Peace-support operations

Civilian and military personnel speak.

Yambio, South Sudan. 4 December 2012 – Catherine Fleming, Head of the stabilization office of the Embassy of Canada for South Sudan, and Commander Paul Earnshaw, Canadian military liaison officer in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) greet Mister Paulino Mangbondo, payam administrator, from the village of Sakure, near the Congo border during Operation SOPRANO. (Photo : Sgt Norm McLean, Canadian Forces Combat Camera)

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has helped keep the peace in other parts of the world for more than sixty years. Canada sends the CAF in support of United Nations and other countries to restore peace and security in areas of conflict.

The Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) tasks and directs the CAF on peace-support operations in other countries. This is done at the request of the government of Canada.

In its peace-support role, CAF members may:

  • supervise the implementation of a peace treaty
  • help maintain a safe zone between the ceasefire lines of opposing forces
  • promote peace in a region
  • investigate ceasefire violations
  • supervise, seize or collect weapon and materials that violate a treaty
  • help protect civilians from threats of physical violence
  • supervise delivery of humanitarian aid
  • provide technical and other support to national and local elections

Current CAF peace-support operations around the globe:

Learn about past peace-support operations.

Related links

Peace-support: mission partners

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