Backgrounder: Poverty Reduction Strategy Engagement Process


Poverty Reduction Strategy Engagement Process 

Through the engagement process the Government reached out through in-person roundtables, public town halls and online forums. Thousands of Canadians responded with surveys, shared stories and email submissions. The department compiled research information and feedback from First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, academics, researchers, stakeholders, service delivery organizations, youth and people with lived experience of poverty. 

Engagement with First Nation, Inuit and Métis people

In keeping with Canada’s commitment to renewed relationships with Indigenous peoples based on the recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership, Indigenous-specific engagement was also undertaken. The Government met with First Nations, Inuit and Métis leadership, held ministerial roundtables and facilitated engagement sessions with Indigenous communities and organizations. The Government also provided funding for engagement projects that were conducted by the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Métis National Council, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, and the Native Women’s Association of Canada.

Tackling Poverty Together Research Project

As part of the engagement, the Tackling Poverty Together research project conducted extensive case studies with people in six cities across Canada–particularly those with experience of poverty–to closely examine the impact of federal poverty reduction programs locally. A report on key findings was released last fall and is available on

#ReducePoverty in Canada Youth Contest

The Government called for ideas to #ReducePoverty in Canada through a contest for youth aged 12 to 24 years old, and young Canadians from across the country responded. Five innovative, passionate and inspired entries were chosen to be presented at the National Poverty Conference in Ottawa, Ontario last September, and can be seen on

Ministerial Advisory Committee on Poverty

The Ministerial Advisory Committee on Poverty is composed of 17 leaders from academia, business and service delivery working in the field of poverty reduction, as well as individuals who have experienced poverty first-hand. The Committee members provide expertise and independent advice to the Minister.

National Poverty Conference

On September 27-28, 2017, the National Poverty Conference brought together academics, stakeholders, researchers, front-line service providers, people with lived experience of poverty, youth and members of the Advisory Committee on Poverty to discuss what was heard from Canadians during the engagement process.

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