Gender-based Analysis Plus resource hub

Access tools, training and resources developed to support the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) in building its capacity to conduct Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus).

On this page

Toolkit: Fundamentals of GBA Plus

Watch these short informational videos and use the job aids to learn about GBA Plus and how you can be a part of positive culture evolution.

Video introducing social identity factors, which are a foundational component of GBA Plus.
3.43 minutes

Worksheets on social identity factors.

Video introducing the principles of equity and equality, and how to identify inequalities and support equity.
6.44 minutes

Job aids and self-reflection exercise on bias awareness.

Video introducing the concept of intersectionality and how it applies to GBA Plus.
6.14 minutes

Job aid and learning application on intersectionality.

Video introducing the principles of equity and equality, and how to identify inequalities and support equity.
3.05 minutes

Self-reflection exercise and learning application on equity and equality.

Video introducing the process for conducting GBA Plus.
3.31 minutes

Jobs aids, self-reflection exercise and learning application on the GBA Plus process.

Job aids, practice scenarios and worksheets to practice conducting GBA Plus.

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GBA Plus courses and training

There are courses and training available to help you better understand the purpose of using GBA Plus, and how to apply its processes.

To find training courses, see Conduct and culture training and education resources and select the GBA Plus category to access a curated list of courses.

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