Canada Employment Insurance Commission (CEIC)

The CEIC plays a leadership role, with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), in overseeing the Employment Insurance (EI) program. For more than 75 years, this tripartite organization has included representation from business, labour and the Government of Canada.


Services and information

The CEIC plays a key role in overseeing the EI program. ESDC and Service Canada carry on the administration of the EI program on behalf of the Commission.

The Commission has the legislated mandate to annually monitor and assess the EI program. In this context, the CEIC is responsible for:

  • overseeing a research agenda for the annual EI Monitoring and Assessment Report, including the impact and effectiveness of employment benefits and support measures; and
  • delivering the report to the Minister by fiscal year end, for tabling in Parliament.

The Commission also has responsibilities in the following areas.

EI policy and regulations

The CEIC , under the authority of the Employment Insurance Act:

  • reviews and approves policies related to EI program administration and delivery; and
  • makes regulations, with the approval of the Governor in Council

Financial transparency/rate setting:

  • the CEIC commissions an EI premium report from the Senior Actuary and prepares a summary report
  • delivers both reports to the ministers of ESDC and Finance for tabling in Parliament
  • sets the annual EI premium rate according to the projections of the Senior Actuary; and
  • sets the annual maximum insurable earnings according to the legislative requirement

EI appeals

Additionally, the CEIC has authority to perform duties and functions in relation to, but not limited to:

  • making regulations, with the approval of the Governor in Council, regarding the registration for, use of and periods of validity of the Social Insurance Number
  • overseeing delivery of pan-Canadian programming activities under EI Part II
  • approving amendments to Provincial and Territorial EI Part II funding agreements
  • approving Work-Sharing agreements of $600,000 or more
  • employment services
  • developing and using labour market resources; and
  • performing duties and functions as directed by the Minister and/or the Governor in Council

What we are doing


Read more EI Reports.

Consultation and engagement

The Commissioners, establish and maintain working relationships, and consult with, private-sector organizations and individuals that are clients of, or affected by, ESDC programs and services, particularly with regard to EI. These relationships fulfill the representational responsibilities of the commissioners and enable them to reflect internally the concerns and positions of the private sector regarding the administration of legislation, policy development and implementation, and program delivery.

Learn about past EI Consultation activities.


The Commission has 4 members, representing the interests of government, workers and employers.

The Commissioner for Workers and the Commissioner for Employers are appointed by the Governor in Council for terms of up to 5 years. They are mandated to represent and reflect the views of their respective constituencies.

The chairperson and vice-chairperson are respectively the Deputy Minister and Senior Associate Deputy Minister of ESDC, who represent the interests of government. The Vice-Chairperson votes on decisions only if the Chairperson is unavailable.

Paul Thompson

Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Development

Cliff Groen

Senior Associate Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Development and Chief Operating Officer for Service Canada

Pierre Laliberté

Commissioner for Workers

Nancy Healey

Commissioner for Employers

Contact us

If you have questions about the CEIC, contact the Commissioner for Workers or the Commissioner for Employers.

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