River-class Destroyer Project (formerly known as the Canadian surface combatant)

Project summary

Canada’s defence policy, “Strong, Secure, Engaged” (SSE), has committed to investing in 15 Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) ships. Known as the River-class Destroyers (RCD), these ships will be Canada’s major surface component of maritime combat power. With its effective warfare capability and versatility, it can be deployed rapidly anywhere in the world, either independently or as part of a Canadian or international coalition. The RCD will be able to deploy for many months with a limited logistic footprint.

The RCD will be able to conduct a broad range of tasks, including:

The acquisition is for 15 ships to replace both the retired Iroquois-class Destroyers and the Halifax-class frigates, with an estimated cost of $56-60 billion. This project cost also includes necessary ammunition, training, support, and infrastructure. Further costs for personnel, operations, and maintenance for the life cycle of the RCD ships are greatly influenced by the ship design and will therefore only be available later in the process.  Start of construction on a production test module (PTM) began on June 28, 2024.

As of January 2024, five contracts have been awarded for a total of $9.7 billion to support the options analysis and design phases. These contracts span several years, and as of January 2024, approximately $2.6 billion of this value has been spent.  Plans are underway for the Government of Canada to award a build contract to Irving Shipbuilding Inc., to support the start of Full Rate Production on the first three ships in 2025.

The RCD project is part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy. The RCD project is the largest and most complex shipbuilding initiative in Canada since the Second World War. This project will also help revitalize the Canadian shipbuilding industry, sustaining and creating thousands of high-skill jobs and enabling our ability to support the ships domestically when in service.

Project phases*

Currently in Phase 3: Definition

1. Identification

1. Identification

  • Completed through the National Shipbuilding Strategy
2. Options analysis

2. Options analysis

  • Completed through the National Shipbuilding Strategy
3. Definition

3. Definition

  • Phase 1 revised: December 11, 2014
  • Request for proposals launch: October 27, 2016
  • Project approval for phase 2A – Initial Design Review: June 8, 2017
  • Request for proposal close: November 30, 2017
  • Selection of the warship design and design team and contract award of Definition Contract: February 7, 2019
  • Revised project approval for design and production engineering: May 30, 2019
  • Revised Project Approval (Definition Phase 2 - Design & Production Engineering): March 16, 2021
  • Revised Project Approval (Definition Phase 2 - Design & Production Engineering): December 13, 2022
  • Start of construction of Production Test Module: June 28, 2024
4. Implementation

4. Implementation

  • Expected Implementation project approval: 2024/2025
  • Expected Construction contract award: 2024/2025
  • First delivery: Early 2030s
  • Final delivery: by 2050
5. Close-out

5. Close-out

  • Late 2040s

* We are working closely with our industry partners to find efficiencies and accelerate estimated design and build schedule timelines.

Learn more about the Defence procurement process.

Additional information

Project updates

Project updates

October 2024
Project name changed from Canadian Combatant Project to River-Class Destroyer Project

June 2024
Start of construction on the Production Test Module.

The Preliminary Design Review Exit was completed in December 2022 and the design is now progressing through the Functional Design phase Within Functional Design, an Initial Critical Design Review was conducted in April 2024 and Final Critical Design Review is forecasted for 2025. Design work is progressing to support the start of full rate production on Batch 1 ships in 2025.

Following a Zonal Design approach, mature elements of the ship design are progressively transitioning into Detailed Design. This allows design progress to support the start of construction on mature parts of the ship design, while design of the more complex portions of the ship continues to progress in parallel to the start of construction. This will enable the project to achieve delivery of the first CSC ship in the early 2030s.

November 2019
The requirements reconciliation phase of design work was substantially completed, and preliminary design work began.

February 8, 2019
The Government of Canada confirmed that the bid from Lockheed Martin Canada has been selected for the design and design team for the Canadian Surface Combatants. Irving Shipbuilding Inc., the project’s prime contractor, awarded a sub-contract to Lockheed Martin Canada for work to finalize the design. The winning bid is based on the BAE Systems Type 26 Global Combat Ship.

October 19, 2018
The Government of Canada and Irving Shipbuilding Inc. have identified Lockheed Martin Canada, Inc. as the preferred bidder to provide the design and design team for the Royal Canadian Navy’s future Canadian Surface Combatants.

December 4, 2017
The bid evaluation process commenced.

November 30, 2017
The Definition Subcontract Request for Proposal (RFP) closes, beginning the evaluation process that will select an existing warship design for the new surface combatants. The design will be revised and evolved to meet RCN’s requirements and will incorporate Canadian systems and equipment.

