Jamaica 2007

International Information

International Operation Name: Jamaica 2007

International Mission Name: Jamaica 2007

Mandating Organization: Government of Canada

Region Name: Central America

Location: Jamaica

Mission Date: 23 August 2007 - 24 August 2007

Mission Mandate: To deliver humanitarian aid to Jamaica after Hurricane Dean.

Mission/Operation Notes: Hurricane Dean was the first Category 5 storm of the 2007 hurricane season. It formed off the Cape Verde Islands on 13 August and rapidly increased in intensity to become the ninth most intensive Atlantic hurricane ever. On Sunday 19 August, Hurricane Dean, as a Category 4 storm, delivered up to 50 cm of heavy rain and sustained winds of between 130 and 160 km/h to parts of Jamaica. Although the hurricane did not hit the island directly, the rain and winds caused considerable damage with flooding in the east and landslides on the northeast side of the island. Three people died while almost $5 billion (US) in damage resulted in Jamaica.

Canadian Forces (CF) Information (Jamaica 2007)

CF Mission/Operation Notes: Around 3:00 PM on 23 August, the first C-17 delivered to the Canadian air force left Trenton on its first operational mission. It was carrying 32 tonnes of humanitarian aid from the Canadian Red Cross and the Canadian International Development Agency, which in the past would have required four CC-1390 Hercules flights. The CC-177, as the aircraft is known in Canadian nomenclature arrived back in Trenton around 3:00 AM on the 24th.


Private Alexandre Tassé, (right) from Gatineau, Quebec and a Traffic Technician with Mobile Air Movements (MAM) 8 Wing, CFB Trenton pushes a pallet of humanitarian Aid provided by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Canadian Red Cross into the CC-177 aircraft.

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