréal, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 650 employees
  • Security guards and related security service occupations
Quebec December 31, 2020
City of Montréal Montréal, Quebec Fédération des policiers et policières municipaux du Québec (Independent-natl.) 4,500 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Quebec December 31, 2021
City of Laval Laval, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 750 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
Quebec December 31, 2021
La Commission de la construction du Québec Province wide, Quebec Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (CLC) 569 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Quebec December 31, 2021
City of Laval Laval, Quebec Fédération des employées et employés de services publics inc. (CSN) 960 employees
  • Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
Quebec December 31, 2022
City of Longueuil Longueuil, Quebec Fédération des policiers et policières municipaux du Québec (Independent-natl.) 668 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Quebec December 31, 2022
City of Montréal Montréal, Quebec Syndicat des professionnelles et professionnels municipaux de Montréal (Independent-local) 2,309 employees
  • Architects, urban planners and land surveyors
Quebec December 31, 2023
La Société des établissements de plein air du Québec Province wide, Quebec Syndicat de la fonction publique et parapublique du Québec (Independent-natl.) 1,445 employees
  • Public works and other labourers, n.e.c.
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Administrative officers
Quebec December 31, 2023
Ville de Québec Québec, Quebec Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,400 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
Quebec December 31, 2023
Ville de Québec Québec, Quebec Syndicat des fonctionnaires municipaux de Québec inc. (Independent-local) 1,200 employees
  • General office support workers
Quebec December 31, 2023
Ville de Québec Québec, Quebec Fraternité des Policiers et des Policières de la Ville de Québec (Independent-local) 830 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Quebec December 31, 2023
La Société des établissements de plein air du Québec Province wide, Quebec Syndicat de la fonction publique et parapublique du Québec (Independent-natl.) 667 employees
  • Public works and other labourers, n.e.c.
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • Administrative officers
Quebec December 31, 2023
City of Laval Laval, Quebec Fédération des policiers et policières municipaux du Québec (Independent-natl.) 608 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Quebec December 31, 2023
Ville de Québec Québec, Quebec Alliance des professionnelles et professionnels de la ville de Québec (Independent-local) 600 employees
  • Professional occupations in law and social, community and government services
Quebec December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Settlement has been ratified.
Regional Municipality of York Newmarket, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 540 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
Ontario March 31, 2020
Corporation of the City of Pickering Pickering, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 500 employees
  • Public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers
  • Administrative officers
Ontario March 31, 2021
Regional Municipality of York Newmarket, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 519 employees
  • Assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
Ontario March 31, 2022
Regional Municipality of Durham Whitby, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,700 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Ontario April 1, 2021
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Ontario Province wide, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,600 employees
  • General office support workers
  • Administrative officers
Ontario April 30, 2023
Corporation of The City of Barrie Barrie, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 578 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Ontario June 30, 2022
Niagara Parks Commission Niagara Falls, Ontario Ontario Public Service Employees Union (CLC) 590 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • General office support workers
Ontario October 31, 2021
City of Toronto Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 8,240 employees
  • Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
Ontario December 31, 2019
City of Toronto Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 4,240 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
Ontario December 31, 2019
Regional Municipality of Peel Police Services Board Brampton, Ontario Peel Regional Police Association (Independent-local) 2,030 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2019
Ottawa Police Services Board Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa Police Association (Independent-local) 1,340 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2019
City of Toronto Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,300 employees
  • Professional occupations in law and social, community and government services
Ontario December 31, 2019
Regional Municipality of Peel Police Services Board Brampton, Ontario Peel Regional Police Association (Independent-local) 870 employees
  • General office support workers
Ontario December 31, 2019
Waterloo Regional Police Services Board Waterloo, Ontario Waterloo Regional Police Association (Independent-local) 760 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2019
Toronto Community Housing Corporation Toronto, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 640 employees
  • Social workers
  • Administrative officers
Ontario December 31, 2019
Ottawa Police Services Board Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa Police Association (Independent-local) 570 employees
  • General office support workers
Ontario December 31, 2019
Hamilton Police Services Board Hamilton, Ontario Hamilton Police Association (Independent-local) 875 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2020
Corporation of the City of Barrie (Inside & Outside) Barrie, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 578 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Ontario December 31, 2020
Regional Municipality of Niagara Niagara Falls, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 870 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Ontario December 31, 2021
Government of Ontario Province wide, Ontario Ontario Provincial Police Association (Independent-natl.) 5,804 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2022
Government of Ontario Province wide, Ontario Ontario Provincial Police Association (Independent-natl.) 3,252 employees
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Ontario December 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
City of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario Civic Institute of Professional Personnel (Independent-local) 1,950 employees
  • Health occupations
Ontario December 31, 2022
City of London London, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 785 employees
  • Construction managers
Ontario December 31, 2022
Settlement has been ratified.
