Write to the Troops

The men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have demonstrated time and again that they will rise to any challenge. Let your Canadian Armed Forces members know you appreciate their service by sending a message using this monitored message board.

Facebook shout out to the Troops!

Click the link below to go to the CAF Operations Facebook page, and leave a Holiday message and/or a picture of your Holiday card in the comments section.

Our Troops across the World will see your message!


Support Our Troops is the official charitable cause of the Canadian Armed Forces and is administered by Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services.

It provides financial support and assistance to Canadian Armed Forces members, veterans and their respective families in a number of important and often life-changing ways that are not provided by government funding.

The impact that Support Our Troops and Soldier On has on families, and the ill and injured is life changing and meets the unique needs and challenges faced by members of the Canadian Armed Forces community as a result of their military service.

It allows supporters to show their care, compassion and support to former and serving members, and their families in a meaningful way.

To find out more and to donate today, visit SupportOurTroops.ca.

Contact us

For all other enquiries regarding the Canadian Armed Forces Postal Services, please email us at: postal_question_postale@forces.gc.ca.

Instructions for mailing overseas

If you would like to send mail or parcels to family or friends who are employed overseas, see these  instructions.

Feature messages

Dear Soldier, I would just like to begin by thanking you for your service to Canada. Most people get up each day and go to work knowing that they are safe, but you gave up that safety in hopes that others could have it. I know that some days it must have been hard to get up knowing the dangers that were waiting for you, and your friends. I can't imagine how it must have felt to start each day with friends but come back without them. My class recently read a book called Allies which is all about war, and when I was little my family went to Normandy. I think these two things together made me realize how horrible war can be, and I don't think I could ever put myself through that. I do not know what position you serve in or where you are deployed, but I know that each day must have been a struggle for you. So again, I would like to thank you for your service and say how much I appreciate your service to Canada.

Sincerely, Aurora

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