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Meteorological Technician

Non-Commissioned Member | Full Time

As a member of the military, Meteorological Technicians observe, brief on and forecast weather conditions in support of operations at Royal Canadian Air Force Wings and Squadrons, on Royal Canadian Navy Ships at sea and in Army facilities.

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As a member of the military, Meteorological Technicians observe, brief on and forecast weather conditions in support of operations at Royal Canadian Air Force Wings and Squadrons, on Royal Canadian Navy Ships at sea and in Army facilities.

Their primary responsibilities are to:

  • Observe and record surface, marine and upper air weather conditions
  • Process, analyze and interpret meteorological information
  • Operate and maintain specialized meteorological instruments and equipment
  • Brief wing, ship and land unit personnel on actual and expected weather conditions
  • Forecast weather conditions

Work environment

Generally, meteorological observing offices are located near airfields. While much of a Meteorological Technician’s time is spent indoors in a weather office, duties require regular trips outdoors to observe and report on all types of weather phenomena. Meteorological Technicians work rotating shifts. In a Naval environment, they will work and live onboard a ship. If posted to an artillery unit, they will participate in field exercises under operational and combat conditions.

If you chose a career in the Regular Force, upon completion of all required training, you will be assigned to your first base. While there is some flexibility with regards to postings (relocations), accommodations can’t always be made, and therefore, you can likely expect to move at some point in your career. However, if you decide to join the Primary Reserve Force, you will do so through a specific Reserve unit. Outside of training, your chosen Reserve unit will be your workplace on a part time basis, and you will not be obligated to relocate to a different base. As part of the Primary Reserve Force, you typically work one night per week and some weekends as a minimum with possibilities of full-time employment.

Career Overview


MASTER CORPORAL HOLLY WORTMAN: I’m Master Corporal Holly Wortman from Fredericton, New Brunswick. I’m a Meteorological Technician currently posted at the Joint Meteorological Centre in Gagetown, New Brunswick.

Meteorological Technicians, or Met Techs, provide accurate, mission-specific forecasts on air and sea conditions for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Operations Forces. Weather forecasts are a vital part of every mission where forces are deployed. Commanders rely on accurate and timely weather reports to make important decisions in real time.

MASTER CORPORAL HOLLY WORTMAN: We observe the weather, so we take hourly observations of sky conditions, winds, temperatures, and we transmit that out onto the system. The forecasters will use that to write forecasts and produce different forecasting products that the briefers then use to brief the command teams to help them make their decisions. So everything comes full circle: you have your briefers, your observers, your forecasters — you can’t have one without the other, we all need each other, and that’s what makes this trade run.

Met Techs are trained to create and present briefings of current and expected weather conditions that may impact exercises or operations.

MASTER CORPORAL HOLLY WORTMAN: Whether it’s artillery, giving them information about the upper atmosphere so that their rounds land in the right spot; or if it’s a helicopter deciding whether they’re going to fly that day, or where they’re going to fly or what adjustments they have to make for fuel or what they’re packing — weather impacts every aspect of the military.

It’s a trade with varied and dynamic roles. Met Techs work around the clock to collect data and make weather observations to build a forecast. But it’s not just a “weather forecast” — it’s critical mission-specific information.

MASTER CORPORAL HOLLY WORTMAN: Our forecasts are more honed into a specific location or operation. So the public weather will give: “Mainly sun and clouds, winds 10 km/h from the north” — that’s great, but to a helicopter, it’s like: “Where are those clouds? And where are the winds coming from?” We tailor all the work we do specific for these units and these teams.

Since weather conditions can change at a moment’s notice, Met Techs are constantly monitoring conditions and must be ready to adapt in any situation.

MASTER CORPORAL HOLLY WORTMAN: Being right or wrong can make the difference between life or death or a successful operation or exercise. So it’s very important to be right, and be on your toes and keep a sharp eye.

MASTER CORPORAL HOLLY WORTMAN: So I spent 6 months in Alert back in 2014 and it was probably the highlight of my career up until now. There’s nothing like the Arctic, it’s beautiful. We do the weather observations at the airfield in Alert and then one of the forecasters here in Gagetown actually writes the forecast. But you know, sometimes there’s a polar bear crawling around outside and you’re down there all alone — it can be pretty scary but I would jump at the opportunity to go back to the Arctic again.

After qualifying as a Tactical Weather Specialist, Met Techs are posted to a military unit within Canada, where they observe and brief on weather conditions. Using state-of-the-art technologies, Met Techs create precise weather forecasts that better define the battlespace to give a tactical advantage to Canadian commanders and decision-makers.

MASTER CORPORAL HOLLY WORTMAN: Right out of your training, you’re face-to-face with a high-ranking commander or you’re talking to them over the phone. But you quickly become very comfortable. I used to be very shy, now I’m outspoken and confident in who I am, and it’s not just the uniform that does it — it’s the experience and the things you get to do and the people you get to speak to in this trade that help build that confidence.

Met Techs must be effective communicators, self-motivated and lifelong learners. They can expect to be deployed at all stages of their career wherever the Canadian Armed Forces are operating.

MASTER CORPORAL HOLLY WORTMAN: I’ve always been fascinated by weather. And when I found out that this was a trade that I could do in the Canadian Forces, I said “Here’s my chance to try it out, see if I like it.” I felt like this job would have all kinds of opportunities. So why not do something I was interested in — here I am!



Related Civilian Occupations

  • Weather Service Specialist
  • Meteorological Inspector


The first stage of training is the Basic Military Qualification course, or Basic Training, held at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. This training provides the basic core skills and knowledge common to all trades. A goal of this course is to ensure that all recruits maintain the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) physical fitness standard; as a result, the training is physically demanding.

Basic military qualification – land course

After Basic Training, Army recruits go to a Military Training centre for the Basic Military Qualification – Land Course for approximately one month, which covers the following topics:

  • Army Physical Fitness
  • Dismounted Offensive and Defensive Operations
  • Reconnaissance Patrolling
  • Individual Field Craft

Learn more about Basic Training here.

Meteorological Technicians attend training in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for 20 weeks that includes the following subjects:

  • Surface weather observations
  • Recording and encoding weather data
  • Measurement of surface and upper winds
  • Operating meteorological instruments
  • Weather communications
  • Maintenance of weather equipment
  • Weather briefing

Meteorological Technicians may be offered the opportunity to develop specialized skills through formal courses and on-the-job training, including:

  • Navigator’s Yeoman
  • Meteorological Inspector
  • Automatic Weather Observation Systems

As they progress in their career, Meteorological Technicians who demonstrate the required ability and potential will be offered advanced training. Available courses include:

  • Installation and maintenance of meteorological sensors and equipment
  • Weather briefings
  • Weather forecasting
  • Aerological support

Entry plans

No previous work experience or career related skills are required. CAF recruiters can help you decide if your personal interests and attributes match the criteria for this occupation.

The minimum required education to apply for this occupation is the completion of the provincial requirements for Grade 11, Secondary 5 in Quebec or equivalent, including:

  • Grade 11 applied math or math 526 / SN 5/TS 5; and
  • Any chemistry or physics course at the Grade 11 or Secondary 5 level.

Foreign education may be accepted.