Algeria 1980

International Operation Name: not applicable

International Operation Dates:  not applicable

Mandating Organization: Government of Canada

Region Name:  Africa

Location: Algeria

Canadian Operation Name:

Canadian Operation Dates: 1980/11/14 – 1980/11/19

Mission Mandate:

To airlift clothing for earthquake survivors to Algeria

Mission Notes:

At 1:00 PM on Friday 10 October 1980, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck the city of El Asnam, Algeria, with an estimated 5,000 people killed and 9,000 injured.  Over half of the buildings in the city of 150,000 were destroyed and the remainder were seriously damaged.

In Quebec City, an Algerian émigré who had survived the El Asnam earthquake of 1954 realized that the North African winter was fast approaching and that the survivors would require warm clothing.  An appeal through a local radio talk show host produced 30 tons of clothing from the residents of Quebec City in two days.  The Department of National Defence was approached about transporting the clothes to Algeria, for which approval was given.  On 14 November, a CC-130 Hercules from 436 Squadron left Quebec City for Algeria.  On 17 November, a Hercules from 435 Squadron followed.


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