Commissioner for Workers: Mr. Pierre Laliberté

Mr. Laliberté was reappointed as the Commissioner for Workers at the Canada Employment Insurance Commission (CEIC) for a three-year term, effective October 9, 2023. Mr. Laliberté was first appointed to the CEIC in the fall of 2016 as the interim Commissioner for Workers. In 2017, he was designated to fulfill the role for 3 years and was subsequently re-appointed as Commissioner for Workers in 2020.
Mr. Laliberté has had a long professional career as an economist. He worked for 20 years serving trade union organizations such as the Canadian Labour Congress, the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec and the United Steelworkers. Prior to his appointment at the CEIC, he worked at the International Labour Office in Geneva, as a research specialist and as editor for the International Journal of Labour Research.
Mr. Laliberté has actively participated as a member on many advisory boards and holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Massachusetts.
Consultation and engagement
The Commissioner for Workers is responsible for representing the views and positions of organizations and individuals affected by Employment and Social Development Canada's Employment Insurance program. By consulting stakeholders, the Commissioner is able to convey their concerns and positions regarding administration of legislation, policy development and program delivery.
Contact us
Commissioner for Workers
Canada Employment Insurance Commission
Place du Portage
Phase IV
Gatineau QC K1A 0J9
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