Understanding consent
Information and tools to promote shared understanding and ensure consent is present in any sexual interaction.
What consent means
Consent is the voluntary, ongoing and affirmative agreement to engage in the sexual activity in question. Submission or passivity does not constitute consent.
Consent cannot:
- be assumed. Silence should not be interpreted as consent.
- be given by someone who is unconscious.
- be obtained through threats or coercion.
- be obtained if the perpetrator abuses a position of trust, power, or authority.
Consent can be:
- in question if the victim is intoxicated.
- revoked at any time.
A detailed definition of consent can be found in the CAF Glossary on Sexual Misconduct.
Consent First video project
Given the importance of consent, particularly in a military context where power and rank differentials may place consent in question, the Consent First video was developed to increase awareness and understanding of sexual consent. Available in both English and French, the videos are tailored to CAF personnel, featuring members from all environments describing what does, and does not, constitute sexual consent.
Consent First - Transcript
Consent to sexual activity is legally and morally required:
- Consent is respect… for yourself and for others!
- Consent is a dynamic process best expressed actively
- Consent must start before the first touch or kiss
- Consent can end at any time
Consent must be voluntary and freely given; there isn’t any consent if there has been abuse of power or abuse of authority; threats; or fraud! Your consent is never “owed” to anyone
Having consent means checking in and paying attention to the response to an advance
- Consent may be vocal, enthusiastic or something more evolving
- Consent is a clear, un-coerced “Yes!”
- May I hug you? … Yeah!!
- May I kiss you? ... Please do!
Use ongoing questioning like: Do you like this? Does this feel good? Listen and look at the responses
- …Yes… definitely!
- …Oh, yeah!
- …I like that
- …Keep going!
When someone seems unsure don’t assume consent!
- No!
- This isn’t right…
- I am uncomfortable with this.
Once consent has been given, can someone change their mind?
- YES, it can change anytime for any reason!
- You've heard it before but “No” really does mean No!
- I don’t want to...
- Stop that…
- …you have to stop even if you started.
- Don’t…
- No!
Is consent there when someone is…?
- Asleep? … That’s a clear no
- Passed out? … Absolutely not
- And YES, someone can be too drunk to give consent.
Where is the line?
- Keep your hands off people until you have consent.
- No, you can’t just walk up and kiss them…
- Or grab, grope or swat any part of them…
- … Unless you have their consent.
Sexual contact without consent is a sexual offence.
- So touching someone’s behind without their consent can be sexual assault.
- Kissing someone without their consent can also be sexual assault.
- Sexual offences, like sexual assault, are crimes.
The Canadian Armed Forces are committed to ensuring that conversations about consent are founded in the respect for the dignity of others at all times.
Join us to make sure that consent is never in question.
The Consent First idea originated from work being done at Ryerson University, who graciously granted the CAF permission to adapt their concept for use in the CAF.
Download Consent First (MP4, 24.6 MB)
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