54-26 - Glider Pilot Scholarship Program

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)


1. The Glider Pilot Scholarship (GPS) is a component of the Air Cadet Gliding Program (ACGP) that also includes the spring and fall familiarization programs and a winter maintenance program.

2. This order must be read in conjunction with CATO 51-01 Annex B CSTC Program; superseded by Natl CJCR Sp Gp Instruction 7003-1-13, Air Cadet National Summer Training Course Selection Process​; superseded by CJCR Gp Instruction 8060-7, Air Cadet National Training Selection Process.


3. The activities taking place during the GPS, in order of priority, are as follows:

  1. to qualify selected cadets for a Transport Canada (TC) glider pilot licence in accordance with criteria detailed in Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs);
  2. to provide glider familiarization flying to cadets attending the Basic Aviation Course and/or the Advanced Aviation Course; and
  3. to provide glider familiarization flying to cadets attending other summer training courses.

Responsibilities and relationships

4. The ACGP is managed through a partnership between the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Air Cadet League (ACL) of Canada and is governed by a renewable Contract for Goods and Services. Gliders and tow aircraft utilized in the ACGP are owned by the various ACL Provincial Committees (PCs), are civilian-registered in accordance with CARs and are fully insured (hull and liability) by the ACL.

5. At the request of the ACL, the National Cadet Air Operations Officer (NCA Ops O) on behalf of DND exercises operational and technical control of the ACGP in accordance with TC policies, directives, and regulations augmented by policies, directives, standards and procedures that are promulgated by DND. In recognition of this partnership, TC has granted legal custody and control of the aircraft to DND, while allowing the aircraft to maintain civilian registry. As part of the partnership, when requested, DND will inform the applicable PC of the location and use of the aircraft.

6. The ACGP is a national program operated in accordance with policies, directives, standards and instructions promulgated by Director Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (D Cdts & JCR) and Air Force Training (AF Trg). D Cdts & JCR has delegated responsibility for administration of the program to the NCA Ops O.

7. The ACGP is executed by the various Regional Cadet Support Units (RCSUs). Regional Cadet Air Operations Officers (RCA Ops Os) are responsible for the conduct of the ACGP within each region in accordance with TC regulations and in accordance with DND National operational, training and maintenance policies, standards, and instructions.

CF Qualifying exam

8. Each candidate for the GPS is required to pass a CF Qualifying Exam; this is a written exam on aviation subject material. A study guide is listed at Annex A.

9. Each year, the D/NCA Ops O shall produce the CF Qualifying Exam and be responsible for its distribution to RCSUs no later than 30 November.

10. RCSUs are responsible for all aspects of the CF Qualifying Exam in their own region; distribution, timings, invigilation and marking. RCSUs shall ensure an alternate date to write the exam is made available to cadets who are legitimately unable to write on the primary date. Also RCSUs shall collect and secure all copies immediately following the writing of the exam.

Assignment of cadets outside of their home region

11. As required and following consultation with the concerned RCA Ops O, the NCA Ops O may authorize the assignment of cadets to Regional Gliding Schools (RGSs) outside of their home region. The gaining and losing RCSUs shall then coordinate all necessary financial, administrative and logistical requirements.

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Joining instructions

12. RCSUs shall issue Joining Instructions to each cadet selected for the GPS. The Joining Instructions shall emphasize the demanding study time required to become a pilot, the cease training (CT) policy and also the documents and funds required.

Course syllabus

13. Air and ground training shall be conducted in accordance with the ACGP Manual (A-CR-CCP-242/PT-005), Chapter 3.

14. A student’s total flying time at course completion shall not normally exceed the programmed dual instructional time and solo flying time. In exceptional circumstances, such as unserviceable aircraft and poor weather conditions, which may preclude attainment of mission objectives, RGSs may authorize additional review flying time as detailed in the ACGP Manual.

Course duration and dates

15. The course shall be conducted over a six or seven-week period, normally during the months of July and August. However, each region may have different starting dates for the GPS due to differences in start and end dates for provincial educational institutions. RCSUs shall determine course start and end dates and advises D Cdts & JCR as soon as possible.

16. If it is determined that circumstances may preclude the completion of the course as scheduled, e.g. poor weather conditions, aircraft un-serviceability, etc., the RCA Ops O shall immediately notify the NCA Ops O in order that alternative plans may be arranged. D Cdts & JCR is the sole authority to approve course extensions.

Flight safety

17. Flight Safety (FS) is the most important consideration in the conduct of the GPS. RCSU COs and RGS COs shall ensure that an aggressive and comprehensive FS program is developed and implemented, emphasizing supervision, knowledge and self-discipline.

18. A Unit Flight Safety Officer (UFSO) position shall be established and filled at each RGS. The person selected for the position shall:

  1. have successfully completed a CF Flight Safety Officer course; and
  2. be a current and proficient glider instructor or tow pilot.