November 10, 2017
An additional extension was announced stating the RFP will close on November 30, 2017.

September 20, 2017

Eligible bidders were informed the RFP will close on November 17, 2017.

September 1, 2017
Re-baseline dates were approved at the Executive Government Committee.

June 19, 2017
The Government of Canada and Irving Shipbuilding Inc. began a voluntary compliance review of the draft bids submitted by the bidders, in accordance with the CSC Definition Subcontract RFP.

June 7, 2017
Canada’s new Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, was released, citing the procurement of 15 Canadian Surface Combatants with an updated overall project budget.

June 5, 2017
A second extension was granted, and the deadline for bid submissions was communicated to be “no sooner than mid-August 2017”.

March 17, 2017
Re-baseline dates were approved at the CSC Senior Review Board.

February 16, 2017
At the request of the 12 eligible bidders, the Government and Irving Shipbuilding extended the bid submission deadline by eight weeks, and the RFP was to close on June 22, 2017.

October 27, 2016
The final documents for the Definition Subcontract RFP were issued by Irving Shipbuilding to select the CSC Design Subcontractor. A robust question-and-answer process followed the RFP release and is ongoing.

August 30, 2016
The re-qualification period closed and yielded the same list of pre-qualified companies.

June 13, 2016
The Government announced a refined procurement approach to simplify the procurement process, reduce design risks and potentially allow construction to begin sooner. This new approach maintains all of the project objectives and continues to leverage meaningful economic opportunities for the Canadian marine sector.

Between May and the end of August 2016
The Government held four separate industry engagement sessions with pre-qualified bidders to solicit industry feedback on the CSC in the following areas:

  • The draft high-level systems requirements for the CSC.
  • The Definition Subcontract Request for Proposal (RFP) and Value Proposition. Discussions revolved around industry’s plan to undertake work and invest in Canada that will need to be evaluated as part of their bid proposals. Price and technical considerations were also discussed.
  • The Combat Management Systems Software Support Contract (CMS SSC) and its inclusion of this item into the Definition Subcontract RFP were discussed. Industry feedback was sought on this topic because the selected supplier of the combat systems will also be required to provide CMS software support services to Canada.

April 1, 2016
The Government released a Request for Information to collect industry advice on how to best support opportunities for Canadian equipment manufacturers and suppliers over the life of the project.

January 2016
The first phase of an Initial Reconciliation of Requirements, a cost to capabilities trade-offs assessment to find the right balance for the Navy, was completed. It is a key example of how the Government is working with industry to balance the costs to capabilities trade-offs for the CSC. Such trade-offs will continue as the design process is implemented.

The Independent Review Panel for Defence Acquisitions was briefed.

June 2015
The Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) completed an internal audit of the Canadian Surface Combatant project to assess the adequacy of the governance processes and management.

Between February 23 and 26, 2016
The Government held four industry engagement days to brief industry on the potential refinement of the procurement approach and to solicit industry feedback.

November 18, 2015
The list of companies selected under the pre-qualification process for the Canadian Surface Combatant was released.

Summer and fall of 2015
The Government took the opportunity to further assess a potentially more streamlined procurement approach for the CSC warships.

May 2015
The Government announced the selected procurement strategy to build the CSC. The approved procurement strategy consisted of a competitive sourcing approach that would have led to the selection of a single Combat System Integrator and a single Warship Designer who would have subsequently worked with Irving Shipbuilding and the Government to design, develop, integrate and deliver the combatant ships.

January 2015
Industry was informed that Irving Shipbuilding Inc. would be the prime contractor for both the project definition and implementation phases.

From 2013 to 2016
A series of industry engagements were held to solicit industry input on Canada’s proposed requirements and procurement strategy.

February 2012
The Government reached agreements with Irving Shipbuilding Inc. and Seaspan’s Vancouver Shipyards Co. Ltd. This charted the course for construction of Canada’s combat and non-combat surface fleets under the National Shipbuilding Strategy.

The strategic sourcing arrangements, called umbrella agreements, between the Government and each of the selected shipyards have been signed. Individual ship construction contracts will now be negotiated with the respective shipyards.

October 19, 2011
As part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, the combat vessel work package includes the Canadian Surface Combatant ships.



Benefiting Canadian Industry

Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy

From 2013 to 2016, a series of industry engagements were held covering a wide range of topics from soliciting industry input on Canada’s proposed requirements and procurement strategy to presenting the overall economic leveraging strategy. The pre-qualified bidders were briefed on the technical requirements and the Request for Proposals document.

