5059-3 CTC Adult Staff Performance Evaluation
Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)
On this page
1. Identification
Date of Issue: 2016-06-24
Date of Verification: n/a
Application: This is an order that applies to members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and a directive that applies to Civilian Instructors and employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) employed within the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR).
Supersession: n/a
Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the DComd CJCR Gp
Office of Primary Interest (OPI): CJCR Gp HQ J1 Pers Admin
2. Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Complete Word or Phrase |
AF | Assessment Factors |
ASPE | Adult Staff Performance Evaluation |
TOR | Terms of Reference |
3. Definitions
Adult Staff Performance Evaluation. Adult Staff Performance Evaluation is a process whereby critical tasks and expected results are set, followed by the supervisor providing feedback and discussing performance and potential.
Feedback Sessions. Feedback sessions involve reviewing and recording the individual’s progress in relation to previously set expected results for critical tasks and action plans.
4. Policy
4.1 The CTC ASPE is an opportunity for the supervisor and CTC adult staff member (all CAF members and CIs) to review the TOR and ensure that the staff member is aware of what is expected of him/her during their employment at the CTC.
4.2 The CTC ASPE process will be used to develop personnel through constructive feedback and to assess the level of demonstrated performance and potential for future CTC employment.
4.3 Supervisors are required to conduct the entire CTC ASPE process.
4.4 Supervisors shall evaluate the performance of all CAF members and CIs who are employed at the CTC for 13 days or more. This includes Regular Force, Primary Reserve, and full-time Class “B” members.
4.5 In accordance with the DND Official Languages policy, CTC ASPEs shall be written in the official language of choice of the staff member regardless of the language designation of the CTC.
5. CTC ASPE Process
5.1 The CTC ASPE process has two steps:
- the initial interview between the supervisor and the staff member at the beginning of the reporting period; and
- a formal feedback session at the midpoint and at the end of the CTC employment period.
5.2 Additional feedback sessions may occur as required or as directed by the CTC CO.
5.3 The responsibility for conducting the CTC ASPE process and for submission of a member’s CTC ASPE rests with the CTC CO. This responsibility includes the following:
- ensure that supervisors are designated at the beginning of the reporting period;
- ensure that all required information concerning the performance of personnel during the entire reporting period is incorporated into the CTC ASPE;
- ensure all CTC ASPEs are complete; and
- ensure all CTC ASPEs are submitted to the RCSU as soon as practical.
Supervisor’s Rank
5.4 The supervisor is usually one rank higher than the staff member being assessed. There are cases when it is not possible and/or appropriate for the supervisor of a staff member to be of a higher rank. It is acceptable for a person of the same rank to provide a CTC ASPE, especially when that supervisor holds a “key appointment” supervising others. Consequently, for those cases, it is acceptable for a supervisor to be of the same rank as the staff member being assessed.
5.5 The assessor for a CPO1 / CWO shall be Lt(N) / Capt or higher.
6. Assessment Factors
Description of Criteria
6.1 AFs shall be marked on a scale of 1–5 and should adequately represent observed performance by the member in the assessment factor(s). Below is a description of criteria to be used when assigning a numerical value to each factor.
Assessment Factors | Criteria |
Unacceptable (1) |
Improvement (2) |
Acceptable (3) |
Skilled (4) |
Exceeds Standard (5) |
Not Applicable (N/A) | Any AF that was not observed during the member’s performance of their duties must be marked N/A. |
7. Factors to Consider
Restricted Employment
7.1 Compassionate, administrative, medical and/or disciplinary problems are to be commented on when they result in restricted employment and/or affect the member’s performance, deportment, behaviour and/or bearing.
Criminal Code of Canada and National Defence Act
7.2 Convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada or the National Defence Act that occur during the reporting period must be detailed in a brief factual statement (including date of conviction) when the conviction results in restricted employment, has an adverse effect on performance, or results in a reduction of rank as a result of a sentence awarded by a service tribunal.
Canadian Human Rights Act
7.3 Information relating to the following Canadian Human Rights Act prescribed grounds of discrimination shall not be mentioned in CTC ASPE: race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability and conviction for which a pardon has been granted.
8. Retention and Submission of CTC ASPEs
8.1 All original CTC ASPEs shall be sent to the RCSU of the CTC for onward transmission to the staff member’s parent unit (i.e. CJCR Gp HQ, RCSU, P Res Unit), if applicable.
8.2 A copy shall be provided to the staff member being assessed.
8.3 CTC ASPEs will be retained in the member’s personnel file.
8.4 No additional copies are to be retained by the originator. The parent unit will provide a copy of the CTC ASPE to the member’s immediate supervisor.
8.5 Drafts prepared shall be destroyed on completion of the final copy of the CTC ASPE.
9. Publication
Frequency of Publication
9.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.
Errors/Omissions or Suggestions
9.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to bring any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR Gp HQ J1 Career.
10. References
Source References
- Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System
11. Form
DND 4265 Cadet Training Centre Adult Staff Performance Evaluation
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