19. The UFSO’s primary duty shall be FS. Additionally, the UFSO may undertake glider instructional duties on an as-required basis, and may regularly be employed as a tow pilot. The UFSO, if so qualified, may also act in the capacity of a Standards Officer reporting directly to the RGS CO; however, the UFSO shall not be assigned a hard supervisory position, i.e. DCO, CFI, Flt Comd, etc.

20. Incident/accident reporting and investigation shall be carried out in accordance with the Flight Safety for the CF manual (A-GA-135-001/AA-001). Region Commanders are the convening authority for Summary Investigations and Director of Flight Safety (DFS) is the authority for convening Flight Safety Investigations (FSI). The D/NCA Ops O will assist by providing names of potential Board Presidents, Investigation Officers, etc., as necessary. Regions will normally be responsible for obtaining necessary aircrew and technical members.

21. At least once during the training period, RGS COs shall practise the RGS Emergency Response Plan.

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Student glider pilots/instructor ratio

22. Because flight line supervision is critical to FS, and considering that the primary duties of the CFI and Flt Comds are supervisory in nature, the CFI and Flt Comds shall not normally be assigned instructional responsibilities for specific students; however, if the requirement exists, the maximum number shall be one student. D/Flt Comds shall not normally carry students; however, if the requirement exists, the maximum number shall be two students. Flight line instructors shall not carry more than four students and, if possible, first-year instructors shall not carry more than three students.

Cease training

23. The RGS CO shall initiate CT action in accordance with the following:

  1. does not meet the physical limitations as specified at Annex B;
  2. lack of aptitude, motivation and/or application;
  3. misconduct;
  4. repeated air sickness;
  5. poor academic performance;
  6. failure on the initial trial of the TC written examination (the pass mark is 60%). However, provided that academic performance leading up to the TC written examination has been acceptable, the RGS CO may allow the student to rewrite this examination;
  7. failure on the rewrite of the TC written examination (the pass mark is 60%);
  8. failure to fly solo; and
  9. failure to pass the final flight test.

24. An early decision on CT action is necessary to permit a replacement cadet to arrive in time to complete the course.

25. In addition to standard RTU procedures, when CT action is taken, the RGS CO, through the RCSU, shall notify the NCA Ops O, who in turn will notify the ACL National Headquarters. The ACL National Headquarters will then inform the home PC.


26. RCSUs shall equip the student pilots, staff cadets and staff in accordance with scale D08-113. Flight line dress shall be consistent with this approved scale such that the military character of the training program is maintained.

Glider pilot log book

27. RCSUs shall ensure that sufficient quantities of the Glider Pilot Log Book (A-CR-CCP-262/PT-001) are ordered early enough to ensure availability for the course. The D/NCA Ops O is responsible for distribution.

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Glider pilot wings

28. RCSUs shall ensure that sufficient quantities of Glider Pilot Wings (NSN 8455-21-907-9249) are ordered early enough to ensure availability for the graduation parade. The D/NCA Ops O is responsible for distribution.

Training manuals

29. In addition to the ACGP Manual (the primary training document), RCSUs are to make sure the following manuals are available at the RGS. The D/NCA Ops O is responsible for distribution:

  1. From The Ground Up (A-CR-CCP-263/PT-001), one copy per cadet undergoing training in English; and
  2. "Entre Ciel et Terre", one copy per cadet undergoing training in French.

30. RCSUs may also provide the following additional reference publications:

  1. Aeronautical Information Manual;
  2. Soaring Instruction Manual (Soaring Association of Canada);
  3. Radio Telephone Operator Handbook;
  4. TC Flight Training Manual;
  5. TC Flying the Weather VFR;
  6. The Joy of Soaring (Soaring Society of America); and
  7. Gliding (Derek Piggott), (A-CR-CCP-245/PT-001).

Required documents and funds

31. Cadets shall have in their possession the following upon arrival at the RGS:

  1. a valid Category 3 or 1 Medical Certificate (MC) from TC (a MC based on a self-declaration by the cadet shall not be acceptable);
  2. proof of age in accordance with CARs;
  3. valid photo ID to present to the TC examiner if required;
  4. a passport photo; and
  5. personal funds to pay for both the TC examination fee and the TC Glider Pilot Licence application fee.

Maintenance, repair and spare parts - tow aircraft and gliders

32. The provision of tow aircraft and glider maintenance, repair and spare parts are governed by the contract between DND and the ACL and also supplementary directives issued by DGAEPM (TH) 8, the National Technical Authority.

Petrol, oil and lubricants

33. RCSUs are responsible for the provision of Petrol, Oil and Lubricants (POL).

Hull and liability insurance

34. DND liability for loss of or damage to tow aircraft and/or gliders, as a result of an insurance claim, is governed by the contract between DND and the ACL.


Annex A

Study Guide to the CF Qualifying Exam for Glider Pilot Scholarship Candidates

Annex B

Height and Weight Form

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Date: Jun 13

Amendment: Ch 3/13

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