Invitation to media – Élisabeth Brière to announce Government of Canada support for Cuisine collective le Blé d’Or and Corporation de développement communautaire de Sherbrooke

Media advisory

Invitation to media - CED.CANADA.CA

Sherbrooke, Quebec, May 19, 2022Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)

Élisabeth Brière, Member of Parliament for Sherbrooke and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, will announce Government of Canada financial contributions for the Cuisine collective le Blé d’Or and the Corporation de développement communautaire de Sherbrooke. This support will enable the two organizations to upgrade their facilities.

The announcement of these CED financial contributions will be made on behalf of the Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Member of Parliament for Brome–Missisquoi, Minister of Sport and Minister responsible for CED.

May 20, 2022

9:15 a.m.

Cuisine Collective le Blé d’Or
1765 Rue Belvédère Sud
Sherbrooke, Quebec
J1H 4E4

Masks may be worn during this event at the discretion of participants. Those who are vulnerable and the elderly are recommended to do so. Anyone who is symptomatic or who has had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and who wishes to participate in this activity must ensure they follow all applicable isolation directives. In case of doubt, go to the COVID-19 self‑assessment tool for information on any measures you may need to follow based on your situation.

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Media Relations
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

Ariane Joazard-Bélizaire
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Sport and Minister responsible for Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

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