Supporting the Canadian Army Reserves
News release
July 11, 2019 – Aurora, ON – National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces
Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, on behalf of the Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, visited with members of The Queen’s York Rangers to highlight steps the government is taking to strengthen the Canadian Army Reserves.
As part of Strong, Secure, Engaged, the Army Reserves have been assigned new roles and responsibilities that will deliver specific capabilities to the Canadian Armed Forces. Mission Tasks have now been assigned to every Army Reserve Unit, and encompass a wide range of functions, both current and future, that have a clear impact on Canadian Armed Forces operations.
Minister Blair also highlighted two recent contract awards, one for new night vision devices and the other for new and improved gas masks, both of which will be used by Reservists. On May 8, 2019 a $2 million contract was awarded to CADEX Inc. to deliver 300 monocular night vision devices. The devices will allow soldiers to see better and at further distances at night than the current model. On October 4, 2018, AirBoss Defense was awarded two contracts with a total value of $29 million for gas masks. The new masks will provide improved filter, vision, hydration and breathing for CAF members wearing them. Together both contracts will support approximately 60 jobs in Canada.
During the visit Minister Blair also got a chance to see one of Canada's new Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicles (TAPV). Delivery of all vehicles was completed on budget in December 2018. The TAPVs are assigned to both regular and reserve units across Canada and were used during this year’s spring flooding.
Finally, Minister Blair highlighted that Reserve Force pay is being restructured to align with Regular Force pay where the demands of service are similar, as promised in Canada’s defence policy Strong, Secure, Engaged. The new methodology for the Reserve Force applies the same base pay the Regular Force receives, plus the elements of the Military Factor that apply to reservists.
Reservists will receive more money in this new system in order to more fairly compensate them for their important service.
“Reservists are key components of the Canadian Armed Forces. The new Mission Tasks and changes to Reserve Force pay reflect the integral part they play in the Canadian Armed Forces as a whole. The new equipment already delivered and coming online will assist them as they complete their continued and new tasks in today’s modern and challenging operational environment. Through our defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, we are working to ensure that Reservists are well-equipped and well-supported.”
– Minister of National Defence, Harjit S. Sajjan
“The women and men of the Canadian Army Reserves come from all walks of life. They have served Canadians honourably, whether it be here in Canada, by helping support Canadians affected by recent flooding or in their service overseas in operations such as Afghanistan. The steps we are taking today demonstrate the Reserves’ critical role in keeping Canadians safe.”
– Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, Bill Blair
Quick facts
Mission Tasks have now been assigned to every Canadian Army Reserve unit. They include approximately 20 Canadian Army functions, both current and future, that have a clear operational output, such as Assault Pioneers, Cyber Protection Troop, or Light Urban Search and Rescue.
The first deployment of a Mission Tasks capability will occur this February, when a mortar platoon comprised of 50 members of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment and the Calgary Highlanders will deploy as part of the Canadian-led NATO enhanced Forward Presence battlegroup in Latvia.
The Queen’s York Rangers have been assigned the task of Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Reconnaissance.
CAF members’ pay includes a Military Factor compensation for conditions and requirements that are unique to military service, such as potential separation from families and turbulence caused by geographic postings.
Previously, Reserve Force pay was a simple 85 percent calculation of the total Regular Force pay. Regular Force pay is composed of two parts: base pay and Military Factor. The Military Factor is a percentage added to the base salaries of Canadian Armed Forces members that compensates them for additional requirements that don’t affect most public servants.
Associated links
Todd Lane
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of National Defence
Phone: 613-996-3100
Media Relations
Department of National Defence
Phone: 613-996-2353
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