Government of Canada invests in innovation with support for DigiHub Shawinigan

News release

Shawinigan organization receives $473,600 in financial assistance from CED.

Shawinigan, Quebec, July 12, 2024Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)

Supporting innovation and growth contributes to economic development in Quebec’s regions. That is why the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, today announced, on behalf of the Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED, a non‑repayable contribution of $473,600 for DigiHub Shawinigan (La Station du numérique). This CED support is enabling the organization to acquire significant computational power, strengthening its technological convergence hub. The aim of this hub is to propel businesses forward in innovation in artificial intelligence, blockchains, metaverses (digital twins), and quantum computing.

DigiHub Shawinigan (La Station du numérique) embodies the future of the technological ecosystem by offering an environment where creativity, expertise and cutting‑edge technologies converge. DigiHub stands out for its versatility, acting as an incubator, accelerator, innovation laboratory, and multi‑purpose collaborative space.

Its new computational power marks a decisive turn in its mission to guide businesses. This state-of-the-art infrastructure accelerates the digital transformation and democratizes access to advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), digital twins, and quantum computing. By facilitating experimentation and the adoption of innovative solutions, DigiHub stimulates business competitiveness.

The Government of Canada recognizes and supports businesses and organizations that are a source of pride in their communities. Quebec’s economic growth relies on organizations with strong roots in the regional economy; they are key assets in building a sustainable, inclusive economy.


“SMEs and organizations are at the heart of innovation and economic growth in our communities. Our government is proud to support businesses such as DigiHub Shawinigan. With this investment, DigiHub will be able to develop its technological convergence hub aimed at strengthening its capacity to innovate and guide innovative businesses using new technologies. Its contribution to Shawinigan’s economic vitality is important, and our economy as a whole will benefit from the success and spin‑offs of this project.”

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Member of Parliament for Saint-Maurice–Champlain and Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

“Our government supports businesses and organizations that leverage new technologies in their operations. That is why we are providing our assistance to DigiHub, whose success is raising the profile not only of the Shawinigan region, but also of the entire Canadian economy. By aiding businesses and organizations such as DigiHub equip themselves with what they need, we are helping to build a stronger, more resilient, more sustainable economy.”

The Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED

“CED’s investment is propelling DigiHub towards the cutting edge of technology, enabling us to create a rapid calculation hub combining high performance with AI and quantum technology. Equipped with a state-of-the-art GPU and reinforced expertise, we are ready to revolutionize digital innovation. This crucial support will enable us, along with our partners, to rapidly realize the most daring ambitions of businesses and start‑ups, while also positioning Canada as an industry leader in these technologies of the future.”

Philippe Nadeau, Executive Director, La Station du numérique – DigiHub Shawinigan

Quick facts

  • The funds have been granted under CED’s Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program. This program targets entrepreneurs leveraging innovation to grow their businesses and enhance their competitiveness, as well as regional economic stakeholders helping to create an entrepreneurial environment conducive to innovation and growth for all, across all regions.
  • In Quebec, SMEs account for 99.7% of the province’s businesses and 50% of its GDP.
  • CED is the key federal partner in Quebec’s regional economic development. With its 12 regional business offices, CED accompanies businesses, supporting organizations and all regions across Quebec into tomorrow’s economy.

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Media Relations
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

Marie-Justine Torres
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
Cell: 613-327-5918

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