Halton Regional Police Services Board Oakville, Ontario Halton Regional Police Association (Independent-local) 700 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2022
Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay Thunder Bay, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 700 employees
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
Ontario December 31, 2022
Government of Ontario Province wide, Ontario Professional Engineers Government of Ontario (Independent-natl.) 610 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Ontario December 31, 2022
City of Hamilton Hamilton, Ontario International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO/CLC) 523 employees
  • Firefighters
Ontario December 31, 2022
Toronto Police Services Board Toronto, Ontario Toronto Police Association (Independent-local) 4,840 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2023
City of Toronto Toronto, Ontario International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO/CLC) 3,070 employees
  • Firefighters
Ontario December 31, 2023
Toronto Police Services Board Toronto, Ontario Toronto Police Association (Independent-local) 1,220 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2023
City of Kingston Kingston, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 990 employees
  • Family, marriage and other related counsellors
Ontario December 31, 2023
City of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO/CLC) 973 employees
  • Firefighters
Ontario December 31, 2023
Toronto Police Services Board Toronto, Ontario Toronto Police Association (Independent-local) 850 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Ontario December 31, 2023
City of Mississauga Mississauga, Ontario International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO/CLC) 734 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Firefighters
  • General office support workers
Ontario December 31, 2023
Halton Regional Police Services Board Oakville, Ontario Halton Regional Police Association (Independent-local) 696 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Ontario December 31, 2023
Corporation of the City of London London, Ontario Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 554 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
Ontario December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 3,150 employees
  • General office support workers
Manitoba March 29, 2019
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 2,000 employees
  • Correctional service officers
Manitoba March 29, 2019
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,980 employees
  • Other professional occupations in social science, n.e.c.
Manitoba March 29, 2019
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,690 employees
  • Administrative officers
Manitoba March 29, 2019
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,440 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Manitoba March 29, 2019
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 1,250 employees
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
Manitoba March 29, 2019
Settlement has been ratified.
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 14,800 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Manitoba March 24, 2023
Government of Manitoba Province wide, Manitoba Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 2,340 employees
  • Trades helpers, construction labourers and related occupations
Manitoba March 24, 2023
City of Winnipeg Winnipeg, Manitoba International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO/CLC) 971 employees
  • Firefighters
Manitoba December 24, 2020
City of Winnipeg Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg Police Association (Independent-local) 1,437 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
  • General office support workers
Manitoba December 23, 2021
City of Winnipeg Winnipeg, Manitoba International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 770 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • Administrative officers
Manitoba December 31, 2023
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
City of Saskatoon Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,500 employees
  • Office support occupations
Saskatchewan June 30, 2023
Government of Saskatchewan Province wide, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union (CLC) 9,410 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • Administrative officers
  • Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
Saskatchewan September 30, 2022
City of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,250 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
Saskatchewan December 31, 2021
City of Saskatoon Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatoon City Police Association (Independent-local) 530 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Saskatchewan December 31, 2022
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
ATB Financial Province wide, Alberta Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Independent-natl.) 2,000 employees
  • Administrative officers
Alberta March 31, 2020
City of Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,110 employees
  • Firefighters
Alberta December 25, 2018
Settlement has been ratified.
City of Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta Civic Service Union 52 (Independent-local) 4,400 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
Alberta December 19, 2020
City of Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton Police Association (Independent-local) 1,900 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
Alberta December 20, 2020
City of Red Deer Red Deer, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,200 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
Alberta December 31, 2020
City of Lethbridge Lethbridge, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 700 employees
  • Other professional occupations in social science, n.e.c.
Alberta December 31, 2022
City of Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 3,545 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
Alberta December 30, 2023
Settlement has been ratified.
City of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 4,200 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Alberta December 31, 2023
City of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,600 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
Alberta December 31, 2023
City of Calgary Calgary, Alberta International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO/CLC) 1,570 employees
  • Firefighters
Alberta December 31, 2023
City of Red Deer Red Deer, Alberta Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 980 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
Alberta December 31, 2023
British Columbia
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union (CLC) 2,580 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Government of British Columbia Province wide, British Columbia Professional Employees Association (Independent-natl.) 1,220 employees
  • Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
  • Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences
British Columbia March 31, 2022
Vancouver Police Board Vancouver, British Columbia British Columbia Police Association (Independent-natl.) 1,450 employees
  • Police officers (except commissioned)
British Columbia December 31, 2019
City of Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO/CLC) 780 employees
  • Firefighters
British Columbia December 31, 2019
City of Surrey Surrey, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,100 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia December 31, 2020
City of Abbotsford Abbotsford, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 550 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
British Columbia December 31, 2020
The Corporation of the District of Saanich Saanich, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,230 employees
  • Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations
British Columbia December 31, 2021
City of Burnaby Burnaby, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,130 employees
  • Construction managers
British Columbia December 31, 2021
City of New Westminster New Westminster, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 900 employees
  • Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
British Columbia December 31, 2021
Corporation of the City of Victoria Victoria, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 850 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
British Columbia December 31, 2021
Capital Regional District Victoria, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 600 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
  • Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
  • General office support workers
British Columbia December 31, 2021
Metro Vancouver Regional District Vancouver, British Columbia Greater Vancouver Regional District Employees' Union (Independent-local) 580 employees
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
British Columbia December 31, 2021
Greater Vancouver Regional District Burnaby, British Columbia Teamsters Canada (CtW/CLC) 560 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
British Columbia December 31, 2021
City of Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 5,110 employees
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
British Columbia December 31, 2022
City of Vancouver as Repr City of Vancouver (Board of Parks & Recreation) Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 2,039 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
British Columbia December 31, 2022
City of Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,150 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
British Columbia December 31, 2022
Corporation of Delta Delta, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 860 employees
  • Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
British Columbia December 31, 2022
City of Richmond Richmond, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 1,375 employees
  • Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
British Columbia December 31, 2023
City of Kamloops Kamloops, British Columbia Canadian Union of Public Employees (CLC) 645 employees
  • Public works and maintenance labourers
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
British Columbia December 31, 2023
All territories
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Yukon Province wide, Yukon Territory Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 3,750 employees
  • Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
  • Business, finance and administration occupations
All territories December 31, 2021
All territories
File Number Employer City and province Union and Affiliation Number of employees
and Bargaining unit
Jurisdiction Expiry date
Government of Northwest Territories Province wide, Northwest Territories Public Service Alliance of Canada (CLC) 5,262 employees
  • Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
  • General office support workers
All territories March 31, 2023

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