Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission (KDOM)

International Information

International Operation Name: Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission

International Mission Name: Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission (KDOM)

Mandating Organization: Government of Canada

Region Name: Europe

Location: Kosovo

Mission Date: 1 August 1998 - 31 December 1998

During the summer of 1998, fighting in Kosovo between the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) forces escalated. In July, Serbian military and police forces (MUP) launched an offensive against the KLA, regaining at least temporary control of the province. However, as the summer progressed, the open conflict between the opposing parties resulted in ever increasing numbers refugees, and raised fears of an impending humanitarian disaster during the winter.

As the Government offensive continued, international pressure on FRY President Slobodan Milosevic to bring the situation under control increased. The United Nations Security Council demanded that FRY forces withdraw from the province and called for negotiations between Belgrade and the ethnic Albanian leadership. With few signs of compliance coming from the FRY government, in the early fall of 1998 several nations of the European Union and three separate nations (Canada, the US, and the Russian Federation) took the initiative to augment their Belgrade embassy staffs with military and diplomatic personnel in order to stay better apprised of the situation. The four KDOMs, which eventually expanded to include France and the UK, were ad-hoc operations and conducted independent missions without any formal interrelationships.

Canadian Forces (CF) Information (PERSERVERANCE)


Canadian Task Force Name Mission Statement: Canada’s KDOM is to observe and report on issues of Freedom of Access and Freedom of Movement and other security and humanitarian issues throughout the province in order to keep the Government of Canada apprised of the situation in Kosovo.

CF Mission/Operation Notes: The Canadian contribution to the Department of Foreign Affairs Industry and Trade (DFAIT) led KDOM mission, designated Operation PERSEVERANCE, had two components. The first included frequent extended visits by Belgrade embassy permanent staff, principally but not exclusively the Canadian Forces Attaché personnel. The political officer and the ambassador also visited. The second component involved the dedicated efforts of two personnel, one a military officer and the other, a Foreign Service officer from the Department of Foreign Affairs Industry and Trade (DFAIT). Those two officers’ participation comprised the Canadian full time presence in Kosovo, or Canada KDOM.

Following September negotiations between FRY President Slobodan Milosevic and US Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke, the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM)(Op KIMONO), and a NATO aerial surveillance mission (NATO Op EAGLE EYE)(Op ECHO) were established. The UN with the passage of UNSCR 1203 endorsed both of these missions.

Beginning with two and eventually rising to a high of nine military and civilian personnel, Op PERSERVERANCE ran from August 1998 to December 1998, when the two military personnel involved in KDOM were reassigned to Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM) under Op KIMONO.

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