ESDC Regulatory Stock Review Plan 2023 to 2024

This Regulatory Stock Review Plan is a public list and description of planned reviews of regulations that Employment and Social Development (ESDC) is proposing for 2023 to 2024. It is intended to give Canadians, including businesses and Indigenous peoples, and trading partners, greater opportunity to inform the reviews of regulations and to plan for the future.

The stock review plan identifies the ESDC contact point for the planned reviews. The stock review plan will be adjusted and updated over time to reflect ESDC’s regulatory priorities and changes to the operating environment.

1. Employment Insurance Regulations and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations

Enabling Act


Regular review is undertaken to ensure that existing regulations continue to support program and policy objectives, and ensure regulations remain relevant and allow for the continued effective and efficient administration of the Employment Insurance (EI) program and other programs falling under the EI Act.

Together, the Employment Insurance Regulations and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations stipulate operational and administrative provisions for the EI program. The EI (Fishing) Regulations ensure that fishers are treated equitably in relation to other claimants, and amendments would generally be suggested by changes in policy or program operations in the EI Regulations.


The EI Regulations and EI (Fishing) Regulations comprise administrative and operational provisions related to the following:

  • administration of benefits (including regular unemployment benefits and special benefits including maternity, parental, sickness, and caregiving benefits);
  • active employment measures and collaboration with provinces and territories, and Indigenous organizations to provide skills training and employment supports;
  • the creation and operation of the National Employment Service; and
  • administration of EI benefits for fishers.

Changes to the EI Regulations and EI (Fishing) Regulations are made by the Canada Employment Insurance Commission, as provided for in the EI Act, for the operation of the EI program. These regulations have been put in place to facilitate the operations of the EI program overall, including benefits for fishers, and are reviewed and amended as required as changes are made to the program or in response to changes in Canadian society and the labour market. Review of the regulations or parts of the regulations is undertaken on an ongoing basis.

Detailed parameters of the review are to be determined.

Date of last review or amendment (Year)

The EI Regulations and EI Fishing Regulations are reviewed and amended on an ongoing and regular basis in response to changing program requirements, policy, issues arising from legal challenges, and changes in the labour market and economy. As such, these regulations are not static entities, but are continuously reviewed in consultation with stakeholders.

Targeted start for review (Year)

These regulations are reviewed and amended on an ongoing basis in response to changing program requirements, policy, issues arising from legal challenges, and changes in the labour market and economy. The Department meets regularly with stakeholder groups and receives input from judicial processes and correspondence from Canadians. Additionally, the Commissioners of the Canada Employment Insurance Commission meet with employer and worker stakeholders and represent their constituents’ views. All of these processes contribute to a continuous review of regulations outside the framework of a regular review. For these reasons, a longer timeframe is recommended for a general review of the regulations.

Stakeholder Feedback




For further information


Departmental contact

Mona Nandy
Director General
Employment Insurance Policy Directorate
Employment and Social Development Canada

2. Social Insurance Number (SIN) Regulations

Enabling Acts


This regulatory initiative aims to address a number of issues raised by the Standing Joint Committee on the Scrutiny of Regulations (SJCSR – a joint committee of the House of Commons and Senate that is tasked with reviewing and making recommendations on the legality and procedural aspects of regulations).


The objective of this review is to address items raised by the SJCSR and to conduct a full review of the regulations in their entirety to ensure consistency and accuracy. The issues identified by the SJCSR are administrative in nature and would improve consistency and clarity within the SIN Regulations. The specific items raised by the SJCSR consist of the following:

  • Clarification regarding wording in section 4;
  • Clarifications regarding wording used to reflect operational practices in section 3(4); and
  • Ensuring concordance between English and French in section 2 and paragraph 5(2)(a).

This review and amendments were included in the 2022 to 2024 Forward Regulatory Plan.

Date of last review or amendment (Year)

The last amendment took place in 2018 (SOR/2018-136).

Targeted start for review (Year)

The targeted start for the review process is the 2022 to 2023 fiscal year. The expected timeframe to complete the review process is one year.

Stakeholder Feedback

N/A – Given the administrative nature of these regulatory amendments, there are no public consultation opportunities with stakeholders planned at this time. Treasury Board Secretariat approval will be sought for exemption to Canada Gazette, Part I pre-publication.


N/A – The review and amendment process is not yet complete.

For further information


Departmental contact:

Chris Durham-Valentino
Director, Policy and Partnerships
Integrity Services Branch
Service Canada
Employment and Social Development Canada

For more information

Consult ESDC’s acts and regulations web page for:

  • a list of acts and regulations administered by ESDC
  • further information on ESDC’s implementation of government-wide regulatory management initiatives

Consult the following for links to the Cabinet Directive on Regulation and supporting policies and guidance, and for information on government-wide regulatory initiatives implemented by departments across the Government of Canada:

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit:

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