16-04 Annex A - Standard Operating Procedures
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. To ensure the cadet attending a CSTC receives his/her regular or as needed medications as prescribed or directed. The medications sheet will also serve to act as a record should parents / guardians have questions about medication compliance or in cases where an audit or investigation is required.
2. This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) establishes how the medications sheet will be completed by the CSTC medical personnel to allow the supervisor or the medical clinic to make the medications available to the cadet at the unit/company level.
3. The following procedures will be followed by the supervisor and the cadet to ensure that prescribed or directed medications are taken:
- upon the cadet’s arrival at the CSTC medical personnel will review the candidate’s medications and complete a CSTC medications sheet. For cadets that have prescribed medication, either regular, or as needed, there must be an accompanying letter from the physician or parent/guardian. Natural health products that do not have a drug identification will not be allowed at a CSTC or added to the medications sheet; and
- the CSTC medical personnel will complete the following information on the log:
(1) cadet name, date of birth, province and unit,
(2) drug name and strength as well as any recommendation to take it with food if needed (circle if required), and
(3) Dosage:
(a) Line one: one capsule or two capsules – the practitioner will circle and write the number of tablets or capsules required, and
(b) Line two: number of time per day – twice per day, three times per day. Please write clearly. The administration time or times will be circled and initialled at the top of the time column.
4. Once the medications sheet is completed for the cadet, the medications will be placed in a zip-lock bag along with the name of the cadet. The medications sheet will be placed into the register. The register is divided into two sections; one for those requiring daily meds and a second section for those who need periodic OTC meds if needed. The medications sheets are kept alphabetically by cadet last name.
5. The medications will be transferred to the custody of the designated supervisor who will confirm that each bag contains the medications listed on the medications sheet for the cadet.
6. All cadets requiring medications will be informed of the name of the supervisor to whom they will report at medication administration time:
- medication administration will occur at 08h00, 12h00, 16h00 and 21h00 (times to be confirmed);
- the cadet will report to the supervisor at the prescribed times;
- the supervisor will make the medication available to the cadet;
- the cadet will self select the medication and will initial the time the medication was taken;
- the supervisor will initial to ensure that the record was verified for missed doses daily; and
- a section has been added to document the date and time a cadet is referred to camp health care providers for missed doses of regular medications.
7. At the completion of training it is imperative that all medications be returned to the medical personnel who can verify contents against the medications sheet and then return the medication to the cadet.
Appendix 1
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