St. Lucia 1999

International Information

International Operation Name: St. Lucia 1999

International Mission Name: St. Lucia 1999

Mandating Organization: Government of Canada

Region Name: Central America

Location: St. Lucia

Mission Date: 12 January 1999 - 12 January 1999

Mission Mandate: To airlift an ambulance to a mission in St. Lucia.

Mission/Operation Notes: On 12 January 1999, a 426 Squadron CC-130 Hercules left 8 Wing Trenton bound for the island of St. Lucia. Onboard was an ambulance and other supplies for a mission on the island.

During its training of Hercules aircrew on the new Hercules avionics package, 426 Squadron regularly sent Hercules aircraft on long range training flights to the Caribbean. Organizations that provide humanitarian aid could request that the CF transport their donated goods to a location that coincided with a 426 Squadron training flight or was in the vicinity of such a flight. The goods would only be airlifted when there was a full load.

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