Backgrounder: Sustainable Jobs Training Fund
The Government of Canada announced eight new projects through the Sustainable Jobs Training Fund (SJTF), with over $75 million in total funding. Projects, which will run from 2025–2028, will help more than 10,000 workers upgrade or gain new skills for low-carbon economy jobs.
Funding recipients focus on one of the three following areas:
- Low-carbon energy and carbon management: projects to help workers develop skills for jobs in emerging industries and sectors related to the low-carbon agenda such as hydrogen, geothermal, wind, solar, carbon management, utilization and storage.
- Green buildings and retrofits: projects that help train a workforce to build and retrofit homes and buildings to reduce energy consumption and achieve low-carbon performance, such as the installation of low-carbon heating (including heat pumps), energy efficient components and renewable energy systems.
- Electric vehicle maintenance and charging infrastructure: projects that help train the workforce across Canada to support the country’s transition to electric vehicles with a focus on the repair and maintenance of electric vehicles and national charging infrastructure.
This investment supports economic growth, job creation and Canada’s green economy. It also aligns with Canada’s interim Sustainable Jobs Plan for 2023–2025 to guide efforts to support the move to a net-zero emissions economy.
Funding Recipients:
Organization: ACHEV
Project name: EVolveSkills: Empowering Tomorrow’s Automative Workforce Today!
Description: This project will train automative workers in electric vehicle (EV) repair and maintenance through a collaborative initiative with skills and training experts, industry and community service agencies. It will provide micro-credential training to workers, ensuring they have the skills needed for Canada’s EV transition. The training will focus on providing industry-specific skills to certified automative service technicians, mechanics, apprentices and new entrants to the field.
Priority Area: Electric Vehicle Maintenance and Charging Infrastructure
Project scope: Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta
Organization: Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute
Project name: AI Pathways: Energizing Canada’s Low-Carbon Workforce
Description: This project will help address the growing need for artificial intelligence (AI) skills in Canada’s low-carbon economy. Training combines online and in-person learning and networking to address skill shortages and prepare workers for AI’s increasing role in low-carbon energy and carbon management. It will focus on providing tailored upskilling training to mid-career energy workers from SMEs, industry associations and unions across Canada.
Priority Area: Low-Carbon Energy and Carbon Management
Project scope: Locations across Canada-virtually
Organization: Atlantic Colleges Atlantique (ACA)
Project name: Fostering the Competencies for a Green Buildings and Retrofits Industry in Atlantic Canada
Description: This project will offer training under two programs – the Atlantic Canada Green Seal Certification and Orientation to the Green Buildings and Retrofits Sector. Training will target high school level, individuals out of education or employment and mid-career workers who are considering a new career before retirement and include green literacy micro-credentials, discipline-specific coursework and upskilling in essential skills as needed. The project will prioritize supporting equity-seeking groups. Mobile training units will overcome geographical barriers, and comprehensive wrap-around support services – academic, learning supports, daycare, counselling – will also be available.
Priority Area: Green Buildings and Retrofits
Project scope: Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island
Organization: Carbon Management Canada Inc.
Project name: Talent Acceleration and Career Training in Low-carbon Energy (TACTILE)
Description: This project will help address the growing need for skilled workers in Canada’s carbon management industry. Through partnerships with industry, training institutions, community organizations and subject matter experts, this project will accelerate the development of a skilled workforce by providing hybrid training through in-class, online and onsite field training, prioritizing support for equity-seeking groups.
Priority Area: Low-Carbon Energy and Carbon Management
Project scope: Across Canada virtually; in person in Alberta
Organization: Mine Training Society
Project name: Sustainable North: Our Workforce (SNOW)
Description: This project will offer in-person skills training to mid-career workers in the Northwest Territories as well as for Indigenous youth in remote communities. Participants will benefit from experiential learning and targeted skill development opportunities to support low-carbon alternative systems and projects. This project plans to set up an Advisory Committee of employers, businesses and government stakeholders to guide the development of training programs to meet specific industry needs.
Priority Area: Low-Carbon Energy and Carbon Management
Project scope: Northwest Territories
Organization: Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology on behalf of the Canadian Colleges for a Resilient Recovery
Project name: Advancing Access and Skills Training for Green Buildings and Retrofits
Description: 15 Canadian Colleges for a Resilient Recovery (C2R2) institutions (colleges, polytechnics and cégeps) will partner to deliver training programs across the country. Using online, hybrid and with new and existing training programs, it will focus on developing curriculum for emerging areas, to address skills gaps and to increase essential knowledge on green building and retrofits.
Priority Area: Green Buildings and Retrofits
Project scope: Across Canada – virtually and hybrid with partners
Organization: Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society
Project name: Intercultural Pan-Canadian Green Buildings and Retrofits Training Project: Coast to Coast to Coast
Description: This project will offer on-the-job training in energy efficient building and retrofitting, covering green building concepts, energy analysis and renewable energy technologies. A hybrid training model (virtual/in-person) will deliver micro-credentials and on-the-job-training and wage subsidies to support the participants’ employment.
Priority Area: Green Buildings and Retrofits
Project scope: Ontario, Alberta, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Northwest Territories
Organization: Temiskaming Native Women’s Support Group
Project name: Building Green Futures in the Four Directions
Description: This project will provide training for Indigenous Peoples and equity-seeking groups in energy-efficient home retrofits and low-carbon construction. It offers a 1-week certification training for basic retrofits, as well as specialized 8-week to 3-month programs in energy advising, green construction, retrofits, renewable energy systems. Live online training on local building practices will also be offered, helping new entrants into the field.
Priority Area: Green Buildings and Retrofits
Project scope: Ontario, Alberta, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Northwest Territories
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