Naval Reserve enrolls first candidate through Expedited Enrolment

News Release

March 15, 2017 – Montreal – National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces

The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) enrolled the first recruit via the Expedited Reserve Enrolment process last night at a ceremony at Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Donnacona, Montreal’s Naval Reserve Division (NRD). 

Strengthening and growing the Naval Reserve is a top priority for the RCN. The enrolment process has been streamlined so that new applicants can now enroll in a matter of days, not months, and begin their basic training almost immediately. Under this new initiative, HMCS Donnacona’s recruiters enrolled Naval Cadet Alanna Grace—an aspiring Logistics Officer and the first applicant to the Naval Reserve to be enrolled under the Expedited Reserve Enrolment Programme—within 21 days from her first contact with the recruiters at HMCS Donnacona. This is a significant improvement over previous recruiting timelines and supports the Chief of the Defence Staff’s initiative to strengthen the Primary Reserves.


“I am extremely proud of the great work of the Naval Reserve leadership team to implement this expedited enrolment process. I could not be more pleased to participate in the enrolment ceremony of Naval Cadet Grace and I encourage all young Canadians who wish to make a difference at sea to visit their local Naval Reserve Division to be enrolled in three training nights.”

-Vice-Admiral M.F.R. Lloyd, Commander Royal Canadian Navy

“In addition to streamlining the reserve recruiting process through Expedited Reserve Enrolment, the RCN will also synchronize the enrolment for reserve recruits with basic training. This measure will be achieved by modularizing the basic military qualification which will permit training modules to be taught immediately to new recruits in their Naval Reserve Divisions. This is a positive and necessary step forward in preparing for the RCN of the future.”

-Commodore M.B. Mulkins, Commander Naval Reserve

“We are always happy to have new members join the Naval Reserve family. However, this one is special as she is the first to join us under the Expedited Reserve Enrolment Programme. I want to congratulate the recruiting team here at HMCS Donnacona who made this first happen for the RCN.”

-Commander Robert Taylor, Commanding Officer HMCS Donnacona

Quick Facts

  • In an effort to streamline the recruiting processes for naval reservists, Expedited Reserve Enrolment will allow the Royal Canadian Navy to enroll applicants who meet security, medical, and basic fitness standards in as few as 21 days or between two to three visits after initial contact with NRD recruiters. 

  • Improving the recruiting process is a high priority for the RCN. Over the next few years the RCN will implement a series of measures to further strengthen the Naval Reserve and one of these changes is to streamline the Naval Reserve recruiting process.

  • Naval Reserve units are situated in 24 cities across the country. Naval reservists are an essential element of the RCN as they work to support RCN domestic and international operations.

  • Expedited Reserve Enrolment for the Naval Reserve was launched in February 2017 and all 24 Naval Reserve Divisions across Canada are ready to enroll new applicants.

  • A strong Naval Reserve is essential for the RCN to meet future security and defence needs.

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Lieutenant (Navy) Benoit Plante
Public Affairs Officer
Naval Reserve
Phone: 418-694-5560 5670

Media Relations
Department of National Defence
Phone: 613-996-2353
Toll-Free: 1-866-377-0811

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