In 2017, Canada and Irving Shipbuilding Inc. responded to approximately 750 enquiries related to the Request for Proposal. Request for Proposal closed on 30 November 2017.

The Industrial and Regional Benefits Policy is being applied to this procurement. Irving Shipyard Inc. and the subcontractor (Lockheed Martin Canada – LMC) are required to provide benefits to Canada equal to the value of their scope of work for the definition contract.

LMC has Value Proposition commitments to support Canadian design, engineering and integration work; to provide opportunities for Canadian systems and equipment to be included in the CSC design, and promote investments in priority areas.

Canada is seeking economic benefit commitments from contractors that receive CSC-related funds through the United States Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.

In addition, the National Shipbuilding Strategy Value Proposition which is 0.5 % of the value of the contract, will be applied.

Significant engagement with the applicable governance committees has started and continues to occur. Every effort is being applied to reduce schedule risk going forward, without sacrificing the integrity of the design process.


Some of the links below lead to websites that are not part of the Government of Canada and may be available in English only.

Recognizing the complexity of the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) project, the Government is taking a measured approach to project definition by extensively consulting with industry to determine the optimal ship design, costs, and timelines and to set the course for the subsequent phases of the project.

Irving Shipbuilding Inc. has been selected as the prime contractor for both the project definition and implementation phases for the CSC. As the prime contractor, Irving Shipbuilding Inc. issued a definition sub-contract to LMC for the design of the CSC.

A virtual CSC Industry Day was held by Irving Shipbuilding Inc. on April 21, 2021. Over 450 suppliers from across Canada registered for the event, with over 350 Canadian suppliers directly engaged.

Technical information

Technical information

The CSC will use a zonal design approach to support design and construction. This approach will allow construction to start on certain sections of the ship that are in the advanced stages of design, such as the hull and platform systems, while design work on the more complex sections of the ship continues in parallel, helping to maintain production schedules.

Project costs

Project costs

The acquisition is for 15 ships to replace Canada’s destroyers is currently budgeted between $56-60 billion. Project costs are under review, with updates to be provided prior to the project seeking the necessary authorities to proceed with Implementation.



The project schedule is continually reviewed and updated, with consideration of the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design and build schedule estimates are being critically examined for possible reduction as the ship design progresses. It is important to note that these timelines are subject to change as the design progresses and construction planning evolves. However, like any large-scale procurement project, they will remain under close review and updates will be shared once available. Canada continues to work closely with our industry partners to find efficiencies and accelerate delivery timelines.



In support of the new CSC ships, the Department of National Defence is building and modifying government of Canada infrastructure that includes jetties, warehousing, ammunition depots, ranges, maintenance, testing and training facilities.

Authorities have been granted for the design and construction of a Land Based Testing Facility (LBTF) and Combatant Training and Integration Center (Atlantic) (CTIC-A) in Halifax, N.S., as well as for upgrades to select jetties in Halifax and Esquimalt to support CSC ship delivery.

Additional infrastructure that may be required to support the CSC project is being defined as the project progresses.

Land Based Test Facility (LBTF)

To help bring the new CSC ships into service and support them throughout their lifecycle, DND is building a Land Based Test Facility (LBTF) on a portion of DND-owned land at Hartlen Point in Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia. This infrastructure will test and integrate the ships’ capabilities, including electronic, radio and radar systems, before being installed on the actual vessels. The LBTF is critical to ensuring the new ships are sea-ready to support members of the Canadian Armed Forces as they protect the sovereignty and security of Canadian waters and contribute to international operations on behalf of all Canadians. No weapons systems or weapons will be tested or housed at this facility. In June 2021, a Request for Proposal was issued for project support and initial design consultant work of the LBTF. In September 2021, a modified design-build contract was awarded to begin project development and design work on the LBTF. Work to determine the building’s specifications is currently underway and the design phase will run until Fall 2024, with full construction expected to begin in Winter 2025 and finish in 2027. To maintain project timelines while the facility design progresses, site preparation work has been initiated and continues to be advanced at Hartlen Point. This work includes brush clearing, installation of a new access road, extension of municipal services, laying gravel and installing culverts. Additional on-site activities expected to be completed by Fall 2024 include construction of a water meter building, excavating and backfilling ahead of the foundation being laid. Weather permitting, foundation work will be initiated in late Fall 2024 leading into full construction of the facility.

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