Support someone affected by sexual misconduct

If you want to know how to support someone who has been affected by sexual misconduct, some of the material below may be helpful. Defence Team members can also contact the Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre for confidential and personalized support from a counsellor.

On this page

How to respond when someone tells you they have experienced sexual misconduct

Guidance and tips to help you respond appropriately and provide support when someone tells you that they have experienced sexual misconduct.

First Contact support tool
How to be a supportive friend, family member, co-worker or supervisor to someone who confides in you that they have been affected by sexual misconduct.

Harmful and helpful reactions to a disclosure
Guidance for responding empathetically and compassionately to a disclosure of sexual misconduct.

Sexual Misconduct Incident Management Decision Tree
Step-by-step directions for leaders in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to take when there is an incident of sexual misconduct reported within their command.

Self-care for someone supporting a victim
Steps supporters can take to ensure their personal wellbeing while supporting someone who has experienced sexual misconduct.

You may also wish to share some of the self-care guidance developed for individuals who have experienced an incident of sexual misconduct.

How to recognize and prevent sexual misconduct

Guidance on how to recognize sexual misconduct, and how to prevent harm or intervene, if possible.

The six steps to bystander intervention
Tips for intervening when faced with an incident of sexual misconduct.

Bystander intervention strategies
Safe and positive intervention options to prevent harm when there is a risk of sexual misconduct.

Recognizing and responding to domestic violence
Increase your awareness of the impacts of domestic violence, and how to recognize it.

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